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Full text of "Edison Microfilm Reel 141"

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Cl  fidUoru  fa 




Thomas  E.  Jeffrey 
Microfilm  Editor 

Gregory  Field 
Theresa  M.  Collins 
David  W.  Hutchings 
Lisa  Gltclman 
Leonard  DeGraaf 
Dennis  D.  Madden 

Mary  Ann  Hellrigel 
Paul  B.  Israel 
Robert  A.  Rosenberg 
Karen  A.  Detig 
Gregory  Jankunis 
Douglas  G.  Tarr 


Reese  V.  Jenkins 
Director  and  Editor 


Rutgers,  The  State  University  of  New  Jersey 
National  Park  Service,  Edison  National  Historic  Site 
New  Jersey  Historical  Commission 
Smithsonian  Institution 

University  Publications  of  America 
Bethesda,  Maryland 

th  permission  of  McGraw-Edison  Company. 


Thomas  A.  Edison  Papers 

Rutgers,  The  State  University 
endorsed  by 

National  Historical  Publications  and  Records  Commission 
18  June  1981 

Copyright  ©  1993  by  Rutgers,  The  State  Univeisity 

be^reprodu^d^stored5  hfl^etrie^h^t1'0"  *nclud'ns  any  Por*'on  °f  the  guide  and  index  or  of  the  microfilm  may 
New  Je'rsey"11'  d°CUmentS  in  **  edition  are  fram  the  archives  *  the  Edison  National  Historic  Site  at  West  Orange, 

ISBN  0-89093-702-8. 


Reese  V.  Jenkins 
Director  and  Editor 

Thomas  E.  Jeffrey 
Associate  Director  and  Microfilm  Editor 

Robert  A.  Rosenberg 
Managing  Editor,  Book  Edition 

Helen  Endlck 

Assistant  Director  for  Administration 

Associate  Editor 

Paul  B.  Israel 

Research  Associates 
Theresa  M.  Collins 
David  W.  Hutchings 
Karen  A.  Detig 

Assistant  Editors 
Keith  A.  Nler 
Gregory  Field 
Lisa  Gitclman 
Martha  J.  King 


Grace  Kurkowski 

Gregory  Jankunls 

Student  Assistant 
Bethany  Jankunls 


Rutgers,  The  State  University  of  National  Park  Service 

New  Jersey  John  Maounis 

Francis  L.  Lawrence  Maryanne  Gerbauckas 

Joseph  J.  Seneca  Nancy  Waters 

Richard  F.  Foley  George  Tselos 

Rudolph  M.  Bell  Smithsonian  Institution 

New  Jersey  Historical  Commission  Bernard  Finn 

Howard  L.  Green  Arthur  P.  Molella 


James  Brittain,  Georgia  Institute  of  Technology 
Alfred  D.  Chandler,  Jr.,  Harvard  University 
Neil  Harris,  University  of  Chicago 
Thomas  Parke  Hughes,  University  of  Pennsylvania 
Arthur  Link,  Princeton  University 
Nathan  Reingold,  Smithsonian  Institution 
Robert  E.  Schofield,  Iowa  State  University 


William  C.  Hittinger  (Chairman),  RCA  Corporation 
Edward  J.  Bloustein,  Rutgers,  The  State  University  of  New  Jersey  • 
Cees  Bruynes,  North  American  Philips  Corporation 
Paul  J.  Christiansen,  Charles  Edison  Fund 




The  Alfred  P.  Sloan  Foundation  National  Science  Foundation 

Charles  Edison  Fund  National  Endowment  for  the  Humanities 

The  Hyde  and  Watson  Foundation  National  Historical  Publications  and 

Geraldine  R.  Dodge  Foundation  Records  Commission 


Mr.  and  Mrs.  Stanley  H.  Katz 
Matsushita  Electric  Industrial  Co.,  Ltd. 
McGraw-Edison  Company 
Minnesota  Power 
New  Jersey  Bell 
New  York  State  Electric  &  Gas 

North  American  Philips  Corporation 
Philadelphia  Electric  Company 
Philips  International  B.V. 

Public  Service  Electric  and  Gas 
RCA  Corporation 
Robert  Bosch  GmbH 

Alabama  Power  Company 
Amerada  Hess  Corporation 

Atlantic  Electric 

Association  of  Edison  Illuminating 
Companies,  Inc. 

Battelle  Memorial  Institute 
The  Boston  Edison  Foundation 
Cabot  Corporation  Foundation,  Inc. 
Carolina  Power  &  Light  Company 
Consolidated  Edison  Company  of 
New  York,  Inc. 

Consumers  Power  Company 
Coming  Glass  Works  Foundation 

A  Note  on  the  Sources 

The  pages  which  have  been 
filmed  are  the  best  copies 
available.  Every  technical 
effort  possible  has  been 
made  to  ensure  legibility. 


Reel  duplication  of  the  whole  or  of 
any  part  of  this  film  is  prohibited. 
In  lieu  of  transcripts,  however, 
enlarged  photocopies  of  selected 
items  contained  on  these  reels 
may  be  made  in  order  to  facilitate 

Letterbook,  LB-041 

This  letterbook  covers  the  period  May-June  1890.  Most  of  the 
correspondence  is  by  Edison  and  Alfred  O.  Tate.  Many  of  the  letters  relate 
to  the  manufacture  and  marketing  of  the  phonograph  and  talking  doll.  Other 
letters  pertain  to  mining  and  ore  milling,  electric  lighting,  the  phonoplex 
system,  the  Edison-Lalande  battery,  and  electric  traction  systems.  Included 
also  are  letters  to  various  Edison  companies  regarding  bills  for  experiments 
conducted  at  the  West  Orange  laboratory.  There  is  some  material  relating  to 
Edison’s  personal  finances,  including  a  list  of  bonds  bought  through  Drexel, 
Morgan,  &  Co.  The  cover  is  marked  "General  Book  T.A.  Edison."  The  book 
contains  498  numbered  pages  and  an  index.  Approximately  40  percent  of  the 
book  has  been  filmed. 

Havknons  3?iw  Xstinsuirfher  Co*, 

Cor,  South  -SirVh  AVo,  &  Boston.  Street, 
| low  Youk  City* 

J»  wMr  »  w  totw  „r  »»  *»**  t 

toi,a,,a°”'  1  tec  “  inf™  ««  *»*  «±  .tootoioor  ro„  or  tM 
taMm*a!  *’**•*  !**•  *»  *»  to  nor  in  ^ 

Privat.e  So  (^rotary* 

'•'ny  14,  1890, 

Ucasrs'.  Byer  & 

Boar  Sira:*. 

are  onvraoratod 
rebooted  hy  -the 
are  no  Good,  an! 


i''nll  Street, 

How  York  City , 

Replying  to  your  letter  of  -  13th  inotant,  in  which 
certain  claim  in  oonnoetion  with  Application  -,819 
Patent  Ofi’ico,  lir.  Sdioon  oaya  that  thoae  claim 
J  to  lot  thorn  go* 

Yours  truly. 

Private  Secretary, 

Samuel  TnnriTJ 


"/  nil  s 

'■■m  14,  1890, 

t  r  o  o  t  , 
r  York  City. 

Dear  Sir:- 

I  enclose  herewith  Mile  against  the  Delia  on  Oonoral 
Electric  Company,  d*or -espericonts  conducted  by  Edison,  from 
January  1st,  1388  to  January  1st,  1890,  amount inc  to  $20,220,23. 
I  also  enclose  Mr.  Edison's  explanation  of  theao  various  export 
monts.  Kindly  acfoiovrledco  rocoipt. 

Yours  very  truly. 

Private  Secretary. 


Liny  14,  1300! 

!  O  \7  h  o  r.  I  t  ay  Conoor  n,- 

Ihic  is  to  oartify  that.  DH«  2?RAHK  M*  DLE51.13  v/r.a  e««loy«<i  is 
vy  Laboratory  for  the  pant  tv;o  and  a  quarter  years*  All  the 
rorlr  animated  to  hin  during  that  period  ’./as  performed  in  a 
iivtiai'acicry*  mnuor*  Dr*  Dooms  laavos  my  employ  for  the  ro&con 
ihat  the  experimental  \ror>.  upon  which  he  was  onga rod  ia  finished 
md  1  iiavo  r.o  further  need  of  his  aorvioea. 

1  can  cheerfully  rc-c  ounend  DRW  D3RI.IS  to  any  one  in  non d  tȣ 
inch  aantU  S&rvco  aa  he  is ‘capable  of  ronderinn. 

J'+  <?*  K’onrtovaon,  jjaij., 

Actin'-;  jjji£*inca2>.in~C::J'  of 
United  Mdison  ui*/-,  qq\ 

.  «>*  put..  in 

11  lav-  stations ,  'Q  c.  -  , 

Vt  18R..V3  au  »«3  la.7-.l3t  unit? 

U  i»..  utt*  U0R.  ana  Mm  ntaaRaet  to  m 

*  1  20  *'  *  ^  Ss  tim  “*«  «  «■  •»  »  ...  »  l»p„  w 

"  *“  *">  *“-*  —  »*».  »*  ^  it  to  r,.v,  , 

”*  •“*  ”iu  -*  .“  «  «*  Wta*  v-tt.ov, 

-  «.  “W».  »-•  *•»«*»  1»  «BR(  O..,  in  0t!,„.  ,7a 

*  «**<*»«•  1/5  “»  list*  own-  on-.,  mv-  . . .  '  . 

‘  :’4d4tUnVk11 

st«  Of  covsjso,  *:oc--,Oi*  .-,v,n-i 

“',l:  "  fc '•*'*>*  c*  i>,  iivstoad 

-u  c.Aittfloai.-r,  and  tat  ansn  WiSit,  and  tto  *«t&4 


Cham,  D*  Slain,  333,, 

Aau't.  to  Up).n.  fiv, 

uaitoa  JW«n  co„  #3f.  AVc- 


^Ba430n  *BM!fwa  *<"«?  3ctto5.  of  144b  instant, 
*Wlaai^  a  **"'  **  **  W*  wk  landed  to  you  by 

■  ^^^Payucn.  ^stor,.  the  Ttoshinst on  Memorial 

Arcl.  CecmUao*  :,\v,  Edison  yna  sitfwa  «h»  paper,  and  tla  some  is 
soi^  fo^rd  hy  to  Mr'.  *V  Sianaonsi 

'of  tho  n'orlc/o  Jfeir  I\srd,  JSwYori:  tityi 

Private  Secretary. 

toy  ifi, 

lf»  u«  liven*,  i:Sq,, 

Ko*  IP  Coy  stwm,’ 

Kor/  VorJc  City  , 

i)oar  Sir:- 

MrV  r'tliicn  *“=  J-Jad  yow  Hotter  of  15th  instant, 

**”  Ca-  ***  «*»  «»  «wa«  c«>®  « 

before  ;j?  viaita  Codec* 

Youra  -sory  truly, 

Private  3o  or  at  ar  y. 

DanioJl  77ela,  Esq.,  3oc'y., 

EdiuOu  yi'.o'.'.o.'-rar.-h  Toy  Co., 

«»o.  ?i'  (iil'i  Si*,  Bouton,  "n u 3 . 


X  oncjcae  iiayowi-th  oopy  oi"  a  let  toy 
Hay  loth,  X°>DO,  j'acaivcd  by  j:io  iVoru  Iteuaiv.*  Dyor. 
to  iho  poir.ta  to  toy  phono,  patents  m 

Counsel,  lii%  }•»  K.  Bl’cv/n,  end  vajioh  vero  embodied 

c  0  p  y. 

2i-‘~  Yow;,  May  13th,  3390* 

A'»  O'.  Tate,  liaq. , 

0  v  a  n  g  o  ,  u.  jp. 

Dear  sirj» 

YoU1'  loUor  oI>  5Ui  instant,  owloainc  a  copy  of  a 
lotuci  ivosa  hold  containing  aors  questions  pertaining  to  the 
patents  for  toy  piicnograph  va3  duly  wceivad.  Y/e  will  take  up 
tV*  nations  in  Mr.  Void's  letter  in  the  order  in  which  he  pro¬ 
poses  thorn,  as  follows: 

(1}  Y/c  do  not  undsrtftand  that  you  wish  re  to  anav/or  thin 
question,  which  does  not  relate  to  the  prionta 

(2)  The  date  of  the  Bnqliah  patent  of  Jacques,  December  17th 
iS  W®  **“  17han  tii9  Plication  v/as  filed,  it  ‘  therefore  late 
than  the  Sdieon  application  of  December  10th, 

(0)  Ur,  iidison'o  application  in  Gemany  was  filed  March  11, 
1390.  - 

(4)  V7a  understand  thi3  quo  at  ion  to  refer  to  the  u.  g„  - 
patents  of  Jacques,  No.  333,299  and  400,851.  Y/o  do  not  think 
thooo  patents  are  broad  enough  to  provent  Jacques  from  waking  any 
1:ira  of  Phonocrapir  dolls.  The  broad  idea  of  putting  a  phonograph 
m  a  doll  is  at  least  00  old  as  1378  and  there  can  be  no  patent 
broadly  for  this  combination.  Hie  two  Jacques  intents  are  for 

May  15,1300 

or  construction  and  unless  tlo.Ua  aw  made  v;hich 
sulav  ooabinationa  cla  inert  in  tl»  pat  onto  they 
a"  ;'at0nt3*  »  «»*“  «»«oati0„  wfors  to  tto 
'•  Jaco.-.-aa  r«  aw  unable  to  answer  it  for  v;a  have 
at  onta.  Amain*  hmovur  tfiat  io .  probably,  tho 
patcnta  al-'°  otaita*  to  tho  U.  s,  patents 
a.'.avon  v;:U  bo  undo  r/ith  reference  to  theirf. 

w  any  at  present-  as  to  tho  Goman  application 
patent  la»a  boon  isci»rt  in  Gomany  v;o  oouid  find 
5W  3iw®D«o»  ^onto  if  you  v/ish  ns  to  do  so,  If 
otil.1  pond  in,"  in  Ceivnany  there  is  no  nay  of 
t  unless  you  can  <j»t  the  inf oivation  from  ?lb., 
attorney  or  anent  throurii  whom 



Co-pi  ^  TVW-^ rcjuBs 

to  •o,.n*  !!”«  .r."j"!;Tl,a  house  in  Llov/ollyn  ?a‘v-t  during  .hice  '..u .:•■■• 
view  I;-,  that  between  Par?:  Ave.  &  Yttiito  St.  yoi-  ;•■•:•  w  n> 
poioa  i:ovv'.  I  bog  to  a*y  that  i-  yon  will  ba  kind  enough  *.•:• 
Gmnt  va  p;  .vAao  -on  to  mr.  theai  wires,  v»  will  pay  v:h a; t::~ 
peiwo  ‘<jgw-:  it  v:  11  b;  ntceaaary  to  incur  f«*  t.ho  era  at  ion  ol‘  polos 
but  voort  tho  #ti*33t:;  *.aut  masd,  it  being  of  course  * traders t.ood 
S3»t  thsso  ave  your  ami  property  and  ttet  to  you  belongs  all  priVJ. 
Sega  pertaining  to  right.  of  way  over  thorn.  All  that  we  dosivi  tft 
doo^t^fli3li  ia  the  completion  Of  connection  bo two on  the  latiiyftfch' 
and  W*f  Insnll's  h'-’se  In  tfc)  f&tfk,  in  tho  manner  deo  ovd-bed* -.Si** 
we  vfj.ll  bo  greatly  indebted  *.*/  tty*  privilege  Of  \teifs?  jfrXV 


With  relation  to  rtptnpa*  'iha  tirisM??-  i lr»  KustOr^  x.-n^gof  t; 

Hay  17,  3,300 

Sai:ia)l  Iwr.tJ 

Daar  .Ji.-:- 

instant,  rot; 

Phoncyrarh  sr 

accordance  -,t 
1‘ilao,  copy  1 

L,  Sssj*, 

Ssv  Yorl:  City, 

I  &»fi .to  -iCa-oovacO;;'.*  receipt  OV  yow  letter  oi‘  loth 
?-Viir,7  Mr,  Ancliinc  1 03  a  *  a  letter  with  relation  to  tfe 
°~:'a  aortsaoa,  1  Java  vritton  Hr,  Awhincloas,  in 
iti\  your  alleviation,  anti  enclose  terotrith,  i‘or  your 
ilia  lot-ion. 

Your  a  truly. 

Privet  0  3ocratary* 

H0tUV  C*  Anc'uijxloao, 

-ilev/allpn  jjt  j 

Co  ay*  Sii**- 

Jay,  !•<,«.  3„Uo,  w  ln.; 
in  wt'ly  »-«  «  «u  k,  =„,^ly  , 

- ay  aypaoabla  tc 

“*  rnonog.^  V;or;:a  ,?i.  ^ 

115:a»  -®  you  a?oira« 

Yoieo  vai»y 

/May  17, 

»  -V>Hi  boctD  say 
Postpone  t]»  pay-  ' 
on  Howubor 


May  13,  1390. 

Xhontts  R.  Lombard,,, 

UortlV  Amorican  PSionograph  Company,. 

Ho.  1(50  Broadway,  u^rr  York  City. 

Lear  Sir;- 

Tiiis  letter  ’.Till  bo  presented  to  you  by  Mr.  Arthur  W. 
Lt’-ngfai’d,  who  in  doc  irons  of  securing  a  position  with  your  Company 
as  a  phonograph  expert.  Mr.  Langford  was  employed  in  tiro  Labora- 
I'Oi'y  about  a  year,  and  at  .the  Lenox  Lycoum  Exposition  which  ha3 
jiiat  been  brought  to  a  cloao,  ho  hart  charts  of  ono  of  the  phono¬ 
graphs,  and  the  speaking  records  r,ndo  by  him  ware  very  ’  satisfac¬ 
tory.  He  hac  a  good  general  knowledge  of  tiro  machine,  ami  if  you 
can  pinks  a  place  for  him  1  think  lie  could  render  you  good  service. 
He  leaver,  tno  Laboratory,  for  the  reason  that  work  iso  re  is  being 
eased  up  for  ;tho  summer,  and  wo  are  no  longer  in  nood  of  his  sor- 

Your3  very  truly, 


.  Pi'ivato  Socr^ary. 

6«C9,  Bo«.f  Prosuont,  ' 

Th0  3*bqx  Ooujity  TAoc-i^x  Oo. 

Colv-  St,,  Omni,? ,  ii.  „j. 

•Dos}*’  Siw- 

1  1300  t0  aoWw,C°  «-  *»••!*  of  your*  oDtoowa 
\'aro.-  ^  10th  instant,  notifyiir  ho  that  the  -*.4, 

'  -  tUa“  thj  i'1-  iviluga  aaked  f0r 

^  let t oi*  oi-  17th  instant  ia  i***,^*. 

^ra.  -o  *U  T/o  appi-o  date  very 

V«)1  rouv  courteous  oomiaionca  r/ith  oiu*  «,**»*. 

Voirra  vovj*  truly. 

Private  So  pro 


May  19,  1090« 

Mr*  Fionas  Sutler, 

0*24>:a;v  gl.i-.70v  . 

>Vv»  •/(.•r!-  ait 

ftoar  Sir:- 

Xf)  O'japXianao  vvv'i i  yonr  rootest,  tsslophoiad  this  often- 
««>«»  X  enclose  'Jvrrrftji  oov.y  oT  OGi'btCioate  of  Organisation  of 
t!«5  %ii^n  S.anp  OoaupaM-y.  Kw  9q»itviX  of  tha  Company  is  Ono  Million, 
poftrota;  'it  iiae  nevor  ho  on  inc'  -ttaod* 

Y'vn-'S  truly, 


Maj  op  S*  B, 

$120  Broadway, 

Ken?  York  City,  -. 

-‘•J'ur  Sir:- 

Ho  Poali:^  A^vaaoMirt  bativson  My,  BtUgon  and 
Cn«*45ft  for  It*.  U,  P*  0o«  stook*  In  Qcoordattco  y/ith  tbo 
cortainsd  *»  yc*r  hotter  of  17th  instant,  Hr',  Mjaon  to. 
Goianmu  03  fcllam ; 

“Poolin';  acreanent  United  Company 
atook  delayed  pandit  oable  from 
you  to  Do  Huy  tor  saying  it.  is  all. 
HcVt«  ?loaoo  cable  Jdtn  at  ohoe 
JiDlSOU*  " 

Yours  truly, 

20,  laso. 


day  cabled 

Private  Soaratary* 

Mr.y  20,  lQoo 

i?,  Ujyixp ott,  prs(5idtmtt 

ifat-tVi  araoricari  Ph<?n<>civiph  Company, 

100  Brtxirtnay,  How  York  Oity. 

-Bear  sir:~ 

-  «cml  you  herewith  bilia  amounting  to  ;}23,<H7«94t 

oovorirs-  «!»  #»n  w*  «nori*»»ta  in  connaotion  with  th»  phono- 

Btsph  ta astewd  by  Mr;,  JJdiaon  +»*.  t  ,u 

a io  on  at  t}»  Laboratory,  durinf;  tht>  year 

Youra  vory  truly. 

Private  Seordtdr y* 

May  20,  i8go 

Mr*  John  IU  mOO, 

IB  20  .liberty  street , 

Hot/  York  City, 

Dear  Sirr- 

I  onoloeo  heroiTith  copy  of  a  letter  received  by  Mr. 
^diaon  Jfajor  Baton,  inclosing  insurance  policioo,  covering 
Ur.  SA*on»a  rovidenoe  in  ttotrellyn  Part.  The  insurance  policies 
aantionad  are  in  tiw  oafe  at  the  laboratory. 

Your3  truly. 

Private  Secretary. 

o  :p  y  y, 

A.  2d  In  .0$,  Kaq,, 

O  r  n  n  £  «  ,  if. 

Mevr  karOc,  15*y  17th;  1390*  V 

fra a  i*  fliyt- 

Ra  Arnold  ,&-Cor.b  table  Uortgafse#  I  send  you  herewith 
•tJ)d  raSainaor  ftf  the  policies  of  insurance  recently  obtained  by  me 
li*ors  :«3<u3i'E«  Arnold,  Constable  &  Co.,  upon  each  of  Whioh  J  iiave  had 
noted  tljo  aaaicnosnt  a f  the  interest  of  the  mortgagee  to  fowvaolt, 
at>  that  they  arc-  all  now  payable  to  you.  •  Hioao  policies  are  as 
folio -IS?  Uoa.  ,101,409  and  201,  Sid  in  tfc  barman  Amor  1-can  Insurance 
?fc^. ^1,234,322  and  1,234,231  in.  tty:-  Iahcashirc  Insurance  Co.; 

_J?os»  210,138  add  210,189  in  the  Union  Insurance  Go.;  and  Ho.* 

^  »fo.  213,120  aft  the  Greenwich  Insurance  Company 
1,343,063  in  tic  Guardian  Aeaurarteo  Co;  The  'total  amount  of  in¬ 
surance  represented  by  these  policios  is  $47,000  and  they  cover 
year  dwelling  hfnjp.c  and  -other  structures  erected  upon  your  preial- 
!  OSftnjja.  ah  the  other  polioios  nseeivud  by  rae  wore  sent 
.  Vo  yb  u  bn  the  30th  ult . 

Very  truly  youre, 

I  Signed)  3i  bv  Eaton. 

******  c.  Oootoy,-  Bag., 


U9a.  Union  Tolocmpil  CoM 

V‘6  »e«r  York  City, 

ft^ay  2CP.  13  go, 

,  1  ’“•*  10tto-  «  ««.  1W»,  in  .. 

r Mt* of  a~*  — ^ 

w  «-  «*«♦».  ««.  .  «WSwla  at  slM  ** 

ait  ion  „f  loat  J”  f°r“  &P«- 

u»  z  rr~  ~  ™“  -  ~  — ■•  «-*.  ~ 

?  "  *  ■’  lan°*  ■>»■“>»  »d  Ka  b 

»*  ■»  «*.  **  ■„  to  *  ”™“  *" 
*»  ■«««»  at  **.  ,  .  *“» 

«,  .  •  ,  "hi°h  **  “  — '  *»  M  Oit, 

tain  J  too  JZ  :  ‘tat  ~  “«»  *-*.  »  to 

-  *  i  r  ™“  —  -  -  - — 

von,  „  S-nn-tooioirt  to  *,  ■««„,  „ 

0WliMt  and  „rj, 

*<■•««&  truly* 

Major  SV  S'.  Eaton., 

J'iO#  220  Broadway, 

How  York  Oity, 

I  rat,™  h.»mi,h  OnpUeato  oopioi,  „„ 
agreement  reiving  the  rovnlti..  *. 

,(f  '  '  '°m  thi  Edison  Phonograph  Toy 

agrocnt  *  Angnet  Oth  Past,  ono  oow  ,  mi,.,  ,  tev<1 

l»c  to  esU  yonr  attention  to  the  nerds  -other  than  the 
dnioOd  states  or  Morion...  Aion  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^ 

.  r  W"OTPh'  *«— *•  -0.  it  net  road 

“*  than  the  United  state,  of  nmoriea  and  Cansa.e,,  very  truly, 

Edison  Phonograph  T/orhs, 

0  r  a  n  g  o  ,  H  ,  J-, 

May  20,  1890, 

Dear  Siva:- 

by  you  against  K^ilLy°?<^S2!Sth  th?  fo»wl,«  bills  rendered 
Plica  asm  Lonor^cow;?h  n0CroPto  attd  sup- 

April  2, 



V  *.m 


0 _ 





0  __ 



0  _ 



0 _ 


0  _ 






n  __ 








« - 

■  7.60 

15'.  00 

This  material  should  not  he  hilled  tfyxlmt  Mr*  Bdison,  but 
should  be  treated  partly  as  a  loan.  **  should  place  it  in  a  loan 
or  nua  pons  ion  account,  It  in  probate  W  M*5  c66t  rf  Cylinder*, 
am  Tutors  of  that  *iftd,  ^ili  he  b^n  w  «*  j^on  iW 

tri«  Company,  1  to  ih  aoj^opondhthift  srttjj,  m  itouli  eft  thdV  (tofr 

Job*  t\hd  </.hl  X»t  you  ukatt  iatoi1'. 


Major  .S'.  8.  Sit  on, 

toy  20,  1890. 

#120  Broadway, 

Mow  Ybr’i  City, 

I  ta/Sto  aotaoaaodoB  receipt  of  your  letter  of  17th 

<”’clos4'®  °f  «*  ■»»»*>»  «■  obtain** 

by  you  <*„„  lieaors •  *»«„,  Oonotabio  .  o..  Tboao  p0lici9s  «»  „ 

2{J1(POO  and  2G1.52-".  in  the  German  American  Ins. 

K0°-  183422  2  “*  ».«.«  in  «.  >*«*.  ira.  Co.,  to. 

2101 583  to  •»  <««  *— «  on.  «  PbiiadeipM.; 

212,120  in  ,to  On-,  and  Ho.  a,y.„,oos  i„  ,M 

ounwinn^anncnoo  total  amount  of  in.nnance  „pr,_ 

ncntbd  bo  ins  §4V,000. 

Yours  truly. 

Major  S,  3.  Eaton, 

Mo«  120  Broadway, 

Hew  York  City, 

May  21,  1890, 

Dear  Sir:- 

I  bog  to  acknowledge  receipt  of  your  letter  of  17th 
irui tairt ,  returning  three  papers  in  reference  to  the  Electric  Riy, 
of  the  United  States,  which  you  obtained  from  me  for  use  in  the 
settlement  of  the  differences  between  Pioia  and  Edison  interests, 
the  seme  being  your  letter  of  October  1st,  1888,  addressed  to  my- 
sslf,  and  copy  of  your  letter  of  Pob.  14th,  18S5,  to  U«  D*  Pield, 
and  copy  of  supplemental  agreement  between  the  Edison  Electric 
Lffiht  Co,  and  myself,  dated  Peb,  4th,  -1085. 

In  addition  to  the'  three  papers  mentioned  above,  you  also 
received  from  me,  copy  of  your  opinion  as  to  ray  obligation  to  turn 
W  t0  tJW  Lisht  0oB*a»y  future  inventions  .relating  to  electric 
railways.  .if  you  are  througli  with  this  paper,  will  you  kindly 
Return  i-t  to  me,  and  oblige 

Yours  tmlsw^  #  fp  , 

Way  2a,  ISOOi, 

Gooj'CO  11,  Hopkins,  Esq., 

#3iU  Broadway, 

Amor  ioan, 
Nov/  York. 

Boar  Sin:- 

*"*  lotto, •  of  19th  lmtont  to  Mr.  meoh,  air«otins 

“*  Mmtim  t0  *■««»»  for  w.  ,»  connection  nth  tho 

Phonograph,  has  boon  duly  racoivod. 

S“"  ““  *«*  Mis™  P  Por  the 

very  roll  and  aocorliohod  tll8  ^ 

yew  letter,  tot  the  north  taerioan  Phoney  Co.  „,,ia  no, 

Yours  truly,  / /#}$#. 




Privat  e  SeEratary. 

St  B*.  Baton,.  Eotj,,  '‘‘ay  189Cr^ 

#120  Broadway,  How  York  City# 

Born*  Six*:— 

1  an  much  obliged  -for  yoNi!’  lotto**  of  iv+It 
0?tSiS^°rfybfr+r0:l0a8e  flVm  R1J’SQli‘  t0  the  "slab  .trio  Railway’ Co. 

^  StClt0°>  datod  *****  29th,  1390,  the  Bamo  having  been 
enclosed  with  your  lottav  of  17th  instant.  •  e 

Vours  tmy,../^  ^  /'v) 

Mr*  Thomas  Bntler,  3eo'y», 

H.  J.  &  Pa#  Concentrating  Wksi, 
#44  Wall  St.,  Hew .York  City. 

May  21,  lS&ft. 

S**r  Sir:** 

1  bog.  to  aointowledgo  receipt  from  you  of  CoK.ifioate 
Ifo.  8'4,.  for  3S  bhara.0  of  the  Capital  Stock  of  Che  iSeK  tffwsroy  <snd 
JohnayiVanift  Concept ratine  Works,  tha  sums  having  bean  .ensltood  . 
with  ybxir  letter  of  20th  instant. 

May  31, '1390, 

John  Hotman,, 

Monoid.  -Butler,  Stillman  &  HuWsard, 
How  Tor):  City, 

Bear  sir:- 

Boplyinc  to  your  letter  of  loth  Inotant,  in  regard  to 
”**  RSi30n  appeai*inS  “  a  witness  ajjainot  Freeman ,  in  the  Supreme 
Court,  part  JV  of  Hew  York,  I  hog  to  inform  you  that  Mr.  lid  is  on 

vrfU  ^  in  Madinesa  t0  *****  for  Hew  York  upon  receipt  of  a  tele¬ 
gram  from  you  *wttogWi  presence  at  the  trial  in  question. 

Privato  Secretary. 

Mr.  H  a  k  o  s  Proaidunt, 

Uloktrotacfcnioohar  'Vorsin. 

Borlin,  Gen;; any. 

i>aan  Sir:-  I 

I  am  in  rocoipt  oi’  your  bjteeinod  fuyor  qf  5th  instant, 
informing  mo  that  r.t  tin  Ann t  mooting  of  your  Socia^y  i  was  oloatod 
an  ’Honorary  Monitor.  This  information  is  rocoivod.  by  mo  rath  a- 
i:roat  daal  of  ploasuro,  and  I  teS  that  yon  vm  0Xproi}a  to  the 
mamhora  of  tJso  Elektroteelwischor  V>roin  my  grateful  thunjeo  for 
tha  honor  which  they  have  done  mo  *«  o looting  mo  to  Honorary 
Membership.  tthen  I  noxt  visit  Berlin  I  will  try  and  arrange  to 
ns»ot  tlio  ntombore  ol’  your  Society  and  thank,  thorn  personally  for 
'tiioi’r  hind  notion,  whioh  1  )otb  now  the  plodauro  of  acknowledging 

May  21,  1000, 

Mesorc*  Paine  &  Pranoia, 

#33  Poan  3  t  root, 

Dear  Siro:- 

A  abort  time  ago  I  tod  the  pleasure  of  recoivinc  a 
via  it  from  your  Mr*  Paine,  from  whom  I  learned  tint  youh  firm  to  A 
docidad  to  aovor  a  connootion  with  the  Udiaon  Company  which  too 
boon  maintained  for  tto  paat  nino  yeare* 

I  rojjrot  oincoraly  that  any  noceooity  for  auoh  action  aliould 
tovo  arisen.  Your  oxporicnoc  in  the  Sdiaon  buainoaa  dates  from 
tto  coanonoenent  of  worthy  ttot  Company,  and  your  ability  and 
anarcy  to\o  placed  you  amongst  the  foremost  of  succossful  acQnt3 , 

I  oonoidor.  youi*  retirement  a  real  lose  to  the  Company.  You 
hava  my  heart lee t  and  boat  win toe  for  your  personal  advancement  in 
whatovor  direction  you  may  decide  to  oporata  in  the  future. 

Youra  very 

^^lUattiAA  <1  fcrWo 


21,  189<& 

M«Pfiaon,"  a.-  3. 

Dear  Sii*o:-‘ 

m  ™iy  to  „„  !„„„  <*  20th  iMtonti  ,  l06  to 

m«M  you  that  th.  Contirionto  W  Organization  or  Mls0„ 

^  ^  ~  “““  *»  -  »  thou. 

,m'tm  “a  •‘^y-thruo  oea,.).  „  „  atotea  in  tho  organization,  Sownt!,  ^  ^  ^ 

°MOh  0*W,W  0,“U  *»■*»«  m  th.  ».h  buy  0r 

any,  «H.r  S»  tot.  „r  th.  ,i„,  *0.^  „  „„ 

roeoMM  in  tho  Want.  Boot  or  jho  Tto.on  ^  is  m  mh 
toy  of  January,  1,53.4, 

Youro  vary  truly,  ' 


Siasniol  Ins  nil,  JJsq.j 

Wall  ritroot, 

II 0./  York  City* 

loar  Sira:- 

I  oncloao  larovrith  bills  against  fcho  f o llov/in,~ 
F.dison  Companies,  for  experiments  conducted  at  tho  laboratory 
on  ir  account! 

Edison  Oro  Hilling  Co«,  Jan.  1,  1890 - - - §141.96. 

Bill  con  lamp  Co.,  Auril  1,  1388 - - -  13.56 

•  *  ■  Jan.  1,  1390, -  202.57 

Edison  Electric  light  Co. -  42.33 

Bflison  Wachino  W».t  Jan.  1,  1890. - —  165.06 

"  •  *  Jan.  1,  1890,---- .  327.16 

i  explanation  is  attached  to  oach  of  thO  above 

•  Yotirn  truly. 

•  ''-ay  21,  1390* 

*’tr«  Samel  f;. 

Bmnt  2ac#,  Clarlotte, 

IT.  c, 

Dear  Sir:- 

2  t0  ™  ^ »"  »—  (''500),  ' 

■’  r=e51pt  “  "“oh  M«co  MtaoM«te,. 

I  think  you  had  bettor  conn 

you  bn-  *  brii;';  0V0IVthing  with 

,  .  .  ,x’  «y  tmproaBion  ia  tint 

*<os.h  Carol ina  io  r.o  Cood  for  rold  ma  ,, 

or  gold,  ana  there  .ia  much  better  proa- 

*"**  Jh  iron  proa  pectin^  *ountai*,  of  :W  York  state. 

Yom*a  vwrj-  tnhy, 

m  n  f  :  „■ 


Philip  s,  Pybr, 

i  a  t  V  a  r  p  ,  ReiGiumt 

!•  bog  to,  ticJmowledfjo  : 

*  lottor  oi‘  lOtli 

WMWJation  of  a  comma,  icat  ion  which  yon  hav; 
to.  a,  ***.  to  w  t0  tll0  orapl,  ^ 

1.1.10..  .  aent  aim  so,  timo  Ofo,  «fo  do  „at  moot  with  trouble, 
f-iro  of  which  Bo,  Me*.  com,, Lin..  She  CoU»  we*  ,0  pel,fsctl,n 

6iV°  «®  »»  •.*.*>*»  .m  bo 

Flctod  in  iho  couwao  of  a  coup,.  of  wochc,  when  wo  rtll  „M  ?ou 

""  “”*'**  In  lM“  ”»  *»  «**  l««i-a-toatioonialn-  which 

1,0  "  *”  ■«  moo  to  to.  Uo  hoianao. 

3  voi’y  tjjjiiy,  ^ 

'  A JC-(/  #’  ,.rs 


May  32,  1890 

Dan^l  v/o Id,  Esq.,  Soo'y,, 

Edison  Phono.  Soy  Mi‘c.  Co., 

J,’°.  95  Milk  St.,  Boston,  Lfaes. 

^ocr  Sir:- 

*-  •  >'o»r  l*t«r  of  Kth  mutant  in  na>M 
«««:.  Mo.  Mi.™  onoontoa  ,  mav  fut^ 

W4»s  »  tho  conroonoomont  or  noyaltioo .  tho  lot  of  ,My 
to  tt,  lot  da,  ,f  Apm.  :  Ociio.0  Mwiniott  4,  ^ 

tin?}  s  similar  document. 

Yours  vory  truly, 


Samuel  Inaull,  Kuq., 

Wall  Street, 

Mow  York  City, 

May  22.,  1390;, 

Dear  Sii*:- 

I  bog  to  confirm  tile  I’ollowiny  tolophono  no  a  a, ago 
cent,  you  from  the  Laboratory  thi3  looming!— 

"Have  an  order  from  Prasar  tiiis  morning  for  ton  ‘ 
Motor  Phonographo  and  about  two  thousand  blanks* 
Am  still  holding  last  chock  received  frera  him. 

TATE, " 

Youra  truly, 

Hay  22,  1390, 

Mr*  John  Biricinbine, 

?  h  i  1  a  d  j  1  p  h  i  3  ,  Pa* 

Dear  Sir:- 

Plaaae  soo  tlio  Rondihg  people  again  on  that  lease, 
and  soo  ii*  they  will  agree  to  tho  modifications  herewith: 

lot.  20 fl  ton  mo  reliant  able  ora  shipiiod  away. 

2nd.  Six  months  to  proopoct,  30ouro  railroad,  and  six  months 
to  erect  plant*  I  paying  taxes  and  watchman' 3  salary.' : v 

3rd*  Thereafter  minimum  ton3  alia  11  bo  Twenty  Thousand  shipped 

4th.  Have  privilege  of  throwing  up  lease  and  removing  im¬ 
provements  on  one  year’s  notice  after  paying  up  all 

5th*  hoasa  ahull  run  for  twenty  years. 

Gth.  Privilege  of  buying  after  five  yoai’3  for  Hundred  and 
pifty  Thouaand  dollars  oash.- 

Tho  royalty  of  20  cents  is  all  we  pay  in  Wow  Jersey,  and  all 
tho  parties  think  it  fair,  as  wo  pass  through  tho  mill  rock  run¬ 
ning  an  low  as  25  per  cent,  whioli  is  earthly  value  to  them. 
!-:ku*’j  yours  very  truly. 

Ul>  Cota  3i.rl:inbim, 

City  Hall  ygyaro, 
Philsdo  lphia,  pa,« 

te“  «*•  ».«,  of  teta„t 

of  Uoat  Point  Iron  On  r  a 

11  Pre  Iaxaa-  wd*nalyW  fie*  con- 

ctsrairvj  tho  orna,  In  2-opiy  Mr  pn. 

liy  -n#  >-li2oa  doairoa  wo  to  aa>  if  „  „ 
e.Ararot  OOO  tlio  HJHla  p  -3  “  /ou 

__  ni-la.  &  Dacian,  j***  ^i;cut  .  ^.  ^ 

«BP».  and  ascertain  if  they  Ti3i  u«,+ 

H  w  U  t},°  *««»  .stated  in 

**•  343130,1  3  3ot“^  you  of  ratun^art  it  . „  n 

-o  onto  p,  ,  ‘  11  ao*  ••Mn* -ilftiscmcoulci 

“  °  "l-^OPJPMo  ana  ...  if 

Yovro  truly. 

Private  Secretary* 

•May  23,  lsgoj. 

■»l  fcwvll, 
va  u 


•  5ivj- 

1  i'°G  to  4hJ  ioiloviiiv: 

Ki.'-rsiiV;  iVori  t).w  Wat  cry: 

rajosaao  +Pf,aopi1<in0y  yon 

';JBrs5~?3  ¥f” «■ 

{5‘.«turCi3,y ),  2->th  -a**?1?  to-morrow- 

tjw  s>aa»2-tu  it°£  *  M3 
oJtwicl*  q"uvS  Satr°y  yon 

«<tw  to  -VO  oo.i^  ZZrti.  rl  “°T  &la 

.  i  I  asawod  jiiK1  You  v-ouid  rf r-uf  *5  0  *  at  is  t0°  ^<3, 

»«■“  •«»  *  ■’-tar.o  M„ 

Youra  truly. 

Privitw  3  a-c  rotary*' 

May  37,  38  90* 

W*  J'»  Johnston,  Esq,, 

The  Electrical  World, 

Tier/  York  City* 

Bear  Sir:» 

The  proof  of  the  illustration  of  tin  Edison  exhibit 
at  tka  Par io  Exposition,  referred  to  in  your  letter  of  2Sifi  inst,, 
has  beon  received  by  Mr,  Edison,  and  la  has  aslrad  me  to  thank  you 
for  your  kind3ios3  in  sending  it  to  him,  Mr,  Edison  will  lave 
tin  picture  fra  road  and  plaood  in  his  Library. 

Yoivrs  very  truly, 

Private  Secretary* 

////  fa 


/cy  -  '  „_. 

"^U,* . ^^Ud&e. 

At  t^Ais-  A$l££  ^fLSLst  ‘"ijr. --  rO 

fJ\^.^^£A^&£?€sLs6'  A  fsfeZCo. 

fit  a 

0Ls7k~jLl  ft.,-  Ay^  -  'A^..j?t. 


Vl}< it-.. 

yU-  CUj  Jyt 

*yl'(4jjLo  ($  '  <  ^4'..A-t..<^ 

A)  £JL<\J  *yCOi^i/i£X^H^  ; 

^L-n l*  y^ju^4' 

'****'  “  a"^'1  *f  7"'"^  ,7_( 

***  "  *+*  f  '^7 

/  ’  ,  ^  ^  AAAjl4 

%Ajf~h.  lpSUAt^frUSi.jLs  JlAASL/UL** l4~*  -00^6^^  ^ 

AA/Jctf  <5L  -GJUa/HjL  SC.fX^X^  , 

bo°Y  -u^Ujl..  <%  -^-^..y  <«<^y  Pfe 

f*  ^  ^  ^  ^  *  *,.  ’  | 

^SfrUSlA  A/tAU(  UnZC&y' 


May  27,  18  90. 

Daniel  Wold,  J5s q«,  Sac‘y,, 

Edison  Phonograph  Toy  Mfc.  Co., 

Do.  95  Milk  St,,  Boston,  Maas. 

Dear  Sir:- 

I  bos  confina  the  following  telegram  sent  yon  to- 

“Instill  in  Chicago.  Think  it  doa arable  he  bo 
here  when  yon  and  Mackintoah  come  on.  Hoy; 
tn.ll  ifonday  next  cnit  yon?  A*  0.  Tate.» 

Yours  truly,  S  / 

Privat  o'  "'S.qorot  ary » 

Mtxy  27,  1890 

Edrmid.  Simmons,  K3q,, 

Treasurer,  World'u  Pair  p«ndj 

io.urth  KAt’T,  Eanj;,  #20  Haoaau  Streot, 

Her  York'  City, 

'Jlear  Sir:-  • 

Enclosed  please  find  cheek  for  $151,54,  received  by 
n*  from  the  Coreeittee  for  the  International  Exposition  of  1892, 
the  «  b cine  '#P  ahare  of  the  unexpended  balance  of  the  Prelimi- 
xxary  Expense  Fund.  I  have  endorsed  this  cheoj^vable  to  the 
Washington  Memorial  Arch  Stem.  I  also  encloJ^Hipt  to  be 
handed  to  Mr,  1&W  MciTm-tio  Spaer,.  Secretary. 

Y<JU«  .very  truly, 

i!sy  27,  1390. 

dhnfi'.  D;  Sliain, 

■Uiiitpa  Edison  Kf£.  Cov, 

^5  PiftJi  Avo.,  Nev/  York. 

*»  «  »rt  instent 

rr~t!r  I  “  “•  *-  -  — —I. 
ir,  r  •  **  — — — - «. 

.  4‘  *“'■  ****  ♦“*  *m*  M>  to  «. 

v;r “  Areh  -•■■“  « 

iwjasiaw,  ftaaaig  $air  ^  ..  1 

md’  an  ac  wdanea  r/ith  vamxeaAm  also 
trith  your  letter  Uer  reply. 


'/ours  truly.  ,  /'//.-  - - - 

fcv.  ]JV.  XJditp 

*•$*  School, 

oohcord,  jr,  j-r. 

boar  Sii*:- 

I  orxlpae  larevrith  chock  to  order' of  st', 
School,  for  '553.15,  covori^  entribuw  too  f<*  my  tv, 
oi'ch),  and  $S*&5  for  school  books  forwarded.,  I 
.kiiotvladyo  receipt,  aiii  oblige 

w  roeajvcd  your  oettor  of  22nc 

n  Gl^d  to  do  what  loan  in  the  way  of  he  Ini  113 

it.  on.  Just  at  this  time  wo  are  rum  ins  very  light 

cannot  do  anything  for  you  thors  imr.iediat. 

bCar  you  ijl  »i»l,  however,  and  rill  — 

*  you  jiuit  as 

^ort  unity  tuwui  up-. 

I.  >V -f . 

R«  Campbell,'" 

wry  ^ 

■  t*  ,'  teb  S'K- 

'  /Jn  ■  y 

ifG'W  Rates  Avenue, 

Brooklyn,  If.  y* 

*  *>••>«»  **,  «... 
,0#  WOMri*  3.  »„  te.l3lS 

■/ittisviu1.,  lUQiwm, 

Incase  a«:c»  quietly 

*T°?°*<*  fe*,«P  utita^  Particulars 

SLf' ..8«.iewV  ^“patofn'f } 

.&  .  s  •  Wr 


^  >'**/*  ^ 

(  ^  A  AA-^~  -''  AA-jL /^?.  ^/ 

,  j-^k  A-xC/i.  a  /^Ae  ^£jhA^ji  ^rj> 

tt-AA  O^AA^V~-Aa^aA^£  -^^>«/(-  Jt-7-fo 

&t*AA  &  fi'  -'\A 

A-rv-  (H--fAj>^ — 

t/  L  .  #  // #y.?d 

/  CdJ^-'  ^ 1AA-  ^AA-/^  A^frA^_2jL  AU  A  S\ 

C^JLCiXC  y/'t  ?fc  Su/,*^-^  .  ^ 

f  — 'C^A^.-A^y  /  At''?  CAA.-X -JCAt^Z—' ■  A£--^JLAA^Aaa--*^X, 

'^-^ALaJ  ‘^'6'  _ 

-Ho*  120  '  u  r!0  a  d  w  a  y  , 
Ne?;  York  City* 

le!4r  ^  rntai”0d  in  W 

aAl  people  as  i'yllov/s!-  ^  1  c“bl<Jd  ye«terday  to  tko  Ed  is  oj 

EDISWAH,  101© OH,  . 

send  i[IC  quickly  detailed  ^  1390' 
y°U1>  pp°15080d  teQZor 
dla^?s mvi  d0  not  file  dia- 
,  ®uU  m,  java  opportunity 
oxoijsuigo  letters,  as  it 

>«.«  TOBoiVoa  iM,  th0  f0la„^  raM,OT„  to  rw' 

22IS0H,  lis^  HO KK. 

•I>om on  May  go,  1390,, 

‘  S  i  T/ad  d-30laiK0d  in  1832, 

S  W33  tilea  midal*  April! 

,  '  Uoulton  a&-03d  mpoaaiblo  . 

*wf?4  1!3',ant  ^Glalid  without  fur  tlx?  r 

diaolaiinea*,  v.rill  vnHto.  EllMWAH, 

*£S:  SSJodlo^o^S  *%aon  *  ^  *>-•  **•*  15th 

*th  ycbr  letter  «ndSr  r5,iy;  ’  th*  8<Ua°  “vi*W  b2°* 

Yours  truly,  ,7  . . 

May  30,  lg^o 

Mr,  «!•,  Adolskolb, 

V  i  1  2  a  o  a  t  a  n  Ho.  ?„ 

Stockholm,  Sweden. 

Dear  Sir:- 

1  bag  to  acknov/ledge  tic  rocoipt  oi‘  your  esteemed' 
favor  under  da  to  15th  instant,  stating  that  you  have  nonHtatad  tor  members hip  in  the  Royal  Academy  oi‘  Sciences  in  atneM^iw. 
I  shall  he  very  pleased  to  loam  of  my  election  to  member  shir, 
the  Royal  Academy  of  Sciences,  and  beg  tint  you  will  accept  my 
sincere  thanks  for  having  submitted  my  name  for  membership.  . 

Yours  very  truly, 

to  &  vJa'iu 

qSoA<AkM;  d 

{$  r*-'cj.'(jf)  tc  v  'i\  PA  Ai-xl , 

‘  - a. 

0*4  5 

O'/f/’  V.fAAjis. A<K*£tkA*cfo.&/AA.KL, ■  dtKM^A; 
t  \r-(w  AlC\  .  <Vm ytf At  h'fitA  foJl aakA ^ 

./If.  f<  /(..  .'Ad  -A.j(f  !»••.  /y  (Aa  a&s  st^Kc,-  ■■■  »f^on — — 

'  AaMkJ,  K.AA  ■  tfc-#*1AnylA  \Gj .  A.yHA  ■&  A*fc~ 

&t*fUs  tSsut*  ‘  G+».A**  •****£*,  *  AAs**f&- 
yy(  y(L  ,(ak\j  -£>'(\Ua*  \a  *J.^  ^xiJ^aaPA^  ^xjo  oji  /L  f>y  aAA/ii-v,  l — . 

~'*Ci  'ft-  <*  CA.AA^y\'l.Aj-  jAA*-%-C>U/faMiAA  AK^If  (*.4tA\  JAffi't&C 

Csfisvtn *»/*■*  eOL ^  «ff*  vttfC  «-&4xjLa}/(&t’aaa-. — 

//ft  ft  Xf  'ixsxJA  ^AXjj,  aiaa  ^iwaaoi  ia  -CL~- 

f*  <  V  P.y  ft  (  t  Jt^  At*  cpA  /fAs  AyC&£*y<£t(fQX\_^ 

pf  A  .fiff  V/<  t>X(ofA  fin-  «  tiofArq'/t-  /if At*  irtTyiA  *^Lc  yt#PAM  — 
j/jfe*  fflP  <Mv ,  tvAUj&A/  fAA.xytCU^^AA'XyO'-  ^JtMAAC' 

Cru  nx.^  Jffa?&eC  y  (A/'O^ost*  LAesi*#srAf  yt>t\y  aMe-~ 

*dWo  .44ht-'L£,  «y'fi£  /tjpf&  YlA-AAAyit  j^ 

xti  y  sugffotostv  (Ha  ,C/C^6ts  /fiAJute,  scofLiyt^  y*U. 

:  ei-  t  f^y  0\y/i.nJ/fru  CiyAtf.  f>At»ytyfa' 

.  ax  jyuo  ~  AaC<?  ,  A.xfl/'^Cf.ej-tiA-hsAj',  G*44fyAMs  rf  x/C - 


\  A.(^iaauL  y&yCsV'fu?  ?£> 

***  /W.^'  a^, 

r»  '.~urf  ^  orJuL,  » 

<.#¥d il,  xh  x  /ft  r*  a  i ,  st^,&  A**-.  /  •  .4.  f 

, 44  «de*v^f  (j^  ‘ 

pxsUAp.  jfc&utftAu, 

^  v/Y*^-'  to-uJUiJLstUjLfu* 

tmsf  /MaU 7  A^4aam^axjl  /'crfL  fi/JL /U^Jbr" 

■w-«st  ^vl^Xer^ 

x,  m'/a  ^AxyJk^^^A.,ry^^xAixA.^  ^/W..//V  ,,^ 

y  ^y  /1*C-f0dy/lAMA.e?  s  tiS^s>>J&  axi^^&tds^ap.  (L<M^({^a^{5_^>  '6y~d&- 

70xcjfa  aa  y-v-tA-A,  .  &i_s  d4A^n  ixn,  dfiz;  /(  *'maaz/.  ^£r 

^ ^  Y^^nIy>  &*>  ^  yOAJSl^- 

-fl^J-  yfAT-^p  tud)  /tAyO^XXJ^  /(UxtAdJZ  y\A^x^^ 

A^/t.^tAA./  t.vct  XpfjCteAAJLfAA^  ^flsad  .gtoL&y 


y/tAf-0  ^fAAti^dt&sA'fijXsls  O./%jC.0Uf6y  y& 

(t*  dMstjJ#  xtf-Ap,  *^x$A  ^<tAjL/L4AASi^  cyy&ne_j  x 

.  -^tAAt  ,  ^Y-fXtr^d. ’-0  y^A' 

'  (XsviAs  ^aa/'AXXj 

■  ^  ^  ytAsQs{&\s\A.jf '  c.,--'' tf'$'ilAA.sC' aJaa/-  AAA*4)'IA^t?&?$ 

Am.^6,  ^*/>\siAjSes  ^C^Jta-WAjLAAs*  sU*jt&As*sfoLibA/  /t> 

rflA.  A.x?_.*L-ilj)^n.'-  ,/?^r\  ,  0-am-i^  sfa/t/n — **C  .  -/C’  -lA/  a<^<£? 

.. -  •'&>  .-'£*•£'  .XslCfrJis*  ste^d^^tAA tAifa>ry^.  Aasa-0  ,€(s 

-  USO&-/U!-  ,  .A 6<-a? 

/£&&Ww/\hJ^9jK^  flAA..%^o  fkuA,  Osf  ct/fJa*  /iaa 
<OL,  'QyQ^jUAsWAIAA.a.AUUw^  't>S  Ot^J  fast,  pff  /t 

^vl,s1AaJ  uj~  P-jf  aJjL y@4S(JU' um^sfOAj.,'Gt^  VtJtjjtJfi'yatsA'C, 

s&y  ■ofeMst'  \snj0j^Aa  s£0L,  - 

Aster  A(£aa_^-- 

Oj^sAjudAsb  st^UstCsytQAAJ-,  /VtAytCfrf*5^S&ts  ®f^Vlja^Ass£JgL~- 

sfa  ■/f-'tA^.aO  txAL  fiy/Asis  yu^'ysiAffAS'AAc, 

■^tAAs(h£sz?fc%s$ sC^jMMaAsasQ, 

AA£lfC&€uJ>&  f/f  aujAa^C^a^^tPisy^  fta&s  0f^esu+ 

'-fx^MAyi,-  fits  A. 0~^C$J?^Ls  JZ^ M/isL4Ze^ ,  a^LAaA. 

yfr/  iAt&uA  f 

A'-e^.,'Us<>  A&XjAiss6&ju&:s(fv  as,  aU^CoA  ,-At  Aa  '■ 
SLSA.A.--''^  tfSAA^yC'Us'tL'  ,- 

y/f  y/tus  *L  -'66z& Qays0tJ(lU^ 

'■fw  J{J(^\J.^  . 

cffyf  ^A&Xs  ^M-jCUfs  ^AA/acAs^aA ta^n,  Atyy&fci 
yfA^n  /&6tfsu^d  frf  s^&y?6tfa-?i — 

.  a^y£sUSAtJ)'7tr 

^  -&L.  AS  C/ff^  ^a'  £*- 

.  ^(S^SrSrS  </m 

//  _  ^•Ofc'Cn,  fo  _t fe&y-  /-Mj  yf  /7a  SyAYty  ^/y;- 


^tu&LJ+u, ^  j  -y  *7  a*+k**>»p 

A'u/>-  AtJ*,  £ 

x"  =**•  ^Ce^yg-^f^f.  jfc, 

l/.n-Sr  .Art  -  yU.~^~  S,  JL  s  .  S  "*.. 

i  -* , . x  ,  v"  err**' 

■TtflUykgy  ryrt  s£kryy*AjU-..  CuS.-t, 

Ur^-y-AwArf^  -'UtfAA^  yS(si\  4/Sfr^y  -fa  _y@4-1r6fa 

y  .  . .  -  ~ .r-@^*AAwJ<2A*AlZ. — 

'w'f'^'  ^&a^r  sU*y>~u^  ayO^MjUi  AUot-- 

r£til£.  /(r/nyMTl ^€st.j^u.,  yto/A-iyg^  y&-«^ uxAg~ 
^^AL^^a.^AAiy6a^o  j/four .  A<^.^iSCe^^tSbifa ^ 

Q7ay^y^yyt  ‘*-*A  *&UuJ»  s&rrtA^O'iyAcKAy 

'ktsUA.AfsjtM^  /}sjl&  (HkACdAu?  si* 

■''*'  >~:  '  •  . -  -  -  „  /^t^I 

'*l#:4^A4t*4j3UAA^  ^~£fc4r.  ryAu  ,,  S~J-n-  V  S .  . 

~s?  fo,A^  tuZtiL*  aU_Z 

C'f'ZA/vS-;  £(„. 

I  boc  to  aclcnowlodeo  the  : 
anji  nltiao,  enclosing  latter  of  intrc 
'0tt*  1  haV0  submitted  the  ccrreapor 

*  while  she  docs  not  believe  that  a ho 
10  you  which  will  iv,+owr..,*  . 

«eoipt  of  your 
•auction  from  U 
idance  to  h.ra* 
can  conratmioal 

nnel  Ins  rill, 

vr-'-W-  7/all  Street, 

Hoy;  York  OityV 

v  Sir:- 

1  003  to 
a  the  laboratory 

ecni'iitn  the  i'olloviie  naas^-e 
this  ai'tornoonj- 

to  la  phoned 

“Boston  Oomaittec  on  Hcan^ture  v,iU,t,Q  ha,,a  ,0_ 
Morron  naming  bc/tccon  ton  and  tv/olvo  o’clock  ' 
Can  you  bo  horo  at  ole  von?" 

Yours  truly, 

Private  'Secretary* 

“  a"  Pi’soont ,  the  Corru 

YOtlK  vpry  truly, 

#•  Molina  on,  .33eq., 

Interior  Conduit  end  Insulation  ctfi, 

V.-IG  &  IS  Broad  Sf. .  Kerr  v„„i.  . 

Phonograph  -f0y  urtf.  Company, 
lilJ:  st'»,  Boot  oil,  Itaua., 

to  eonfinn  tho  follow^  *ol®Bwus. 

L^„yoir-’  new  uodol  toll  be  randy  f01 

”  CoM!‘ittoc  appointed  to  go  tr 
B.  J?«  Stevens* B 

jt,1,.  *°  faviaa  definitely  to-r 

+  1.  11  b°  ComP1(itedV  Is  Comiitta 

*!_°:rJO-row  ao  a^aPSad  to  deal  v/ith 

Mi  PA. 

.Mr,  JoJai^!,  Wood, 

v'lS  &  20  •  Liberty  St  root. 
How  yortk  City, 

Hour  sir:- 

I  to  MK,  reoo.iw  &o„  m  „  tM  ^ 
imnrnns,,.  policies  on  Mr.  Elio on's  »!».«.,  Mo.iUm  tork.Mt 
by  you  at  tho  Laboratory  on  Saturday  iast:- 

^9^3- «3*  iiv'r}’001  &  Hojidon  -2  Globe 

^1770 *  3I*W‘*  Bowory  jPiro  Ino*  Co, 

.•#80029,  Bv.  America  Asavranco  Co, 
•iSseosi,  »  u  5  •„ 

Sc717*  T«°  KsrCl“nt8  *|M*  Co,  Of  Newark 

Alao  $250 0  insurance  on  enginea,.  boilers  &c, 
at-aoucd  to  policy  Ho*  511,  K&ticttal  Ins,  Co. 

i'IA,  ODD  (Siimlttira ) 
2,500  (‘Dwell  inc ) 

2,000  {Dwell in- ) 
500  fSnrnitTOM  ) 

2, 500  (Dwelling) 
■1, 506  {Garniture ) 

2.500  {Dwelling) 

5.500  (tBiu-niturs') 

Lai/oratory,  to  be 

K&ticttal  Ins,  Co..  yX 

//M.r  ' 

oura  truly.,  i? 

*  1,3  °*  Gomuvxi ,  ’ 

Uonlo,  Upjiuj 

th  'ultimo,  -n  follov.-n 

’’IIOS-TBE,  Jfc  Y,  liy  id3a£J  v;iu 
nanw  offer  might  be  assisted 

in  aS®  0311  probably  e3t  tw 

JU1  Ajei  .ca  -vnuid  give  Boruyto: 

V  f 

vX  ,yX  V-  ik  -^kMlptSiJ  .  .  *  . 

^  /L  «  ^  ^/.A  A  .  r-4  r„  . 


...  ~  ^  ...  tto  .  tSSl^L^V^c. 

'' />"r  ^Jje*- 

v  a  '"  axx-v-c7  «r*—  £^- 

^  «— •  e^L-y 


~  r'*^'  — •  ^ —  l  

.  ''(akh.  _  J ^C^DXfJ-^ 

— V-A^ 7''(Jbc>~<t  <J^1uX2^6l>Ml5V  -V^ 

,  - -J=::=jjfi-^ — C(M_-  C0-4L*^£j% 

^XjCsXjl'  ■ — ~t$*> 

/£y:  ^  ^  ^  f 

/C  t'U/l'O  'fA^Cs  /m_-6?  /If  0/^ 

s-V^T  &Cl*a/i~jL 

za^i  A// — ,?* — ^/*~t-~-  6i_Aa_  Z/jgiyCC^r?A^ 

tf-xtz  .AJo  y^»- 

,  Ji^-/0f< — ^  A*^g*4jL~ 

/tAZC y.  t&JUy 

"£>  <5  /  «^Lt — -tftee _ ^ _ -/o>~J?  . -^ug+A&b 



'eLr,  ^CU-iSL^, 

Samuel  Inaull,  Esq,,  Vice-President, 

Edison  Ore  Milling  Company,  Limi-dad, 
#44  Wall  St»,  New  York, 

*"  a8n,““  '<>•.  Bdlaon  ana  the  Mison  Ore 

Milling  oow,  Muitad,  oovorfae  certain  right,  in  Y„k  staM> 

*“  MMilr  boon  e«re«MM,  M  Mr.  ibat  at  as 

a  lta**  M  *”*■  ".ooteiona  a.  My  ta  „,Mwr 

ooaflm  tbi,  «rt»oM  ahaH  *  pa.a,a  „„  to8  rf 

W.  Maine  coi  x  «*!„.  that  tto  resaxa,  ouanarir  „»«!«  „ 
«-  Soa«  baa  tea  aallod  far  xt™  l6tb,  ^  j  prsM„  ^  ^ 
l^atolaiioha  WiU  be  adopted  then, 

Youra  vary  truly. 


Juno  6f  1990,. 

Major  Si,  By  Eaton, 

#180  Broadway,  Now  York  city, 

Dear  Sir  r- 

I  enoloae  horowith  copies  of  letters  Which  have 
b.<m  by  w.  »U«  am  w  t0  tlM  ottlo.,.  „f  *» 

auaon  Phonoemph  To,  Mratfaaturtae  ooww>,  oovootee  dh.  M 

l5th>  “»•  «*»  30th,  1S90,  and  b..rtae  w.n  «. 

Yeomans  transaction. 

?or  the  purpose  of  rhaking  our  position  clear,,  I  will  string 
theao  on  a  thread  of  explanation,  echoing  frem*  date  a  few 
days  prior  to  November  l*th,  1839,  when  X  had  an  interview  with 
Measra*  Pieid  and  Stevens,  at  the  laboratory,  during  which  the 
question  of  the  aale  of  the  European  doll  buaineaa  was  bought  up 
la  a  general  way,  and  I  learned  that  M*  Yeomans  was  a  personal 
trtena  of  MrV  SioH,  the  latter  speaking  in  the  highest  terms  of 
Mr*  Yeomans'  character  and  qualifications** 

It  was  then  arranged  that  Mr*  Stevena  should  have  a  prelimi- 
tttttsy  interview  with  Mr*  Yeomans*  after  *MoW  rffculd  .M*  Edison  ' 
««*.««&  HHISt  «#m  tha  Woaa  B^aWife  at  WrfMlta&e  liml 

#um «*  *m*t«  •asmhM  #  mm* >u  *■«,«  ««  „„ 


S>  Bi>  Eaton  -a, 


J»  mm  to  ttsy, 

aw.  Sterna  «11M  *on  Mn,  YBomra  on  tl»  18th  on  loth  *, 

*  MMt  *W  tho  mat  of  hln  t,  onbodloa  in 

mnn  *•*•*  naawoooa  by  hin  to  Mo,  Ji,w,  *t.d  Bov, 

DB9>  *°K'  "“l«“  »«Wth,  roosipt  of  tfci. 

Aioh  *o  rtnt  »  *  u*.  Stavono,  ,  **,0  th.  BfflB  to  fc. 


»  is  ™ceS8flry  Bt  thi*  polnt  t0  **ar  in  mAnd  ^ 

S^l0h  °f  U,0TOae  AOTMmont  H*  Edison  and  the  joy  .p.o^ 

*********  JhJgudt  6th,  1889,  »hi0h  provides  th*t 

^SSSS^-  b*  the  aeoo»<1  PtW’ty  (the  Toy  Co- )  Of  this 

S£^£L°*<0t  *y  ri8htB  ^ximdor  or  of 

in  nonnains  «*  Edison  as  to  hid  idoas  «pon  the  propofxm  sal*. 
***  M^0W  ^  th8  *°?  0OT^any  Had  this  Vision  in  vie*,  The 
«wnfa«nri%  am  myalty  interests  *„  hot  hroyght  M  tfttttl 
tine  later,  w  i  shall  fcerfafaw*.  M^Wn, 

^**dlacn  fi«rt  it  «  hi*  iplriidh  thkt  fa  anli  of  the  Stay's 
tfayopaan  bdsinass  on  tht  itott*  ty  it*  Yotrams*  thmsch 

it*  Stevens,  *hie*  of  lo^ooo  omh,  and  I 

«f  riwt,  *«M  ttl  MWon,  4*  ^  j 

fa  wwM*  «-h»*awi  MMMto  «-*  Kfe.  s««o»  J 

■  I*  W  tt  Mi,  fasStimxpk  6f  tho  butfinoou  if' 

»»*(  m4  *  v»  M«f  «  «^ibfci4,i4h 

Major  s.  B«  £3$ on. 


* m  6.  *S9p» 

On  the  S8th  day  of  ^va ab*r  j  met  Mr.  a,  m.  yieaa  at  th8 

Ali0ttnarl#  H0t91'  N”  *”*'  «*  **rn  m  started  out  together  to 
see  ««.  Yeonans.  2  caUed  Mr.  Field's  attention  to  Mr,  Edison's 
manufacturing  and  royalty  interest  in  the  foreign  busies,  tolling 
him  that  I  thought  there  should  be  some  understand  between  Mr. 
Edison  and  the  Company  as  to  a  division  of  ths  proceeds  of  th. 
propoced  aaiev  1  Wid  that  if  the  business  was  to  be  sold  it 
ahould  be  disposed  <*  ehtife,  that  shile  |*  Edison  was  willing  to 
manufacture  *0*  the  Eoston  Company,  and  depend  upon  tbm  for  his  '  ‘ 
»»iraUlaa,  t  did  not  think  ho  would  cai*  to  enter  into  the  same' 
relations  with  people  shorn  he  did  no>  know.  Ur.  Held  expressed 
no  view  upon  this  point,  except  to  <my  thdt  he  was  „ot  authorized 
88tU°  At»  ***  W4nt  to  see  Mri,  Ysttaans,  The  latter  ex- 
Pwsead  himself  to  ua  the  same  as  he  had  previously  to  Mr,  stovons. 

Ha  ««ld  he  8o  to  London  or  Berlin  and  would  know  within  tor o 

^ther  or  not  hs  could  make  a  sale.  If  he  found  he  could 
iwt  do  80  ha  atjuld  drop  the  .matter  iawedlately,  as  hs  could  not 
ifittort  tc  spend  too  much  time  on  it,  in  addition  tc  vhioh  »ia 
•*aj»>itatiCn  fcoUla  suffer  from  a  prolonged  negotiation.  After  he 
ascertained  shat  he  could  do  he  was  to  advise  the  oonfcany  arid  tl»y 
either  accept  or  refuse,  he  to  get  a  ^eoftnOaaion  feW 
V'hMa  was  affected,  or  a  certain  amouht  to  bover  expense's  in  «*. 

amiht  tof -no  aals  beii«  andaw  *A 

tty  tonawwtandiqg  of  the  traitor  wai  that  Mr,  Yeomans  .would  go 
t0  •**  **&  h»  Cduld  do,  rnL  tH+h  Motive  opecif ic 

«»Jor  ?w  b*.  Eaton* 


June  6,  1890b 

<mw^  Wwity  *0  make  a  sale,  which,  w  ho  etatod,  would 
be  a  tewaacti-on  with  the  Baring  Bros'*  in  Portion  or  friends  of 
ttaiw  i«  Berlin; 

3hsrin(j  this  iMtWiew  1  asked  Ur*  Yeomans  if  fc,  could  as  well 
'dispose  »  the  foreign  business  should  Mr,  Edison  retain  his 
Wtorfabturihg  ana  royalty  rights;  «y  letter  to  MrW  stevona  of 
HOV,  29th,  copy  enclosed,  states  his  (Mr;  Vs)  views  on  this  point, 
after  la  hod  so  expressed  himself,  Mr;  Field  asked  me  if  I  was  not 
of  the  opinion  -that  matters  could  be  arranged  between  Mr,  Edison 
and  the  lay  20,  So  that  the  entire  business  oould  be  sold  when  the 
time  came,  and  I  said  there  was  no  doubt  in  my  mind  that  a  satis* 
lactory  aifangeraent  could, be  made* 

On  tha  2dth  of  November  Mr,  Yeoman*  add  reseed  a  letter  to  the 
tloutpany  (copy  enclosed)  and  mailed  it  to  me;  I  sent  a  eopy 
to  Boston,  mailing  tha  original  later.  Your  examination  of  the 
''Company* a  records  trill  show  what  adtiott  was  taken  on  this  lottos; 

1  was  very  anxious  at  this  t  into  to  lave  reoorded  in  some 
definite  manner  the  proportion  of  the-  proceed*  of  the  dOntemplated 
dale  *hiOh  Mr;  Edison  was  to  receive,  tha  ref  ore  I  wrote  a  letter 
tb  MrW,  Stevens  on  the  29th  of  November  (copy  herewith),  ons  reason 
being  that  1  did  not  wish  the  Boston  people  to  bo  able  to  nay  that 
MTV  Edison  had  allowed  them  to  ehter  into  a  negotiation  in  the 
p'poOeoda  of  which,  ha  was  to  participate  withput  giving  them  any 
*#»*«?  the  portion  he  intended  to  Plata*  %  had  to  foroe  this 
M  none  of  them  would  nisouas  it,  saying  they  desired  to 


e,  1990!» 


^  to  »hIO, 

WWtJ  to  ^  ^Baoiu 

*'  Se”““  "?*  ****m  *>«*  ««,  *  Jh^ 

“ “*  in  W  ^  *  tSo  „m  wse 


°n  -am  KOur^-n,  *««,  o*^  «**.*,  ,  te4t„ 

^  ""  3ai'“  f"w  ^  th5  tlmt  of_ 

^  wii?  msbm 

*  "Ply  to  «W«h  i,  oabodiaa  in  ,«.  j,fllSTO,,  1Kt„  to  ^  Iw  - 

«•***  *M  «.  »«*.  Itoy  „w  m  *.  1Mhi  an4  m 
“““  ««««  on  aw  „w  wmtl  oWat  .*  **,  ^ 
*°™P"“"’"  na  of  whiah  oifejsin,  ' 

I  ***  yon  «u  a,  a»t  thoM  #***„  ^ 

Tim'i  that  ttato™  any  ha  tin  nolatiai  jL ««  tM  6jJ4tm  ^ 

*ta  “««•  **«  ■»  <Mt  &  talteot  oiKh.  ayan 
Mr!#  “EdiaonV  1 

s.oo»d.  that  ths  raaroa  HimL  lIuMtd&d  om  m. 
Sdi“"  y*‘  tMMUM  feianait  4  h^lldnj,  **, 

W’  **»  *****WjjLi  Jky*,  tha  aama  «** 

.0  **»  .»  thai*  >*4aV*h»  «#!,  „*  i*  oonoamad, 

^a#a  ^4rj/  iAoijfj 

Jui»  .189ft. 


*  *  *  *»  Co„oentyatine  Workg> 
m  ^  Stfc,  Wetr  York', 

Dear  81*... 

— *c«.lZZ2'mth  m  ma«"°  *•*  °~. 

1  *  *°.t’”  *  *•»-*. 

Yoiirs  truly. 

Private  Sooro'tary. 


(X  S4S0U^if  /&VC#ASStU? /c^t,  'Y&t. 

IS  y  siAass6.  J&rsfr 

tJusttsC  'itfjtefaus  /Ke^iA>  y^iAsh-7 sj%  /&_- 
re&u&Jt>  *L^  A&&  s/UAJE^,./Mte?&^ 

t  /&&&0O&4&  C#sV*yO*  b 

■tfL>i6feuv  jOfi-AS  s^M>  ,£sLsC  c/pt4A£^ 

•  ^ _  ~U  V  S  •  -  /V  .. 

StAA,  ^  fa  /Ia4X 

SM*Mdc/  ^fetAlfaxXJi)  '  /4f  s6Gt^0CtA^ 


fajiti  (VCLhissj^  cg^»J^) 

sts^fo  /u-rf&UJb  ^U_ . ^u^tr 

-'  ^  0-^  ,=Ahy/,-(*>  aaJ^*-+^> 

S^kjb  fa  /~cfey*^ 

■4L  -h~u «, 


^  $Ce>  '^sCts**s 

Everott  Prazar, 

#124  Water  Street, 

New  York  City, 

“■  MiSOn  *“  rM  '»»  »»»  «  6th  M. 

*-”*-»•  *»  **>  »»  »  onttnet  *.  . 

”“1VM  *  «"  *-  *WilB  , 
work  motor  for  the  phonograph, 

A  oto.h-wohh  motor  f01.  Ma  in 

*“  to  1"Pra0ti”bl»-  -  «««  -*  by  th.  a,*,.,  t. 

"°*°r  ”,a  ,Mabls  “»“»*  »«“  **'  f  to  tta 

wa  tor-motor  phono**,*,  .Moh  *  operato*  hy  oM.r  f.u  ^ 

**  **“  K  *  hbe*hlaa  °f  «*-  «»  «  o.  that  tha  motor 

**“  tto  d*ata"''’  “■*  »«■»*».  thtoo  machines  monaj  *,  Iwil. 
.Wo.  It  Von  «a,  prefer  ft,  hmtovm,  to  o^on  onppzy  yon 

*«*  .ona  run  the  phonograph  thro,  ^  thw 

tM  .out  an  nor  *0,  Perhaps  .,*»  Vonataso  oooroomo  «. 

Jmiens  of  the  i^tivesft  ’  / '.<• 

.IfeaM  tk«3iys 

imlyj-y&le  Seoretaryt* 

Everett  Prazar,  Esq*, 

#3^4  Watpr  Street*. 

New  York  City*. 

R»Mylm  to  yonr  latter  of  6th  instant,  ,e  rogrot  very 
»»oh  that  v,  sennet  snpply  yom.  stoietoB  ^  wiu.  wo  iom_ 

Speaking  Tejephsnee,  These  LoeS-Speabj^  Telephones  retire  en 
»pe«  to  sdjtet  then,  ann  if  „a  were  able  to  Tarnish  yenr  hone, 
in  China  with  the  ihstrasnnts,  they  wool*  find  then  ns»le«»,nnlese 
ecmeone  familiar  with  their  operetion  ware  on  the  eoone  to  pneperly 
install  than!*/ 

S’rancin  R,  Upton,  Esq., 

Edison  lamp  company, 

Harrison,  N,  J, 

Dear  sir?** 

“*'*  2dla“  taa  rM  or  5th  tenant  ana 

“*  “"“»»»»»  -WM  it  mo***.  «  *  Houston 

""  *  *■  *!th  *«  *  «UM  horn  ror  m.  *». 

nscti  on  with  tha  phonograph. 

IV.  toieon  ho.  used  sloe.  horn,  on  th,  phonoemph  for  , 
™ter  tf  years,  and  i.  foaUiar  with  «,  oblaim,Jl0  fwJ, 

aooh  dovi....  ^  depend.  upon  th,  ah*,  or  th,  horn.  tea 
Edison  would  Ilk.  to  toy,  a  ot  ^  „oap,.'8  ho„a  fo,  ^ 

Yours  ir'uly^ 


Jiwe  9,  1890 

'$**■  »*'**•  H9w  '<oi'k  city, 

• .  1  •"“*•  *w“,‘  “».«• »  **♦«•  mm  x  «,*» 

Morning  from  i>£yiiol  Weld,  Soc'y:,  0f  ->,«  " 

**,  r,***?»*mm 

Yours  truly. 

Boston,  Juno  *rth,  1890, 

Private  Secretary, 

Edison's  Laboratory,  »«  j. 

*  to  „otoi«saes  th„  „C81M  m  thrM  &vorii 
f  J,m8  5thr  With  enclosures  in  order* 

“*  'F”S“”t  —  «  — »  ■»  to  tov„  ,s. 

^  Sh"  -“«»  “»•  -  «-*  »«  „  *.  M. 
ZT‘  r " to™  “■oorai”si'  s“ - - *™-*.  -uw, 
Z  t:  °  “  -  - -  - 

•  W««lo,0,  thoy  Oro  „«*  „  ^ 

“““*  “*  **“*  ■»  m»*i  w.n  «»  o^otooB.. 

^  i"0""  '■“«  «"  «»  >««  «  thi.  »„W. 

Yours  VBry  truly, 

(Sicned)  Daniel  Weld, 

Sfltnnol  In&xm,  Baq'## 

#*4  Wall  atm, 

,  Nov  Ifoi-kv 

*****  R»  1890. 

"Pi  Sdlson  ■“  «*  »  l«*,r  anilB„,. 

aloa^  '  fr°" *—« .  wto,.,  „.,  •  a/”V  ~ 

«*V  Bat  olio  lor*  i„  TOrtart5  +  aM»s»a  to 

Worbors  Kino1.  °  °P<mlne  “  Vit3t  **  **» 

Ml*V  Edi3on  ]jaa  to~day  \7ri++n«  «  iJL 
all  >equl3itioaa  for  material  for  Z  ^  *****  *** 

**  omosi  it:  r  ■"  * 

:r:  ~  *•  - 

for  tho  mins  >,,,+  .  9rs  for  supplieo  .Ǥ 

^  •  0  B!M  «U  hi.  »„  ;tM  J 

?*"  «*»  >»  i«»d  w  ^  -  *  M 

VOfUl*a  •feliljry  '  '  m 

.  mm 

Juno  IQ*  1890 

Sasmel  Ins  Mil,  Esq  ,, 

#44  .Y/oll  st,,  Now  York  City* 

I  wolose  tormith  Mils  tor  exporirrMa  IMW.l,st 
*“  moratory  o»  „t  Eala0„  ^  nila^ 

to  $10,538*55, 

Yours  truly. 

Private  Secretary# 

June  IP,,  1990., 

William  H,  Meadowcroft,  Esq,, 

Edison  Lamp  Company, 

Harrison,  N,  j, 

floar  Mi",  Meadoworoft,- 

Rep lying  to  your  letter  of  Vfch  instant., 
it  wall  bo  entirely  agreeable  for  yourself  and  Mr;,  ParsoH  to 
go  throng  the  Laboratory  on  Saturday  afternoon  next*  Work  ceases 
ho*e  on  Saturdays,  during  the  sumer,  at  one  o'clock  p„  m*„  but 
thore  will  bo  some  ono  here  after  that  hour  who  can  take  .you 
through,  unless  you  desire  your  friend  to  see  the  mvks  3a  upera- 
htion,  in  which  case  you  had  bettor  make  your  visit  on  some  other 
day  through  the  Week* 

Yours  very  truly. 

Private  Secretary* 

Samuel  In3ull,  Eaq., 

#44  Wall  Street, 

New  York  City, 

Juno  10,  l890u 

Dear  Sir:- 

Hr:  to.  toc.ivM  mu.,  *  .  „rtllls  „r  ^ 
to*  « IW  «  the  to 

Uth  «rir  °rf“"-in  E“U‘,lnei  Y°rt'  **„ 

“•  WM’  *  *"  .  ton  .to  „  I<MU^ 

o  a"l°nam61ft  t0  39ati0n  *  Apti0la  10  Qf  «»  %  Ioho,  by  ntrikinc 
vrkole  or  eaid  Section  3  and  by  inserting  to  placo 

a  new  Section  3,  as  per  copy  enclosed  herewith. 

Your a  truly. 

Private  Secretary, 

Jeetion  ns kj£*K  W84rtll,«  in  plao°  thereof  an  on- 

Riders  toayvota  by  pSxTauthSized^  •n4ti50ldar2i  ab30nt  st00ltr~ 

^  *med  <r  witWflSBd.  proxiQB  »!!  Proxies,  need  not 

t>w  Conjpiwy  in  advance  of  a  mooting  ™  tha  S9Cyotary  of 

Section,  or  they  may  he  ^  as  provided  for  below  in  this 

discretion  >f  the  stockholder's*  fil*d  111  advanCt?,  in  the 

prior  to  ±h  <Z  °vf!l  * 3*  2x11  if  ^  stockholders  shall. 

ISSdV-2  f  stockholders  is  *T& 

be  the  duty  ttf  the ^ said  sSoMtarv  ^  C°mPany  a  proxy» 

v^%rPoa^«  35  ploxy 
Seomnry  of  the  Co£S  by  thJ  ^  dUly  eivon  to  the 

.  "JLESs  “r  r»*»  *»  p~»<>»  «■  by 

-ftftSr  three  SWLtatJTSSc** no  proxy  Bhau  be  valid 

6LA%  4^?  As  ^stAA-^cAfcj  vf  04^\-sp>x^r^^ 
'-jisUs&^s  'V^s*  &  -^CasO^ 

kA>^A*A^  ^IdrisU^  '^v^Lstk 

AJtAs^*siCC*^y  0*\^S  flfot  4hCj&Jt£>  ^A%s 

&***£/  $Usi*A~  (jU  /^-^/L*^L£s0^  6Vt+A  #LLs  AaL& 
aJ*Ls<u*&  *&%iSy  /ii*ju£jts*t~/  0*t^U*t*  t^t^y 
fU^Ms*Ls3  IZZasi 

'U V<sL.CyXs? 


/  ■  ^ 

<'  v:  o  Ucna  n.y/l 

,  ./ 

'  7  (aO  ( r/(  Ci  ., 

c(uj  (X  e  fa  c  -(  a..,-  :  ‘ 

tystf.Au>  cfaujo  a<sfc  <9'JLcA^G4fcG 

^ALaAAvtx~s  &JL  ^LAt^iritAa  oAs/Lsv^Af  'fuA'S^aMy^* 
LsjSLAfV  v-^Ui,uxO  c  '/f  A  7‘A#-m  <J (hur-tX^lu/  ,urf\  O 

'Vi\,  AsffHAS^  p.AeAU^At!  !)  Aakjl.  i  AJ-dtfks  CL 

«-U) *sL*AJC-..&tns(^Z>t 
-tfL  Uy  .sul  ^.(  4  Gj  e^tx  e.^M  'd  J  “  J 

c^y  cxfftne  Q^A\aj^  og.GjcKAfu  OsAA&tAMrvkf 
^  .'•£(7(/L/L/y  ^''T/  aXlA>  .  'CfhsXAA^SiAA  y  ft  .rtA.*AAAXX?ttihrv 
csj!  ,'(Ae.  *SU%sim^  .£^(*aaXs 6la 7  y^t 
4  <)  ^C<  x  Cc.  ^AA^Jk^-  .  (AC^/AIa  AAS 

e-  (^  yCA^a-  W  <6 

an  a  f<itu  (f*t\<iAf  A.AjL'th'iA^  aJ*  .t^cdjUxAjotiSi 4^ 

A  f  fA\  (A  S  t  *  G 
<l)  /ixx*k  inAffAA^-'  t 

U  f  '<  xyw  A.  ,  (X7  ('AS'OeX’teAA  CJL-'  k 
'  ,  caaaA  ,<>6b  M  ^y  n_A  au> 

csf  CAAt  xtr.  ^ 

LfyYx  .p  '/'<Gx£y 

W  deai*  ins un,- 

I  MW  your  lottor  or  m  ,mt„»t,  „ 

tow,-.  -»•«.  y„„  ^  t0  elm  ^ 

*”*  *°  —  «  «  «—  -  Mo  _  ror  ... 

*ttM‘  ™h  *M  if  1  “>”«  Mot  thorn,  ™  um  th.„  KU 

&»*»»=.  You  ow  tow  hiM  that  X  oloo  hovo  mo.  a  „„.t  oa- 

in  lor**  Xntoly,  0M  ,  40toMin8a  ttat  W  ot)iBrs 

»ar  toin  thi.  itottiou,  X  am  coina  Mrnttor  to  hoot  it. 

a  rosaM  to  tho  hook  Drill  mohino,  oo  .oo„  oo  *  m  the 

**“  **  'M*  "<”«1  M  ahl.  to  el„  **.  Dothomu  ..  W 
eonoomiqg  s-t. 

Youtb  vory  tvuly. 

f)  uxy’1 

fymm  Jr«uur  Esq., 

#44  Wall  stmtr 

N01T  Yojty  <fi^y. 

W"/  ,  rj-  *  '"W  ouu^ 0  (w^u, 

C  't-  K  VCMO.CK  C  frr\  .  (K#  6fca  ^Jv^J/C^y 

^pd£Z$££, &3fc^-?£? 

-  c^Aa^j^^C  sv-i&c 

KAju+X  k  tfa>;  'fob'K TfcZLfi,. 

■'-k  --  s<^  (v£Ua7- 

'  /'-*  ao.^ — iX'  if  t ~^<0.  -  <Z*  /£>/&  •- 

/^•-  fTu^  ii 

Mu?-'  jbs\. Jh^lscfcy.  J 

/'ty. j! jj  6L,  ^  /f/rf/fettD  ’  m 

Msftr  si vat- 

I  m  to  mei*  «r  a  iettar  &OB  ^  & 

'*■?*****  M=  «"•«*  eoomenoad  spit  wlmt  *. 

--th,  <*•»»*.  *  ft,  ,«p  infringement  af  the  myograph,  and 
Urn  tofoPa  toatimeny  «»  „  tak9„  lB  „„  ^  ^  - 

MOk  0*  *“*  *  iM>  H«  *'»<•**■’»  attorney  taving  oSr 

"  ^  ”  thlS  b°“*  “*  1  ■»«  *0"‘iay  Witten  ^  expressing 

1>y  “  **•  H.  advises  me  that  yea  pUi  *«  to 

n.0  tfco  bond  for  my3iemtim,*  Please  do  s  of. 

..y  a  i'owa  truly. 

June  U,  1890 

A  V  BV  Mok,  3?3ii'<t 

loS  ~  15<i  Lake  Street) 

Chicago,  Ills. 

Dear  sirs- 

*  >  your  letter  of  9th  instant,  request!*#  that  2 
go  i«:  fc«a  bond  whioh  you  have  to  file  in  your  suit  against  ft  X* 
3taert-hr  of  Newark,  !T«  J«,  for  infringement  of  the  MiRDograph. 

I  shall  be  very  pleased  to  comply  with  your  request.,  end 
have  to*- day  written  Messrs*  Dyer  &  Seoly,  informing  them  ttet  I 
will  sign  the  bond  and  requesting  that  they  forward  it  to  me  for 


dscxfaij  u-y  ^° 

^yflP 1  S&T  J&vfL *0*  a 

7‘  '/,,  ’ '  '  /  y{yv/i^y  a 

'tiy^'t-^Ur'  y^tf su^Ze 
(3<2^  oy&l/^ — 

^ '-&<£>  y^uoytcr  ^ 

Ofc  Hangers  on,  Bsq1,,  '  ••  < 

.Bate0n  G?J,eral  Electric  Company, 

Wall  StU,  New  York  City. 

« *  i .  r  tewith  .*r  .« ^  * 

rr *•  -  “Mtitu“  u“  -**«  -  *  -  — 
.« rr  ^°a  *?-#“***  «. »«. 
rr  in  «•“““•*“«*•  *—. .  ^ 

“*"“•**■  Mr  n>mtou, ^  eonWlB 

engines  are  to  be  used. 

Your3  very  truly. 

&iasan trio  31U  Co.  of  H.  y>. 

New  York  Jpno  V,  1890. 

Thomas  A1*  Bdiaai^  B&q.# 

•  Orange,  u,  j. 

'My  dear  -Mr*  JJdistm: 

„  .: ,  *»  oms  "construction  wort:  on  tho  new  downtown 

*‘°.  feet  88  to‘Ch  banai,it  of  y°«^  6ouhsoi  aa  we  can, 
y  Wry  “9Bh  0i<  divorti^  y°u  fro“  more  irnpotw 

6^^rat  passing  contract  of  sale  and  preparing  to  sign 
2“Jft2  **&  Ehn  Streotdfand  to  save  time 

r£arCilit0ct2  forwartl  051  th0  Preliminary 
tha  iiterty  of  forwarding  rough  draft  of 
30D& nshggob  .ions  I  am  making  to  them,  which  will  Come  before  the 
Oons’tructafth -Oojmiittee  meeting  -on’ Wednesday.  If  yon  would  cafe 
to  go  bver  Wash  letters  or  instructions,  I  will  endeavor  to  have  a 
OOpy  3o»t  Jo  you  on  which  you  may  scratch  any  criticisms  or'  sug- 

th  re sard,  to  the  electrical  canvass,  we  put-  our  boat  man  on 
Sigbth  Avohtw,  with  instructions  to  see  how  quickly  the  work  could 
ho  done,  jitad  found  that,  in  such  quarters  of  the  city,  a  good  man 
coidd  only  do  five  or  six  block-fronts  par  nighty  This  would  mean 
eevbhal  Months  work  of  Skilled  men  to  cover  the.  district  for  which  • 
■vro  UaoAtb  BroVida,  Land  as  1  wrote  yon  previously,  the- facta  that 
%e  have  bebn  -ecbeoTuioiy  obliged  to  Jump  into  the  streets  before 
-the 'O^haj.t  paving  shut  dbira  upon  us,  and  to  close  negotiations 
for  the  jsijp,  make  such  a  canvass  of -really  very  litt  le  use  in  New 
Yofk  under  -m'osenfc  oirdumstancap!.  Z  have  . consulted  Mr.  Henderson 
in  thOhattor,  jsa  yon  desired,  qnd  do  not  find  that  his  conclusion 
diffdrd  ffcbm  ou*s. 

■I  to  have  the  How  York  Company  thoibnghly  in  line  with 
you* "Ssadrea*  hut  you  will  recognize  that  a  canvass  of  this  sort 
could  net  Areally  be  made  in  time  to. get  our  work  in  shape  this 


Very  truly  yours,. 

{Signed}  K.  R,  B  a  w  k  e  r 

let  Vice-President. 

June  4,  I890V  . 

Messrs1*  Suehmin  * 

8  Yfest  zvth  fliroot, 

Jlaw  York  City, 



consoSaS^Sth^^ugS^f  Jrtrt*  3°£ins  3id9  walls 

lataon  «*  the  space  neoessS  L  ^  ta  determined  by  a  calou- 

of  room  around  the  1  don  h  ■  th°  Iowo*  floor,  to  sive  nianfv 

«  swur 

you  neod^tiT’i^  in° viaw^tj^4^  °f  thQ  bulldinc  and  for  the  engine 
driven  yrollB  *»  £23^*52522  °f  °na*  °r  P°33ibly  ^ 
*****  apace  for  a  briSTLS  £*£“*"*  "*#1*  of  water,  and  of 
^eive  the  exhaust  sSii*  SpSc^thf  ■£?*  a»  *■•«***> 
dpiown  stations  -  also,  prov  teiVjhouil  I8"5”*  in  uas  *»  our 

Jf*8  -  one  at  either  end,  fo-  i^  ^0  for  8  tai*  <w 

JJ*98**  B°  tb0  WPS  shall^ot  e^ert  i7®t8r  ;fr0In  tha 

rimom,  aB  xe  combined  of  at  the  26th st^Zt 'Sat  JiT  the 

near  Ehould  be  put  ®s 

OP  «a  to  leave  as  much  room  at  front  an! «**”?  88  ia  Practicable, 
wnnooation  and  for  office  roS,  as  caTt,^^  ?  mrP°3es  of  00m- 

SteffiT  St^  »otePr?SrSr™ .  »£* 
oir  t^hSldi^aS  S^altedfto  mko0t°iraSa^BWSr  tha  ^  ^ 

an  entrance  for  offtoe  purposes  and  +v,«^  Street  frontage 
totranoe  for  station  and^oha^La^^  P  T1  S^e4t  fro^age  the 
the  ttaane  -street  side,  if  not  There  on 

a anger  as  tpU  68  fr0W  J2v»fnJ  3^83‘^for  pas- 
possible  addibion  cf  fi££  atoJies  forP?W+°Ulai,ly  in  viav/  o£  tho 
it  may  be  well  also,  to  provide  o£fice  P**?03*®'* 

phafta,  for  hoisting  to  tto  roof.  in^^nn  ^L11?  the  ®^'Vatoi* 

It  ip  prdpoosdto  run  elevators  and  all  otter  0«Mai»* 

lfew»rtj>  -suotonan  &  Deislar. 

?  •W.TWtO*,  W  „, 

-object  lesson  intks  nrae+L^  at9taon  ehall-be  throughout  an 
for  ppwfer.  ^  a^  app^10ation  &  the  electric  current 

the  ata°ks  and  *»*■  portions  of  the 
Sw  mV  llms  3hou*a  ^  ^4e  by  which 

go*  av^-,„  throughout  every.  portion  of  the  system, 

b+«»iI*SSP^r  ^  the  exhaust  steam  may  he  carried  into  either 
at  an/titae:.  ’Thife^rL^h^tT0^  ’  ^  devic^3  83  088  be  operated 

-■JA5SS.1SS  isssKS?'  ai*fi'“iti,»  »*•» 

dihff  ^Uld>  -well  to  consider,  in  the  arrangement  of  the  buil- 
•5i5t?*SiJS  ^  paanniuc  of  ths  machinery,  the  practical 
<#?6w£  JrC!ly  fr0m  oars  bro«eht  to  the  station 

on  trunks,  .so  -that  both  the  truok  and  horses  may  be  bached  within 
^e  lanes  of  the  Station  building,  leaving  the  sidewalk  entirely 
nhencumborai  and  confining  all  our  work  to  the  station  itself.  The 
t0  tak°  UJ5  the  331103 »  no  thit  one  journey 
of  a  truck  wptOa  bring  coal  and  take  aray  ashes.  Also  adequate 
arrangameittfi  qnonld  be  made  for  weighing  the.  coal  as  it  comes  fco  us 
as  Also  weighing,  coal,  water  Cto«,.  aB  delivered  to  the  boilers* 

.  In  toe  ^facades  of  the  building,  the  combination  of  brick  with 
3tona  trimmangs  used  in.  the  uptown  stations,  will  probably  be 
satisfactory  dp  tljia,  but  we  should  be  glad -to  have  any  suggestions 
from*you  as  to  the  use  of  tha  newer  types  of  brick  of  ornamental 


flia  side  walls  should  have  euoh  provision  for  connection  with 
ft  possible  Bl»  Street  office  building  as  pan  be  made  without 
weakening  thqi r  structural  strength1.  When  the  get  to  a  height 
sboVe  ton  probable  height  of  adjacent  building,  it  would  be  well 
to  provide  for  their  simple  ornamentation  in  an  inexpensive  manner, 
father  than  to  Show  un  ugly  briok  vmll  to  the  rest  of  the  City* 

M  4*  is  not  impossible  tint,  within  a  few  years,  electricity 
way  be  .produced  by  diroet  combustion,  without  the  interposition  of 
steam  machinery,  x>v  that  the  supply  may  be  brought  from  a  consi- 
durbblo  distance  for  storage,  vre  should  look  forward  to  the  posai-  ’ 
toili-ty  that  *  building,  in  this  valuable  quarter,  may  ultimately 
be  conssutpd  into  p urposes  other  than  Station  use,  and  so  far  as 
it  is  practicable  to  do  so,  it  would  be  well  in  your  arrangement 
of  grahd  aturiae  on  too  facades,  as  within  the  building,  to  make 
it.  aa,ay  to4ransf  oimthc  building,  by  providing  intermediate 
floors  whqrp  thff  engines  and  boilers  are  to  be  placed* 

dome  important  changes  as  to  the  height  of  the  several  floors 
may  hj  ueoassary  as  the  plans  are  developed,  for  instanoe,  the 

llItstajTB.  JhHtfsaan  &  $e':Wer.  3. 

tn,°  °f  »•*•*  .•  Ai,  «*., 

^MtfL’Sr.TSSSir **■*  »• te  **  *-» 

Yours  ‘very  tfttly, 

Pivst  Vice-President 


Ventilating  shafts  and  Jans  to  provide  bettor  ventilation 
than  up-town. 

Vaults  to  bo  built  in  Pearl  and  Duane  Streets!  up  to  Jilin  st'« 


12,  18 9( 

■  «•  Bowfcor,  Bsq,,  1st  Vice-President, 

Edison  Elettri*  Ill,  Co.  «  Jt/y,, 

16  &  28  Broad  St.,  flow  Youlr. 

Steal-  Sir:- 

toys’*  ro“-  »«*“"•  <*  vth  iratant,  I  aai,,  in 

'”r  1MtM'  “  *“”•  *  »•«•*  «.t  »  „ftr 

"te“  lS1,,S  COrrS«  **•  *»*<*  •«.  %  smtastaataj  i*  .tot 

omasa;  main,,  m  to  to  Ulla  s,atiTO> 

Y°otsj  very  truly. 

Samuel  Insull,  .£aq.f 

#44Wall  St',,  Hew  York  City* 

June  12, 1890# 

MY  dear  Insull, - 

Uiider  Mr,  Connery's  contract  with  the  Mexioan 
Government,  the  Phonograph  Postal  Servioe  which  he  proposed  put¬ 
ting  in  operation  there,  should  be  commenced  on  the  1st  •Spy  of 
July  next;  otherwise  the  contract  expires*  Mr*  Connery  hap  aafea 
Mr,  EdiBnn  to  address  a  letter  to  the  Secretary  of  the  Interior, 

Sr,  Rubio,  also  a  letter  to  President  Diaz,  asking  for  an -extension 
of  this  oohtraot  for  a  period  of  six  months.-  J  enclose  herewith 
drafts  of  these  two  letters,  which  were  prepared  by  Mr*  fconnery. 

Ilia  ides  being  that  Mr*  Edison  should  state  to  the  officials  named 
that  the  reason  for  the  delay  in  commencing  the  Postal  flei»viee,  ia 
that  Mr*  Edison  is  engaged  upon  perfecting  a  phonograph  for  corres¬ 
pondence  of  this  character,  and  a  mailing  phonogram  0<6, 

It  seams  to  me  that  such  letter^  as  thestt  Wfc#  j)M  Wi^bn'a 
signature,  might  cause  him  to  beooMO  , 

Edison  United  Phonograph  who,  A*  M 

yet  recognize  &£• 
if  the 

mediate  dOV&Si  'ab&ftt 

5aiaupi  Baq, 

June  ia»  18901. 

1  mo  onolose  e  letter  «*»  Connery,  eddree.ea  to  Ur. 
Mioon,  reauonti^  to  bo  fumietoa  „ltH  tW  no.  mom™.  mll_ 

f"  t,la  *M“1  etbvloo.  Mb.  Edison  oamot.  of  Oouroe, 
»»P«y  tjtsoo  mobin.t  except  upon  m  or9„  IrM  %h„  ?bmm_ 

graph  Oompahy, 

Wiat  ia  -to  he  dona  in  -this  matter? 

Youra  very  truly, 

Private  Seerq^ry* 

June  13,  1890, 

Henry  Villard,  Esq!., 

Mills  Bttlliin. 

New  York  City* 

My  dear  Sirt- 

I  have  made  an  examination  of  Lieutenant  Patt en's 
patents!*  Share  axe  several  inventors  ahead  of  him  who  have 
worked  up  exactly  .the  same  system.  Liout'*  Patten  has  simply 
chanced  the  character  of  tho  devices.  She  great  trouble  with 
all  these  ays tenia  is,  that  they  do  not  give  satisfactory  results 
on  long  circuits.  He  con  accomplish  what  he  claims  on  short 
lines,  where,  as  a  matter  of  faot,  the  xeaulta  are  not  needed, 
irony  others  have  precoded  him  in  doing  the  same  thing;  but  as 
the  lines  art  lengthened  the  number  of  messages  that  oan  be  - 
simultaneously  rapidly  decreases. 

Yours  very  truly. 

June  12,  1890 

Dear  Ur.  Villard,-  .  , 

I  called  the  other  day  on  Mr.  Horace  White,  and 

went  nith  him  to  inspect  the  Printing  Machine  which  you  asked  me 
to  pjfaminc.  1  find  it  ia  of  a  practical  nature  and  oould  easily 
he  mode  a  good  commercial  machine.  But,  on  the  other  hand,  I  feel 
convinced  that  there  is  a  big  law  suit  in  it  somewhere.  fho 
principle  upon  which  it  is  operated  is  not  new,  and  somebody  must 
have  covered  it'.  In  any  event,  if  the  principle  is  old,  the  fi¬ 
nancing  and  development  -Of  the  business  would  have  to  be  solely  on 
the  merit  of  the  machine,  as  I  do  not  believe  that  any  sufficiently 
broad  patents  could  bo  obtained  which  oould  not  be  avoided  by  com¬ 
petitors.  If  the  inventor's  price  were  low,  no  great  risk  would 
be  involved;  but  upon  the  to  11113  stated  to  me,  I  would  net  touch  it 
myself  or  adviBO  anyone  else  to  do  co. 

Yours  very  truly, 

"Hejtfy  Villard,  Esq., 

Mills  Building,  New  Ydrk  City. 

i  m«»  «  a»  .noioem*.  *ioh  „owpaJlisa 

^  1“M',r  -  lMh  **—  »»  •*  *o  deaiuaa  »  to  My 

that  ha  Uoea  hot  aar,  to  also  th.  fatition  Ai,h  ,m  p„pw  ^ 
ftantlDS  to  the  Housa  of  Ropreoairtatdvos. 

“*  “**  "OT  «“*  *  «"*  -w  Patent.  «,  „„  lsanM 
covering  davi.e.  which  ata.lutaly  lmnnUaiu.  ^  ^ 

«h.«  an...*  *,  «,ine  invention.  ohOTMJ,  ttet 

P'“‘l0al  "*  th...  old  »*«.  he*,.  jor_ 

tW'  ITOI'J“S  vow  stoil»-  “>  If  .  patent  „„„ 

a  devioo  of  any  vain,  whataoevar,  it  ie  99rt>Soly  ^  ^  ^ 
atrnta  proposed  Under  Saotion  Id  of  Houae  Bill  Ho.  10,6371.  If 
thi.  Saotion  should  have  t»  afreet  of  killing  all  patent,  on 
unworkable,  it  would  a.o««*liob  a  neat  deuirtbi.  objeote 
rows  truly. 

PrtyatO  Secretary, 


telephoned  0,  Hv  IT*  B»ter  Mi„n> 

*•  "”8  01  5'  •*>-  -<  —  Prooent.*  to  Ooi, 

'  W0™J  to  “»  “-"W  „„  SA 

“  “7  th*»  *  *  **r  «**  *  *.  *„„„  W0M 

*W1  in  tontine  to  ««.  Hiu  .  *«„  cmmnaiaa  )tjn 

**  "  ta  ~ *>  «.  *»  «*.».*•  «u  *j»  te 

•  »*r  of  *»  lot*.,,  «•  t^hono  „«  to  Wit  #M 

^aa  strwi.  that  inioh  a  latte*  had  gone  to  Albany* 

1st  Vio9-P*es't», 

1  B»  If  Oop  1%  Y* 

Mr1.  Edison  askad  m  to  refer  to  yourself  the 
att ached  mosaago  which  has  Just  teen  haceived  from  Mr*  RW  RU 
Bovtoi  .  If  you  approve  of  sending  a  letter  to  Gov.  Hill,  endor¬ 
sing  Dirt*  Wheeler,  Mr'»  Edison  Would  liJte  you  to  draft  such -a  letter, 
for  his  signature. 



June  12,  ifjoo 

Mr'«  Johann  PesBonko, 

Mayor  of  the  city  of  Clarkow, 


D  o  a  r  s  i  r 

I  ben  to  return  herewith  tho  map  and  list  of 

questions  vrhioh  were  oncloa^d  v/Hh  „  * 

-tn  /ou.  oateemod  favor  under  date 
oth  «a«.  «*»«..<,  to  «...  a,  to5  M  m  ^ 

***  1MWi«  »“>»  »»  *»iw  in  »*„,  tte 
M  “  ”“"trl0  »l„nt  in  yon,  oity>  to  tto 

ooypACHn;  omtMbbw  a>ISo„,  ,  Bno  0aTO1„, 

C“WW ’m  te  «“  10  *"">  «  -X-  pa«i.„b„  i 

tliat  nubolect. 

Uinnlrinc  you  for  your  letter,  I  »3fi  to  remain 
Youra  very  truly, 

Private  Secretary* 

J«  3anoroft,  Eaq„ 

#5S  William  St,,  ifow  York  City, 

JUne  14,  1390, 

Dear  Sir!- 

"*  “toa  “  *•  »«.  for  yonr  M,„ 

of  10th  in—,,  enoloslng  —  oh  .ho—  ormwnt 

iftine  cnom*  tm  is  taSne  atoptoa  „  ^  tmiOTjts# 

K.„  Edison  las  mfonroa  ths  oorreopondonoo  to  Mr.  H,  it,  Livor, 

01  th*  »"  Oonoontnat  ins  Eorhs, 

otr  *..  Ho.  Von*  City,  ft,  hi.  opinion  in  ,—d  to  th.  nation, 
tours  very  truly. 

Private  Secretary* 

TJ*  IT*  Livor,  Boq., 

#19  Bey  street,  How  Yoric  City* 

Boar  Sir:- 

June  14,  1890, 

ta"  aak8d  ”  *°  ntn  to  yo„  tte  „MraM 
lottuu  toooivod  by  bta  fno„  Ur.  Bouoroft.  ^ 

“OT',*y  0f  "*  °5a“  “»  *>-  «»  tt-mto.  Coupon!,,. 
Attuohoa  to  Ur.  tenoroff,  totter  to  a  okotoh  ohorins  „  „rronu>- 
"*"*  f"  ooUactinC  Ground  ton  bark,  *1®  1,  tol^  a4optM  by 
””  »•.  ®to.n  mu  lik,  to  w  uhat  you  think  of 

tM.  arranfiomont  and  uhothar  it  ooudd  to  utiliocd  by  no  »t  Osdon. 

Yourn  trulyj 

Private  Secretary* 

tfur»  14,  1890* 

RW  Bowter,  Eeqy,  iat  Vice-President, 

Edison  Electric  Illuminating  Co.  of  Hew  York, 
16  &  18  Broad  3t«,  Nayr  York  City, 

I  beg  to  oonfira  the  follovring  tmsnnge  riiich  was 
telephoned  you  -from  the  laboratory  to-day:- 

*Ref erring  to  your  message  of  yesterday,  I  d9  not 
think  that  it  would  bo  boooming  of  me  to  write 
the  Governor  with  relation  to  what  is  praotically 
a  political  office',  i  liave  had  a  talk  with'hW, 
te8taj  w  th®  subject  and  hove  asked  him  to  oeo 
you  about  it  Monday ♦» 

.Yours  very  traly* 

^<aajU  )gye 

oU  ■■  ■ 

(fAJi4A^tA(,{,  «/  UUmJuiu. 

,  V  .  •  (/-~  . 

*^-*/  Ay-ut/^My-^^^avCe^  tf/ULtAjof 

$  UlAsVJL-  ^tdjL  ‘/uKtiifv  36r  -Mi^rnuj 

X^U/'  MU4  J  SULfyuj^Uj  <*a^  -^Muaaa4-^a  AaaahaHL 

stu^JL.  ie^vu  Ch^u,  (NLo-v^^ 

-^v  *^y  ^4,  ^oW  ,^/^a±u( 

U^MXs  (j^v4stA+AA<*^<A  '(H£  -Ov.l. ouastUf  oa^4  Mm/  (?/sl 

•$  jkeJf  J&aA  -'('/c/t+s  aa/aAM  &$*-'■  -y/t<Su  ^u^Majaa^x^-  sfc  y/oz/^y 

H'Ui.J  AAfA^/uU)  AAA,  A4jL  AAAAlAMm^^ 

36a,  cUUaj  *ALA*j  Xt  .Uo&cUy  aaaa 

&&JL,  ,iaaJulaJL<i,£v  •y/uv' 

7?  Mb,  Au^LjLejeA-  0,^4  4*itA-4sjiAAAp  J&H*4' 

5$  AAAAUf  MilA'-L,  Mb  ^-^AXaaMjL^  ^  4am4L**as  'jfrus 

(L.^(Uaaa  •sV'/4aJ4  44aai  ■ 

*$  OtAAA,  >^ama>m/  dJt^A/au^y^ 



ft-  <  //  '  -  . 

^  &UstCji,u.ci4j.' 

y  *>  X9 W  UA-AaaaajJI  (^WwjC'lo 


AQjUtAS  /S/ist/f- 

?  +***4  A  Jnuuy  ■ 

?  /*“*■  t~  °r^cU  /^ 

.Jj  M  ,  •  ^ 

viAsix-tyyif'  tAAsts  “&-(*■> 


■n-t- CiA-y  ^V 

-^>W  ■'Ct'sOCC 

^  -«20  f-<*/U44f 

.?  j  rfUw  « 

/  ««.  J^<U)*S  ^.ia.  /^Y;it*,<f  ■*£<.  tUuJ-aACL,  .' 

t'  ^  -^4  y  *W^  -ft  ^  3^  f  ;: , 

AA-U^IAAJLAaA  ~Ls(-  ', 

^  e  /  /. 

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U*LL'  : 

w^  0^<-v  &-s$f 

tOOCjf  «V  U^a>  '4CaSiA**s  CAaa^ 

cUtaX.  -6~y,  ju*ublAn>  tUjtfi^f  J  MjisV'Us  ,aa^>  *fa^jtK*A>^  Xaaj 

(AAJUaa^  -OJ*tas  >&  Cj>*u^st'  OA^CZ&jisi^  Xl^sL 

^  ^CV-O-X'ULjf  UJ<M^S  '  -&  JIaXL&I.^  .Uto  C^t\y  XtXAAA^4r 

jt£**Co  ,fUyf^i~lAy^  vOjtXUurxs  CAAA^A^sJsyy’'  XLfi  'CCfy-XA'  ~$  sOtL. **y  aJjULHjty  *U*(jtt\ v- 
^Wxa/  *2Su.  dlAjLAj  .tV  MMxAOlJUf  AAA,  X&JL, 

^AAA. JXAX.M^'i  *LJ,f~lAS  \S 

V  ^ov-L/  a.t<L*  -Uj^ictcu^  a.  ^-c/iA-o-u.  cU_^  -bAXis^  ~X6 
.^Cl<JSu&£-*  /@U~/Ly/  *^tc^  ~C-tXXj)s\s-  ^**usw , 

AAjXJA  Ml,  XU^juU 

^  iHasi^  «U<4, lXZaa^  UsV~fLe^s  ^<rt-uxr  ^tsOJ/biXs  ^aa,  ZtuctCj 

AfaJjlA,  .  k 



2  3  faraM,  JOiltA  M 

Aua/  tjvrAj 

./■> D  tcuij  disCit  i,  ■  v 

£  Ua  rto  c^  cecjuL  ~  ,/w  JwuascZAj 

cJuJL  f  d  j0  ooo  <%o  o 

(Msimmj  /-W  a^c  rh  ^  c^*0 

crU^L  '  0 

*r^»  fnMjL./ 

*  nm.aUau^ 

Charles  Lanier,  Enq,, 

KessrnV  Winslow, -Lanier  &‘cov, 
#17  Hassau-St*,  New  York', 

I  teg  to  confirm  the  following  telegrams  exchanged 
between  us  to-dayJ- 

declined  receive  project  from  Hau  President 
without  Edison  s  consent  or  give  interest  syndicate  re- 
quested*-  Chasi*  Lanier*-" 

"Of  course  1  have  nothing  to  do  with  their  taking 
interest  in  Syndicate,  but  object  to  contracting  for 
cable  when  wa  can  make  it  here  and  save  hundred  fifty 
thousand  dollars’*  Edison*" 

Oompafj rde  Continentals  Edison, 
P  a  r  i  8  i  France ^ 

J«na  17,  1890V 

Dear  Siraj» 

1  1595  t0  °0nfim  «»  Rowing  cablegrams 
bebmjen  tta<  yesterday:- 


*ln  accord  with  Adams 
o one ours  magara  cable 

we  ask  your  agreement  our  entering 
answer,  EDISON,  Paris'.*  S 

i«S5a^'%nn5L'a,bie  ■“**  *>-  «»*- 
t<.  p«tr.r  sru,, 

Yours  truly. 

JtlHfi  17,  18&0a 

°baa'*  Lanier,  Esq'*, 

Mesorov  Winslow, -Lanier  &  Co.,' 

Hev;  York  City*- 

Dea?  Sirt- 

1  bee  t*  confirm  the  following  telegram  sent  you 


"Advice  Adams  not  commit  himself  to  French  Edison 
Company:..  I  intended  purohasing  from  them  apparatus  to 
manufacture  cable  here.  It  would  be  folly  to  pay  forty 
per  cent  dntieaj  factory  would  bo  clear  profit  and  could 
always  do  a  good  busineae  outside*  EdiaonV* 


June  17,  1890 

ov  S'«  B‘e  Eaton, 

#120  Broadway,  Hew  York. 

Dear  Sir’:~ 

oTf' *,,am4m0h  obliged  for  your  favor  of  14th  instant,  an- 
.afree!nQnt  between  myself  and  the  Edison  PhonoW  . 
189o“  waiving  royalties  for  tha  quarter  ending  March  Slat, 

Yours  truly, 


fatoM-ahJi  jt. 

lQtU?J  *U/u,'-  / 

y^uo  /y  *  /<P?© 

ii  a^X  j  jfc^> 

fa  At&  Jfal/v  iu^tnj  jb0  ai^x  A.  o-itti*i  a  ' 

/  /  M*/M  *>vt\)  Aaxaj  jAjtA.atn’ \s  *+xAj 

„  ^;r  ,  £^r^  *  -  ^  _  *,■■ ■  w 

-  ~  -/-A  -  ^  ^fwa^' 

i^usJmuj  /yiusvxs  <nx^'X  tu^cl  iJuAy^j  ^  ^ 

(a*-^*Aj(j  £{1**!*,  J 


!bW  4a 

I  bee  to  oonnm  the  follow  ta,tna  «llch  TOI] 

‘  y“"  t°-<b*  by  ~Pir  t.  yoor  !rtt.r  or  ua 



Sanaa*  jfosaai, 

**  S*ret*»  s*  y<fVk  Cityw 

_  ■  W  ab“'”“  "  “*  ^  to  you  «. 

tto  «— *-  m. 

—  *  I*  ,«,  *  „saM  t.  th8  ^  ^  s 

ioldOTH,  irith  their  "  «"»  »toojc- 

**M  fry- each,  for  Ue  2!  «!i  ^  number  <K  Blares 
w>t  la  this  o^oe.  Re  stock  hoc*  is 

Mr*  Marcus,  Secretary  of  the  “ «'in  hands  of 

aooi  them:  *  stockholders  asr ;  raeol- 

5**  fit  Mison*  Qvsnoa, 

sux  2$ks*x*r. £■,?«»»’’* 

tffco!*  w»  Iswsou,  !  *  * 

:  ‘v  *“*  w*  H0Well‘  9/o  Edison  imp  ft*,  Harrison,*. 

<2)  -ti^ 

aSS^eet  2  4hS  DF^'ko» 

Of  the  Director  may  is  heid^at  dm  special- meetings 
President.-  after  £Lte  ..  ?*  ■■*“?  ’tlms  by  order  of  thT 
oaoh  Director  at  2a -iSStam**!  '*?  Writ *»*  “Ml®*  to 
,  that  -  the  birector^  ma?mOet\t  £V?J?*  of  business;  and 

fo^io\Jia5s  i/i 

m  ^  of  Dlrg,B*6n, 

st'«»  ifeur  Vortt, 
Nfltf  Yortc  Oitji 
*»  Harj*i6on> 

^  #4i  Wall  Stawt,  Ne*  YorJc 

Dear  SiM** 

1  bag  to  one  loss  herewith  Majf*  Edison’s  criticism  on 
the  report  on  the  lamp  Company  made  by  Mr1*  Rathenau,  copy  of 
which  accompanied  yopr  letter  of  17th  instant  to  Mr*  Edison,  to¬ 
gether  vrith  copy  of  My*  Upton’s  ooimients  artd  letter  from  Mri* 
Marcus,  all  of  which  papers  1  return  herewith,  as  requested1. 

Yours  vary  tiuly. 

June  10,  1890 

Samuel  Insull,  Esq',,  2nd  Vice-Prea’t,, 

Edison  General  Electric  c  o>,  • 

#44  Wall  St*,  New  Yortt  City, 


Juno  18,  1890 

Mr-.  Rathnnau’a  autocrats  are  somgahat  oixai.  Hot  ft,Uy 
c«*reh8«l%  tho  relations  Ha,  Bath.nan  bo„  to  ora  to 

™  not  ohora  thresh  tho  who*,  of  th»  resslra  factory.  non  th, 
breach  factory,  five  mils,  di.trat,  tfrare  th,  coat  taportrat 
operations  take  place!* 

MrV  R^t  henam  state  a  that  the  process  is  about  the  same 
as  that  originally  employed!*  How  to  illustrate,  he  saw  about  a 
dozen  hands  working  glass  the  same  way  as  he  does  it,  and  peVhaps 
not  no  obenomioally,  which  men  were  making  about  2,600  lanpa  per" 
remanents  of  a  gang  of  75  men  now  discharged;  But'he  did 
»ok  see  the  room  where  the  glasswork  for  ten  thousand  lanps  daily" 
«ao  turned  out  by  machinery  at  a  price  halt  what  he  could  possibly 
•do  it  for,  notwithstanding  his  oheap  labor; 

Kifi  statement  that  we  using  old  processes  would  find  it 
difficult  to  apll  the  produot  against  foreign  competition  (£ 

^Wente  should  cease  to  give  necessary  protection!*  The  answer  to  . 
*****  la,  that  there  are  46  per  cent  duties  on  selling  p'rioe  in 
_mnuf poturer  *s  price :  and,  secoMiy*  y®  have  hover 
hi&  ta$  ^tootion  from  our  patents;  hoy?  h&  tdak 

*******  o*i»a,  a*pi»„a„  *  Misn  ^  ^  ^ 

W  °*»  *»  «*  >»■  W»to  ya.„  a  .amti,  ■„!. 

»  „  and  .  doom  ath.r  ^  ,  JVjT 

I  aaw  understand^ 

’"*""  *ma  1“’i"”0  «  >W  Ite.  la 

— »  of  .  poauii.r  „  „MtSanto  „  tap  . 

°iM“‘  “  is  SJ.B8M  Aa  .vary  ^  ■ 

imp.  in  tho  n,Ad  noootha  Oaahiag  pros...  a*  is 

m.a  boo.™.  •*  *«,  *»  gopa  lw.  ^  itk  Ih0  wteM 

f"  ***  S“c,ss  18  °™,d  by  ■»«!..  in  this  orantw>  ^ 

'",  “i  'ae  E,U°°”  C“wmy  tovs  »’«r  at«an  or  infringed  a 
”*!  **  ”vsr  *“*•«' 1  b“  »—  ‘<.**.1^ 
■*“*  *“  *»  «■»  the  Patent  in 

.  *  than  50  of  an™,  .  ham  not  used  mat  Vi*  in  Nation, 
””  Mr*  *o«h»nan»s  Imps,  it  ha  ».ra  diacaod  tu  ^  ^ 
.aaa,  »*  to  niton*,  TOrthloss*  m  th.  «,h  „OT8  ,  *,w 

*™.  a*  about  Ssmi-smwny  id  *„«  to  ■«»  V«* 
advances  to  has  and.  in  Imps,  the  id»a  b81^  ^  to  has  Sana 
saorat  mono..  ate.  ohieh  mooght  to  bay.  It  has  b«h  ito  *,*. 
tioa  of  tho  Imp  0a,  for  year,  to  bay  in  tha  market  every  MnS,  s„ 

0f  tl,s  m,la>  “*  d»"»  »«P.  *  >m  .ndmt  than 
o;?  for  lifa  teatb  Mr,  Rat!ibr,W  m  these  tart  rooms.  in  nparatloa  ■ 
in  my  Laboratory*  «•  knoo  wt*in  a  month  «ha  advance  mad,  by  «*  , 

competitors',  „  have  aoan  n.  advance  by  Wrpaihoyau  in  the  Inhb 
Wr.  Hi.  lamps  ara  not  ao  s»od  as  Siewna,  Wlo  bribe  toy,  aSWs 


tj»  lamps  in  Europe'.-  TSTe  get  lamps  .per  horse  power  and 

have  a  longer  life  than  R’-c  lamps;  and  1  an  not  afraid  to  hazard 
^  -assertion  that  wo  can  lay  down  lamps  in  Berlin  cheaper  and 
Witter  than  Aathenau'si.  1  tpropoaa  to  ram.  this  assertion  hone  on 
■Rathtmanhy  laving  t$s&a  made  in  Germany  in  competition  aa  to 
life  and  ehpuomy.snfl  tmr  books  will  show  regarding  cheapness:. 

-^Tho  trouble  with  Rathenau  is  thn^  has  always  some.- 
ytj&ns  to  sell'*  He  1b  o  very  good  engineer,  Afith  the  advantage  of 
4#img  a  good  business  m«l»  which  is  a  rare*  combination,  but  £e 
pwsft  not  go  romancing  gbonfr  things  without  sufficient  data!. 



Edison  lamp  Company, 

If  you  are  not  using  tM  Hand-Screv^Press  which 
lW*  in  the  factory— the  one  that  was  used  for  malting  canto 
ittons-— Mr!*  Edison  would  like  you  to  send  it  to  the  labors* 
ne  wants  to  utilize  it  .in  connection  with  an 

Yours  truly. 

June  19a 


Major  SV  B.  Eaton, 

#120  Broadway, 

New  York  pity. 

Dear  Sir:- 

-  Mr1.  Mison  tea  read  your  letter  of  17th  instant*  i: 

*#“B  “  I""!K'SM  *«>  *»  »«»ra  oo.  to  si„ 

«H,  for  B,  o„a  i.,  thi  ftlloiaile- 

TiDta  upon  it: 

’  tira8  to  LiPPincott  than  he 

pays  ror.  he  has  never  paid  a  cent  -p«- 

porimentdag  yet,  amounting  to  3ay  $40,000^1* 

Youra  truly, 

Private  Sooretayjrv 


Sarnie  1  Ingull f  Esq',# 

#44  Wall  Street, 

Now  Yoi»k  City', 

•Jfyne  3G,  13  9«? 

Dear  Sir:- 

•  MrU  Edison  has  received  your  letter  >of  19th  instant,, 
at afc irg  'that  on  the  date  mentioned  you  deposited  v/ith  Messrs;. 
Drexel,  Morgan  &  Co.,  for  his  account,  your  cheek  for  $12,£11»80., 
in  settlement  of  statement  which  accompanied  your  letter.* 

The  statement  has  been  handed  to  Mr.  Randolph.,  and  as  soon 
as  he  checks  it  you  will  be  advised  as  to  whether  we  agree  in 
the  o correctness  of  ypur  figures'. 

Yours  truly,, 

Private  Secret  ary.. 

Samuel  liisull,  Saq., 

#44  Wall  Street, 

.1  beg  to  confirm  the  following  telephone  no  congee 

exchanged  w tween  us  to-day: 

“The  understanding  we  had  on  Saturday  laat  was  that  you 
ahpnld  9?nd  the  Mexican  maohino3  fr6m  the  Laboratory!. 

If  they  are  sent  from  Phonograph.  Works  it'  mil  bo  an 
absolute  breach  of  Contract.  I  would  suggest  that  you 
order  the  machines  sent  pp  to  the  laboratory  for  experi¬ 
mental  purposes,  and  than  if  you  choose  tb  have  them 
repacked  and  sanfe  to  MekicC  that  Will  be  your  affkir 
entirely!,  S«  INSyLL'.  0 

^Machines  'were  not  taken  from  Phonograph  Works.  They 
are  experimental  machines  which  have  been  hero  several 
months.  Mac  Brut  liar  mahb  a  bull  of  asking  them  in  New 
■  york.  Ediapw.  * 

Hon*  jftaoa  J-«  Ciaaninga,  lb,  0. 

f  saliiagt  pi 

D.  p, 


►  Arendell,  2aq,f 

S  a  1  i  a  b  u  3*  y  ,  j.j.  C. 

J«ao  20>  1890.* 

My  clear  sir:*. 

*”  letter  «  mi,  inetant  ta3  ton  toly  reoolv94> 
Th,  ~a.o„  that  i  returned  „„  option.;*,  tooMM  t  ^ 

h0la  5OOH0’“  “•*  ”P  »0  *»  ...Id  not  ,radn  * 

Secondly,  i  had  as  soya  made  by  eoveral  different  aaaurero 

y°’'k  0,4  "‘U**U'“*  “a  *«•  «»  exception  op  tto  Jnon,»„ 
property,  they  .honed  practically  nkhins.  js.s0  ^  ^ 

"*  :■"“•■  to  ««*»otien  eith  tto  aeeaye  r„,„ 

oven  .event,  other  mine.  ^  itet  j  .0.^ 

not  to’  operate  in  the  South,  I  tt*  «  *,  „,Wm  „ 
the  Chapman  mines,  Chopmm,  tovmi  Mouro4  roy.m  ^ 

ertov  to  had  Got  ihera  he  tried  a  mean  trick,  ana  I  dropped  lt, 

I  *>•  not  see  hon  1  am  to  blame  in  reepoet  to  youraeli,  Hod 
tto  aa«oys  .hone!  anything  of  value,  I  eouid  have  doom!  the 
option,  and  paid  yon  a  eoCmiooion,'  I  did  not  upderttena  that  |  „ 
to  pay  for  the  msra  obtaining  of  the  option.,  but  oiiiy  in  the 
event  of  my  exoroifllns  the  option  and  taking  tto  property  *.,  I  to 

M«*  C*  Gustavus  Memmingef,  M.  E», 

HorBe  Oova,  Macon  Co., 

H.  0. 

•Dear  3irJ~ 

Ur',  Edison  is  much  obliged  for  your  lot-tar  of  Itttfci 
instant,  in  regard  to  tho  uso  of  oorundura  in  connection  with  the 
phonograph.  Hr,  Edison  says  that  it  is  necessary  the  coitihdum 
should  be  free  from  flaws;  J.t  is  hard  enough,  but  the  flaws  make 
it  worthless.  He  Would  like  you  to  send  a  few  samples  by  mail* 

Private  Sool*etary. 

„  '  / 

Letterbook,  LB-042 

This  letterbook  covers  the  period  June-July  1890.  Most  of  the 
correspondence  is  by  Edison  and  Alfred  O.  Tate.  Many  of  the  letters  relate 
to  the  manufacture  and  marketing  of  the  phonograph  and  talking  doll. 
Included  are  letters  about  the  water-motor  phonograph,  the  promotion  of  the 
phonograph  in  Europe,  China,  Japan,  and  Mexico,  and  the  exhibition  of  the 
talking  doll  at  the  Minneapolis  Industrial  Exposition.  Other  letters  pertain  to 
electric  lighting,  mining  and  ore  milling,  and  electric  traction  systems.  The 
book  contains  500  numbered  pages  and  an  index.  Approximately  30  percent 
of  the  book  has  been  filmed. 

Jung  24,  1 ego.i 

Major  S-*  BV  Baton, 

^rl20  fcroadway. 
New  York  City* 

Dear  Sir:;- 

In  aooordano.  rith  th»  enuomion  oontainfd  in  soar 
la««-  «  SOat  inrtant,  r.  J,t4w  Salt,  Mr.  Bdiaon  to-day  oablad 
tha  Edison  &  Swan  0o^t  as  followa:- 

*Cbpioa  proposed  disclaimer  reooivod*  Will 

**3“*  *  «»  ooSic"? 

iWiraJitt  VWy  important.  Ediaori.# 

Yours  truly. 

Private  Secretary, 

C  0  P 

2-lew  York,  June  23.,  ISSfy 

Thomas  Edison,  Esq,, 


Saar  sir:-. 

ttamtftmy  «un,»  to  yon  to.  m»o»  d 

"*  "°rtTO  0riM,oU  wa  Art»-  *U~  .ho  hnVO  b.o„ 

-leoW  by  tho  International  Gramophone  So,  to  eery,  a,  ««. 
bore  of  the  Board  of  Director,  of  the  Ediaon  Pho„o„raph  Hot*.  t„ 
uoaordanco  „th  Article  Piret  In  Asroo-nt  entered  into  Lt-on 
Ihotae  Alva  Bdieon  and  the  Bttw.tta-1  Qraphophom  0o„  end  » 
hare  tine  day  enhaitted  the  ««,  „t  0rlm„u  ^  ^ 

above,  to  the  Sdi.on  Phonoeraph  Wort,  ae  eaadidatoe  for  e  Lotion 
as  mr  above  agreement  dated  March  11th,  1^0, 

w"  yra  ettien  in  tie  natter  at  .in  i„. 

aure  the  fulfilment  of  said  agmwmt. 

Vdxhft  respectfully, 

®«  Nip  Ubrison, 


George  PV  Kingsley,  Esq,, 

Orange,  NV  JW 

^°n  i,0tt,ni  t0  «»  Moratory  after  an  absence  of 
3Weral  dayB*  1  flnd  your  l9ttep  of  16th  instant,  encasing  Bond 
“f  Mr8V  *"****  *h°00<  I  note  that  you  haTO  put  the 

*e.e  on  roooid  and  will ‘return  the  some  to.  us  when  dona.  ' 

Mr<i  Murray  pays  all  expenses'. 

Yours  very  truly. 

'•  >■  _ 
v  >*yh 

2^  |390* 

Edison  Phonograph  Works, 

Orange,  WV  J!» 

Dear  Sirs:.- 

Will  you  please  liaVo  prepaid  at  once,  one  of  the 
latest  type  of  Watsr~Motor  Phonographs,  for  presentation  to  Sr, 
Don  Manual  Romero  Rubio'.  Have  a  plate  engraved  and  placed  on  the 
InatrUment  with  the  following  inscription: 

*This  Phonograph  is  presented  to  Senor  Don  Mantel 
Romero  Rubio  by  its  Inventor  E  D  I  S  0  Nfc>» 

Wien  the  febovO  is  ready  for  shipment,  please  notify  me  tnd  I  will 
•aerd  you  shipping  ihstrtuiionsfc 

Yours  truly* 

June  26,  1690 

SdGOi’  S*  Alii  on,  Esq.,  Gan 'l.  Manager, 

Edison  Phonograph  Toy  Manufacturing  Co., 

#138  Fifth  Ave.,  Now  York’, 

Dear  Sir:- 

**  you  are  doubtless  aware,  the  Edison  exhibit  recently 
on  view  at  the  Lenox  Lyceum,  in  How  York  is  being  removed  to  Minne¬ 
apolis,  where  the  State  Exposition  opens  on  or  about  tin  first  of 
August'*.  1  think  it  would  be  very  advantageous  to  your  Company  if 
you  would  arrange  to  make  an  exhibit  of  the  doilsl,  Those  con¬ 
structs  on  the  new  model  win  be  ready  about  tint  tin*,  and  a' 
very  creditable  showing  could  be  cade-.  The  people  of  tto  West 
tov*  uever  lad  a  chance  to  see  the  dolls,  and  it  would  stimulate 
business  in  tint  direction  to  a  very  large  extent!.  Win  you 
kindly  let  me  know  the  view*  of  your  Company  on  this  subject!. 

fbivuto  Secret9i*y» 

Juno  35,  1830 

Mir  deal*  Mir*  Villard,- 

I  have  your  letter  of  17th  instant, 
info  Maine  r®  that  you  have  named  one  of  the  Stations  on  the 
North-mi  Pacific  Railroad  after  ta e'« 

I  appreciate  very  highly  the  honor  you  have  thus  con¬ 
ferred  upon  me'« 

yours  very  trulyf 


fftiwy  trillard,  Eaqv, 

Sffilla  BdgV*  Hew -York* 

MrV  GV  HV  Juatinson, 

Tapper'  Alton,  Madison  Co'.,  Ills, 

Replyins  to  your  letter  of  12th  instant  addressed  to 
“*  Edison,  would  say  that  we  have  no  difficulty  wtatever  in  re¬ 
produce  the  writing  of  Morse  instructs  on  the  phonograph.  We 
put-  a  funnel  on  the  machine,  mar  the  sounder,  and  tte  record 
obtained  is  perfect.  The  reproduction  of  the  sounds  recorded  is 
very  good  and  can  be  heard  distinctly  throughout  a  large  worn. 

ttmrs  truly, 

Private  Seo&taPyt 

June  Z5p  3SS0 

Samuel  Insulin  EsQ'., 

#44  V/all  Street, 

Hew  York  City. 

Dear  Sir:- 

Replying  to  your  letter  of  17th  instant,  I  beg  to  say 
that  I  bays  taken  up  the  .matter  of  speaking  dolls  for  the  Minne¬ 
apolis  Exposition,  and  will  communicate  with  you  as  soon  as  I 
}»ve  anything  definite  to  report. 

Private  Seoretary. 

June  26,  1800,. 

My  dear  Mr,  Thurston,- 

I  r»(5»t  exceed  Inf' ly  that  Mrs,.  m*w  «* 

*  elf  arc  unable  tp  accept  your  very  kind  .Invitation  contend 

ln  w  >ctt~  *  -  -  *— 

*  “  15  iC"W^C  f"  *  “  -«•  «•«  »«-,  for  , 

*"  8TO*1«  1  -  **  .  ,cok  at  . 

without  over  running  up  to  ny  house. 

In  -■  “«*"  *«*-.  «  -  *•>**  «»t  „„  *,  „* 

**•  thl“  *  “  **  **»  ■*>  —  »  »™«  Moonooofl  it.  , 

^  1  Pnr°taa'a  «»  *»*>•  <*  »  «.«!».  ««,  .»  ^ 
to  «M  for  „  io  t„o  K«oo„,  „  „  .  .ospa, 

end  is  vary  perfect. 

Afjain  thank! n-  you  for  your  kind  letter 

I  ar.,  yours  very  truly. 

Mh}#?  Q’UM/Wv  firfamii 

t  (>  '•  *  fi  r  *  Hi  %  "  ■  * 

S.  n.  Baton* 

vVZQ  Bronrtway,  nw  York . 
Dear  Sir:- 

Jujj®  aa,  lsoo^ 

I  «..»=«  —„lt„  a  latt,,  ,te  ^  *. 

***  "*•  »*-«.  «*«  *te  **.  ^.a.  w 

*-«  tta  t„  „r  royoltl„  3cnl  ^  fcif  ^  ^  ^  ' 

*-«=v.t,  I,  W.»  that  th,.,-  oTO„01,  >,,,  ltoteM»w,,  obj„..  tf 

fe  *“  f“'"  1“'Wi*  tt~  -  «»».  »<,  ,W11B, 

«*  «*,  *  ta„  ^  m  ^ 

be  -lono. 

Vours  very  truly, 

Private  Secretary, 

Goo.  I>,  Kiny s ley,  Eoq., 

0  r  a  n  y  o  ,  J. 

Dear  sir:- 

I  boy  to  aohnov.'lcdyo  rceaipt'  of  you 
instant ,  in  re  yard  to  tlio  Y/iley  natter.  Should 
cutocl  by  Mr.  Edison  or  In?  Deyraw? 

Yourc  very  truly, 

Juno  ;36,  18  0  0. 

-  letter  of  14th 
V/iloy  be  pro  30- 

Privato  Secretary, 

Juno  26,  DO, 

My  dear  Voiin*;,- 

I  have  your  letter  120,  taitant.  1  «„  „ol  ,m„ 

*  31  **  «*  *  6llt  „,ral 

I  «  »>»  tin,.  .,oe  orportunity  „■  .orvlos  ,ra.  j  »lu  „  ^ 

““  toa"‘'  ‘°  *  1  “  «'«  —«  hove  „*  cono  „i„E 

more  to  vom-  ,,ot iaflietlon.  I  «„  „*  „„„  Hmut0J1  ^ 

acvorol  M.  «.»».«.»  „1«,  -SUeon  „  1<tt.r  ^ 

hit,  eo, no  tie,  aco,  «,  ailvinc  ao  to  ho  ohould  did 

ho-  tint  he  had  to  leave.  .  «„  „  ^  „ 

Arr/n-icn?  x  hope  3 

1  will  have  lota  of  sucoca::  with  the  Ui-.rt 

1  “  al‘r,‘id  1  Wm  n0t  <**>  to  get  over  to  *,„*,»  thin 
i’cnr,  moh-an  1  would  like  to.  with  Undent  records. 

I  ani  yourc  vovy  truly. 

■T.  ierrls  Youir;,  Ksq., 

60  Ludfiatb  Hill,  London,  K.  0., 


Juno  06,  90 

Ml’  dear  Burnh.qx , - 

1  laV°  r°00iVea  your  totter  of  loth  instant, 

j  fol.iors,  relative  to  the  town  of  Peterborough. 

"  ^  th°  °!1!:RCU!m  Ilrt laon  ! YhiuiUa tur inn  Oo.  i.,  loo^for  a 
-^ito  for  their  horho .  \-n\n4  j  , 

i/nnt  inducements  do  ym  0p<v*.  * 

turers?  "Cr  t0  ntu,u^ 

Yours  very  truly.. 

■  Private  t>. 


.  Hampden  Burnham,  U0q., 

Barrister  &o.f 

Peterborough;  Out. 

Juno  2 G,  18  00- 

Howard  ’’unseal  Hut  lor,  Knq . ,  president, 

Amor  lean  Fine  Arts  Society,  #47  \7.  42nd  st- , 

How  York  City. 

My  dear  Sir:- 

1  hoc,  to  acknowledso  receipt  of  your  latter  of  11th 
instant,  and  to  oppress  ny  appreciation  of  the  honor  which  you  do- 
oiro  to  confor  upon  is* ,  by  nomine  >'«  as  a  launder  or  patron  of 
the  Assort oan  Fine  Arts  Socioty.  I  should  he  proud  to  accept  one 
of  those  titloa  if  I  felt  that  in  justice  I  could  do  so,  but  ny 
knowledge  of  art  is  so  limited  that  oy  name  would  bo  entirely  out 
of  place  where  you  msr^ost  putting'  it. 

Yours  very  truly, 

JuiiO  :jg,  lg.90 

Cor. id  1  V.'el il ,  V’cq.,  Secretary, 

lMl.<ior.  Phonograph  Toy  Mfg ,  Co. , 

i'95  Mill;  St.,  Boston,  Mans. 

Boar  Sir:*. 

1  boc  to  aohnovrledge  receipt  of  your  'lottor  of  23rd 
instant,  quoting  certain  cablegram  oxctonged  on  that  day  between 
yournolf  and  Yeonuno.  Mr.  lev/ic,  of  Monsro.  tot  on  &  Lewis,  i8 
S0in<;  to  Boston  to-night,  and  will  doubt  loan  call  upon  you  some 
time  during  Friday.  Neither  Mr.  P.dison  nor  nyaclf  underntmdr 
your  ctatoment  that  you  are  awaiting  Mr.  Edison* n  action  about 
aclllng  IXiropeon  patftits  free,  of  his  royalties  and  nunutoc turor '  a 

Yours  very  truly, 

Private  Socretabyi 

>  M*  Korison,  Ke„.,  seoretury. 

International  Omphophon,  Colony, 

Wills  nnlldinc.  M ovr  VoW;  city. 

Juno  2Q,  3soo 

Dear  sir:- 

•  «•  Of  *»  M-mtU,  00„aln  ^  for  tta  Mreoto_ 

■“  *  °f  Bortt“-  «"*'«»>■•» » t.  »«„„  „■ 

7"~  *"*  ,M-  -■ *  *«'  ~  .o  llla 


tu-a  very  truly, 

Private  Soerirti 

Juno  so,  is oo 

Mr i  Somuol  Insull, 

$44  V'iOl'  Street, 

Nor,-  York  Oity, 

Bear  sir; - 

Soferrim;  to  .the  core  or  lotter  miner  toto  33, -a 

reeelvM  *  Mr.  M1o<m  1W„  a.  «M,  so. of  th0  ^ 

natl.iaa  OrerMeKM,  Oo.,  .Moi,  «,  to  yen  ionterday,  I  too 
notifies  Mr.  Horloonttat  Mo  oomnnimtlon  he.  boon- nferroa  to 
your self  for  action, 

Tte  Mroetom.  „f  «»  naieon  Phono6raPi,  work.  1.  00  roll™, or 

*.  has  eon. 

Cline  e  Batchelor. 

Samuel  Inc-all. 

A. ,  0 .  Tat  e . 

B.  L.  Cutting. 

Yours '  truly, 

Priva-t*  se  ji-ctai'y, 

Juno  2d,  90, 

My  dour  Mr.  Taltavnll, - 

1  lave  your  lottcr  of  23rd  Instant. 

Vho  most  interesting  thing  that  wo  have  to  show  in  the 
laboratory  is  tho  Phonograph,  tout  our  nut  hod  of  recording 
At  present  our  ),tU3ic  Room  is  closod,  but  I  expect  that  in  tho 
course  of  a  couple  of  weeks  it  till  bo  opened  again.  I  would 
suggest  that  your  friend  postpone  his  visit,  and  that  of  his 
pupils,  until  some  time  a  littlo  lator  on.  I  reached  homo  the 
night  boforo  last,  and  fool  much  benefited  by  my  little  trip  to 
Canada  and  tho  Palls. 

Sours  very  tfhiy, 

Private  secretary. 

Thou.  R.  ' ,  Ken.,  lid  it  or, 

1  h  e  K  1  o  c  t  r  i  u  Age, 

ITo'.v  fork  City. 

Juno  26,  18<50 

Ssr.tuoi  Ijj.tuII,  I'.aq  t , 

g/iAi  Wall  st..  How  York  City. 

Se«r  Sir:- 

I  bog  to  confirm  the  following  message  telephoned  you 
from  the  Sail  oratory  thin  morning,  and  your  reply  to  same: 

f«S?inC  Bbont  ahiP,:ent  of  his  orders. 

U^k  ®1,ouM  at3vis0  him  that  we  can  mho  no 
t3  Untl1  Ratter®  ar°  adjusted  with  the 
Lnitera  Phonograph  Company?  A.  0.  Tate."  ' 

Instill 'o  reply. 

Yours  truly, 

Private  Secretary. 

uv  <Jtt.-it-i.ifc  ■  & 


-  flUA^  AMAA-^fJtJ)l  ■'~t*L~ejUu4e,  -^U 
Pi\  JajJL4  ArL,-y-#uA  '/V-u'-/’’*  AlAytiuUU^ii 
^  tt-^^AA-tMA  P  ^  \/‘{.  j  /?<  /?A 

'Ajrf-  ?y$)  '•■  /* 

~^-  U  -  -u^  yCviM. — 

'^y  *  ^  ^  /-^t»  £  <s  -^-f 

-rUyAju-  xLt 

O^a . tjyt^o  ~  _ 

Jurio  27,  1890,. 

My  doar  Incull,- 

1  ’"vo  ,0”'  or  "«» 

ulV,  “**  -  -  I  «*  ' 

t ^  fo„  „  „  „lw  mylMW  or  tto 

Mm  of!  with  one  of  your  diplomatic  cxcuocn. 

In  re  card  to  Ore  .Millie  r 

ta„  w  .  tt‘ink  11  would  >»  hotter  not  to 

toil  him  what  wo  are  do  in;  over  here.  v,o  can't  do 
,  .  Uo  can  t  do  any  husinosa 

■  .  -  «.  -  m  00014  olTO  _ 

?  l0M t0  °Mlt’ — -  «  -  i.  that 

wo  outfit  to  avoid. 

Yourn  very  truly 

A  t  d  A,  a]  v  * 

owfa'01  Inaull,  Kb®., 

V/a11  St.,  New  York  City. 


Juno  27,  .1800, 

Herrin-  to  your  letter  under  dato  4th  of  April 
lant  to  Mr.  rMoon,  I  flo  r.ot  know  v/lmt  undorntandiry  you  m?.y  tavo 

hUd  V'ith  °01’  STOraU(1  un*  M:-'  but  I  am  sure  that  you  arc 

quite  mistaken  no  tr  *  Ur.  Kdison  in  concerned.  xhe  oommreial 
part  of  the  Ph«mo8m*h  bum.™  }as  been  in  obi..  Goumud'a  handc, 
Cmd  Mlti0n  nt  ”°  tlra  ^tor-fored  rdth  it.  Col.  Goitraud  is 
I  t  in  Lo.u.on,  and  1  would  augment  your  coninunicnt injj  with 
!dm  there.  1  hone  the  result  will  he  entirely  natisfaetory  to 

lith  regard 

i  youra  very  truly, 

57  | 

Juno  27,  1800.. 

Stv,uel  inwu,  Ho,.,  Ron'l.  !to,,-cr. 

The  XSiDon  Machine  "/«*«.,  #44  'v«ii  street, 

How  York  Olliy’ 

Dear  Sir:- 

RofoiTlni;  ,o  u  conversation  which  I  MU[ 
rteoro  the  trouble  .bleb  ..  hove  ,„d  ,m  „y  ^ 

*»"  ‘be  Junction  sot  m  t,»  Port  „„  m , 

tfc°  ””  -  "•  repairs  npon  ^ 

bocr.  coot  Inc  no  coco  six  or  seven  hundred  dollnrs  n  year  „v<!r 
circo  the  .uses  .ere  loid.  era  «th  yom. 

“*  "'Cet  t,!at  Ml"° «  **“«>»  **•  ««M  rub.  this  work 

seed,  1  !>CC  to  nay  that  th.  only  ™y  that  this  con  be  needled, 
to  **  IS, -in,  non  tuber,  The  aio,„«  l,  the  Seeder  Junction 
**  *”  *r  Umm’  **  883  *•».  -»”•»«»;  «  tubes,  ,:o.  M„.  , 

”1U  al00  ”Wlre  l,!r”  *»"«■  >>«•  1=«.  and  14  tubes.  So.  m. 

The  distance  iron.  th.  Seeder  Junction  Sox  to  hr.  Sum',  bonne  is 

““  ""****  n  «*«•  *»•  I-  OewdW  these, 

plcraaA  send  a  iV.v  extra  tubo;.  jt0.  a«v>  «•,.  ,a\, 

*  *  tdll  £1bo  ro  quire  onb 

Catch  Box,  with. six  ntuoi-. . 

Yom*  v^v  truly,  *  * 

Juno  37,  1800. 

Dnviol  Wld,  Ksq  . ,  Secrotary, 

Kdioon  Phonograph  Yoy  Mnnuttioturir^  oo., 

:?0*  05  «*»  8».»  foot  on,  Moon. 

Doar  Pir: - 

I  hen  to  aohnor/lo:l;-'a  the  rocoipt  of  your  letter  of 
IJ4th  taotan*’  1  vM.ll  authorise  you  to  send  a  cable- 

c;ramto  Mr.  Yeomans,  in  regard  to  n V  condition!.  rolativo  to  the 
proposed  sale  of  the  European  business.  m  reply  I  boR  to  say 
that  Ur,  Yeomans  has  been  advised  so  frequently  as  to  n*  position, 
that  I  think  tliia  oable/jrain  le  merely  a  repetition,  and,  therefore, 
unno cons ary. 

Youva  very  tru-ly , 

jr£  '  9  *  o 

io  1  V/o l:i ,  Ka t] . ,  ooo'y«, 

Kdiaon  phono, -jra;- ;>  Toy  iff.,.  Cor.n«uy, 
No.  0f>  WLli:  St,,  floor  on.  Ilium, 

■  Sir!- 

i  Mr,  to  nehnov;  lodge  receipt  of  your  letter  of  52brd 
;r.nt,  iu  regard  to  n- visit  which  ha::  boon  puli  you  by  Hr.  Chau. 
Soli  {TtoTrt. intjioii,  N.  0.),  of  tlic  Anttrienn  Graphophoiu;  Coijrpany, 
rocti  you  a  letter  from  hie  Patent  Lawyer,  ntatinc  that  wo 
infrihsiii!;  on  their  patontn  by  aolliry:  tho  now  doll  now  on 
rwhot.  I  now  Kr.  Mackintosh  yostorday  and  had  a  eonvorsatie 
j  him  in  rognrd  to  this  nnttor,  and  told  him  to  refer  Mr,  Sell 
e,  should  ho  nail  upon  you  again. 

Tours  very  truly, 

Juno  37,  1890. 

i'vorott  yraaar, 

#134  \7  atop  s  t  r  o  o  t-  , 

2  low  Yor):  (Jity. 

Wy  flow  Sin- 

r  bop  to  aivir-.o  you  tliat  pos^inc  ar.  w'.fturtmc-itfc 
witl:  the  1'dicon  United  Phonograph  Company,  wo  aliall  have  to 
■sease  r.-ai-.iur,  sh  ij^  on  your  account  of  phonographs  end  phono- 
TJ-wiphic  rupplica  for  uao  and  consumption  in  China  .and  Jan  an., 

’n;in  natter  in  roceivirv;  attention,  anti  2  will  cennuniente 
with,  you  o^ain  in  duo-  course. 

Yours  very  truly, 

June  28,  1890 

Samuel  Insull,  Bsqi,  •  ' 

#44 -Wall  Sii,  New  York  City1. 

Doar  Sir|- 

1  have  your  latter  of  25th  instant,  acknovrledjgina  ro- 
eelpt  from  mo  of  the  following  Share  Certificates  of  the  Eaiso.n . 
General  Electric  Company,  which  you  are  to  hold  for  my  account, 
and  subject  to  my  order,  viz.,-  .  , 

(  Unsigned  Nos’.  858/65  (Deferred),  8  of  100  each- — -800 
Signed-  *  854/7  *  -  4  of  100  eaoh— 400 

•*  *  866  *  12— .  12 

•  *  371  «  .  •  .  103— - 103 

"116  •  5— % -  5 

-i  Total  1,320  Shares 

You  hold  also  for  ny  acc  ount  Fifteen  Certificates,  of  100: . 
dhares  each  of  Preferred  Stock  of  the  same  Company* 

Yours  very  truly, 

Edgar  SV  Allien,  Esq',,  Geh‘l'»  Manager, 

Edison  Phonograph  foy  Mftf»  OoVj 

#138  Pifth  Avo1*,  Hot  York  Cityt, 

June  28,  3S90 

Dear  Sir:- 

1  beg  to  acknowledge  receipt  of  your  letter  of  28th 
instant,  inferring  nn  that  M*  lewenthal,  with  whom  you  are  in 
treaty  for  certain  Western  territory,  intends  making  an. exhibit 
of  tin  speaking  dollB  at  the  mmeapolia  Exposition. 

"Your 8  truly. 

Private  Secret ary*“‘ 

J'Une  .3p,„  IB  BO 

Msssra,  Pypr  ft  Seely, 

#30  WB13L  St  rent, 

Ha?/  Yorji  City, 

Door  gi^ajpi 

Roferrirg  to  th?  ettfia'peZ  letter  Jbotn  jMeaarBjk  'Sa?*®sn 
ana  Petris*  I  underhand  ftA%  t be  El&o  trite  Xaflrey  psjJwaitt:  <J»i  <C{X*x~ 
yon,*,,  that  ip  thos4  for  Norvay  and  Sweden,  ware  taken  'ov.t  Py  >ytsar 
firm*  Wi\l  you  Jdndly  &ook,  up  yonr  TftoortJs  retd  -lot  •  tfe  >knm  if 
IWWiSL*  Morgan  %  Co?  paid  far  tte  tts  tea  ■are-'dieh  .patent®*, 

^  Station  of  ■fct.jqr  l^tfcn  ifa&te  'J  tgtok**  tp  «mver  is  tes.  section 
*r  sttTfP-diyisip-n  a,  on  fcfte  o&ecta  sftsrt,  of  flbtt  stabbed  xwwtfrtfiil*. 
ip*  ion*  trfaicS*  latter  pWake  rttiirn  to  ap  ttyt*  yfrji  to*  tiiiros^’h 
wttli  iU 

Ya«rs  fttily. 

K*  U  ©  t  t  ,  n<jq«t  President, 

AS  I  0  L  A  ,C  1  U  D,  GalVoaton, 

Toxas^  • 

Iwar  8ir:r- 

MpW  Edieon  hao  oakad  hb  to  acknowledge,  with  tbonke, 

Xbo  naccipt  of  your  ootoomed  favor  under  data  5Qth  ultimo,  which 
cans  to  In n?«l  to-day ,  infonnina  him  that,  tlio  Diroctora  of  your  Olub 
elected  him  an  Honorary  Member*  MrW  Edinon  appreciates  vox*y 
MetOy  the  honor  time  oonforrod  upon  him  by  your*  Dirootoro,  and 
da  very  pleased  to  bo  included  if.  the  Roll  of  Honorary  Membership 
of  the  ABiola  Olulfc  ,  :  ,  -rr, 

Youro  very  truly, 

Private  Secretary* 

Juno  30,  3000 

Reginald  Poultor,  « 

#202  Baahopogato  St',  Without, 

L  o  n  A  on  *  England!, 

»«sr  5i?j» 

Roplying  to  your  latter  without  date  addroenoa 
to  Mri  Bdieon,  I  bog  to  inform  you  that  there  already  have  boon  a 
Croat  many  euBoenaful  experimnto  conducted  with  the  plionogruph 
on  thie  aide  of  the  Atlantic  In  the -direction  Which  you  indicate, 
the  instrument  laving  excited  a  great  deal  of  internet  amongst  * 
tho  oediool  profession  gorierally*  It  bide  fair  to  bodoms  a  ml* 
able  auxiliary  to  physician**  who  will  no  doubt  appro’oiatb  ltd 
tn^rita  then  the  instrument  bee  ones  moro  generally  Jeidtmi, 

TJ»  phonograph  in  England  is  controlled  by  the  Edison  «nit9^ 
Phonograph  Co'*,  Horthwdberland  Avo*,  London,  V*  Ci,,  to  w)dch  flon\pnry, 
1  beg  to  refer  you  ibr  fur  tho  r  inibroution. 

Yours  ve*y  trulyj 

PrivA’ko  Secretary- 

Juno  30,  3330;, 

Colli  Qeo’,  S',  Qaurattd, 

Mttl«  Uonlo,  Upper  Norwood, 
Surrey,  England, 

Doai*  3ir:- 

1  bqg  to  confirm  tha  following  oablogrona  roceivad 
from  you  S7th  imtontt- 

■Hughes  Prooco  Stroh’,* 

"Ham  so  cabled  olaira  perfected  faraightod  wire  ayatamj 
arranging  bring  out  firat  prox  with  boon#  Cnblo  quick 
wlwt  can  oay  about  yoursW* 

Ycrura  truly, 

Juno  30,  90 

Samoa  1,  fciaull,  fioq;, 

#44  Wall  StV,  mt  York1, 

D«W  Sirtr* 

Attached  Hereto  in  copy  of  a  ooraamioation  under  data 
acth  in  at  ant,  received  by  Ur*  Edison  from  Mr*  VUiard* 

Yours  truly. 

Private  Soo’y 

}((.<■  vork,  iftaw  2fr»  1090W 

'Jo  fhantys  AV>  Bdi'Won,  Unq*., 

to  a  M**  of  the  Syndicate  »*  tla  mrrohn'cd  of 
kliao«  doneml  ElootAo  OoftpAitf’t  Stock: 

Itoirtrfi^  to  the  two  ftirifetau  heretofore  rceoivod  Hy  iron  in 
yMLut^An  to  yon*  paMietpati^  'in  the  partfowo  of  atook  of  iM 
sa&Wi  Gohe^lElObtrio  Compaq,  you  a*o  hereby,  .advised  that  the 
4iUi  m*%  which  all  the  atoihio  to  ho  hold  mxbjoot  to  the  con¬ 
trol  W  the  Syndicate*  hao  won  extended  until  September  1,1390. 

Xoura  tmly, 

(tinted)  '  ^R3f  VISIAW)* 

By  (Signed }  O'.  A!»  Spoffond. 

&J«f  $?.,  .t£9,©. 

l,ijr  dear  Jfenborg,- 

I  hay?  v«y»r  l^tor  of  lOfh  fo^tan*,  tstfL  nj'.ua 
b«  very  glad  to  send  yqu  o’  ha#  of  tftieiwi  Get#  Kft.ts.aiiJ 

Robm  hao  bow  alaat#  3or  the  laflt  mvx>i»  »f  xvnWvh  wl  tte  **.. 
}Att%Ufify  Will  not  T)i  as  good  63  l  .could  wUfe  •£«■«*,  "bpt  I  ffli 
*®y-  »  port  of  the  stock  which  we  fawo  in  tho  X^frojraipry,, 

i  understand  that  Dyer  is  ooiaiag  eves-  very,  33*  *3X3. 
be  able  to  take  back'  A  bbj»ly  of  good  ojritaiim-K  will:  h'im.  jMem- 
while  I  rdli  hdVo  a  box  prepared  for  yott  end  a«ad  4*  fco>  »t^e  Snap- 
to  be  fortfarig#  with  tbeir  fix-art  ahipwat  ms  yen*.  fw*»®»to. 
Wi'fch  kindest  regards  t6  ydiitiKrli*  Wb&  A  0 

Joseph  Vjilli  tjau  f  AeaH*  SQ<ji?gt.ar3c, 

'PW  l^dl'fion  y4<f.(j  %\>&a  xim»«ji«nU»g  Co*  0# 
k  1$  ft?* >»&  St**  Yorjs, 

E^r  Sir;  r 

X  bog  to,  aijknowl«;<3s 0  pf 

ensloeins  -J2  shaves  of  at Qtf-c  of  the 

•■■■■■.  .r,?0te«:  iy  '  ...'jii  n  n  , 

a? 'Sow  York*  in  exchange  for  $^200  worth  pf 

hsmflvefl  you  by  Mosers,,  Spentier  IraaJc  &  0o«  I 
recoipfc  for  tho#f>n?.*y» 

Oft*  3/39g4 

H.  Ya* 

your  letter  of  WtJ) 
Edison  Elect,  1X1®  Co, 
Convertible  Scrip, 
return  herewith  roy 

Yo»r£  vdyff  truly, 

July  I,’  IS 90;  Prazarj  33s<j.»  ,■ 

#iaj  v&'.o.-  s>*sc.v.»;  t,s 

■  i.c  v.* 

Dear 'Sir: - 

‘  *  k.  i-c***  Xett“"  of  88th 

tints 3ob  iiqg.. gaping  from  tho  "Hw  York  S011"  in  regard  to 

the  Phonograph  pr«sented-^%*'Wv  t<';?y,Mika6L  V 

Your  natters  are  'hav-fig  ny  attention,  and  I  trust  that  an 
adjustment  'will  be  Wado  within  a  very  few  day  a. 

Yours  very,  truly. 

July  1„  Wifc0„ 

My  doax1  HiXi-s*.  . 

Me,  Edison  has  reeeivod  your  letter  of  30th  ultimo. 
HS  'went  Wray  la st  »>ut  will  fee  bae k  again  on  Friday.  I 

%ijik  he  wJill  bo  at  the  Laboratory  dnsaturday,  hut  he  is  not  sure 
of  it.  On  Monday; be*<go<ia.yteat  ftor  a  oouplo  of  weeks* 

Ypurs  yex*y  truly. 

JPxrlvato  Secretary. 

w.  protton  Hix  ,  J&rj,, 

United  Edtiaon  Msnnflaaturing  do< , 

#4*  WaU  $t.,  »«r  York. 

July  1„  1820, 

Ooorge  Pp  Xingsley,  Esq., 

Orange,  M.  J. 

D»r  Sir  5- 

I  am  Very  much  obliged  far  the  note  mhlch.  you  node 
upon  ny  letter  of  26th  ultimo  regtindlng  the  Wiley  matter*  I  , 
wish  you  would  kindly  address  a  letter  to  Hr*  Wiley,  statins  that 
y«au  lave  been  instructed  by.  Mr.  Bdison  to  commence  suit  against 
him  for  embezzlement,  unless  he  returns  to  us  immediately  the 
money  which  -was  advanced  to  him  to  pay  the  Degraw  bill. 

Yours  Very  truly, 

Private  secretary. 

Jllly  1,  }&90. 

fli*puel  IritaSA, Bsq,, 

T/aU  Streets,, 

New  York  -City, 

»9ar  $itt~ 

1  enoJoee  herewith  copy  of  a  letter  which  we  teve 
iast  received  from  dol,  tfouraud,  in  regard  to  a  certain  coble  gran 
aeitt  him  soi^e  kittle  tins  ago  relative  to  the  value-  of  a  portion 
Of  the  phonograph  buci-ra  as  .  * 

VonurS  very  tanly* 

Privat  e  Seqretar  y. 

)khibf  aeto4i  km,, 

4  .  ..  'tfbrwMk, 

^  JSffcUfX,*  .  ,  (.;  .„  , 

**  »»  WJMA  W  i«v*»  w  jtftf  •  it  •&>  ****** 

pol' feqp opt,  nhtt  tfhat  if. ia  J'they  ffcoi*  ihafe 
^pu.^Ja»Jf  $*  *&am*p  bctt«r'  firm  s6h»  idsa  of 

^  4  ***  tmt&msr  Jjrmt**  y  *q  Wvthine  that  has  ,Wpp**«f  **»*,. 

5  ****  *•'***>  *>**»»  a  -34no  fwahybody  a^- 

.Sttjr -offors  «h;*tevos%  ':"v*  ’  .  ■ 

^  *oMa£f  3b*U«j*e  tfj»'  PiPpoce  if  when  you 

*>*£l*to  d«pontoJt  tol4<JB  yo^  <*$04  ^teww-dh  «*  ib 

idw  m$$tx€  <s^tipr rn  Ao'  aftt  *iato3l4«&re!tf. 

■a  «n  TOOsta^iy  «m*^k  ad  *a  itf  ^tx>cdi,«  ^ 

^  *ib  nbthiri*  till  n«a 

-•wesitfw  ent^rtay  ©Jw^Mh^  yqof  iw%.«. 

3*^  *****  *t  ^  ca»%>to>^toie  >m  f*  «*t  ahdhd  at  *. 

Mtifmpd Jy -yitebm, 

.  Odtetttfi&v 


»$&  &»m  tk  &kMhq.d 

^Eifteoh  J9i«W(5pflBph  'Wrt 

July  %,  188/0 

»>  -■  "  H  ,  N,  3. 

A  >  3  ' 

1T1-4  iuifc  $§*?  rcce^ta  2rom  you  An  Me  pant  ins  f<xr 
tito  «&teriai  rerwrtMtfl  from  the  ?ari«  Exposition.  Can  pan  not 
-pjral  'this  up  to  ua  iiiiWd.t  ;  ely,  so  .ou  cui  g  *’  -u  ni/  -vr 
U3qa«d  In  -oar  Poole 8*  A  great  d»cq.  of  material  <m  sent  to 

Sttrte  traq  qh»r  ge$  to  Mr,  tyiiaon  toy  years elvas.  W  ovgjtt  t  ‘  u 
t5r  Oil  that  too  come  taofc,  and  1  mht  to  got  the  matter 
is  fKt  smm  account,, 

Yocra  wrjr  truly*. 


July  1,  3B0O. 

My  .door  Dyer, » 

Roplyiteg  to  your  letter,  of  27th  ultino.addrejBeed 
to  Mr,  Edison,  in  regard  to  work  on  the  motor  motor,  I  Yindupon 
invest  ignt  ion  that  this  is  new  progressing  rapidly  and  vill  be 
oon^leted  within  a  abort  tine.  We  will  let  you  know  when  it  is. 

Yours  very  truly. 

Private  Soe’y. 

Bieh»rd  ».  Dyer,  &m,, 

80  *«.!  St..  Nefr  York. 

/-  /f?«> 


July  %  18.90c 

Mr.  J.  1?.  How  all,  Editor, 

T  h  a  M  e  s  s  a  g  o  , 

Hew  York  Oity* 

Dear.  Sir! - 

I  beg  to  acknowledge  receipt  of  your  letter  of  30th 
ultimo.  Wo  are  considering  the  matter  of  extending  mr  advertising 
facilities,  and  your  proposition  will  have  my  early  attention. 

Yours  very  truly. 

Private  Sec’y* 

SEUflasi  Inoull,  Esq,, 

#44  Watt  Street,  New  York  City, 

July  1,  1690 

Dear  Sirr- 

Replying  to  your  letter  of  30th  ultimo,  in  regard  to 
bills  against  the  General  Oojnpany  far  experiments,  1  beg  to  say 
that  the.  account  rendered,  covered  Mr*  Edison’s  expsrJLnBnte  ivp  to 
the  1st  of  January,  1890*  Sinoe  that  pearl od  further  experirtsnfcal 
wqrk  has,  been  oonauctad  on  account  of  the  General  Company,  and 
bills  for  tho  sfiae  are  well  under  my.  I  will  have  them  out 
in  a  few  days  said  will  send  them  in  to  you  inmed lately. 

Yours  truly. 

fcnvat  e  #Woi#t  ar  y. 

Samuel  Insull ,  Esq, ,  2nd  Vioe-Prenident, 
Bdi3on  General  Eleotric  Company., 

#44  Wall  St,,  How  York  City, 

July  1,  leoOtf 

Dear  Sir:- 

I  beg  to  acknowledge  receipt  of  your  letter  of  30tli 
ultimo,  in  regard  to  exhibiting  dolls  at  the  Minneapolis  Expo¬ 
sition,  I  lave  to  ~day  written  the  Company  at  Boston,  asking  tfcfw 
to  arrange  to  have  the  dolls  cjdiibited  as  apart  of  Mr„  Edison'’ s 
exhibit.  I  have  no  dotfbt  v/hatever  that  they  will  ao  it„ 

Yorars  truly. 

private  Secretary* 

July  1,  1890 

Daniel  Wold*  Katj...,  Secretary, 

Edison;  PhonographToy  Mfg„  Company, 

#95  Mil  Sfc„,  Boston,  Mass. 

Dear  sirr-. 

I  sne:Iooa  herewith  copy  of  a  letter  addressed  .by  myself 
boyovu-  Manager,  Mr*  Edgar  S*  ALLien,  together-  with  copy  of  Mr. 

All  ion  rs  reply,  fa  regard  to  a  proposed  exhibition  of  the  dolls 
at  the  Minneapolis  Exposition*  I  think  it  would  be  a  great  pity 
to  hare  the  dolls  exhibited  in  any  other  way  excepting  as  a  uart 
of  Edison's  exhibit  *  Could  yoxi  not  arrange  to  have  the  ex¬ 
hibit  made  after  the  manner  of  the  Lenox  Lyceum  exhibit* 

Yours  very  truly. 

Private  secretary* 

s  «  ji 

Orange,  it,  j,  Juno  25,  1B90, 
sa^i*  S,  Allien,  i5ajc,  Gtwt'l,  M&nager, 

Edison  Phonogmph  Toy.  Mlft.  Co,, 

#.t&8  fifth  Are.,  Mow  York. 

hear  Sir;- 

Aa  you  arc  doubtlesrs  amro,  the  Edison  Exhibit  recently 
oh  vi«W  it  tho  LOn ox  Lyceum  in  .Mew  York  is  bail®  removed  to  Minnea¬ 
polis,  «hcr*  tho  State  toqposition  opens  on  or  about  the  1st  of 
August  „  x  think  it  weald  be  Vo ry  advantageous  %6  your '  Conpany 
if  y«x  would  arrange  to  make  an  -exhibit  of  the  dolla.  Those  con¬ 
structed  cti.  tho  imt  model  v/i  11  be  ready  about  that  time,  and  a 
racy  aroditable  shoving  could  be  made.  The  people  of  the  West  , 
hhve  ftevor  had  a  chance  to  see  tho  dolls,  and  it  would  stimulate 
business  in  that  direction  to  a  very  large  extent .  Will  you 
-3<indiy  lpt  me  know  the  via  ns  of  your  Company  on  this  subject* 

Ycraard  ■Very  truly, 

(Signed)  A*  Os  Tata, 

^rivaid  iSed’y* 

0  -6  #  y„. 

Ac  Oj  ltsq* , 

0  r  a  n  jB  « 

Now  Y^-ltj^une  Stf*  1890. 


My  tlB**”  Sir:- 

1  am  in  receipt  of  your  favor  of  setfc  install*  in 
referon**  to  exhibiting  cal'  cloHe  at  the  'Mime- spoils  Exposition. 

Ma„  Xowcnthal  of  Chicago  whb  is  in  treaty  with  Ms  for  that 
ifltoiiw?,  intends  to  rake  an  exhibit  at  both  the  gt.  bonis  and 
toihttfcapblis  iJxpocitions. 

YoMrfe  -very  truly  ^ 

(Signed)  Mghr  :s.  Aiaien, 

tfwi’l.  Manager. 

July  2,  1890, 

Snauel  Instill »  Kaq,f 

#W  Wall  Strooty 

How  York  City. 

Door  sir*-  ? 

1  bos  to  oonfim  tho  following  ■teldz'rm  oont  you  this 



•Wo  roquiro  fifteen  hundred  dollars  to-morrow 
for  pay  roll.  A*  0.  Tate.* 

Yours  truly,  /j 

July  2,  1090* 

flaausl,  In  null*  Buq,f 

.  .  * 
Hi-  ITaia  Straot* 

New  York  city. 

I  enclose  herewith  copy  of  a  letter  under  date  19th 
JUn°*  1890»  addl*#aatKl  Col*  oouraud  to  Tlianaa  %  Connery,  Baq. 

Yours  truly. 

Private  Secretary* 


Edison  House,  NcrtJjumberland  Avo#, 
london,  a*  V* 

#®th  rfune,  1800b 

Ibomsa  Bv  Connery,  £aq«,  * 

Llewellyn  Park,  West  Ornngo,  N,  j. 

Bear  Sir:~ 

J*  ?“  lM*  nBU  1  w°t°  a  lino  acknowledging  tho 
f^l+rUr.l9tte’*  of  lfay  15th  for  the  reasons  explained 
therein.,  1  postponed  my  fuller  reply  until  this  nail, 

thS  tmo  of  *°w  **■»*  you  fool 

r-ia: isi i-rr  "«««? 

tLm  “SiTwiSt!  c"*  I’0"'’ibl0  *"“» ««“  »•«  ««  »i«- 

waa  ,^>^1+  u,at- 1  not  done  which  I  oaid  I  would  do 

waa  to  iR/ealr  aeoompany  you  on  the  oeoaeion  of  your  firat  maatiw 
Jg2?*!  *  **  C«P*»y  This  prwniso^uoa  S„’ “oSjT 

£££  £  2*  ??*  *»*  11  "»  impossible  for  ^ 

KSViSV?"!,  oartvoni®°»  o*  tha  parties  ooncowflE^Al^'*^ 
d  *"  tlat*  1  ^*8  to  assure  you  that  tho  ihot^of  my 
i£4*«  Wh0U  you  met  th9  Board  or  a  Oomnittoo  of  the  Board, 

pp8B<mt»  not  n«ao  the  slightest  difference  in 
to  result  of  your  moating.  All  the  faots  as  regards  your  origi- 

trotib^nr0 t  1  f8lt  atlu  f0Ql  to  be  tho  moral  obli- 

Board  J"Yard3  y°n  and  your  anoooiatee  wore  fully  • 
otf  repeatedly  and  sufrioxontly  made  clear  by  mo  to  all  Of  my  coi- 
A11  l  aaid  to  you  with  reference  tb  future  tamiswas, 

SS  thfl and  1  *>  still  believe -so, 

wmL  ^  !irat  option  of  the  business  on  the  tOma 

7*22  deteminod  upon  by  tho  Board  of  the  United  Company. 

caSded  SStT  tr0®  **  oolleagues  that  thia  understanding  would  be 

be  JfT°  that  thi8  3tatQClant  and  explanation  wuat 

^  rfl“0V0  ***•  disagreeable  irftfroaslon 
wjioh  fro  h&vo  fomod  as  expressed  or  oottv^yed  in  yotar 

xoitor  tender  reply# 

1°  daal  ***** What  appears  to  be  the  prsiwnt 
btoiness  posiii^nb  Be  far  as  I  can  mke  it  out,  the*#  aeons  to 
have  been  no  disposition  on  tho  part  of  my  colleague  a  to  "froezo 
ffUL0*. M  you  ^WP33  it»  but  on  the  oodtmry,  it  appears  that 
wjr  have  endeavored  to  carry  out,t»n  unddratqndijrig  arrived  at 
nth  an  as  regayfla  ypwaoif,-  viz:-  Shot  "the  bud*  mss  *nouid  fifftt 


be  Offered  to  you*1 

Uiia  they  appear  to  liavo  dona  but  the  tome  which  they  l»Ve. 
mined  do  not  appear  to  have  boon  oatisfaotory  to  you*  Shat  ie  t)» 
position  in  a  nut-shell  *  !Por  tho  difforonoo  of  views  upon  tho 
ytdiuo  of  tho  business  aa  estimated  by  my  oollooguoe  owl  an  esti¬ 
mated  by  youraolf ,  surely  I  am  not  responsible,  nor  do  I  fool 
sailed  upon  to  make  any  expression  of  opinion  upon  tlmt  difference. 

I  always  mode  it  ele&r  to  you  that  the  business  when  preaon- 
tod  in  tho  form  of  a  •monopoly,*  through  a  consolidation  of  hither¬ 
to  conflicting  intoresta,  would  hnvo  creator  valuo  then  before,  a 
pouduajon  in  whioh  you  entirely  acrood  with  mo*  i  regret  I  can¬ 
not  interfere  in  the  mattor  aa  it  stands  at  present*'  Uaxico  boing 
so  near  to  the  home  office,  it  is  natural  that  the  business  Of  that 
country  should  bo  conducted  by  the  Board  in  Aunrioa*  1  should 
consider  myself  as  unwarranted  in  interfering  with  tlom  in  respaot 
of  such  negotiation  as  I  ahould  conoidor  thorn  unwarranted  in 
intsrferdnc  with  me  in  a  negotiation  which  I  might  bo  oonduotii^ 
in  this  country,  or  for  another  near  it*.  My  difficulty  in  as¬ 
sisting  you  oo  you  desire  me  to,  is  increased  by  tho  foot  of  the 
isido  difference  which  appears  to  oxiot  between  your  views  and  tho 
“views  of  wy  colleagues  (excepting  of  course  Mr*  Edison),  who  ap¬ 
pears  to  be  of  an  opinion  differing  from  that  of  my  other  col¬ 
leagues,  Notwithstanding  Mr*  Edison’s  opinion  to  tho  oontrary, 
and  1  say  this  with  some  hesitation  having  regard  to  try- rospeet  for 
his  opinion  upon  all  matters,  I  have  no  hesitation  in  saying  that 
1  consider  the  views  of  the  Board  stated  by  you,  are  more  reason¬ 
able  than  the  basis  proponed  by  yourself*  1  think  ypu  havo 
failed  to  appreciate  the  value  and  importance  of  this  business , 
eepooially  in  its  present  form,  having  regard  to  the  dnalgomation 
of  interests  and  tho  extraordinary  and  unforseon  simplification  and 
improvement  in  the  Machine,  especially  as  regards  the  sailing 
Phonograph*  Zt  does  not  appear  to  mo  to  be'usefhl  at  this  time 
to  go-  back  and  make  any  oonments  upon  your  original  agreemmt  which 
if  you  remlwt  will  remember  you  did  hot  know  the  character  of 
■yoursolf  when  we  first  mot’*  Tin  fact  that  your  agent  did  not 
sorry  out  your  instructions,  or  triads  a  oontraot  whioh  you  did  not 
approve  of,  Of  eourao  did  not  alter  the  fact  -of  the  contract  as 
it  was,  and  JQ»  fundamental  condition  of  thhfc  eohtraot  was,  that 

you  should  get  on  exclusive  concession*  As  2  pointed  out  to  you 
and  2  understood  satisfied  you  at  the  tins  of  so  doing,  the  con¬ 
cession  as  obtained  by  you  wan  really  hot  Worth  the  paper  it  woe 
writtembpon,  and  X  venture  to  say  that  "m  business  man  would  em¬ 
bark  hia  capital  under  suoh  terms  vtofbh  ga Vd  no  security  whatever* 
1  and*  this  observation  to  you  et  the  \idtb  had  -repeat  it  now  baaed 
solely  upon  the  translation  which  the  foiMrkrded  to  mf  by  Mrt- 
cebalios*  not  knowing  the  Spanish  Ihngnagt  X  pen  only  judgo  of 

*•'  &♦  ob 

*nnt  thus  »u 

ff.&r«5K*  VW  -  -s  K"jws',.ys£.ss,h 
.ton™“  r^n“r?L“  ^rr to  ’*•«*<«»■ «* x 

to  ttoir  «*»t  £  ,fZ“^'vh°!’8“  th,t  ttoy  ’*“ 

*“"• ’■*»  *»«  »®&*saa?  arstt 

With  kind  1‘ogarda, 

Believo  k» 

Vary  o inner oly  youra , 

®»  ZV  Uouraud. 

Ediaon  ^  Vi8W3  80  t0  mluo  »»tweon  thoae  of  Mr. 

“}d.  ^  oolltaguaB  may  be  readily  accounted  for  on  the 


July  2,  1890, 

Tliomaa  BW  Comory,  Eon*,  , 

llowellyn  Park,  orange,  n»  J* 

Uy  doar  Ur*  Cannery  ,*• 

Uttdoi*  data  Jxma  30th  the  followinc  cable**®] 
from  Romero  Rubio,  wan  received  in  Mow  York  addressed  to  Ur* 

*Se  aonoodero,  proroga** 

Youra  vary  truly, 

Private  Seo rotary. 

July  a,  ieoo 

Moaora,  Byer  ft  Saoly* 

#65  Wall  gtreot, 

We*  York  oity. 

Sear  Sir*:.. 

Referring  to  the  attaohod  fm  Un.  A.  &  sick. 
President  of  the  AW  B.  Dick  Company,  this  Cong>any  in  the  United 
3t&toa  ia  licnuad  under  Ur.  Edison's  Miaoograph  P«t«a*tJ.  if  a 
patent  la  to  he  taken  In  Switzerland,  should  it  not  to  *a**n  in 
MrV  Sdieon’a  n«mo  and  a  lloenao  givtm  tho  AW  BW  Diek  Caajac&rt' 

*3ho  grant  wlidi  -the  Aw  B.  Diok  people  propose  obtain ir^  Sa  ^vitaor- 
land  ia  oUlod  a.  "Jfenufaoturora  Patent."  I  don’t  know  ufaxt  tMo 
ie.  You  doubtless  are  familiar  with  it,  and  I  shall  bo  glad  to 
have  your  advice w 

Yours  very  truly* 

Private  Secretory^ 

htAAT  ij.t^/u 
I'D  (a/\/  V 

.  yl'u  AMthcoiU,  Jo  £hu  JfuAl*\A.eA*J-\  (,£  *fy*/cj/  aatJLucJ\,  yc*\J 

w^c  ^  hu,  CW  ^  At/ 

;4  i  *4^*^  JA«  4*  *Art  ^ 

,*?  /""4'/  “"k*'  ~~  *U^  *~J,L~  yU  „« 

7.  "  Z/‘"^  ^  <5X~.  «UX  „.W:/«W  AA  yr^y 

r/  -m-s  Jo  It,  JUicij,  v 

V  /  ,.  I 

^  ^  U,  I^y  «.^7/ 

J?  * *v~«-.  ««AW,yy4  «  */J.<~.£ a.„t A  trj 

l”A>J  J/.j  CV  ^  » .-HA/  IiMmj  *4  hna^.  » 1.  ,<■?»- 

i  f 

>V«~~  ***J,  imj  7k  W.  XX  ^ 

X,™,  y  vUtyj  (/  j.  Jt/^  ^ 

•  /  £  y-  , 

JO  triAy^O  ,/ /VU.tx.l 

U '  %-£w  df.  $asiAc/(ffy^\ 

&>  r  &  * 


GW  NW  Morison,  Esq.,  Sac'y.,  •  ‘tt 

Edison  United  Phonograph  Company, 

Mills  Building,  Nov/  York. 

Dear  Sir:- 

I  beg  to  acknowledge  i*eceipt  of  your  letter  of  30th 
ultW  to  Mr.  Edison,  requesting  a  list  of  all  the  people  to  whan 
phonographs  have  boon  given.  This  liBt  is  being  prepared  for  you 
now  and  will  be  forwarded  in  the  course  of  a  day  or  two. 

Yours  very  truly, 

Private  Seoretax*y« 


July  3,  3890 

My  doar  Mr*  Prioe,- 

1  have  your  latter  of  lot  instant,  enclosing 
bill  against  the  Edison  Manufacturing  Co,  for  advertising,  Mr. 
Edison  is  away  from  home  at  present.  I  aspect  him  book  to-night. 
If  I  can  get  at  him  I  will  sond  you  a  oheok  thin  wook  without  fail. 
If  not,  you  will  receive  it  early  next  weok. 

In  regard  to  full  page  advertisement,  X  have  given  inotruo- 
tions  to  have  a  page  token  in  your  jourml.  It  was  our  intention 
to  do  this,  but  we  hadn’t  quite  got  around  to  it. 

Yours  very  truly* 

Ohas,  V,  Price,  Esq,, 

Blest rioal  Review, 
Hew  York, 

Ssmuoi  Inaull,  Esq*' 

3,  isooi. 

1  3hCrUla  glad  to  tolOW  Whit  nn+4 

—  -*« .. «.  ^  .  !on  "*  p"'~  -  «■ 

to  op.,,4  tlto  '  °W  1WW  "»»«  W  ..»«• 

roo to  dirootiy  *«,  7  ““  «*  -** 

17  rtth  th0  St,i«en  Kashina  Works. 

t”l,M  th»  •>»»»«•»  to*  to  ay  iiotioo  ^  . 

*«na  point  to  Mr.  *  fl'0m 

HrL  v  n  n tab. To,  should  proparly  bo  rmiiiii 

Konneliy  itan  ™"*w-  and 

— .ooattortdtoj:;: :ri;rt,s—” 

— ~»,,yoUWoM..totoaj:;- 

Youra  vary  tnily, 

a™  *.  Bdt.„„ 

July  5,  3B90. 

Daniel  Wald,  Esq*,  Secretary, 

Bdiaon  Phonograph  Toy  Mfg.  Company, 

#95  Milk  St.,  Boston,  Maas1. 

My  dear  Sir!« 

I  beg  to  acknowledge  roooipt  of  your  letter  of  50th 
ultimo,  in  regard  to  foreign  business.  I  saw  Mr*  lewis  a  day  or 
two  ago,  and  lie  is  to  make  a  full  report  covering  the  matters 
whioh  he  investigated  when  in  Boston. 


Private  Seoretory. 



(ji<s/tv\. A^»L-  ^X' 


/  /j  7#  ..  z£ 

^  rfCfcl-*J  *<- 

X^  CyO^  V'’^  y 

German  'National  Bonk,' 

N  a  w  a  v.  k,  N.  J« 

July  7,  339a. 

Doar  Sira:- 

I  beg  to  notify  you  that  my  Pov/or  of  Attorney  which 
you  have  on  file,  in  favor  of  Hr'.  Alfred  0.  Tata,  permitting  him 
to  sign  checks  in  my  behalf,  drawn  upon  yourselves,  is  in  force 
on  and  after  this  date  and  until  further  notice'. 

Your3  very  truly, 



J  £~  SY  ?.  ^6a:/x  / 



^  Ji  ; 

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/*^£  1&JV  JXljpAjUs^^ 

^fa^AlLjb  .  Ol^'  tUA^y^L  ^fi* 

^WU  '  "  *  *  * 

^s6  A>~ 

Ct. —■  A-  - 

$4r  ^y'f'asu. 5^m^C- 

July  7,  1890. 

J'»  B.  Skehnn,  Esq., 

SpHn h<3v  Track  &  Co., 

V'  C-,  in  Brood  St’.,  Wow  York. 

Hear  Sir’:- 

I  one  lcuso  herewith  Mr’,  Edison1  a  oho  ok  for  §20.35,  to 
ytxsf  order,  in  accordance  with  your  latter  of.  2nd  instant. 

\7.i.H  you  ploaoe  infoan  ub  how  many  ohareu,  of  otook  Mr'*  Bdioon 
Jiold:,  in  the  Edison  Elac trie  Ill.  Co.  .of  ITow  York;  end  also  pleano 
rjivo  imi  th3  dot  ails  of  ti«  la3t  transaction,  as  I  want  to  have  it 
■properly  recorded  in  our  books!. 

Yours  truly, 

July  7,  IS  90S* 

Mr*  Tlio  *  o'*  Burkhard, 

#i2S  White  Street, 

New  York  City'* 

DOar  Sir|- 

The  copper  oyiindor  sent  to  us  by  yourself  has  been 
duly  received  at  the  Laboratory'*  It  is  not  made,  however,  aooor- 
airg  to  agreement,  as  the  outside  jacket  with  asbestos  or  mineral 
wool  mentioned,  ie  nds3ingl»  flease  explain* 

Yours  tiuly, 

Edison  Laboratoi 

Samuel  Ijasijll,  Eaq’«, 

•#44  Y/all  Street,  New  York.  City* 

TIb  oxperimejnta  acalnst  the  E4i»on  General  Eleotrip 
Oompany  to  the  lat  off  June  will  amoufifc  to  about  Jl^BOOv  I  shall 
have  to  «nait  Mr1#  Edison's  return  before  I  con  ncao  }]»  oxaot 
amount,  up  ne  ^eaigns  the  expeHaonta  to  the  variot®  ^  for 
v^hom  they  are  conduotedlj 

In  addition  io  the  above  re  have  a  Mil  for  Lonox  lycSum  Trial  ch 
ia  bei^g  made  up  now  and  which  will  be  sent  you  to-morrow,  amounting 
to  a  little  over  a  thousand  dollars, 

•  Yours  very  truly, 

Private  & e oratory* 

Jsay  as  jjj. 

5am»l  InsuU,  Ssq^ 

m  *ai'gt«>et? 

Wew  Yon-Jc  City® 

Bsar  Sir*r 

i  enoioss  Vt ^  ,fces 

*"*  T*"4  „i fa, 

tnwUatl,,,  w  on,  r«aolv«  r™„  *,  ^  ^  ~  - 

*«*ro  truly® 

I’rivat e  Secretary. 

Mexioo,  Juno  25,  1890'. 

Sonor  Thomas  AW  Edison, 

Haw  York. 

My  dear  Sir,- 

r  In  pursuance  of  the  recommendation  made  to  aao  ta 
yoair  favor  of  ithecI4th  iniBtant,  I  havo  plo aaure  in  informing  you 
that  a  notice  hao  been  given  to.  the  branoh  jSocretary  authorizing 
the  extension  which  you  have  officially  aoujjht  for  throu^i  the 
agency  of  Messrs.  Connory  and  Peniche  &o»,  Ac. 

Porfirio  E!iaz. 

( Signed) 

1  at  ion. 

I  r  a  n  a 

Thomas  A*  Edison,  Esq,, 

Orange,  H.  J'j 

Mexico,  June  27,  1890:. 

Boar  3irt~ 

I  confirm  to  yo  i  my  cablegram  of  to-day,  in  which  I 
say  vof  erring  to  your  lettdr  of  14th  instant,  that  ths  extension 
asked  for  will  be  granted  for  the  oatablislmcnt  of  phonograph 
offices,  and  tliat  in  fact  this  has  already  been  communicated  to 

your  agent  in  this  city,  who  makes  the  above  mentioned  request’, 

■  sc ec wt'ii .by : £ a»;»jr <9V. «•,■»  vw-  • 

As  I  know  very  well  your  reputation,  there  has  not  been  the  least 

difficulty  in  granting  the  3:kid  extension,  especially  since  the 
cause  which  originates  it  will  be  to  the  advantage  of  the  service 
vffrioh  it  is  proposed  to  establish.  On  my  side^I  retain  a  very 
agreeable  recollection  of  fife  interview;  that  we  had  when  in  the 
United  States,  and  which  t  hiope  may  bo  repeated,  for  lately  the 
srfcete  of  my  health  has  been  such  as  to  necessitate  my  leaving  the 
co untry  for  a  few  months*  . 

(Signed)  Ml  RCtMEftO  -RUBIO. 

July  9,  1890', 

Bverett  I’razar,  Esq'., 

Noi  124  Water  Street, 
New  York  City, 

Dear  Sir':- 

1  beg  to  acknowledge  the  receipt  of  your  letter  under 
date  7th  instant  and  to  say  in  reply  that  we  have  not  yet  been" 
able  to  arrange  matters  with  the  Edison  United  Phonograph  Col., 
so  as  to  permit  us  to  continue  making  shipments  to  China  and  •  ‘ 
Japan  for  your  account!.  '  * 

In  regard  to  musical  phonograms,  we  have  not  made  any  at 
the  laboratory  for  some  tine,  but  are  commencing  again  very. 
shortly1.  We  expect  to  open  our  music  room  in  the  course  of  two 
or  three  days!.  Wo  do  not  know  Mr'.  Marshall,  to  whom  you  state  you 
understand  the  trade  in  musical  phonograms  has  been  turned  over. 

Yours  very  truly,  ^ 

■  ■  ■ 

Private  Secret  ary’* 

Samuel  Insull,  Esq’. 

July  9,-  1890’. 

#44  Wall  Street, 

New  York  City1. 

Dear  Sir|- 

I  enclose  herewith  copy  of  a  communication  addressed  to 
me  by  Messrs'.  Eaton  &  Lewis,  in  regard  to  Mr!*  IVazar's  China  and 
Japan  phonograph  business,  from  which  you  will  see  that  no  lia¬ 
bility  attaches  to  Mr1.  Edison  through  the  stoppage  of  shipments 
of  phonographs  and  phonographic  supplies  to  those  countries!. 

Yours  very  truly, 

Private  Secretary 

,0  Q  P  Y1. 

Alfred  O'*  Tate,  Esq., 

c/o  Tlo  A'#  Edison,  Esq1*, 

}Ie w  York,  July  7,  18901. 

Edison’s  Laboratory,  Orange ,  N‘«  O'* 

Dear  Sir:- 

YTe  have  examined  again  the  correspondence  left  by  you 
with  our  Mr'*  Lewis  last  week,  consisting  of  a  letter  addressed  by 
you  dated  May  13,  1890  to  MrW  InsullJ  the  letters  addressed  by 
Mr!,  Edison  to  Mr.  Frazer  under  date  of  Jan.  25th  and  Feb.  7tfh, 

1890  respectively,,  and  a  letter  addressed  by  Mr'.  Frazar  to  .Mr* 
Edison  dated  Jan.  31st,  1890'.  We  have  examined  these  letters  in 
the  light  of  the  proposed  agreement  for  Japan  drawn  by  our  ’Mr'. 
Eaton  in  January  of  this  year,  and  we  are  of  opinion  upon  a  survey 
of  the,  whole  situation,  that  Mr1.  Edison  is  under  no  obligations  tc 
continue  the  business  relations  with  Mr'.  Frazar  and  his  firms, 
undertaken  some  months  ago  and  in  reference  to  which  the  corres¬ 
pondence  above  recited  took  place. 

In  his  letter  of  Jan.  25th,  1890,  Mr1.  Edison  distinctly  dis¬ 
avows  the  intention  of  making  an  exclusive  contract  for  a  term  of. 
years  with  Hri  Frazar’s  firm,  and  although  Mr’.  Frazar  in  his  reply 
dated  Jan.  31st  makes  use  of  the  following  language: 

.  "The  exclusive  agencies  for  those  countries  I  understand  you 
are  willing  to  place  with  my  firm  for  the  next  few  years,  and  for 
such  definite  period  later  as  may  be  mutually  agreed  upon,”  yet 

it  is  to  be  remembered  that  in  his  reply  dated  Feb!.  7th  Mr1.  Edison 
calls  attention  to  hio  letter  of  Jan*  25th  in  which  he  says,  that 
he  specifically  states  the  only  tenns  upon. which  he  would  be 
justified  in  giving  exclusive  rights  to  any  one. 

Yfe  think  upon  the  papers  as  they  stand  that  KrV  Edi/jon  is 
under  no  obligation  to  continue  his  relations  with  JUS  IPrazar. 

Yours  truly, 


EATON  &  EEV/ia. 

July  9,  1890 

M  y*  :g  «*  i 

July  9,  1890.’. 

Will  the  Ten  Eycks  lease  belong  to  you  oj*  the 

James  Broun,  Esq.,  Sup't., 

Direct  cable  Company, 
New  York  City. 

-Dear  Sir:- 

I  beg  to  confiwn  thd  following  telegram  sent  j 

•Please  express  to  Sir  John  Penddf  the  sincere 
sympathy  of  Mrs’.  Edison  and  myself  in  the 
great  loss  which  ije  lias  sustained'. » 

Yours  -very  truly, 

A  meeting  of  the  Board,  of  Directors  of  the  Edison  lamp  Company 
'.res  held  at  Orange,  Kb  ft,  Tuesday,  April  15th,  1S90,  at  three  ' 
o*'clock  pv  m!*' 

Present:  Messrs'*  Insull*  Upton,  Edisoxl  and  Ord* 

Mr*  Insull  stated  that  financial  arrangements,  by  which  the 
business  of  this  Company  would  be  largely  increased  and  benefited, 
had  been  made  with  tjie  Deutsche  Bank  and  others,  and  that  it  was 
for  the  -best  interests  of  this  Cdmpahir  that  such  arrangements 
Should  be  made'.  Whereupon,  on  motion  duly  seconded,  it  was  unani¬ 

RESOLVED,  That  this  Company  pay  to  the  Deutsche  Bank 
and  others  as  a  consideration  for  carrying  out  such 
arrangements  the  sum  of  §30,000. 

Upon  motion  duly  seconded  it  was  unanimously 
RESOLVED,  that  the  officers  of  this  Company  be,  and. 
they  are  hereby  authorized  to  execute  and  deliver  a 
letter  in  the  following  fom: 

«To  Deutsche  Bank  and  others.  - 

wnear  Sirs'!-  In  tbnsideration  of  the  general  financial 


lows:  _ _ _ §3o,ooo 

Edison,  ian®  Company-*-—'' — 

ro-py-TTUiy  . 


On  motion, duly  seconded,  the  meeting  was  then  adjourned. 


Praf,  Yfov.  DV  Maries , 

Edison  Electric  Liflht  Comp' ally, 
Philadelphia,  ¥ti, 

July  9,  1390. 

Dear  Sirs* 

I  beg  to  admowledcc  reooipt  of  youx*  letter  of  2nd 
instant.  I  Ixr.vo  not  failed  -tp  ihtMfost  myself  in  the  mattor  to 
whiolx  you  refer,  but  thus  fax*  have  net  been  vory  successful. 

Yours  very  truly 

Samuel  Inaull,  E30., 

#44  W  all  Strait, 

Wow  Ydri*  Mir. 

Dear  Sir:- 

I  called  ±0  eeo  yon  at  your  office  this  morning  but 
you  were  engaged.  J  10i%  word  with  £&»'«  Butler*  td  hha  &i'f'6ai  that 
the  Doll  Models  would  £10  yoacly  for  ma  to-day  or  to-mortw,  and 
that  I  could  arrange  %0  go  to  Boston,  on  Saturday  it  that  V/duldt  be 
convenient  for  yourself,  ao  |  understand  you  desire  to  be  present’ 
at  the  noxt  meeting  of  the  D^’oc^o'rp.  of  that  Company.  If  Sat usv 
day  will  not  suit  y,oa,  will  you  kindly  tam_  a  day  aariy  noitfc  wqdk* 
if  possible'* 

yours  very  truly, 

private  Sqqretary  *( 

July,  10,  1890 

Samuel  Xnoull,  Esq., 

No.  44  Wall  3treot, 

Now  York  City, 

Deal*  3ir:- 

I  bog  to  oo  nfirm  the  i'o  11  owing  mooaage  telephoned  you 
this  morning 

"It  is  impossible  for  U3  to  close  our  books  until 
we  got  the  details  of  payment  of  eighty-four  thou¬ 
sand  dollars  which  have  been  promised  from  your 
office  for  several  days,  but  which  have  not  yet  ar¬ 
rived  > " 

YOurs  truly-, 

Iff' . 


Privats  8e6i*etary, 

Samuel  Insull,  Esq., 


July  ^3/' 1890 

#44  Wall  Stroot,  New  York  Oity, 

Door  Sir!- 

Referring  to  the  letters  oi'  Mr,  J,  Adrianos  Bush  to  Mr, 
Lipoincott,  in  rognrd  to  a  report  from  tho  Edison  Phonograph  Works 
on  manufacture,  if  you  will  kindly  outline  tho  manner  in  Which 
this  report  should  bo  made  up  I  will  have  it  prepared  immediately. 
All  the  entries  dosing  tho  Phono.  Works  books  to  June  1st  will 
be  made  to-day.  I  can  get  a  balance  sheet  the  first  thing  in  the 
morning,  and  au  far  as  I  am  aware  there  is  nothing  flirt  her  to  de¬ 
lay  the  report  that  .the  North  Am.  Phono.  Co.  is  pressing  for. 

Yours  vary  truly. 

July  10,  1890 

Surauol  Install, .Esq,, 

#44  Wall  St,,  Mow  York  Oity, 

Dear  Sir:- 

X  bog  to  acknowledge  receipt  of  your  letter 'of  3rd 
instant,  in  recard  to  sending  phonographs  into  Canada  for  use  in 
connection  with  your  business  there.  You  cannot 
into  Canada  without  endangerin';  the  Canadian  patoi 

'  O 

would  be  to  icnore  the  patents  and  sond^phonographe  that  are 
manufactured  in  the  United  Stato3, (  Our  oleotrio  light  experience 
lias  proved  this  to  bo  the-  best  course  to  adopt.  Wo  i*an  a  Lamp 
factory  there  for  a  number  of  yoar3  at  a  loss  of  from  ton  to 
twelve  thousand  dollars  a  yoar,  and  the  history  of  the  phonograph 
business  will  be  the  some  if  wo  attompt  to  manufacture  in  that 

Yours  very  truly, 

tsih/'dly  advice 

July  10,  1890 

My  dear  Hutchinson, - 

Will  you  kindly  send  me  a  fan  to  run  in  my 
office,  I  got  30  hot  the  day  before  yesterday  sitting  hers  with 
300  incandescent  lamps  burning  outside  thq  door  that  I  had  to 
got  out  at  half-past-thhoc  o'clock  and  go  down  to  Coney  Islaiid, 
and  I  can't  afford  to  do  thdt  every  aftornoon.  Send  the  fan  ovor 
to  me  and  let  the  bill  follot. 

Yours  vory  truly,  /? 

Privato.  Secretary. 

Joseph  Hutchinson,  Esq., 

Messrs.  .Bergmonn  &  Co,,  ' 

#232  Avo.  B.,  MeiV  y6rk  City. 

July  10,  1390. 

Ei  H»  La  wits,  E0ti., 

MQ3srs»  Eaton  &  Lewis, 

#130  Broadway,  Haw  York,  ^ 

Dear  Sir:-  ■ 

I  oncloaa  herewith  a  letter  addressed  to  myself  by  the 
Secretary  of  the  Edison -Phonograph  Toy  Mfg.  Company  under  date 
7th  instant,  enclosing  copies  of  Mr.  yeomans',  letters  to  the 
Company  of  Jur^o  ’ 25th’ and  June,  10th.  The  relations  between  Mr. 
Yeomans  and  the  Company  are  beconjing  more  complicated  every  day, 
and  I  tliink  we  should  lose  no  tints  in  taking  action  to  force  Mr. 
Yeomans'  hand.  The  proposition  outlined  in  your  communication 
to  me  under  date  3rd  instant  would  I  believe  give  Mr.  Yeomans 
sufficient  rope  wherewith  to  hang  himself,  and  I  shall  therefore 
be  glad  if  you  *4§i  proceed  at  once  to  prepare  the  documents 
necessary  to  place  the  interests -of  the  Toy  Phono.  Co.  and  my  own 
interests  in  the  hands  of  a  Trustee.  I  have  not  yet  decided  whom 
we  should  nahe  as  Trusted,  hut  this  heed  not  delay  the  preparation 
of  the  documents.  I  will  advise  you  upon  that  point  later  dh. 

•  •  ,  $  , 


July  10,  1890, 

Samuel  Inoull,  Esq,, 

#44  Yfall  Street, 

Hew  York  City. 

Dear  Sir:- 

I  enclose  herewith  bill  agaihst  the  Edison  General 
Side trio  Company ,  amounting  to  |}l, 223.28,  for  expenses  in.  con¬ 
nection  with  the  Lenox  LyceYun  exhibit, 

1  will  not  be  able  to  send  you  the  experimental  bills  against, 
tile  General  Company  until  Mr.  Edison  returns, to  the  Laboratory. 

Yours  vary 

July  10,  1390 


Boar  Si. 


Inauil,  Katj., 

./M'i'W.i  St.,  Hew  York's 

1  bog  to  confirm  the  following  message  telephoned  you 
in  roply  to  one  received  'from  you! 

«I  '.Till  advise  the  Boston  people  that  we  will  be 
prepared  to  submit  new  models  on  Tuesday  or  We d- 
nesda/'  and.  that*on  Monday  I  -vill  telegraph  which  day. 

I  t M ilt  one  day’s  notice  will  be  sufficient,  but  if 
not  tisy  will  have  time  to  object  before  you  leave. 

I  crai  take  the  dour and  lottero  to  New  York,  but  am  not 
sure  ibout,  Phono.  Works  Balance  Sheet,  If  they  strike 
a  balance  at  the  first  trial  I  can  have  sheet  in  time 
to-loavo  ho re  on  the  2  :Q7  train  and  meet  yon  at  about 
3  :  15,.  Shall  I  go  in  anyway  with  the  Gouraud  letters? 

Private  Secretary, 

•July  10,  20 

J.  II,  Craig,  Jr1.,  Boq., 

«  '1  h  o  Constitnili  n, 11 
Atlanta,  Ga. 

.Dear  3ir:~  .  .  ,  , 

Your  letter  under  data  iih  instant,  ha  a  cane  to  hand 
during  Mrv  Edison* a  absence,  and  as  I  do  not  expect  him  back  for 
a  couple  of  weeks'  1  will  undertake  to  ansv/er.  your  queries,  as  I 
aw  quite  familiar  with  Mr.  Edi/on’s  views  upon  the  subject  men¬ 
tioned  in  your  communication  under  reply.  Lightning  rods  should 
not  be  insulated  from  the  stricture  to  which  they  are  attached, 
and  they  should  be  woll  grounded.  If  drected  in  this  manner  they 
afford  real  protection', 

Private  Secretary, 

iVS'«  Hastings,  Esq.,  Seo*y», 

Edison  Electric  Light  Company, 

#44  Wall  St*,  Now  York  City* 

July  10,  1800 

Dsar  Sir:- 

In  chooking  up  the  Light  Conpany  account  I  fincl  that 
you  Jiavo  not  given  no  orodit  for  an  amount  of  $119.32  which  we 
havo  ohargod  against  you  on  account  of  the  Standardizing  Bureau. 
You  ivill  probably  remember  tliat  at  tho  time  we  rondered  our  ac¬ 
count  against  tho  Standardizing  Buroau  we  liad  oonBidorable  correa- 
pondonce  in  reference  to  it,  and  that  finally  I  stated  tliat  I 
would  allow  all  the  credits  that  you  claimod  in  order  to  close 
tho  matter  out,  ao  1  was  tired  of  the  prolonged  discussion.  I 
made  these  allowances  on  the  aooount  and  it  left  due  a  balance  of 
$119.32,  for  which  I  now  bag  to  hand  you  an  invoice  with  tho  re¬ 
quest  that  you  will  placo  tho  amount  to  Mr*  Edison's  credit  upon 
your  books'* 

Your3  very  truly. 

Jfvdy'lO,  1800* 

My-  deni’  Shav,- 

Boplylaa  to  your  latter  under  date  5th  instant 
t.o  Ur*,  Edison,.  in  regard. to  t  rip  l/.,r  expansion  engine,  I  bee  to,  say 
that  Mr®  Edison  obtained,  irero  certain  manufacturers  ip  Prance 
patterns  and  models  .of  three  tri;jjlo-oxpansion  enginea*. ,  Ho.  received 
at.  the  same  timo  popnioaion  build  for  elootrio  lighting 
purposes; in  .the  tfcdtqd  States  «t,  All  Mr. ..Edison's  plans,  for.  a  large 
engine  .factory,  which  ho  ia  gciing  to  oreot  near  Orange,  are.  in 
course  of  preparation, .  and  will  bo,  commenced  upon  .the.. buil¬ 
ding  nothin  a  vary  text  months*,  Mr*,  Edieon  in  not  privileged  to 
delegate  rights  to,  manufacture  this,  engine* 

P*  P-  3iia»f  X&t*r 

TRSllAtsuyport,  Pa’. 

Sautuol  lua-jii,  Ev.qf> 

$44  Vfcv 11  gtraot» 

Naw  York  (jity  t 

IiraM  *“"*  *  “«•  •  ^  .*  «.  Board  of 

1~  "  “*  — —  ««•' -a  bo  h0U  at  tb. 

Z;°  w  —*• ^  “bo  a*  tm  to  th0 

“7°“’  “  “  V0W  i,tt*"MOn  Mns  -  *—'«*,  ,  a. 

1  llks  10  sw  — «"«  dofinito  ,„  «r. 

***  *“  -  "  “*  ’  **  «■  «■«  **»  «.  l8 
T**  "*  *»*  *  **.  *».  apaom.  aa.aor. 

tho  tottom  o£  the  notice  referred  to  above  iff  tfa»  following* 

*Ro  business  of  itawortaheev 

Yours  vary  . ■ 




£dison  Phonograph  Toy  itfgi  Oo1*, 

95  Milk  St'*,  Boston,  Mana. 

Dear  Sira:- 

1  bog  to  mlvioe  you  that  I  will  be  prepared  to 
take  to  Boston  on  Tuosday  qr  VJadnejjdav  of  next  we  ok  six  models 
of  the  Speaking  Doll  upon  whicp  Mr.  Bdiaon  haa  boon  engaged  for 
sfcvefral.  irooke  past.  My  inability  to  state  whioh  day  I  can  be  in 
Boston  is  caused  by  Mr.  Inqull’o  desire  tp  accompany  me  and  his 
uncertainty  ad  to  which  of  those  two  days  he  can  be  in  that  city. 

I  will,  however,  bo  able  to  telegraph  yon  on  Monday,  and  meanwhile 
3  shall  be  glad  to  lave  you  advise  mo  whothor  this  arrangement 
is  entirely  in  accord  with  your  views. 

Yours  very  truly, 

Private  Secretary?- 

J'tfiv  ia,  133.0 

Smxcl  15131111,  Esq,, 

1G  *  1$  proad  street, 
How  York  City, 

J>w[r  Sly;- 

Zo  tho  memorandum  which  you  obtained  ihnm 
e°tt,  Qinnc  points  to  bo  taken  oaro  of  in  cottinG  out  a  mu 
phono craphf  complete  or  ia  he  to  make  further  additions  to  it* 

Yotrw  very 

frtyatd  Setratni-yK 

Messrs.*  Eaton  &  lov/io, 

Ho*  120  Broadway,  Now  York* 

July  11,  lego 

Dear  Sira:- 

I  Mt  you  36th  ultimo  t.0  uoivous  of  ooysltloa 
Uhioh  hud  boon  pnopanod  ly  tha  Au„„w  „  tho 

0O*  “  ,,hl”h  ‘tat  “■"‘W  to  have  subotiWfoc 

tho  documents  P-spam,  by  younsolvos,  so,.*,*  tho  „mo  ffl>Uap, 
Tho  Boston  Company  is  ashb*  f.r  .boss  papaya,  sna  !  shall  to 
Bind  to  uocoivs  tsom  you  a  imply  to  my  lotto,  nofoyood  to  atovoo 

Yonro  very  truly, 

Private  Secretary, 


Ur’»  0»  s,  \7iloy, 

Oraneo,  if,  Sm 

11,  1850 

I  hav.  yoar  ,,  10th  inoten.  „„  ^  ^ 

™°” " ln  u”  ■— ~ 

l"'  to  »ftr  you. 

Yours  truly. 

Pfrivato  Soorfctauy, 

tU't  Pi-auk  A.  Burrells,  Gen*l,  Monacal-, 

Bin-ami  or  Press  Clippings,  Chicago, 

•  I  havo  your  letter  of  9th  instant.  Tto  oorvica  that 
Mrv  Edison  is  wool  vine  from  the  National  Proas,  Intelligence  Co., 
W,S  Oonconi  45104  him  with  newspaper.  clippings,  at,  tho  ' 

pro-Hont  time,  is  out i*oly  oat  isf ao tory .  Ih-i .  Sdiu on  has  nacei ved 
several  offorc  similar  to  the  ona- which  you  mho  in  your  letter 
under  roply  from  rival  concerns,  molt  of  which  have  boon  aosepfcedy 
and  tho  service  rendered  was  no  bettor  than  that  parfomed  by  tho 
National  Press  Intelligence  Co.;  indood  in  most  of  the  cases  it 
Wa0  very  much  inferior,  notwithstanding  that  tlie  parties  sow 
supposed  to  bo  malting  a  spooial  effort  to  got  the  business*  . 
Edison  would  not  withdraw  his  patronage  from  tho  National  Proas 
people  unless  ho  were  satisfied  that  a  bettor  aorvice  onisM  he’ 
obtained  elsetiioro.  The  clipping*  which  lit  dasireb  a«  thtto  ro- 
latihs  to  himself  personally  and 'to  his  iiWoriiltam  ,if  you  «<a-e 
to  supply  him  with  those  for  a  month  free  of  Tteiargo*  wo  shidU  ib» 
pleased  to  have  you  do  so,  and  your  bor\j#t*  vill  ^  0V0  fully 

Mr*  jy  k% 

o*WW*i  »*th  tjwt  0/  .«* 

%  Pf 

ilsnsfU  **.*  jfWiMw*,  IIM^ 
Yowa  v^>  ;;.;H^, 

Privet  a  3Q0!?atajiy# 

July  1.%  38  90 

Uy  dear  All  ion, - 

Your  letter  of  11th  instant  is  nt  liamB. 

1  could  not  Boa  Mr#  Instill  yeaterday  at  the  hour  I  expeotad, 
and  after  l  had  seen  him  it  was  too  lato  to  its lop  hone  you#  1  am 
unable  to  advise  you  when  m  vri.ll  go  to  Boston,  Mr#  Insull  not 
having  advised  me# 

Yours  very  truly* 

Edgar  3.  All ion,  Esq., 

Hotel  Somerset, 

Bomardsvillo,  it#  J* 

Mr!*  Thomas  Burkhard, 

#125  White  Street, 

Now  York  City* 

July  14,  90!» 

Deal’  Sir:- 

Your  letter  of  8th  instant  is  at  hand*  Upon 
examining  the  kettle  closely  we  find  tint  it  is  jacketed  with 
asbestos  as  the  order  called  for*  We  have  connected  it  up  with 
steam,  melted  some  of  our  wax  in  it*  and  find  that  it  works  satis¬ 
factorily,  we  having  only  lost  about  3°F*  from  the  theoretical 

Yours  truly,* 

E  d  i 

n  L  a  b  o 


Mrv  W,  S*  Mallory, 

Nov  7  West  Randolph  Street,  ' 
Chicago,  Ilia, 

'  June  14,  1090 

Dear  Sir:- 

1  beg  to  confirm  the  following  telegram  sent  you  by 
Mrv  Edison  this  morning:- 

B7/ife  exported  to  be  ill  soon,  cannot  come  until 
afterwards,  Edison" 

Yours  truly, 

Private  Secretary* 

Samuel  Inaull,  Esq,,  2nd  Vioe-Preo't,, 

Bdis  onjen  •’  1,  E  1  e  c  t  r  a 
16  &  18  Broad  St.:,  lim  York, 

July  14,  1890 

C  o,, 

Dear  Sir:- 

ItrV  Edison  lias  mado  the  following,  note  upon  your 
letter  of  10th  instant,  with  which  was  enclosed  confidential 
circular  handed  to  you  by  Mr'*  E'*  D‘.  Adams; 

"I  don't  want  to  enter.  You  might 
send'  oapy  to  General  Company,  Ask 
Adams  ►“ 

1  return  the  circular  herewith* 

#lH$ite  fibers  ary* 


July  16,  1890 

Mina  Helen  A!.  Whitt in, 

^eo’y.  Committee  on  Science  &  Education, 

Middlesex  Mechanics  Association  of  Lovell,  Mass- 

Dear  Madame, - 

With  reference  to  your  lotto?.*  «f  jath  instant.,  .Mr*. 
Edison  regrets  that  it  is  practicable  *or  wto  arrange  for  the 
production  «  Ms  ?*ris  to  year  atoy  -airing  the  month 

bf  Au^etf, 

|  kfter  the  close  of  the  Cydesto  exhibit  in  Wow  York,  aU 

of  the  apparatus  was  shipped  to  tfinneas-ftlis,,  whore  it  is  to  be 
exhibited  in  tesr.ectiejt  .with  the  liinnesiftta  Pair  whioli  open  a' 
early  next  month!. 

Yours  truly. 

Private  ‘oecretarjVi 

15th  July,  1890-, 

Sir  John  Pender, 


Dear  Sir, 

1  beg  to  confirm  the  following  cablegram  sent  you 

"Maps  of  proposed  lighting  district  received.  I  would 
not  build  a  bam  on  such  data*  I  propose  sending  my- 
expert  to  London  apd  collect  the  data  in  the  regular 
ray  and  lay  out  a  general  ppbeme  °f  lighting  the  dis¬ 
trict  in  a  proper  'tuid  permanent  manner  like  a  gas  com- 
panyW  Iho  plans  will  be  made  by  aur  Engineers  Imre 
am  submitted  to  yours'.  TVhat  do  you  ?ay?  EDISOHW" 

Yours  vex#  truly: 

tand  oi'  the  Gesel'lechaft  Urania, 


Chs  receipt  of  your  esteemed  favor  under  dato  25tli 
Lining  ms  of  my  election  to  Honorary,  Membership  in 
ts  remained  unaoJoiowledged  owing  to  my  absence  from 

It  was  with  mud)  gratification  that  I  learned  of 

(lecting  me  an  Honorary  Member,  and  it  gives 

rob  pleasure  to  accept  the  honor  thus  conferred  upon  me. 
Shanking  your  Board  of  Directors  for  their  .courteous  lettai 

Yours  very  truly, 


July  16,  1890* 

Edison  Phonograph  Storks, 

The  following  is  extract  f ran  a  letter  received 
from  Mr.  S'*  H.  Block  of  Moscow,  Russiai- 

« After  having  worked  a  little  with  that  beautifully  simpli¬ 
fied  new  phonograph,  delivered  to  the  Czar,  'the  recording 
on  the  former  apparatus  is  not  by  far  so  cheerful  as  it 
wa3  heretofore.  May  I  once  more  appeal  to  your  generosity 
and  ask  you  whether  you  would  find  it  possible 
7imPly  the  top  part,  marked  «X“  on  photograph  which  1-sen.d 
S  book  post.  It  simply  constitutes  the  carnage  tube, 

Sith  nut  and  holder  and  HEW  DIAPHRAGM  with  atm  complete. 

X  would” again  put  me  at  the  head  of  the  mission  entered  . 
upon  and  would  enrfble  me  to  hold  my  o\m. 

1  ,  .  „  tiia  warts  mentioned  in  the  above 

Pletfse  send  to  Mr.  B1f  *  tte  photograph  which 

axtraot  St  yoU  can  better  understand  the  parts  which  he 

Its  refers  to,  so  tint  you  om  bet £  th0  photosranh  after  you 

Se8ltr»f^,nSd  cSrASS  BloX  ^  -  — 

earliest  convenience-. 

Yours  very  truly, 

”s/J  O  .  • 

SanMel  Iii'TOll j  Esq1., 

16  &  18  Broad  Street 

Haw  York  CiHy* 

July  17,  1890* 

Dear  .SirJ- 

Xt  is  ray  opinion  tlsct  ns  do  not  want  the  Eokmoyer 
patents,  only  one  of  -which  is  of  any  value,  and  that  is  the  im¬ 
proved  Put hod  of  Siemens  winding.  The  efficiency  is  only  in¬ 
creased  about  half  a  horse  power,  which  is  of  no  benefit  praotih 

I  notice  that  the  Sprague  people  are  putting  up  a  specif 
brand  hi'  trolley  v/ire  on  a  guarantee  and  without  testing'.  Ab pt}$ 
tY/an&y-fiva  per  cent  of  all  the  power  on  the  railway  is  lost.  By 
putting  up  propei-  wire  they  could  3ave  twenty  times  more  than  by 
this  winding. 

Second,  this  winding  has  the  great  advantage  that  it  permits 
rapid  repairs  to  burned- out  armatures'.  As  the  burning  out  of 
armatures  is.  the  curse  of  the  railway  business  to-day,  I  assume 
that  the  burning  out  defect  must  be  eradicated,  and  if  eradicated 
the  vending  will  bp  no  longer  necessary. 


Sanuel  Insull,  Esq . , 

16  &  IS  Broad  Street, 

Her/  York  City, 

July  17,  1890/ 

Dear  Sir:- 

I  have  your  latter  of  12  th  in  at  ant,  ±n  regard  to  Mil. 
I’razar  and  the  United  Phonograph  Company',  After  1  have  inter¬ 
viewed  Mr*  I’rasar  I  will  communicate  with  you. 

Yours  very  truly. 


Saanvol  ^mull,  .fisq, 

ilO  Si  18  Broad  Strool/, 

l,tew  York  Pi}y, 

lJectr  Siyj« 

Mr’t  Edison  has  received  yaw  letter  of  14th  instant,, 
.enclosing  original  of  A  letter  received  by  you  from  Ihv.jty  Oj» 
i?le phsne,  together  -with  a  ooramniic£0on  received  by  the  hitter 
•from  Mr*.  Eastman,.  of  the  Columbia,  Phonograph  Company, 

Mr-*  Edison  desires  you  to  request  Mr’,  C  la  pliane  to  ask  Eastman 
for  more  points,  those  already  raised  hy  him  being  ire  11  taken, 
•tftioh  is  more  than  Mr*  Edison  can  say  of  the  points  raised  by  the 

Woi-th  American  people'*  r 

Yours  very  truly-, 

Private  Seoret^yST' 


Samuel  Instill, r  Esq,, 

16  *  18  Broad  St., 

1'low  York  City', 

July  17, ,  1890,. 

Bear'  Sir:-  . 

I  enclose  herewith,  copy  of  a'  letter  received  by  Hr J. 
Edison  from,  Drexol,  Morgan,*  Co,,  asking  -if- he.;  is,  .the,  owner  /of 
shares  of  the  Australasian  Electric  Light, ..Power  *  Storage  Co, 
in  nano  of  Walter  BV  Korn.  Do  you  knov;,  if  Jfci.  Edison  owns  any 
sttoh  shares  as  nentionedV 

Yours  truly. 

Wionujs  At.  Eaiao'ri,  SscU| 

Nev,:  July  i5t]j,  ^890^ 

Oraifjb,  IT;, 

Will,  you’  kindly  ;  W  i  ^  „  . 

4.  r<s  03  to  whathar  you  ana  th 

r  M  3to'ea  “  ~*r-- — .* 

;  S?  ^  “  *  “•»  “I  «  *  «.  the  „ 

•hares  Mcfc  m  hou  iSmt  ^  . 

Youns  truly, 

Droxal,  Morgan  &  c0< 

July  17,  1890 

Sotmel  insun,  33sq'.,  Trsasu'per,  ■■■■*.. 

Edison  Phonograph  Works, 

.  lfi  &  lf>  Broad  St V,'  Now  York. 

pear  sir:- 

rn.V  EM.on  to  ,^a  m  letter  ot  to_ 

**“  °°W  01  »— *« '»  *»»  W.  ^ 

Phono^n  °ov,  ^  •*  ' 

■  ™P*  lie.  de.ire.  »  to  W.Wi  ttet  -  teve  to-My  eo^ete*  . 
n.»„o4el  ««.„«.  llsht  t0 

ta  .attsfeetory,  .Tor,  deftet  Savins  teen  overooaet  . 

Yours  very  truly. 

Friyatg  Secret! 

July  17,  IS  90 

Epiand  <shandl9rT-  ...  ■, 

Tow  letter  oi‘  14th  instant  addressed  to  the 
HV  Jv  &  Pav  Conp (Titrating  Oo*,  has  beon  referred  to  no', 

Xle  do  not  aeil  our  plant,  as  there  is  so  'much  competition 
V7lth  separators  that  their 'sak,  even  at  300  per' cent  profit,  • 
wouldn't  Ketram  one-tenth  tiie  mondy  expended?ih  eipbririenting. 

We  lease  nines  and  pay  a  royalty  par  ton  of  concentrate  and  make 
all  the  inves tnsmt  our  se'iye s-i  If  ybrn*  friend  would  bring  sat, pies, 
maps  of  property  etc'. ,  and  come  to  Laboratory,  perhaps  we  could  ' 
start  tto  ball  rolling’.  All  thp  difference  between  oir  plant  and 
others  is  that  I  can  make  a  higher  grade  ‘of  iron  with  less  loss 
in  tailings,  end  hence  work  a  very  low  grade  ore  with  profit.  ’ 
Yours  veiy  truly, 

*  '  / 


Y&iV  P,.  Perrier,  Esq,,, 

Geological  &  Natural  History  Survey, 
Sussex  st,.  Ottawa,  Canada, 

Dear  Mr,  Perrier, - 

Y°ur  letter  of  8th  instant  was  received  by 
ne  in  due  course,  of  mail, 

**  ,Mi80n  W3,00ta  t0  Bum,  his  Minins  Bngineer,  t„ 

investigate  the  Bai«  St,. Paul  region  in  the  course  of  a  few  toys. 
He  would  be  obliged  if  you  would  collect  all  thb  available  data 
on  the  subject  and  send  it  to  him' here ‘at  the  Laboratory’.  \7c 
would  then  forward  it  to  Kir'.  Burn’,  your  prompt  attention  to  this 
-matter  will  much  oblige 

Private  Secretary, 

lather  S  tie  ringer,  bQ'1  .  , 


18  &  18  ®*°3d  3t»,  ifevy  york. 

U  a  Mtt«  tom  to  Centoy  oOBm»y  „  tev8 

ecoived  i«  ^is  office,,  aa&inr  for  n  *u  + 

!  5  &?.*:,*  Photograph  of  the-  Pranklin 

"rt"s a  “te  ras  “>«■««  »•«.«*  *  a,  ^  ' 

Bw  *  »*  -  *«,  *  „„ola  011 
«»  3*tonMlSwtloli  „llloh  th.y  intM  ^  ln  tI[o  stl 

**““  ”aSaSi“4  ^  TOU  *““■»  *fe*  to 

ph«o^M  a  .o,  »«,  S81td  lt  t„  tto„,  ma  obllcs  -  -  • 

Yours  vehy  truly, 


Samuel  Inmill,  Esq,, 

16  &  IS  Broad  St ra  et , 
Mew  York  City, 

July  18,  189  Q 

UGfer  ifri- 

Your  latter  of  16th  instant  in  rega^L  to  an  Alternating 
^sta-iehas  been  duly  received  and  perused  by  Ur.  Edison,  who  is 
unafeO*  to  reply  fully  to  it  at  the  moment,'  but  will  do  so  as 
(luiokly  as  possible. 

Yours  very  truly,, 

Private  Secretary* 

MaJ dr  S'«  B',  Eaton, 

I  bog  to  acknowledge  rcoaipt  of  yoclr  j&n&r  fef  15th 
instant  m  Hartsuff,  ending nXi  jiWld  aid  X*M(W  *«W*l*<l 
by  Ero&lijie  MeAVoy  afid  John  McAvoy  ojp.ths.  (5th  CQtobar,  IS79,  c^W,- 
riiig  tha  Premia 03  in  ,Poyt  Hu*urj,  Michigan, now  tho  property  of  Mr„ 
W,  P'.  Edison,  together  with  fdttf  n,otos  of  ^25  each,  payment  of 
which  lad  boon  do  faulted;  alBo  «p  assig^nt  of  tha  said  mortgage 
and  notes  fmm  Albert  Kartahff  mysaif ,  dated  April  Blst,  1890, 

Edison  United 

Phonograph  Go., 
s  'B  ill  1  d  in  s, 
New  York  Oity. 

July  IS,  90* 

Deaf  Sir3S- 

I  enclose  'hoj'ov/itli  hill  against  your  Company  amounting 
to  §1,676.93,  covering  cost  of  Phonographs  and  phonographic  sup¬ 
plies  presented  to  different  <p  orsons  in  Germany,  Russia.  China 

3htn*s  truly., 

L'.'U /\ 

.  July  IS,  38  90 

Sanuel  Insull,  Esq1.,  2nd  Vice-President, 

Bdison  General  .Electric  C  o«, 
Moa.  16  &  18  Broad  Street,  Nov:  York  City. 

Bear  Sir:- 

Referring  to  the  report  of  Messrs’.  Dyer  &  Seely  on 
the  Eckmoyer  patents  and  the  patents  which  you  submitted  to  me,  I 
assume  tliat  the  one  thing  which  Mr'.  Sprague  is  desirous  of  ac¬ 
quiring  for  the ,  Company  is  the  patent  which  covers  the  improved 
method  of  Siemens  winding.  The  efficiency  with  this  method  is 
only  increased  about  half  a  horse  power,  and  this  i3  of  no  practi¬ 
cal  benefit’.  If  this  were  at  all  a  factor  in  the  natter,  I  do 
not  imagine  that  tlib  Sprague  Company  would  use  a  trolley  wire  which 
results  in  25^  of  all  the  power  on  the  railway  being  lost;  vh areas 
if  they  used  a  proper  trolley  wire  they  could  save  twenty  times 
more  in  efficiency  than  by  the  winding  referred  to.  I  understand 
that  the  groat  benefit  which  it  is  urged  would  be  gained  by  using 
thd  Eckmeyer  winding  is  tint  it  permits  rapid  repairs  to  burnad- 
Oiit  armatures*  The  fatal  objection  to  the  present  methods  of 
electrical  railway  "'to rit  is  this  trouble  of  burning  out  of  arma- 
iweVi  ’DJilfe  &s  '•&  W’b.&iiL  defect  which  cannot  be  properly 


Saiiaiel  Instill,,  Esq., 

July  18.  1890* 

oraaioat^  by  a  change  of  winding.  It  goes  a  groat  deal  deeper 
than  this,  and  v/hat  is  necessary  is  a  radical  c tenge  of  invention, 
I  W  convinced  ttet  the  Siemens  fom  of  armature  win  go  out  of 
ue*.  inasmuch  as  this  fom  of  dynamo  will,  m  my  opinion,  be  en¬ 
tirely  obsolete  within  a  comparatively  short  time:.  i  m  sure 
that  the  multipolar  type  of  machine  will  replace  existing  fonns 
of  generators  and  motors,  and  the  Eokmeyar  winding  would  not  by 
any  means  be  available  for  the  improved  typo  of  generators  and 
motors  referred  toV  I  am  strongly  of  tte  opinion  that  your  Com¬ 
pany  should  not  purcteso  tte  Eclonoyor  winding  if  it  involves  a 
guaranteed  royalty  which  in  a  very  short  time  would  prove  an  • 
onerous  obligation  to  the  Company  for  the  reasons  above  stated. 

Xhe  foregoing  is  written  on  the  assumption  that  the  Eckmoyer 
Patents  are  valid.  My  own  impression  is  that  a  winding  exactly 
similar  to  tint  patented  by  Eetaneyer  was  described  long  since  in 
one  of  tte  olectricnl  pnpbhs'.  I  am  having  this  reference  looked 

'iftrars  very  truly*. 

G.  fev. 

o-i,  K,  Mori  non,  Esq..,  floorotary, 

Edison  United  Phonograph  Companyi 
Mills  Building.  How  York  • 

July  10,  1800 

Dear  Sir!- 

Xhora  was  aont  to  you  yesterday  a  bill  for  phonograpiia 
presented  by  Mr.  Edison  to . distinguished  people,  in  aooordanoa 
;rith  the  former's  understanding  with  your  Company.  Y/heh  I  rac'd. 
ydiAr  request  for  a  list,  I  thought  that  I  might  aa  .well  cat  the 
bill  out  at  the  'same  time.  This  delayed  the  matter  a  little,  but 
I  trust  not  to  your  inconvenience. 

I  havo  been  looking  for  an  opportunity  to  call  and  sign  your 
Minute  Book  aa  you  asked  mo  to  do  some  time  ago,  but  I  have  not 
been  in  Hew  York  and  to-day  I  am  called  away  to  Canada  and  will 
not  bo  back  until  the  middle'  of  next  v/aok.  The  first  tins  X  am 
in  He w  York  I  will  go  to  y$ur  office  and  affix' my  signature* 

Y6urs  very  truly* 

Private  Sefifret&Vy, 


{TvXy  19,  1890 

H»  M»  Mvor,  Esq,,  Manager, 

Ne\T  Jersey  &  Pennsylvania  Concentrating  Y/ork3, 
#1?  Day  st.,  Now  York  City. 

Dear  sir:- 

You  will  at  one o  prooood  to  erect ;tte  Refining  Mill 
and  Storage  Bins,  authorized  by  the  Board  of  Directors  at  their 
mooting  held  July  18th,  1890, 


If.  4.  A  Pa'«  Concentrating  Works • 

July  IS,  1890* 

Evorott  Erazar,  E3q., 

#124  Water  St  root,  • 

New  York  City, 

My  dear  Mr,  Erazar,- 

Mr.  Edison  roueivod  your  latter  under  date 
1.6th  instant  and  desires  me  to  thank  you  for  having  brought  to  his 
attention  copies  of  communications  rooeivod  by  tho  various  cembers 
of  your  firm  in  China  bearing  upon  the  presentation  of  the  phono¬ 
graph  to  tlia  Chinese  Emperor,  and  to  H.  E.  Li  Hung  Chang* 

I  iiave  beon  intending  to  call  upon  you  eaoh  day  for  several 
days  past,-  but  have  been  unable  to  leave  Orange  owing  to  pressure 
of  business,  To-day  I  was  very  unexpectedly  called  away  to 
Canada  and  shall  now  have  to  postpone  interview  with  you  until 
the  latter  part  of  next  week, 

1  regret  exceedingly  to  say  the  Edison  United  Phonograph  Co. 
has  not  rocoivod  our  advances  in  your  behalf  relative  to  a  con¬ 
tinuance  of  the  phonograph  business  in  China  and  Japan  upon  tho 
lines  which  v/e  have  boon  pursuing  all  along  in  the  spirit  in  which 
we  hopod  they  would  receive  them*  Mr,  Jesse  Soligman,  who  as  a 

matter  of  fact, speaks  for  the  United  Phonograph  Co,.  seems  disin¬ 
clined  to  permit  tho  sale  of  phonographs  in  the  countries  mentioned 

iratt  Prasar,  jg3q , 

*r  4'/  '  ^  ^vr/u 

nmil  thus©  fiOlintrtea  have  boon  purq!m$<J.  Jiip  <1^,  V/o 
haVo  argued  that,  tlui  Ante  roots  of  the  United  .uujnpany  would  best  be 
consulted  by  continuing  yow  agency.  We  have  placed  before  him 
the  moat  excellent  record  which  you  and  your  firms  lave  made  as 
representatives  of  various  Edison  interests  and  have  spared  no 
oiiort  to  convince  him  that  at  would  be  a  great  misfortune  to  dis¬ 
continue  a  business  which  you  have  inaugurated  so  successfully* 

We  have  taken  up  Mr,  Seligman'n  side  of  the  case  and  tried  to  show 
him  that  pioneer  work  will  increase  th.e  value  of  the  phonograph 
business  in  China  ana  Japan,  as  it  will  familiarise  the  people 
v/ith  the  machine  and  create  a  market  for  it,  which  of  itself,  con 
lave  practically  no  existence  in  those  peculiar  countries. 

But  so  far,  our  efforts  have  boon  unavailing.  Of  course  the 
arrangement  into  which  you  entered  with  Mr,  Edison  made-  it  pos¬ 
sible  for  the  latter  to  coa30  filling  your  orders  at  any  time,  but 
I  desire  to  impress  upon  you  very  strongly  that  if  Mr.  Edison  load 
power  now  to  tako  independent  action  you  would  not  be  subjected 
to  the  inconvenience  and  disappointment  which  at  this  time  you 
must  certainly  experience,  X  think  it  would  be  very  desirable  for 
you  to  see  Mr*  Soligman  and  endeavor  to  make  some  arrangement 
whereby  the  sale  of  phonographs  in  China  and  Japan  may  bo  resumed. 
If  you  prefer  waiting  until  1  cm  liave  a  personal  interview  with 
you  I  can  accomplish  that  the  latter  part  of  next  week,  but  I  can¬ 
not  give  you.  may  more  information  or  place  the  matter  before  you 
more  clearly  than  1  have  done  £n  t Jiin  letter,  and  perhaps  time 

Translation.  • 


Thomas  Alva  Edison, 

Paris  3rd  July, 


Orange,  N.  J, 



We  liave  tl»  honor  of  informing  you  that  the  General 
Incandescent  Lamp  Company  has  decided,  in  consideration  of.  the 
general  state  of  affairs  and  of  the  approaching  expiration  of  the 
patenta,  not  to  pay  further  after  September  1st,  1890  in  Austria 
and  Spain,  the  royalties  of  the  following  .patents! 

Edison  Patent  Austria  Series  2— January  22nd,  1830 
2a  May  5th,  1881 
a®  May  5th,  1881 
4*- July  25th,  1880 
5— August  13th,  1830 
8— January  7th,  1881 
13— August  3rd,  1831 
18— November'  9th,  1831 
25— December  3lst,  1831 
58— December  Gth,  1SS3 
GO-Janunry  4th,  1884 

Edison  Patents  Spain  Scries  1— February  1st,  1379. 

A—Pobrunry  20th,  1830 
5 — January  2nd,  1832. 
8T-Apri!  26th,  1381 
13*- September  5th,  1831 
13a-£jeptember  5th,  1831 
18a-November  2nd,  1881 
26— March  3rd,  1882 
28— Pobruary  24th,  1882. 

"The  Oompahy  trill  continue  to  pay  thd  royalties  for  the'  two 
fcrtoj  T>iP 

Altpiflin  fird  'get,  Sifdt  3,  Wit/  sSth,  J.830 
aot;  'Set4.  3,  Marbn  12th,  1880. 


In  cow  iteration  of  the  tmttove  of  om-  relatione  vo  tMnk  we 
ougi-)t  to  brine  this  fact  to  your  knovAedge,  Please  give  us 
notice  of  the  receipt  of  thia  letter,  and  believe  Sir 

July  21,  1890 

#120  Broadway,  Ho \r  York  City, 

Yki.ll  you  please  liavo  the  attached  minutes  of 
meet  ins  of  Board  of  Directors  of  the  Edison  Phono.  Works,  hold 
29th  day  of  April,  1390,  written  Up  in  the  Minute  Book  of  that 
Company,  which  is  at  present  in  your  office,  and  much  oblige 

Minutes  of  special  meeting  of  the  Board  of  Eireotors  pf  the  Edison 
Phonograph  World  held  at  the  office  of  the  Company,  Orange,  How 
Jersey,  on  Tuoeday,  S9th  day  of  April,  1Q90 

Present,  Messrs*  T.  A.  Edison,  Garanol  instill,  and  the 
Secretory,  A,  0,  TatO;  Mr.  Edjson  id  the  Chair, 

The  attention  of  the  Board  was  balled  to  toe  Resolution 
passed  at  too  mo  sting  Veld  On  Eobruary  8th,  1890,  directing  that 
Mr.  Edison  to  reimbursed,  not  to  oxoBad  §10,000,  ihr  His  cash  out¬ 
lay  in  experimenting  on  phonographic  dolls  and  toys,  provided  he 
would  assign  to  this  Company  his  right  to  manufacture  tho  sane,  and 
authorizing  tho  execution  -of  such  instrument  of  assignment  in  be¬ 
half  of  this  Company.  The  President  Btated  that  tho  Edison  Phono¬ 
graph  Toy  Mfg,  Co.  was  unwilling  to  bceomo  a  party  to  tho  assign¬ 
ment  and  to  consent  thereto,  until  they  could  consult  their  Counsol 
Mr'»  Hutchinson,  then  and  now  hb3sht  in  Europe.  '  But  at  the  request 
of  the  Soligmsns,  and  acting  Under  the  advice  of  Mr.  Beaman,  Mr. 
Eugene  Soligman  ani  the  Counsel  of  this  Compdhy,  Mr.  Eaton,  t)« 
assignment  had  boon  hmde  by  Mr,  Edison  without  waiting  fox'  the 
Boston  Company.  On  motion  of  Mr.  Inbull,  the  folloY/ing  resolution 
was  unanimojisiy  adopted: 

RESOLVED?  That  the  action  Of  the  Officers  of  the  Company  in 
executing  the  Agreement  between  i hits  Company  and  Mr.  Edison  dated 
March  11th,  1890,  whereby  this  Company  acquired  from  Mr.  Edison 
the  right  to  .mamifhD tore  phonographic  dolls  and  toys,  the  said 
right  having  been  ac^uirod  by  him  under  his  agreement  of  August 
6th,  1889,  With  "the  Edison  Phonograph  Toy  Manufacturing  Company,  be 
and -hereby  is  approved? 

Attention  was  than  called  to  Mr.  Edison's  account  for  dis¬ 
bursements  in  experiment  is jg-  op  phonographic  dolls  and  toys,  and 
the  Treasurer,  Mr.  Inenil,  staged ’that  la  had  reimbursed  Mr. 

Kdisou  as  provided  for  in  thq  resolution  of  this  Board  adopted 
Eehrusry  8,  1890*  -Mr.  InsuiP,  stated  that  the  amount  paid  to  fir. 
Edison  was  §6,100.00,  and  moved  the  folio v/ing  resolution  which  was 
unshimeuB ly  adopted: 

''ftfeiOLVEDr  That  the  atStiori-  of  the  Treasurer  of  the  Company  be 
and  •l»llUby  ip  approved  in  pA>; ing  Mr.  Edison  §6,100.00,  acoording 
to  tha  -hocountS  Submitted  to  this  moot ing,  in  full  settlement  of 
•  all  claim  "by  him. ugni hot  the  Company  on  account  of  experiments  on 
bphccnhgraivhip  .do,2JU  and  toyn,  as  0«t  Perth  in  said  statement ;  and 
that  'the  Tv-ruanuHr  fit  tlrt  Company  prooUro'  from  Mr.  Edison  a  reooipt 

July  21,  1890, 

J-4  H,  Sloefc, 

11  0  s  «  7  p  Russia-. 

»’ly  oil’: " 

Mv,  Edison  has  read.  your  latter  under  date  June 
nth,  «  has  a*)»d  me  to  thank  you  for  the  same,.  He  *m  be  very 
plr.c,,e.l  to  receive  tho  box  of  rhonograas  which  you  j-ave  go  kindly 

S9Mt  t0  hlm*  MV*  Edls0”  1,8,B  Emoted  the  Phono, graph  Works  -to  1 
fon/ard  to  you  at  once  tho  phonograph'  pane  which  you  desire  and 
v.hich  were  marked  on  the  photo^ph  whi*h  «*s  received  by  same 
nail  as  your  letter  now  finder  reply. 

In  mcard  to  the  musical  part  <?f  the  phonograph,  Mr,  Edison 
vdll  be  glad  to  have  you  correspond  with  him  on  this  subject,  Ke 
is  always  glad  to  hear  -from  you  and  appreciates  highly  the  interest 
which  you  are  taking  in  his  invention* 

tiours  very  truly. 

pW*at«  S39i«eivy, 

ffosoe  wy  Saligniar.,  Eocj», 

#21  Broad  gtroot,, 

l*w  York  City, 

'  5‘11”"  lm  to  you  iho  naaM 

oon-oopondraoo  relative  t>  ,  phoM„„ph  rot.  tl>>  aati<iml 

"  0hUO*  -M*“”  ““  “*  «  «*  «b1M,  ««0» 

Imun.o  letter.  !  IraaoMi  aMoltie  hin 

«ut  a  for  in  „„  w  to,  t„  M  oKnlraa 

te  m°m  ^  "T*-"*  —-ft  »a  ,ta,  eoy^^, 
““  ”**m4  to  ,ta*  — X  *»  attention.  t  ,onM  „„„ 

.0  llr,  Treooot'o  roquoot  for  tho  return  of  lir.  JJpm’s 


'  July  22,  1890 

Bony  fJlfty.  Henry  Tresco>t, 

#1418  L  8t„,  Wdahi^ton, 

a*  0, 

Dear  Sir:- 

X!ry  Bdiaon  lias  aakocl  me  to  aolcnwladge  the  receipt 
**  y'0W  Mt'Wi  *»vw_una«.  date  12th.  instant,  enclosing  communi- 
oation  addressed  to  your  self  by  the  Hon.  Patniek  Egan,  uy  Si. 
Miniata*  in  CMle?,  in  regal'd  to  a  phonograph  for  the  Paculty  of 
tin  National  University  of  Chile# 

The  phonograph  outside  of  the  United  statoft  arid  Canada  is 
controUiiid  by  the  Sdi.von  United  Phonograph  Company,  Mills  Building, 
N3W  York  City »  ^  instrument  for  too  in  Chile  would  have  to  bo 
■obtained  from  that  Company',  Mr.  BdSaon  regrets  that  ho  himsolf 
cannot-  Turnish  a  phonograph  to  the  Univoraity  of  Chile,  but  his 
contract^  with  tW  Company  jaShtionod  prohibit*  his.  doing  so.  Ho 
hanf  howdver,  foinrardOd  tte  oori'repoivfcnee'  to  the  United  Company, 
with  tile  teMoat  that  th*{r  fthypiy  tM  rtortirad  Monograph;  he  Ins 
*owp»* «A-*m  thorny  yati.  direst  on  the 

.rriv»S;«  aaa'Vt 

July  22,  3.390 

^Saward  I)',  Adruna,  Ear]., 

tteoara*  Winslow,  laniei-  &  Co.,  • 

■  #17  Nassau  St.,  Nov/  York, 

Hear  Sir:- 

I  !»(.  ,»  oohfin,  follow  ta,mm  a.4,4 

^oslv,,a  r”"  this  .orai^i 


to  rePly  *  ",1,S  “*•  «»d.T«.  to-day  ss  folio,®, 

"I  have  no  objections.  Edison1." 

Yours  truly, 

Private  Secretary. 

Jesus  H,  Lippincott,  Esq,.  Breaidont, 

July  23,  .1890 

North  American  rhonogrqnh  Company, 

#100  Broadway,  Nov:  :»r]'s. 

My  dear  Sir,-- 

Mr,  Upton,  who  has  throo  phonographs  sA  lamp  factory 
noar  Newark,  did  not  know  how  to  make  corrections’;  didh'tt  know  lie 
could  shift  diaphragm  and  hoar  what  ho  had  recorded,  he  -also 
complained  lie  couldn’t  get  enough  on  cylinder’;  found  they  w.oro 
running  machine  175  revolutions,  giving  only  2  l/z  minutes  instead 
oi'  four.  The  N*  J,  Inspector,  Mrt,  Upton  says.,  seems  to  be  a  good 
man,  but  claims  lie  never  got  any  .instructions,  nor  can  -he  got  any 
how  to  run  a  phonograph  in  a  business  o'i‘.rico»  This  is  a  -typo  of 
a  -  general  complaint  everywhere*  Its  about  time  the  .North  -American 
Company  got  up  a  simple  book  of  instructions  from  the  experience 
they-  now  have  in  business  of  if  cos-. 

Yours  t ruly ,  ...... 

July  23,,  18£h 

July  23,  18  90, 

A',  O',  3atar  House,  ’foronto,  Ont. 

Matter  referred  to  in  previous  meson ga  lead  nothing  to  do  with 
Manufacturing  report,  Boston  Company  lias  cable  from  Yeomens 
stating  whole  money  ready  to  put  up  and  want  Edison  to  authorize 
thorn  to  cable  Ye  users  that  thoir  and  Edison '.s  rights  ready  for 
transfer  agaihot  cash  and  shares  delivered  in  Boston,  Mr*  Ediaon 
has  .deferred  notion  until  yom*  return,  and  1  have  so  advised 
Boston  Company r  loguo  returned  to~cb.y  arid  is  with  yom’  brother 
in  Hew  Yorh, 

Thos,  Maguire*' 

II  - 

Sara»l.  Inoull,  Eaq.,  Snd  Vice-Preiident, 

5  d  i  a  o  n  Q  0  n  1  1,  Electric  0  o». 

16  &  10  Broad  St.,  flow  York. 

Mr,.  Edison  lias  made  the  following  note  upon  your 

letter  of  23  rd  instmnt,  in  l'egerd  to  Mr,  W.  Preston  Hix  and 

hie  oonnoction  with  the  Edison  Gon'l,  Electric  Company: 

Private  Seotet&ryi 


July  24,  1890, 

i\  1,  Hitler, 
o/o  Mr.  John  Biricinbina, 

#25  Hi,  E,  city  Hall  Sq,,  Phi la,,  pa', 

fcoar  Siri- 

I  1*6  to  confirm  the  following  teleGram  sent  you 


'Whan  U  Hr.  Birin  nbins  expactod  home,  ana  if  home 
M  da5’  m:it  v;G0k  ««BM  I  Eo  over  and  see  him? 

Yours  truly, 

Meroahtiio  Trust  Cov, 

No'«  ,120  Broadway, 

Hew  York  City. 

A  Kootliv,  of  ,]»  .tOflH,  of  tM  mi„„.Th0'm_ 

*'**  tovine  *"•  -*»-  *•»-  >W^  .h,  mi,  *.  I 

*?  *°  re,”5t  *“  ™  *W  A  pro*,  to  vots  m-'a., 

6A0  «.».  of  «„  itock  of  «,  aai.  poTO  „„  te  ,.mt 

by  you  unAor  pm,i«io,ls  Of  t„  cortaifl  as»„„„ta  b8tm4n 
A,  SU.oo  o„a  «,  iteoantu,  Im6t  ^ 

"**•  1S90’  “*  APrS1  Sth-  aa  "provided  i»  th„ 

Jhipd  Section  of  the  said  Agreement. 

Very  tpgljuyours* — — 

Letterbook,  LB-043 

This  letterbook  covers  the  period  July-September  1890.  Most  of  the 
letters  are  by  Edison  and  Alfred  O.  Tate.  The  correspondence  relates 
primarily  to  the  manufacture  and  marketing  of  the  phonograph  and  talking 
doll.  Included  are  letters  pertaining  to  the  operations  of  the  Edison 
Phonograph  Toy  Manufacturing  Co.,  the  production  of  phonograph  batteries 
and  cabinets,  leasing  arrangements  and  royalty  payments,  and  production 
problems  with  the  coin-operated  phonograph.  Other  letters  deal  with  mining 
and  ore  milling  in  Canada  and  at  Ogden,  N.  J.;  electric  lighting;  the 
mimeograph;  the  Sims-Edison  torpedo;  and  the  Edison-Lalande  batteiy.  The 
front  cover  is  labeled  "General  Letter  Book.  T.A.  Edison."  The  book  contains 
503  numbered  pages  and  an  index.  Approximately  40  percent  of  the  book  has 
been  filmed. 

July  25,  1890 

Edison .Phonograph  Toy  Mfg.  Co,, 

No«  95  Milk  Street,  Boat  on, 

Dear  Sirs:- 

I  beg  to  eonfim  the  follovring  telegram  sent  you 
to-day,  in  reply  to  your  letter  of  22nd  instant;. 

Upon  receipt  in  Boston  of  One  Hundred  Thousand 
pounds  cash,  together  with  shares  representing 
one-oighth  interest  in  Company  whose  Capital  does 
ncrt  exceed  Three  Hundred  Thousand  Pounds,  less 
expenses  and  eonmissions  which  must  not  exceed 
Twelve  Thousand  pounds,  myself  and  the  Edison- Phono¬ 
graph  Works  will  in  consideration  of  thirty-two  per 
cent  of  said  cash  and  shares,  execute  any  papers 
necessary  to  transfer  our  rights  in  Great  Britain, 
Continental  Europe  and  the  Channel  Islands  to  the- 
said  Company,  upon  the  condition  that  my  transfer  of 
manufacturing  ritfits  to.  the  Edison  Phonograph  Works 
shall  be  recognized  by  your  Company,  which  is  neces¬ 
sary,  as  the  Phonograph  Works  now  own  these  ri^its. 

Thomas  A!«  Edison." 

Yours  very  truly, 


July  20,  1890 

JDaniel  IVolcj,  Esq,.,  Secretary, 

Edison  Phonograph  Toy  Mfg.  Company, 

No,  95  Milk  St,,  Boston,  Mas3> 

Dear  Sir:- 

I  beg  to  acknowledge  receipt  of  your  letter  of  21st 
instant,  enclosing  oommini oat ions  addressed  to  Mr,  Edison  and 
the  North  American  Phonograph  Company,  and  foms  for  divers  for 
each  of.  the  $10,000  royalties  due  Ootober  1st,  1890.  I  nill  gi-ve 
both  these  matters  my  imnediate  attention. 

Yours  very  truly. 

Private  Secretary* 

Daniel  Weld,  Esq»,  Secretary,  ■ 

Edison  Phonograph  Toy  Mfg,  Co,, 

Wo,  95  Milk  St,,  Boston,  Mass, 

July  26,  1890 

Dear  3ir:- 

X  beg  to  acknowledge  receipt  of  your  letter  of  22nd 
instant  to  Mr,  Edison,  enclosing  copy  of  a  letter  from  your  Counsel 
Mr',  W.  S,  Hutchinson,  containing  comnents  and  suggestions  relating 
to  the  papers  drawn  by  Mr,  Lewis  in  reference  to  the  Yeomans  mat¬ 
ter,  In  view  of  Mr,  Yeomans*  cablegram  of  a  few  days  ago,  stating 
tint  he  is  prepared  to  send  cash  and  shares  to  Boston,  I  presume 
that  the  matter  referred  to  in  your  letter  under  reply  can  be  per¬ 
mitted  to. rest  at  least  for  tin  present. 

Yours  very  truly,  / 

Private  Secretary. 

July  26,  1890 

lily  dear  Y/eld,- 

I  am  very  much  obliged  for  your  letter  of  24th 
instant,  in  regard  to  your  coning  to  Orange  re  Manufacturing  Re¬ 
port',  1  went  into  this  matter  yesterday  to  some  limited  extent 
with  Mr,  Magovern,  and  am  going  to  go  completely  through  the 
report  with  him  on  Monday  next,  I  think  that  he  will  be  able  to 
send  in  his  Report  by  about  Wednesday,  so  that  towards  the  end  of 
next  week  you  and  Mr.  Mackintosh  will  probably  be  planed  in  a  po¬ 
sition  to  take  some  kind -of  action.  Meanwhile  I  will 'attend  to 
waivers  of  royalties  and  I  trust  that  before  we  have  to  take  up 
the  Manufacturing  Report  you  will  have  made  a  sale  of  ^  European 
rights,  X".-  ,  .. 

Yours  very  truly, 

Private  Secretary, 

Daniel  Weld,  Esq**  Bee ry<j 
Edison  Phono \  Toy  Mfg.'-Co^ 
Boston)  Maud l 

July  26,  1890 

pear  Mr.  Prazar,- 

I  have  your  letter  of  22nd  instant.  I  will 
take  this  matter  up  imnediately  and  conmunieate  With  you  further 
in  the  course  of  a  few  days.  I  am  going  ahead  with  the  idea  of 
obtaining  a  position  for  you  at  the  Edison  Machine  Works,  Schenec¬ 

Yours  very  truly. 

Private  Secretary. 

te.  Everett  W.  Irasar,  Jr., 
81  High  St» ,  Orppge , 

•July  86,  1890 

Goligman,  Euqv, 

Mills  B  u  i  1  6  i  j|  g  ^ 

How  York  City. 

Dear  Sirf- 

I  bog  to  acknowledge  receipt  of  your  letter  of  23rd 
instant ,  re turning  letter  from  Hr.  J.  Block,  of  Moscow,  Russia, 
^o  letters  **»  tho  Hon.  Via,  R#  Lescot  and  the  Hon,  Patrick 
^an,  Minister  to  Chile,  tho  two  latter  referring  to  tho  prosen, 
tatidn  of  a  ponograph  to  the  National  diversity  of  Chile*  Mr. 

and  Mr.  Insull  are  of  the  opinion  ihft*  it  would  bo  a  Grace¬ 
ful  act  on  the  part  of  the  United  Phdm>e*ph  Oompuny  to  present 
a  machine  to  the  University  of  Chile,  &t  *udh  tfc*  &a  yob  may 
be  satisfied  with  the  instmeantb  whlth  tbvtm.  out  by 

the  ISdfaop  fhonoGraph  Tb* ka,  if  yoU  *i»  forwb*d  tfedw  arf  orti 6*  for 
s.  phonograph  and  supplier  &v  the  Atm  rprpoad,  it  will 
fttcediato  attention,  Mr*  MU  ihihfe  it  w  bettorro* 

united  Sdieon  Pbortca  m  W  4i  j<«tt  with  tb*  &»* 

Patrick  %an  at  ^  time  a*  ux?  m 
tafioti#  ' 

VWiwi  wry  *«Ay%‘  V:'-f  -’X  '  ~r"" 

ftrtvbla  3edry<r 

Hon*.  Vfciv  Honry  Troscot, 

Was  is.  in®,  ton,  £>  Q« 

3aiy  2$,  1090# 

D oar  Sir:- 

I  return  herewith  letter  of  the  Honw  Patrick  Egan, 
acidrossod  to  yourself,  under  data  32n&  May  1390,  in  regard  to  the 
proaontation  of  a  Phonograph  to  tho  University  of  Chile,  and  bog 
to  infom  you  in  roply  to  your  oorranication  addressed  to  Ur, 

Ed  in  on  under  ckito  l£th  instant  that  this  mttor  was  referred  to 
tho  Edison  Uiiited  Plionograyh  Co«,  Mills  Building,  Mow  York  City, 
UrV?  Edison  having  ondoreed  tho  Hon#  Patrick  Rgar.'o  request  and 
auggeated  to  tho  United  Co«-  tho  desirability  of' making  the  presen¬ 
tation*  I  am  in  receipt  of  a  letter  from  Mr,  Jesse  Salignun, 
under  date  SCrd’  instant,  in  which  ho  indicates  the  willingneau  of 
his  Company  to  present  a  phonograph,  with  a  complete  outfit,  to 
the  University  of  Chile,  st-cctihg  that  all  his  Company  would  re¬ 
quire  1 a  a  gsnr ante!  tb-*t  the  machine  would  not  be  used  i'or  any 
other  purp‘>3«  tiun  that  specified  hi  Mr*  Egan's  letter*  I  Imvo 
to-day  written  Xr*  Soligstuv,  roi-aeiftihS  him  to  ooartuwicate  direct 
with  the  7 Patrick  ngah,  which,  lie  w%ii  doubtieae  dd  in  due 
course*  Z  tasf*  the  hoswr  to  rtfttiUh 

Very  truly  yours. 

Private  ae4  'y< 

July  20,  1890 

Daniol  Y/old,  Usq*,  Soc'y.p 

Sdicrm  Phonograph  Toy  li UTjV  Company, 

#95  Milk  St.,‘  Boatofc,  Uson, 

Dear  Sir:- 

l-  bag  .to  ackuo'ulorf^e  receipt  of  your  lettor  of  19th 
instar.t,  enclosing  o  lettor  1'wj  \tr*  Hutchinson,  addressed  to 
cnyaelf  Under  date  18th  inntaut,  referring  to  lettor  of  S«  B»  Baton 
dated  14th  instant,  touching  waiver  of  royiiltiea,  In  the  alter¬ 
native  proposed  by  Hr*,  tint  o'ninson,  ho  ujiWo  that  royalties  for 
the  whole  year  endin';  geytesftor  30th,  1«$$0»  %itl  be  -waived*  As 
you  understand,  this  aatfcor  his  not  yet  been  arranged#  X  am 

it  up  now  with  Mr*  Edison  and  the  Horth  American  ^honO&Taph 
Go*.  «iid  rill  put  it  through  as  quickly  re:  possible , if  if.  cm  be 
tin  no,  of  which  I  Imve  very  little  doubt*  Meanwhile  th3i  matter  of 
Jom  erf  jraivoJJi  will  have  to  rust,  an  Hutchinson  inah^a  no  eug- 
section  with  relation  to  circumstance#  that  npw  oxiat* 
fours  vo  ry  truly, 

>riV&bE?  Secretary* 

Somuol  Insull, 

July  26,  iQ9o 

16  '&•  10  Broad  Street, 

Mo v  York  City. 

Boar  Sir:- 

I  enclose  herewith  a  Bit  tar  from  Mr.  Everett  VA. 
Frazar,.  who  ia  a  aon  «f  Mr,.  Everett  Fraaar,  This  young  man  lias 
j’ujt  taken  a  degree  at  Stevens  Institute,  and.  desires  to  obtain 
a  position  in  the  Tost  fhorr.,  or  in  some  other  Do  part  mo  nt  of  the 
Machine  Works  at  Schenectady*  He  cans  to  sob  mo  several  , rooks 
ago,  and  1  told  him  tint  v/nen  ho  was  through  his  College  course 
1  bad  no  doubt  that  you.  would  i«  able  to  plaoe  him  in  Sohoncfttadj-v 
It  is  his  father1 3  intention-  to  send  the  young  man  to  China  and 
Japan  to  tako  technical  charge  of  the  eloctrioal  businoas  of 
Fn&za'r  &  Co.-  in  those  counties,  and  thoroforo  I  thini:  it  would 
be  a  jpod  idea  for  ua  to  )WVo  Mr  educated  in  our  business* 

Your a  vary  truly', 

Private  Secretary* 

July  26,  1890, 

«a.1.or  sv.  B«  Eaton, 

1K0  Eroadway, 

Now  /or  It  City, 

■Bear  Sir:- 

I  enclose  l»ro;rith  lot  tor  addressed  to  mo  fm  your- 
aoaf,  under  du»  14th  inat.,  copy  off  letter  from  Messrs.  Eaton  & 
Mb  to  Howard  K,  Brown,  under  udto  March  Q,  1390,  copy  of  latter 
fwm  Howard  K*  Brown  to  Messrs'.  Baton  &  Low is,  under' date  March 
3nl'  13!)°’  1Sttcr  frora  «*•  Vf‘  BV  HutcMnaon,  Counsel  to  the  Edison 
TJtxna  c  Toy  Mife„  Oo.,  addroased  to  myaolff,  under  date  18th  instant, 
ajvi  latter  tho  Secretary  of  tte  Toy  Oompany  addroaood  to  my-' 
aWfr  Und!°r  41910  mh  i713tant,  all  roferrinc  to  waiver  of  royal- 
tfosc  The  3/»t  time  I  was  in  Boston  tho  Ganpany  requested  me  to 
try  and  nutria  from  MrV  Edition  and  the  North  Am.  Phono’.  Co.  a 
waiver  of  tho  royalties  for  the  year  ondinc  September  SOth,  1390, 
and  I.  agreed  Jo  #  so.  fir’*  Hutchinson  critieiees  your  letter  and 
proposes- an  alternative  clause,  whloh,  howvor,  does  not  fit  tho 
present  circumstances  of  the  ciaae.  He  taJfos  it  Itor  granted  that  I 
will  he  able  to  obtain  tw  consent  of  tori  BdSftft ri  hnd  %he  North 
Am'.  Phonograph  Co.  to  tise  V/nivar  of  royalties  ftit-  ySttV  1S90» 

July  30th,  1890. 

Jesso  Soligman,  Esq., 

Mills  Building,  How  York  City, 

Dear  Sir:- 

Replying  to  your  letter  of  ths  28th  instant.  1  bog  to 
say  that  Mr1.  Edison  has  in  view  no  particular  time  v/hen  a  Phono¬ 
graph-  should  bo  sent  to  the  National  University  of  Chili.  He 
will  bo  very  glad  to  carry  out  any  instructions  which  may  bo  given 
by  the  Edison  United  Phonograph  Company  with  relation  to  this 

Yours  very  truly. 

Privato  Secretary. 

J-aty  30th,  1890. 

H.  M,  Livor,  Ksq., 

M8W  Jovaoy  ^  Pennsylvania  Oonoont ratine  Works. 

19  i)oy  Street,  New  York  oity. 

Dear  Sir:- 

I  bofi  to  acknowledge  receipt  of  your  letter  of  && 
instant,  requesting  me  to  enter  the  order  of  your  Colony  fcr  all 
Parts  of  the  I,  Belt  Separate^  Machine?  except  the  wood  work. 
Also  requesting  me  to  forward  you  a  blue  print  of  those  .machines. 
The  blue  print  was  sent  you  by  mail  last  night  to  Ogden.  We 
have  «1  ready  oounonoed  work  upon  sonarateing. 

Yours  very  truly. 

.  ^ly  30th.,  1890 . 

S  any  si  Instill,  Eaq., 

#16  Bi«oad  Street,  Now  York  City 
Doai*  Sii*:- 

On  e  latter  fra,  B<  Ato>j>  prM149M  of 

Cataract  Construction  Company  addressed  to  Hr  EaI 
25+1.  ^  t0  "*•  Ediaon  on  the  date 

»  an  .you  have  .nMe  Ullt  Iollowtos  nato;  . 

•  Wt  without  seoi„c  ooW, 

I  c,«oco  herewith  a  cop,  of  the  caTOWtal 
-  -  ho'  glad  to  have  the  acetone  indicated  *  your 
Yours  vory  truly, 

Private  Secretary. 

tfu,ly  25th,  rggc 

ns  A'.  Edison,  Esn*, 
Orange,  ,.wiv;  Jersey* 

Upon  i/eur  return  fr0ui  ^opp  la3f.  -  ^ 

'W*P°P-  ««  Sunnier-,  you  aereed 

^  -  **-  .  .  neve, 

t«  «*.  >  O-wi  ft,  m  01ty  of  ^  ^  ^  ^ 

ProJ'0t’  rtl"“  —  “  *  o,  the  services 

Z  **  **"*  U  ~  T"»  ~  «M  wax  „„ 

’  -ondO,  »  .  detail  stsx^nt  „  tlwe  ^ 

send  me  the  information  nattier Qd  ao  ti»+  r 

’  30  that  1  “**  PWBem  the  matter 

**>  m  Soard  -of  Pirqptora  for  aot ior, 

.  "r  option.  As  explained  to  Mr.  InsuXl 

had  iron  desired  to  uso  this  iirf,nv<mn+ • 

t„,  .  „  ,  *  m°  iDfoWxon.  1=  ftwrta,  >  pl  ftr 

■”  ™  ■*»  -vo  retained  *.  ^  ^ 

“  tlMt  »»»  •«■*«•"«  it  oi  ^ai^t  mlUa  ' 

liayo  paid  the  expense  thereof. 

“  *»  **“■»*  A°»  Poo,  „o„  »t  thl.  moratajj;  ^ 

you,  ■»-«»«  a,0,„  ehe,eo  ehoua  *„  6,nt  ^ 


Sinperety  your a, 

SGd.  Edward  D.  Adams, 

'  president.  .. 

Ppi*  deo.  0.  Wetmore,  Jr. 

July  .Slat,  1090, 

J'.  F,  Howell,  Esq.,  1 
"The  He as ago" 

#36  Cortlnndt  Street,  How  York  City.. 

Dear  Sir:- 

Replying  to  your  letter  of  tfoo  30th  instant-  I  ,beg  to 
say  that  we  are  making  seme  changes  in  connection  with  «uy -Edison- 
Lalande  Battery  advertisements,  and  for  the  present  will  not  bo 
able  to  do  any  more  advertising!,  I  think  however  in  the  course  of 
a  few  weeks  we  will  be  able  to  place  an  advertisement  with,  you!. 
Yours  very 


vMy  isoo/ 

Ectison  Lamp  Ooiupany., 

Ilarii  son,  Hoy/  Jersey » 

Dear  Sirs: 

Heplyinc  to  you-,-  letter 'of  the  20th  instant.  in  roeard 
to  Laboratory  account  rondorod  youfor  the  month  of  May  last,  *»‘ 
Wforrine  to  your  rawest  to  bo  furnished  uith  details  of  pay  rou 
anonntine  to  $1,6531*4  !  hoc  to  so,  thatWa  of  an,  „  „ 
connection  mt)iMr.  Edison's  eonoral  law  experiment  and  $530148 
is  expense  connected  nith  Lamp  toot  roll.  j  think  I  explained 
to  you  ace  ties  w  that  ai  „„r  Laboratory  fixed  chorees  ere 
■--thfdt  labor;  it  rill  bo  e  Eoo;  idea  if  you  do  not  understand 
those  matters  for  your  Mr.  Msadowioft  the  next  time  he  i,  at' th, 
laboratory  to  a.o  our  bboka  an*  obaorva  our  method  of  oekine  „  • 

accounts d 

'  Yours  vory  truly, 

July  'Slat, 1890* 

Philip  s.  Pym; 

t'voi-p,  paa^uui^ 

1 *••  “ >■-■»  «  *» **..,  * ,he 
•  •  -  ««««*  to  «6aM  t.  .  30nt  M  ly  tlw  A.  s_ 

^  "  “•  ,E“°CTW1  *«.  !•—  a«e  ' 

rr:  r  t to  om°™- 1  -  -  -  *  -  ^ 

e>"  Y°Vk  uhat  tlUS  papar  had  boon  aen*  to  Chicago  and  he  ~ 

:; ::  h°  -  -  **  -  ***. 

them  to  forward  it  to  Vou.  "  - 

Youi’a  Very  truly,. 

July  Slat, 1390 

Kem-y  Vi, Hard,  Sag., 

Mill*  Building,  No \y  York  Vity. 
Bear  Sir:- 

1  bog  to  aolcnovrjJodgo  rcoaint 

Instant,  advisi^  m  '  -  *  mi’  lotter  tho  30th 

* — — ~  “  ~  ““ 

Yow3  very  truly. 

July.  31st,  13P0. 

I/udwig  Droier,  Esq., 

#45  Wall  Stroot,  Hew  York  City. 

Dear  Sir *- 

Replying  to  your  latter  under  date  S4th  instant.  I  bog 
to  say  that  the  principal  portion  of  your  iron  bed  is  non-magnet io 
and  I  could  do  nothing  with  it.}  but  there  are ' others' which  aro 
magnetic  and  with  these  I  con  deal  if  their  can  be  mined  cheaply. 

I  would  bo  willing  to  lease  on  royalty  per  ton  of  concentrates  or 
buy  at  a  reasonable  price  any  low  grade  magnetic  vein's#  property 
tiiat  could  bo  made  r4-->lo.  I  will  read  up  various  other  reports 
whioh  I  liave  on  this  property,  and  when  my  export  returns  in 
October,  I  will  send  him  there  to  investigate  the  magnetic  portions 
of  the  property  with  your  permission'. 


sry  truly, 

August  1st,,  I 

Geo»  V/ilkineon,  Esq., 

Receiver,  Novrn-k  Savinga  Institution. 
#304  Broad  Street,  Newark,  N,  J'. 

Rsplyinc  to  your  letter  of  the  26th  instant  to  Mrv,' 

“•"T  1  ”  •“»:  «■»  "»  !”™>  *hU  tabors  W 

book  Ho.  50797.  In  foot  this  wliolo  tranaaotion  with, your  Savings 
Institution  is  scathing  which  ,„vo  not  boon  able  to  trace. 

Sdiann  ,u»  ion gotten  tb.  mttor  entirely  eng  bis  ro.o^  „o  not 
Ohov  a*  any  dopoaita  having  boon  „Mo  to  TO  institution,  at' I,.„ 

vrithin  the  last  twolve  years  * 

me  a  little  on  this  subject,  and  oblige, 

Would  you  vo  iv  kindly  enlighten 

Yours  very  l  ruly, 

Private  Secretary-. 

August  lot,  1490. 

Memorandum  to  Mr#  Konnely, 

Hero  is  a  letter  from  Dr.  King  in  regard  to  hie  Microscope. 
You  will  remember  that  Br.  Xing  wrote  some  time  ago  and 'the 'matter 
was  referred  to  you;  I  think  that  you  suggested  Ms  coming  to  the 
Laboratory  on  a  .oortain  date,  but  for  some  reason  the  visit  was 
not  made.  Mr.-  Edison  would  like  you  to  make  "another  appointment. 

Yours  very  truly. 

1  have  not  answered  Dr.  JCLug's  letter. 


August  Xst,JS90 

Mooors,  Dyer  &  gaoly, 

#3G  Tfall  Street,  How  York  City,' 

Dour  Sirs:- 

1  ’"C1°“  "‘rnitti  «  l0«»-  *"»  Mr.  R,  0.  Johnsmi  ths 
S8.r.ta.7  «  tho  taorioan  Copyright  Loaguo,  add.oaood  t„ 

“  "<*»  to  on  opon  dottor  ohlohar.  John,®  ^  ^ 

Mi,®  ..trad  «lt.  Spoakor  Hood,  rotative  ®  th,  Copyright.. 

'’r'  mit°"  *"«  W  *»  /on  to  hi»  .  draft 
M  a  ooaanmioatiOR  vhioh  you  voold  ponaidor  enitobte. 

Yoiiro  vary  tiuly,  ' 

Private  Secretary. 


August  lot, two. 

R«  V.  Johnson,  Jfcsq., 

.  ISoo'rotttry,  American  Copyright  league, 

#33  Bast  17th  Street,  Wow  York  City. 

Dear  Sir:- 

I  "beg  to  advise  you  at  Hr.  Sdison's  request  ,  I  aw 
communicating  with  his  patbnt  attorneys,  MesSrS.  Dyer  *  Seely,  in. 
**""*  to  the  open  letter  which  you  have  suggested  be  addreoaed 
by  Mr.  Edison  to  Speaker  Reed  regarding  the  copyright  bill..  Mr. 
Edison  is  not  in  Orange  at  present  andyour' Second  oomntoibation 
ohOlbaing  Untft  of  a  proposed  letter  has  come  during'his  absent 
I  expect  him  to  return  to-aorrojr  or  the  next  day  when  your  com¬ 
munication  laet  referred  to  will  submitted  to  him. 

YpUrs  very  truly. 

Private  -€opr^ary, 

August  lot,  1390'. 

C.  J«  Eoed,  Eng, , 

Vortrran  House,  Pewil  ,  H.  j. 

Dear  Sir:- 

I  *  aoJcnmrlocleo  «„!„  of  lctt0  „  of  ^  3oth 

o«oh  !md  ate0M1„„s  of  ^  ,Moh  ^ 

.—i  «»  M»  *«„.  to-8w  M  ,rtu  „ 

to  you  the  «Mt  tMnc  to_mo  ^  moini.  1G> 

*  1  enCl°0e  hGr9Vfith  a  10tt0r  H.  A.  Eehart,  of  Bapolay 

•  JT.  whioh  X  send  you  at  Hr.  MW.  roguest.  Edison  ' 

aosires  you  to  S0Q  this  paPty. 

Ydurs  vory  truly, 

Private  Secretary, 

ioolosure • 

August  1st, 1890. 

0.  Y.  Kins,  Esq., 

Cheater  foundry  and  Machine  Co. 

Chester,  Pa. ' 

My  d3ar  King:- 

Hotliing  has  been  done  in  regard  to  Silver  Lake 
excepting  the  filing  of  the  Incorporation  papers  of  the  Edison 
Industrial  Works.  I  have  not  forgotten  the  matters  that  we 
talked  about  and  will  advise  you  in  good  time'. 

I  hope  you/  nro  well  and  enjoying  yourself;  by  the  way 

Aug.  5th,  1090. 

Col',  ueo.  E'»  Gouraurt, 

Edison  House  B. 

Northumberland  Aveiuio, 

London,  Y/,  C.  England'. 

•Deab  Sir:- 

I  beg  to  acknowledge  receipt  of  your  cablegram  under 
date  4th.  instant,  as  follows;  "Prospectus  infringes  our  rights 
grogs 5y,u  in  reply  to  my  cablegram  of  Saturday  asking  you  for  on 
explanation  of  the  statement  mdo  to  mo  by  the’ Boston  Company,  tliat 
you  liad  filed  or  t}u*eatened  to  file  an  ihj'ttnotion  against  the 
Company  which  was  being  brought  out  in  tohdoh  to  take  oVor  tho 
rights  of  the  former  in  certain  codrtti*iesi 

vfei'y  ttuly, 

(MijL  (hj^  tstfiJ1'  .  ^%s#Cl^mL>4  d/b-jA^Zr 

$9,  ^fo^u&Ju 

""^Le-  AtlAA^blfe^&AjuA^  '^/uJw  Jtsvy  ' 

'^/frtvi.  &(x-x£^Lt}^  /^  fahdtf 

o^'&aa£  %£'LZ&a6z£ 

Au#.  m.i), 

Dr*  0.  Idug, 

Bdon  Museo  American  Co'«,  Limited. 

#55  Ytest  23rfl  Street ,  Mew  York  City. 

Dear  Sir’:- 

In  further  reference  to  your  lottor  of  the  26th  ult.' 

I  beG  to  advise  you  that  Mr.  Bdison  has  been  at  home  very  little 
during  the  past  two  months and  his  movements  for  aevoral  weeks  to 
come  are  so  uncertain  that  it  is  impossible  for  us  to  make  an  ap¬ 
pointment  for  you  to  visit  tho  Laboratory  with  your  Microscope'. 
Some  time  later  on  Mr.  Edison  will  bo  glad  to  have  you  come  over 
and  show  him  your  apparatus. 

Yours  very  truly, 

Private  Secretary^ 

5i)i,  I39Q, 

Edi00U  ^j.oeraph  Toy  Mar-Wnctwina  0q,, 

#95  Milk  Street, 

BOaton,  Mass. 

Doar  Sirs}- 

i  *,  t. «»» tto  Iollmtac  l8lawm  sont 
dat4  2nd  instant.  uu,,,-  ,  ^  1CK 

**"*  l'or  «•> 
rWtaMV  re“S"  *»«  A.  Edison,"  ' 

,Inmll  '  ^  ^  «.'«  to-day, 

“  ^  "08tl”«  “»  »■«««.  to6  yon  rocoivod 

copy  prospectus  Snrtisft  tw*  received 

yon',  d  -  “■  kWS  •**«•»«.».  boon  M110d 

>«».<«».  ^la«WTOrim>ai  r/' 
***  °f  ths  »b“™  ois„oa  4,  TMo, 

Yours  vory  t^tt  n 

Pid  vato  Secretary^ 

Au/>.  5th,  1650. 

Daniel  Y/elrt,  H3q., 

Soc'y.  Edison  Phoi%raph  toy  ManXifadtUrisif;  Go., 

■?r95  Milk  3ireot,  Boston,  Masa,  '  • 

Bear  Sir:- 

I  boc  to  oonfina  the  following  Tolecwan  sent  you  under 
date  lot  Instant.  '-Don't  a  end  cable  to  Yooman  roCardinc 
Stereoscopic  Company.  Cable  toilette  as  proposed  bue  eliminate 
the  following  sentence,  ffe  understand  you  aye  counsel  stereo- 
soopio  Company,  (SGd.-  thomns  A.  Edison."  <> 

Yours  ybry  truly 

■(  1 

Aug.  5tji,  1390. 

H.  fly  Lewis,  Esq., 

Caro  of  Masai's.  Eaton  &  Lewi3 , 

#120  Broadway,  Maw  York  City. 
Dear  Sir:- 

I  cnolo3Q  herewith  a -latter  from  Mr.  Edison  for  the 
Mercantile  Company,  in  regal’d  to  a  proxy  which  Mr. 

Edison  desires  to  obtain  from  them  to  vote  thoir  stock  at  the 
postponed,  annual  meeting  of  the  Stockholders  of  the  Edison  Phono¬ 
graph  Works  which,  is  to  be  held  at  the  office  of  the  Company  on 
Wednesday  13th  instant. 

.  Yours  very  truly.  /  ■/  n 

Private  Sc 

Inc 10 sure . 

Mercantile  Trust  Co., 

Nov;  York  City, 

Boar  Sirs:- 

Reforrinc  to  the  attaohod,  1  bog  to  advino  you  that 
the  annual  meeting  of  the  Stockholder  of  the  iidiem  Phonograph 
V/orks  vrac  postponed  from  July  £9th  to  Wcdnecdai,  August  lath,. 
Will  you  bo  kind  enough  to  send  wo  a  proxy  in  favor  of  myself, 
Samuel  Insull,  Alfred  0.  Into,  or  either  of  those  throe  to  veto  a3 
your  proxy  at  the  mooting  August  13th,  1390,  and  oblige, 

Yours  very  tmly, 

•  (vry  '  ( 


Oraiiea,  N<  J*  my  89th,  1390,, 

Col,  Qco.  e,  QouraUd,  j 

London,  England  i  •; 

Doar  Sir:- 

Undor  dato  I9th  Juno  last  you  addressed  loiter  to  ; 
Itr.  Thomas  B. Connery  in  roferenoe  to  the ’ Phonograph  business  ; 
in  Mexico  and  l'or warded  a  copy  of  tho  came  to  each  of  the  j 
Directors  of  the  Edison  Unitod  Phonograph  Company,  myself 
an  one  tho  nusbor. 

You  have  in  this  oanuunication  represented  Mr.  Con- 
nory'a  case  in  suoh  a  prejudiced  manner  that  1  cannot  in 
justice  to  him  and  to  myself  pormit  the  record  to  ctand  un~  f 
corrected;  nor  do  I  think  I  would  be  guilty  of  anything  less  | 
■than  wilful  avoidance  of  a  plain  duty  wore  I  to  fail  to  moke  j 
on  earnest  offort  to  relievo  the  very  erroneous  impression 
which  has  doubtless  been  made  upon  the  minds  of  your  col-  i 
leagues  by  tho  conmunioation  in  question. 

The  statoment  which  you  make  to  the  effect  that  the 
understanding  had  between  yourself  and  your  colleagues  with  j 
refer once  to  Mexico  was  that “the  business  should  first  be  j 
offered*  to  Mr,  Oonnory  conveys  a  strong  suggestion  that 
your  colleagues  have  never  been  put  in  possession  of  the 
exact  cirouimtanoes^otherwiae  they  wouia  have  kxmwn  that 
eaoh  an  empty  asauranoe  was  completely  out  of  harmony  with 
Jthe  merits  of  the  oaso  and  that, furthermore,  it  conveys  sn 
Entirely  erroneous  idea  of  tho  obligations  we  were  and  otill. 

ipro  «mdar  to  Ur*  Oorine^y  and  his  associates. 

i;  ' 

j;  Xt  is  n  matter  of  do  op  regrot  to  mo  tliat  at  a  time 
When  i  laid  poy/dp  jp  do  go  f  refrained  from  taking  up  por 

Col.  'floo,  E.  Gouraua, 

July  29th,  1390, 

oonally  tho  adjustment  oi'  Mr.  Connery1  a  claims ,  but  your 
i;  repoated  assurance  that  you  wero  in  entire  sympathy  with  my 
desire  to  oarry  out  our  agro-mont  in  a  faithful  spirit 
.destroyed  my  parcoption  of  the  real  course  which  you  were 
:  pursuing.  Relying  entirely  upon  such  assurance  and  not 
wishing  to  interfere  in  details  which  I  believed  were  being 
treated  by  you  in  the  spirit  which  yon  professed,  I  declined 
intervievm  which  were  sought  with  me  by  Mr.  Connery  and,  hie 
:  associates  as  the  following  copy  of  my  letter  to  Messrs..  J*. 

;j  Mt-  CQballos  <2:  Co,  under  date  January  15th  last  will  show:- 



Messrs.  J.  M»  Oeballos  &  Co., 

|  $60  Wall  Street,  Uew  York  City. 

Jan.  15,  1890. 


V:  Dear  Sirs: - 

p  I  beg  to  acknov/lodgo  receipt  of  your  letter  of  the 

|j  I3th  instant,  enclosing  copy  of  a  c omnuni cat  ion  addressed 
jj  to  Col.  Qoo.  E.  Gouraud  by  Mr.  Thomas  B.  Connery,  and  stating 

Ithat  there  aro  certain  features  of  tho  Mexican  bus ili03a  on 
j which  you  deairo  to  have  ray  personal  opinion. 

In  order  to  explain  tho  reason  why  I  have  not  haatonod 
:  an  interviov;  botwoon  your  Mr.  Cob alio 3,  Mr.  Connery  and 
myself,  I  desire  to  say  that  I  plaoed  the  autive  control  of 
my  foreign  buainoa3  in  tho  hands  of  Col.  Gourand,  aa  ray 
agent,  and  ao  lie  erase  to  America  shortly  before  you  made 
your  first  request  for  an  interview,  I  considered  it  de¬ 
sirable  that  raattj  ro  of  business  detail  should  be  discussed 
with  him,  in  pursuance  of  which  ho  was  duly  advised  of  your 
wishes  from  time  to  time,  to  which  I  beliovod  he  was  Giving 
attention.  Thoro  is  no  laok  of  desire  on  my  part  to  assist 
you  in  overy  possible  way,  but  it  ie  desirable  in  doing  this 
that  I  alioUld  move  in  concert  with  Col.  GouraudJ  that  ho 
should  bo  aware  of  all  points  under  discussion  mid  bo  given 
an  opportunity  to  express  hie  opinion  upon  any  matters  that 
roquire  adjustment  wider  the  provisions  of  your  contract. 

I  Jiavo  written  tfol.  Gpuraud  with  respect  to  these  matters, 
end  will  cormnicate  with  you  further  wlion  I  hear  from  him. 

Yours  very  tmly, 

(Sgd. )  Thomas  A.  Bdiaon 

If  Col*  Qeo*  E*  Gouraud,  ihiliy 

It  is  true  I  was  aware  at  ono  tiiijO  that  you  manifested  j 
a  disposition  to  neglect  this  Mexican  fogginess  and  on  the  j 
same  day  that  I  addressed  the  above  to  Messrs,  Caballos  &  Oo.; 
I  forwarded  to  you  the  following  ooptnunication:- 

Jan.  I5th,  1890,  !' 

'  ■  I 

Col.  Gfto.  E»  GoUraud, 

74  Madison  Ave.,  Now  York  Oity.  j 

Dear  sir:-  j 


Mr.  Coballoo  has  forwarded  mo  a  copy  of  Mr,  Con¬ 
nery  1 0  lottor  addrossod  to  yourself,  undor  data  Ilth  instant, 
lack  of 

In  which  the  latter  complains  of  your  interest  in  tko  Mexican* 
IPhonograph  business.  I  am  as  muoh  at  a  loss  as  Mr.  Connery 
to  comprehend  your  statement  to  the  effect  that  you  do  not 
know  at  present  how  the  “matt  or  stands."  You  havo  had  triple  'j 
facilities  to  familiarise  yourself  with  the  details  of  this  I 
business,  and  as  it  is  of  great  importance,  not  only  to  Mr.  j 
Cebulloa  and  his  friends,  but  to  you  and  myself,  in  carrying  ; 
out  in  good  faith  agreements  into  Which  v/e  entered,  that  this 
matter  should  reoeivo  iinnediate  attention,  I  mflst  ask  you  to  j 
take  steps  at  onoe  to  post  yoursoif  in  a  Way  tftjt  will  enable 
you  to  deal  with  those  gentloinon  as  they  art  entitled 
dealt  with*  I  do  not  care  to  be  forced  into  the  position  of 
feeing  ft  party  to  the  nofleot,  of  Mhich  Ur,  Ceballos  and  Mr*  j 
jPOmery  so  Justly  ocwplain, 
ii  Years  truly, 

|  (Sgd.-  Thomaq  A.  EdiflOm 


Col,  Goo  i  K.  GoUVaUd, 

JiUy  iiOtu,  18004 

It  must  havo  boon  apparent  to  yon  from  this  letter  ; 
tliat  I  bolioved  wo  were  uftdor  obligation  to  Hr.  OOnnory,  and  : 
it  is  stranga  that  i:,  yod,  at  that  time  entertained  a  dif¬ 
ferent  vio w  yon  should  h/uve  failod  to  ao quaint  mo  with  tic  I 
fact.  Had  I  boliovad  that  you  intondod  making  no  prepara¬ 
tion  before  the  consolidation  for  a  settlement  of  tho  Mexiooh 
matter  upon  a  fail*  and  aquitablo  basis,  I  should  most  cer¬ 
tainly  have  refused  to  complete  my  part  of  tho  transaction 
until  a  clear  understanding  had  been  reached.  My  references 
to  tho  subjeot  mast  have  shown  you  tint  I  beliovod  Ur  , 
Connery  liad  rights  which  you  and  1  wero  called  upon  to  ro- 
opoct.  1  placed  dependence-  upon  you  for  the  ai-rangoment  of  , 
details  for  tin  reason  that  the  agreement  whioh  existed  bqj>  '! 
tween  us  delegated  iso  you  that  olaos  of  work,  but  instead 
of  acting  in  harmony-  with  my  views,  or  advising  me  that  you  ■ 
Relieved  Mr#  Connery-  hod  no  rights  in  the  premises,  providing 
me  thus  with  dn  opportunity  to  talcs ' independent  action,  you  \ 

■  continued  os  tho  rej? res 6)t6 aH^e  Of  our  joint  interests  wholly 
unmindful  tlmt  you  Were  disqualified  as  suoh  by  the  wide 
difference  in  our  views,  tho  real  extent  of  whioh  was  known  j 
.  solely  to  yourself, 

Mr,  Oonriory  undertook  to  obtain  in  Mexico  certain 
!' concessions  which  Wore  cohiSldQrecl  nooosedry  in  anticipation 
|  of  oowpotitidn  bOtwftcn  the  phonograph  and  the  graphane. 
ij  To  quote  the  contract  “to  6b4dfci  from  tffto  Government  of 
I  “Slexioo  an  exoluestve  liatrteo  of  oonoeunto'n  to  supply  that 
•’  I’Govobment  fob  a  pofidd  and  on  iGf'is  and  conditions  satis-  ; 
|  Hf notary  to  vg  Tf|th  phdnp^rrtfna  k  ^  5;  fyn  Vise  in  the  j 

Ool,  Goo.  iii  Gouraud, 

ruly  29th,  1800. 

"Government  Post-Offices  throughout  tho  .Republic  of  J.loxioo.  "  | 
Tho  contract  provides  further  that  this  concession  is 
to  bo  transferred  eventually  to  a  Company,  tho  Capital  of 
which  is  to  be  divided  oho  third  to  Hr.  Oonnory  and  as¬ 
sociates,  one  tliird  to  you  and  mysolf,  tin-  renuining  third 
;  to  be  3Ubaoribod  for  as  a  working  capital.  No  unit  of 
Capitalization  is  fixed  in  tho  contract,  that  matter  havinc 
been  left  for  future  decision.  Indeed  the  contract  is  not  i 
specific  in  a  number  of  im^rtant  details.  It  v/ao  accepted  j 
by  Mr.  Connery  in  the  full  beliof  that  a  fair  vmrkin g  chance  j 
wuld  bo  given  him  and  that  all  mattera  postponed  for  ad¬ 
justment  would  bo  treated  in  a  spirit  of  fairness.  i 

Mr.  Connery  prooooded  to  Mexico  and  obtained  a  con-  j 
cession  which  though  not  exclusive  in  tones  owing  to  tho  j 
prohibitory  laws  of  Mexico ,  was  through  the  nature  of  its  j 

environment  practioally  an  exclusive  grant,  the  truth  of  I 


which  was  oonfinned  by  a  subsequent  amendment  in  writing  j 
obtained  by  Mr.  Connery  at  your  suggestion.  j 

To  oomponoato  for  delays  Mr.  Connery  has  from  time 
to  time  had  this  concession  extended  with  rospeot  to  the 
date  when  active  operations  should  bo  caimonoed  in  Mexico, 
the  Oast  extension  having  been  secured  within  the  past  fort¬ 
night  .  In  every  way  ho  has  conducted  his  part  of  tbs  business 

ij  ■  .  • 

j;  ably  and  successfully  and  with  such  confidence  in  our  fair 
ij  dealing  that  I  cannot  permit  the  matter  to  be  retired,  by 
lithe  sophistic  reasoning  in  which  you  indulge  in  your  letter  j 
|  Wider  discussion.  j 

jj  While  it  may  be  a  fact  as  you  stato  "that  Mexioo  being! 

|  ”so  near  to  the  home  office  it  is  'natural  that  business  ) 

hoi.  Geo.  E.  GoUi’ahd, 

jiiiy  20  tii,  1890, 

'  of  that  Country  should  bo  conducted  by  tho  Board  in  America, 1 
;  I  cannot  understand  by  what  montal  process  you  are  able  to 
convinco  yourself  tint  an  effort  to  aoaiot  Mr.  Comedy  in 
jj  obtaining  simple  justice  v/ould  be  "unwarranted  interforence, " 
considering  our  mutual  obligations  to  him  Under  hie  contract 
;  with  us. 

j:  If  you  are  sinoore  iti  your  statement  tliat  Mr.  Connery 

j  and  his  friends  "ore  entitled  to  every  possible  considers- 
?j  tion"  it  ought  surely  to  occur  to  you  that  one  of  the  vefy 
!;  first  considerations  to  which  they  are  entitled  is  your  co¬ 
operation  in  securing  a  reasonable  arrangement  with  the 
ij  Edison  United  Phonograph  Company. 

2he  valuation  placed  upon  Mexico  by  Mr,  Seligman  is 
much  too  high.  By  concerted  action  •wftie**.  ve  mi&ht  Jmve 
succeeded  in  effecting  a  reduction.  Certainly  our  chances  for 
:  doing  so  wore  far  better  before  you  placed  yourself  Upon 
;  record  as  confirming  a  proposition  which  bore  upon  its  face 
evory  mark  of  prohibition.  More  than  this  your  aotion  in 
j  forwarding  to  oaoh  of  your  colleagues  a  copy  of  -your  letter 
:  to  Mr.  00m  ory  was  doubtless  intended' and  has  been  accepted 
I  as  an  announcement  that  you  have  Washed  your  hands  of  the 
ji  v/lrolo  matter. 

After  having  neglected  to  protect  our  promises  before 
|  the  amalgamation  you'  ought  at  lea  sir  to  have  stood  by  me  in 
|  an  endeavor  to  have  them  made' good  subsequently.  Your  courio. 
ij  makes  it  doubly  hard  for  rae  to  act  With  offoot,  Mr.  Connery 
j  and  his  friends  are  prepared  for  any.  reasonable  proposition] 


col.  Gt 


July  29th,  1390. 

jiTtey  liavo  a  connection  in  Mexico  the  like  of  which  cannot  bo 
•ji obtained  through  any  otter  medium.  They  ate  thoroughly 
:  familiar  with  the  country  anti  tte  people  and  a  full  dis- 
jj  Mission  \vit3i  them  would  reveal  conditions  sufficient  upon 
ji  Which  to  moke  a  close  estimate  of  tte  value  of  tte  plibno- 
jj  graph  business  in  Mexico,  ho  valuation  has  yet  been  made 
■  which  can  be  justified  upon  commercial  lines.  The  position 
•which  I  maintain  is  that  Mr.  Connery  and  his  f fiends  are  ev>-  j 
iititlod  to  a  reopening  of  this  subject  and  I  stall  place  the 
jj matter  before  your  colloagues  with  ttet  end  in  view.  1  Con¬ 
sider  it  unjiet  to  them  and  to  oursolvos  to  adopt  as  final 
the  first  Pitted  whioh  have  boon  named  and  if  my  efforts  of 
ijare  of  avail  tin  matter  win  not  be  dismissed  in  the  very 
j:  summary  inannev  ii.  which  so  has  been  treated, 
ji  If  there  ir<.  any  instructions  7/hich  you  desire  to  give 

|  to  yora*  ro  present  aivo  on  the  Board  of  the  Udi3  on  United 
j;  Phonograph  company  t  would  be  well  to  issue  them  imraediate- 


I|  Yours  very  truly, 



inst’cvtin  r«fri,v  tl) 

E*  JDV  Afluma,  -rith  pe.ia£*-«  tc,  • 
na  you  niv4o  dco -iriod  v;]>:n  u  V:\il 
:^«t\  fco  lisa?  i'rvvr,  >,ou. 

>3  **oo.«ii»t  Of  y(iU!«  lottor  of  the  lot 

i4o:‘  to  «r.  Batson  by  Up. 

tho  canvas  made  a* -Buffalo..  Aa  aoo: 
*"  *lono  iU  tWs  »«*tt0P  I  shall  bo 

Voup.;  vrrt"/  tPuly, 

fPb'lH’  (JatjPHiipy. 

t . 

^  'O  S^t^, 

Y^1a€A^  -  &i*y  $-^&tt 


fa/  * 

1  J~ 

|  y 

I  y*^+<L  ; 


^y^A~A  A  ^  <CAMstL^^$y\ 

A-''A~M.^y'\ tXAt^lA^  .  ^-7^  -0^fLyV^/U3>  -S/A_Jty 

&/LsxfaC^  -V^U t^-jZ&AA,  /iAjfitZ^ 

jf  /J7m*  *&-/’  M 

/faL4^f£j  ^l)v^  $uA/iJU*J£y  "~^r 

''/kjLtsfc'yAAS ^7^y/  /-1k^{AJ^^L4s-1 

& ? y» .  *7 
77'-  fr 

yrj*  //" 

-  A^U^\  c^JtUs  '^uz 


c&ja~7>  y-77faiL&-*t, 

A tt/>  7th,  ISDO. 

M.  1)1  vor, 

General  Knnncor,  Mow  Joraoy  Ponnuy.lva.nia  Concentrating  Vtorka 
#19  Doy  Street,  lie:.’  York  city, 

«•  Sir:- 

111  Vmy  t0  y0ttV  oi'  ««  4th  ins  trait  in  *oSBrd.  to 

refin ory  at  Or;is.i,  the  tore  ’.Till  not  ;;6  above  the  §53,00*0. 

Id*  1  holiovo  in  mttofs  it  in  proparly  at  tho 


Au<>  7 til,  1890, 

Mr,  C‘,  J,  Rood, 

.  Edison  Laboratory,  Orange,  31>  ,Ty 
Boar  Sir:- 

Raferring  to  the  attaoliod  letter  and  tracings  'from  Mr, 
V/.  II,  Be  Camp,  Mr,  Edison  dooiroa  you  to  in.iko  a  survey  of  this 

Yours  very  truly, 

Private  Seerotary. 

Inc lo sure . 

Aue*  7th,  139 u 

Charloa  H.  Whitney  &  Oo.f 

Broadway,  How  fcn*  City. 

Dear  Sir:- 

... .« n;ir :ir~; 

G  tJ.9  oopya  t.'os  of  this  export'.  Ho 
already  discovered  some  very  fair  deno  u  .  «xs 

Ms  investigations,  '  "  ^  ^  *“  ^  ~  ~ 

Y°urs  very  tmly/7'fa  a 


A«c,  8th,  1890., 

Samuel  Inatfll,  Eaq,,  ivoa3, 

#10  Bi’oad  .Street,  Mow  York  City, 

Dear  Sir:- 

I  nttlrn  hororith  to.  tferoo  lottor  to  you  ta  ra0ord  t0 
«nta<te»  M.h  .rt  uMppod  fno„  the  Phonocraph  Work,  in  ,  *«». 
a>«t  to.,  w  until  aft  or  they  aro  put  upon  tho  Phonooraph  ona 
shaved  once  or  twice, 

I  think  that  a  notice  should  be  inserted  with  each  batch 
of  cylinders  that  urn  shipped,  tolling  what  met  be  done'  before  tho 
cylinders  are  used  up'on  the  machine  as  you  surest. 

Yours  very  truly. 

Aug.  8th,  1890. 

George ' -ar*on  Lathrop,  Ksq., 

New  London,  Conn. 
h.£y  Dear  Lathropr- 

1  have  loft  your  lotto  r  of  the  3Iat  ult,  unanswered  owing 
to  my  absence. 

Mr*.  Edison  is  going  away  to-day  and  will  be  gone  for  two 
or  three  weeks  1  tliink;  Ur.  Konnelly  has  gone  away  for  a  holiday  : 
ho  will  be  abneht  for  a  fortnight. 

I  have  spoken  to  Ur.  Edison  about  this  matter  and  while 
he  lias  not  timo  to  talk  nnioli  at  present,  he  3ays  he  will  certainly 
take  it  up  when  he  come 'back  again.  Kennolly  will  bo  home  thert 
and  I  will  lot  you  knot*  when  the  proper  time,  cones.  then  if  you 
will  cane  down  hero  I  shall  bo  very  happy  to  have  yeti  aW  with  m. 
as  long  ho  you  are  abltf  at  my  liouse,  and  we  will  try  and  <10  soma 
work  anil  get  a  portion  of  the.  data  in  siiapa. 

Yoprp  very  ti^iy, 

Augt  latu.jspo 

Danloi  Esq^ 


Dear  Sir?- 

neoeivoa  trm  abroad  s,  "otlono  W),oh  you  },Qvo 

•««*.*  «„  float  ”  *°  U’°  °”t“V  I*— 

float,  M  enoliijine  . 

T*  >•“  to  '  ”T“- 

vo®»o  «**».*«,  „  ^  7*te  *  «- 

W  «  *«■  1  m«  M  ^  to  W0“"'S  *  ““W- 

ee«tiona  to  make,  ^  that  1  h?iva  nb  auS~ 

Youjfa  very  trvCLy. 

AV£,  1390/ 

Sawfael  Insullj-toq., 

#Ifi  Kroad  Street,  flow  York  City, 

Pan.*  Sirr- 

I  am  in  receipt  of  a  latter  from  the  Edison  J?hewo,sn«Rl- 
?*y  M«KaCactvirinc  Co.,  Boston,  Mace.,  under  date  XPtfe  ina*ar,t»,  isi 
ev^hTt  *o  waiver  of  royalties,  in  which  they  ahjr,  «ve  radLoeptwod 
Hr.  imruXi  to  t>&  tfca*.  ha  Would  personally  taV-«  thin  in  ‘ 

hanf.  ttrth  art  1b  Hr.  Edison  and  tl<6  Koytb  American  Company**  to  nruH 
take  l  i  at  4  favor  if  you  will  mention  the  matt*  r  t,o  him  ant  make 
s*arei  It  w  understanding  is  corrocH. 

%wa  vtfry-  tnaly. 

triV/Ate  Secretary* 

15th,  ISpo, 

B*  Blok,  Esq,, 

Prooicroftt,  *A*B,U>ioj fe  Qo,,* 

#1^3  *  154  Laics  Straat,  Chic  ago,  m# 

S ir:- 

TOo  Wtocasro^h  raforrad  to  in  your  Uttar  of  the  7th 
fcttanJU  c***  vi  M  ikia  it  is  a  vary  hand*™*  machino 

aad..  I  tea**,  ‘/on  Mr.  J.  s.  oiUUasd  my  thanla  f0r  having 
tfco  ojm  to  t*o  for  me  laboratory  exhibits. 

-Ydura  voiV  tr'uly, 

Samuel  Ittsu.ll,.  Esq., 

#IS  SroQd  Stvoot,  Now  York  City. 

Dear  sirt- 

.  Replying  to  your  lotto r  of  tho  IltJi  instant  in  regard  to 

a  payment  into  tho  Treasury  of  tho  Hicklo-in-the-slot  Company  of 
$7500.00  of  whioh  you  say  I  am  liable  for  one  half,  I  bog  to  say 
that  this  is  tho  first  intimation  that  I  have  had  that  any  smoh 
arrangement  existed.  t  ahould  like  to  have  an  explanation  of 

YourB  very  truly. 

Augfl  I3th  1890,. 

Saiatiol  I»sull,  Bay., 

&  18  Broad  stroot,  Kow  York  Cii y, 

gear  Sirr- 

89 plying  to  your  lotto  r  of  the  Ilth  instant  in  ragyira 
to  riptira  on  returned  Phonographs.oitber  I  am  to  make  iraproyomoirto 
wn  the.  Phonograph  or  «lu*  l  vill  atop;  if  l  orn  to  go  ahead  anting 
thoao  insprowrcontBp  dVttry  mildhiftd  which  10  mutnmi  should  bo  jno- 
vl«Sed  witt  them.  My  understanding  id  that  th«i?r  machine*  belong 
to  tta»  Bvrth  Amorioan  Phonograph  Col,  and  it  ig  to  thS*r 
tlm  thay  should  bo  topt  in  good  condition, 

I  do  not  understand  that  tM  North  American  Phonograph 
Conpimy  la  willing  to  allow  alterations  to  bo  made  to  their  proper¬ 
ty  tty  local  parties* 

It  in  eoftainly  for  the  best  Interest  of  (ivory  ona  oort- 
oorsu#*.  that  dll  thede-  littio  tMttgtt  Which  ttofctributcr  to  mueh  to 
tfa  utility  of  the  Pjwttiogtei  WfcttM  W  ttppiiii  u>  machinas  do  they 
co»se  in,  do  that  *h»  mdy  ft«  gotten  Said  tha  hands  of 

teo  t»«wr  of  lMbond}?rapV.  JKs  da  ptddibld. 


Qon*  in’.v’d* 

.yj£t  ta^,  igoo, 

The  u.uscc.qu  of  4>i*  ljvslnPSfl  depends  upon  our  meet* 

=»«■  the  re'qia.rbrram?  of  U.<joft  nty}  \j?.b  umt  BWjshiuos,  and  any  in>- 
Jiadiwai'A  ftwij -l  ,-jn  (*•  way  ixi  my  e-tiVH  to  pwrfeot  the  inatrunont 
in  all  Jtn  vjoVnVla  Hill.  iya  «|i?  feanlt  of  the  poor a at  kind  of  Judg¬ 

■pium  wry  truly, 


•Taneo  T.  Afcigenis,  Bsq«, 

North  Ada®3,  Maas. 

Dear  3ir;- 

I  return  herewith  copy  of  patent,  enoloaed  with,  your 
lot tor  undor  date  3th  instant, 

Mr,  Edison  soya  that  at  preaont  no  domand  exists  for 
duplicate^ in  connection  with  Phonographic  reoorda,  _ ,-jho  owners  of 
the  Phonograph  having  all  they  can  do  to  pioneer  the'  instrument  as 
now  mode'. 

After  the  proaont  machine  is  thoroughly  introduced  , 
duplicates  may  be  required,  but  nothing  could  bo  done  with  such  a 
device  at  present. 

Youra  very  truly, 

Private  Secretary. 

Indio aura, 

A «g-.  i3th,isgo 

S.  P.  B'»  Morse,  Esq., 

176  Soharmartjom  Street, 

Brooklyn,  H.  Y, 

Dear  Sir:- 

I  >»s  to  aohnoirledoe  r,„ipt  of  yoap  l8tt,r  of  (h> 

I2*h  ”°‘3  *“  *"»  pe.ition  ^  t0 

^ci,  m  ere  nnabto  to  dieeue.  ^ther  at  toe  precept  ttoe  to, 
me, Men  of  conins  »ith  the  Bdieon-Jtotonde  petj,!,. 

“  toB.rd  te  toe  Rrc  .dan,  eirenit  toieh  pen  W5al( 

“  *“  •*  ““  *  *—.  «.*•  *  the  hai™^. 

ltode  ecu,  can  he  calculated  to  vithin  aii  hour, 

OMn,  .0  to.™™**,  whioh  „  hare  made  in  the 

"  ™  "  Batt""a  «  *>  ■*«  «  °P3n  tironu  .,  th. 
to.,  fn»  tooad  totion  totod  he  !.».  m.  iUn0.  ^  po]W4  ^ 

Y'o’iira  Very  truly, 


CAju  7t*t^t 

'-IL^S-'fci  '"'/*u^»-/^eAx  tA-^siK^-A:  AzfcAi*  c^O- 

IAju  /£*-  •^ML' 

^  cLA  i» 

jAu*'  /**'■ 000 

/^s  Akc^^ — 

-/-^V  „  „  „o  .  aA*^. 

4ku  Ji^U^J^l-t-^  - 


OkA^f  /v/fo 

^aajp&i  yfc  ju£it^  aa/x  &yfcf' 

^KAAKfJL'  U^/Lo-  &&tAjtfyjL  vjf  'ififcj 

s%u  ayiH-s&sv^fdLX)  a — '  y 

(^AjL^Ucty  y#iu  yf  9*^&s  oaO. 

C  'itiiAXtty  -^y 

s*  •  •  _  Z__  ^  */— ....... 


Report  frcxn  a  friend  of  Mr.  Wangemann,  from  Amsterdam. 

July  31st,  1890* 

I  had  not  been  in  Holland  long  when  Machines  arrived  and  I  com-, 
menoed  to  set  them  up.  I  think  that  in  all  about  Twelve  Motor 
Machines  and  about  Fourteen  Treadle  wore  received.  The  Treadle 
Maohines  are  still  in  Holland  except  Two  which  are  in  Brussels,  but 
the  Motor  Maohines  were  all  sold- in  a  short  except  Two  which  are 
stiii  here.  And  now  Mr,  WANGEMANN  I  ocme  to  the  part  that  I  think 
1^tt®rest  you  “°3t.  1  think  that  I  shall  be  giving  you  a  fair 

Idea  of  how  things  are  when  1  tell  you  that  about  Eleven  Machines 
are  now  Travelling  around  Germany  are  at  the  present  moment  being 
shown  by  persons  who  do  not  even  know  what  a  Screw  Driver  is!,  of— 
course  the  Buyers  came  to  the  Office  to  see  the  Machines  and  then-  . 
at  once  took  them  away,  and  now  I  ask  you  Mr.  WANGEMANN-is  this 
good  for  the  Name  of  the  Machine?  - 

I  have  since  then  met  many  people  who  had  attended  your  Seances  and 
of-course  wore  loud  in  their  Praise  of  the  Phonograph,  and  on  the 
ethor  hand  l  have  mot  many  people  - quiet  lately  and  have  heard  all 
sorts  of  things  concerning  the  Maohines  in  the  hands  of  these  per¬ 
sons,  how  they  for  instance  attend  Concerts  and  get- no  results  how 
the  .Seances  are  at  I  Mark  per.  person  and  when- the  People  have  Paid 
their  Money  they  hear  nothing,  or  only  the  hum  of  the  Motor,  and 
noises  which  aro  supposed  to  be  the  Records1*  In  fact  I  could  write 
pages  of  the  things  that  I  haye  .hoard  concerning  the  Machines  from 
all  Countries'*  .One  of  the  latest.  Bits  is-tlmt  one  of  the  Fellows 
who  had  Two  Machines  left  several  Toms  without  Paying  and  so  the 
Police  took  the  Maohines  and  have,  kept  them  ever  since. 

How  Mr'*  WANGEMANN  I  am  sure  that  this  was  never  meant  to  be  aa 
instead  of  the  Maohine  getting  a  good  name  for  itself  it.  is  getting 
something  different  and  I  think  that  it  is  a  Shame  that  because  a 
Shown  an  has  enough  Money  he  should  be  able  to  buy  a  Phonograph  and 
take  it  round  a  Country  to  Show  for  as  you  know  yourself  it  wants 
more  than  a  few  Days  acquaintance  to  Show  the  Machine  properly. 

And  now  Mr.  WANGEMANN  I  come  to  another  thing  how  is  it  that  Amste¬ 
rdam  (Holland)  is  the  only  place  where  a  Machine  can  be  Bought  in 
all  Europe?  It  seoms  strange  to  me,  but  as  I  am  not  enough  in  the 
Know  I  can  only  guess. 


'  <  ■ML.  TLiUtu 

l  (%(kjeS^) 

'  H  ’ 

M  5 tike  -  .  -  .  i 

; ;; 

liq  31r  Johnston,  25s<I,, 

cA.  Intwic.*  ar$  Inflation  Oo., 

#16  &  18  84.0a d  Street,  Herr  York-  city, 

Beajr  si  rj* 

nspi,^  to  y„ of  «*■««,  ,a|?  t0 

*"  **  ?  «*  .0  to*,*,  ^ 

«.So  it  »,  yet  reasy  to  be  „pW1<>  aurtl„tai_ 

**"  t“'  ae<’  ™  °“’OTM  »«rtU  «  the  Laboratory 

«Kt.W  *.frty  has  boon  w„  ew 

*  ,rMh  “®ly  a!"lnB  4h*  s*-“  «  *  »a«k  or  »  anfl  ,  «u 
soilte  Hr*  sent  you  .>  ' 

Youl’ s  wry  truly. 

'PriVaVfe  SOcretbry, 

A us*  ISnhv.lSOO.. 

H*  M»  iivor,  Ksq . , 

General  Manager, 

Nw  Jersey  aid  Po.msy.l-raii-a,  tJoncen-tratlug  Warics, 

#10  Dey  Stkvet,  J'lew  -eity„ 

Dear  str:- 

Replying  to  your  letter  ,aS  -tl*.  JEfta,  Soatewts  a  *ar01 

10  f“'4i  “a  1  «t  *>  ■*.  «uw  **«  *, 

face  of  the  machine  where  the  ora  ^et4 flo 

Yixira  verj  truly,, 

V->\  'A  Li.Vor,  fiBq*, 

Kot  10  J)«y  g t root, 

H«w  York  City* 

Aug,  19,  2800 

Sear  Sir.*- 

***’♦  S<Uson  han  ^ad  Your  2ofct«r  of  izth  iiwtasit, 
and  says  nil  ricbt  as  to  small  boiler.  Ho  mil  order  the 
resistance  boxes  for  the  macnatn. 

Yonrs  yory  tinlyj 

Private  Secretary, 

H*  M*  XiiVor,  Esq,, 

No,  19  Doy  Street,  No*  York  Oity« 

Hoar  sir:- 

1  leg  to  confirm. the  following  mssr,«£0  t eltplionad  you 
16th  instant,  in  reply  to  your  letter  oi’  14th  incta’fit  a&dreoced  to 
Hrw  RdiaonS- 

■MrV  Edicon  a  ays  in  reply  to  your  letter*  of  14th, 
botter  not  chance  Machine  details  but  arrange 
counters  Jnft  no  feed  stops  whan  power  ic  discon¬ 

Yoitro  traly. 

Private  Secretary* 


Ed  i  a  on  Qro  Milling  Co,,  limited, 

•#I6  &  18  Broad  Street,  Haw  York  .City, 

I  beg  to  ooll  your  attention  to  my  bills  *or 
«snto  rendered  ym  under  the  following  dates;  March  9th,  442,13^.27 
April  IOth,  $$791,28;  May  21st,  $141.96;  the  last  hills  h&*in#. 
been  eent  to  Mr.'  Samuel  inaUl;  and  the  other  two  having  been 
farwardod  addressed  to  yourselves, 

I  would  like  to.  have  an  immediate  settlement  made  of 
this  outstanding  account  which  amounts  to  $43,065.10  under  the 
provisions  of  the  contract  which  exists  between  me  and’ yourselves. 

I  beg  to  request  you  to  give  the  natter  attention  at  once. 

■/luiel<A  *  &.a  irv 

(Si '  td  ( . 


Thorns  Butler,  Saq.t  Sso^y, 

Kew  Jern0V  and  Penney  1vgh}«i  Clone  an  tr&tlhs  irorfts, 

#18  &  X8  Broad  street,  jWoyr  York  City, 

Hear  Sir :  - 

Replying  to  your  letter  of  the  ISth  instant,,  to  Mr„ 
5oi»  S',  Randolph,  I  beg  to  say,  h}*at  the  52  Belt  Iron  Sre  sep^a- 
tors  are  required  for  the  Ogden  rtjiil, 

Mr..  Batson  sent  an  inibnml  order  to  the  Edison  Bhonoi- 
grapta  Works  for  these  and  they  are  now  in  process  of  construct!  on.. 
Will  you  please  issue  «V  order  on  the  Works  for  their  completion. 
Yours  vary  truly,  w 

Privat  e  Sebrefary* 



Stfnuql  Install,  Esq., 

#19  Doy  Street ,  New  York  City, 

in  reply  to  your  letter  of  the  I® to  instant,  an olo glass 
a  copy  of  a  aoranuni  cation  from  Mr.  hehmai r.,  I  beg  to  inform  you 
that  I  save  Messrs,  Herts  Bros,  an  order  for  a  lot  of  work  in  my 
house  which  included  fixtures.  They  submitted  to  me  a  nurifoa*  of 
designs  of  S,  Berg  mans  present  .firm,  but  I  instructed  them  to  . 
obtain  designs  fbom  Messrs.  Bergman  ft  0o»^  which  accounts  for  the 
matter  having  been  brought  to  Mr.  lehmair's  attention. 

I  cannot  change  the  order  now. 

Aug,  19,  1890 

Mr*  P,  v*  &iidoa. 

Scrub  Oak,  near  Konvil,  11,  J‘* 

Dear  Sir:- 

I  am  in  receipt  of  your  letter  of  10th  instant  and 
have  noted  contonta  of  name.  You  tad  bettor  order  more  drill 
rod,  as  1  want  a  300  ft*  hole. 

With  reference  to  the  tract  of  Magnetic  Ore  ntoioh  can  be 
leaned  or  purchwed,  please  give  ad  the  addrena  of  the  party 
controlling  aan&. 

Youi*3  truly,.-.  A 

Aug.  19,  3390 

Sonuol  Insull,  13aq,t 

hoo,  10  &  la  Broad  stvaot. 

Now  York  City* 

Dear.  Sir:- 

I  beg  to  confirm  the  following  telephone  meaBocea 
oant  you  from  this  office  to-day,  and  your  reply  to  same: 

■Upton  aakn  ua  this  morning  to  /onder  a  bill  against  the 
Lamp  Woric3  for  $1,000  royalty  whioh  ho  paid,  1  thought 
you  wera  arranging  thio  matter  differently.  Please  re¬ 
ply.  A.  0.  Tate." 

*1  find  Upton  did  not  explain  properly  what  Iw  wanted. 

He  aako  for  a  bill,  not  for  royalty,  but  for  current 
experimental  expanse  to  cover  the  $1,000  payment.  A1*  0.  y»* 

■YOu  must  not  render  the  Letup  Works  any  bill  for  royalties 

Sari’!*  Inauil . * 

Vo  tire  very  /?L  , 

'  ' 

Cejme  H.  Lippinoott,  Baq.,  ipres’t., 

larth  American  Phonograph  Company, 
ICO  Broadway,  How  York  City, 

Augi,  19,  3B90, 

My  dear  Sir:- 

•  1  sont  you  t  o-dny  a  lottor  from  Mr.  Upton  in  regard 

to  tho  phonographs  which  ho  is  using  in  his  office  in  Hewark,  In 
your  lottor  of  July  24th  yo*l  sent  mo  copies  ol‘  3oma  matter  which 
had  been  issued  by  your  Company  in  regard  to  operating  the  phono- 
grophW  This  io  very  inoottiplete,  and  in  addition  to  that,  tho 
style  in  which  it  io  got  tort  up  io  very  poor.  I  enclose  herewith 
•a  book  of  inst  motions  that)  is  issued  by  the  Remington  Typo-writer 
people'.  You  ought  to  provide  something  of  the  same  nature .  for  the 

Yours  very  truly, 

Aug.  19,  1390 

Edition  Phonograph  Worko, 

0  r  a  n  g  a  ,  N.  OV 

Dear  Sirs:- 

Mr.  Edison  desires  to  present  a  phonograph  to  Prof, 
Helmholtz,  Pic  at,  a  have  prepared  one  of  the  latest  typo  battery 
machines,  with  a  supply  of  50  blanks.  I  wiit  have  a  battery  sent 
from  Silver  Lake  to  accompany  this  shipment  when  it  is  ready. 

Aloo  have  a  name  plate  engraved  like  this: 


Yours  very  truly. 

Private  Secretary, 

P,  S,  Please  advise  mo  whBn  the  machine  is  ready  for  shipment. 

August  20,  .1890 

Alex',  Elliott,  Jr,,  Esq>, 

Paterson,  N«  Ji, 

Dear  Sirj- 

X  beg  to  confirm  the  following  telegram  sent  you  to-day 
by  Ur!,.  Edison,  in  reply  to  your  telephone  message  of  even  data? 

"Don’t  tako  tin  Brown  lease  for  anything  loss  than 
tronty  yoars*  Edison’*" 

Yours  truly,  ,, 

Private  Secretary, 

An s*  ZOf  94 

W*  SV  Mallory, 

K’o'»  7  Vo  at.  Krt<v)olpJi  ,Tf»f 

C  !i  i  o  a  g  o  ^  UlnW 

Boor  Sir:- 

I  bog  to  confirm  tlw  following  toldgron  cent  yon  by 
UrV  Edison  lath  instant  in  reply  to  your  lottor  of  lath  instant: 

•My  fcnpreacion  in  that  wo  should  not  take  in  any  out¬ 
siders  but  socure  uuoh  proparty  an  wo  want  and  have- 
our  ann  Brennan  design  a  now  mill  coating  say  sevonty- 
ravo  thousand  dollars,  and  provida  money  our salvo 3,  i 
will  try  and  cane  out  soon!.  If  you  tako  in  outsiders 
I  on  sura  you  will  regret  it  in  timo.  T*  AW  Edison,  * 

Yours  truly. 

WiVato  flooretary. 

M*V  VP*.  S,  Mallory, 

#/  Woot  Randolph  Street, . 
Chicago,  Ilia, 

Aug#  20,  1890 

Dear  Sir:- 

I  bag,  to  confirm  tl»  following  telegram  sent  to  you 
thia  morning  at  fiumbolt,  Michigan,  by  Mr*  Edison,  in- reply  to 
yom-.j  of  19th  instant: 

•Perhaps  1  can  got  some  one  1m  re  to  go  in*  Write 
iruj  wlat  Akron  friends  will  off  or  to  a  now  party. 

Edison* » 

Yours  very  truly. 

Private  Secretary, 

Fwuioia  R*,  Upton,  Iinq„ 

Edison  Lamp  Company,- 
Harrison,  M,  j. 

AUfS*  20,  1890,. 

•  I  W  to  confirm  tha  following  moB«e*  telephoned 
you  from  this  Office  this  morning: 

«Mr,  Edison  lava  written  you  two  letters  and  says  he 
A,  M  wt.  no  reply,  mnt, 

Yours  t  suly, 

Private  Secretary* 

-Ay.:;.  2i«t>  «»< 

ultf.  1  bon  to 
fotly  with 

1  n  t.-at  j.'ionav 

:y  onthtusiaoro 

Seo’y*  N»  S,  i:  P«»  Concentrating  'tforka, 

3.0  &  3.  ft  Broad  St*,  He»  York. 

Dear  Sir*** 

I  have  you?  luttor  of  20th  instant  in  regard  to  the 
order  ibr  12  Bolt  Iron  Oro  Separators.  Jf  you  will  haw  Mr* 
Livor  eord  an  or  dor  to  ths  Kdiiaon  Phonograph  Works  covering  tho 
nnehinoB  rasutionod  above,  1  will  upon  its  rue  dipt  have  caneolled 
«mu  returned  to  you  tin  order  issued  to  the  Laboratory* 

Yours  t  ruly. 

Private  Secretary. 

Aug,  21,  3090 

Sasniol  Inaull,  Esq,, 

16  &  18  Broad  St,, 

Now  York. 

Dear  Sir:- 

I  bog  to  confirm  the  following  tolophono  cmiaages 
received  to-dny  frctn  your  office  and  aant  from  tj»  Laboratory: 

'Ur.  Tolcott,  Enginoor  of  the  North  Am.  Co.,  who  woa  to  - 
havo  soon  Ur,  Edioon  yesterday,  is  going  out  on  th#  11  : 
10  .train  with  an  introduction  fran  Ur.  Henderson.  Pleaao 
3oe  tint  lie  goto  at  Mr,  Edison*.  SAMUEL  INSULti. » 

HEPLY,  "Ur,  Tolcott  has  seen  Ur.  Edison.  TATE.* 

“Hoplying  to  your  inqui  ry  whether  wo  have  any  models  of 
Sprague  truok3  at  Sohonoctady,  would  say  wo  haw  none. 


Your a  truly, 

•  A.  Stern,  Eaq., 

R°°m  G2,  Bullitt  Builainc, 

Philadelphia,  pa. 

■Boar  Mr,  Stern,- 

I  tavo  yoor  lou.r  or  13th  inirtm,t 

hi0h  TO  aro  intereeted.  i  notft  + 

you  sf'v  n  Km,*  i  •  ■  •  note  what 

it :  -  *'”»  -  *•  .»«  „ow 

they  tavt  «„My  ntwua  t<|  ^  • 

peso  of  ray  interest  in  them. 

Ycnvn  vary  truly. 

Aug.  21,  3390 

E‘*  P,  Matthewo,  Eoq., 

#23’'.  South  Fourth  St., 

Philadelphia,  Pa, 

Dear  Sir:- 

Replying  to  you,-  I. Ho,,  of  12th  luotant  uddroocad  to 
Mr.  Wloon,  i„  union  you  roouoot  sono  inforontion  oonoominB 
Blootrio  P,„.  uouU  3ay  tlBt  it  „  !atm.bu  to  rao  ^  Snsim<lascoiii 

l%ht  currant  to  opernt,  the  coco.  You  could  hate  you,-  motor 
round  for  0  UO  vclt  circuit,  hut  thia  mi**  onto  it  too  ho.vy  to 
how  i„  the  hand.  Jt  «*,«  ba  better  to  iutnadu.o  reoiotonc. 
in  thj  form  of  lamps  or  wire, 

Your a  truly, 

Privato  Secretary. 

Auc»  21 i  1390 


How  York  lla  raid. 

How  York  City* 

Dear  Sir:- 

Mr,  Ediaon  has  asked  iiia  to  1‘orsvanl  to  you  tha 
oncloaed  mwiorandam  M  promised  to  send  to  you  hlion  yax 

wro  at  tho  laboratory  yesterday'* 

Yours  truly, 

Private  Secretary*  - 

.  Aug,  21, 1890 

Aa  tha  violent  storma  and  movements  in  t,J}3  aun  produce 
diatTirbancog  of  tha  earth’s  mgnotasm  which  are  recorded  on  the 
Magnetometer  at  Raw, England,  it  occurred  to  me  that  the  strength 
of  the  disturbance  on  our  planot  could  bo  increased  enormously  by 
utilizing  a  vein  of  magnet io  iron  ore,  and  running  around  the 
body  of  ora  several  miles  of  .wire,  foiming  an  inductive  circuit, 
in  which  powerful  eleotrio  currents  would  be  thrown  into  the  cir¬ 
cuit  by  any  disturbance  of  the  earth’s  magnetism.  By  the  use  of 
recording  instruments  every  olange  could  be  recorded  and  by  the 
use  of  the  telephone  .all  sounds  produeod  on  the  sun  would  be  hoard 
on  our  planet  through  the  telephone. 

At  Ogden,  Hew  Jersey,  there  is  a  body  of  ore  one  mile  long 
nta t&ikvs  nearly  perpend  inula r  and  oxt  ending  down  into  the  bowels 
of  tho  ynrth  1 9  grfcAt  but  Unknown  depth,  containing  several  hundred 
.million -tons  of  myghetio  isjit&riai*  telegraph  poles  are  being 
-erected  on  each  side  of  the  oth  body  and  parallel  with  it;  an  in¬ 
sulated  -.Tire  is  coiled  no  i«?  Up'oak.  several  times  around  the  area 
where  th.;  .n^g-netifl  lau*b  leaff  ibo  rtrA  body  and  extend  into  space; 
the  two  ends  will  ) ya  iHio  t.'wfe  dh&arvation  Station, 

Aug.  22,  90, 

Edicon  Phonograph  Works, 

Orange,  11,  J, 

year  Siro:- 

Iha  following  is  copy  of  a  telegram  dated  21at  iiwt., 
received  this  norning  from  Win.  li.  Regan,  Manager  of  tl;o'  Industrial 
Exposition,  Minhfca polls,  •  Minn, : 

•  ’Mr.  Wangsnann  find3  no  rubber  shell  with  phonograph. 
Plftaao  forward  fifteen  immediately.  Wire  answer. 

Wta.  U«  Regan. 0 

We  lave  not  suit  any  reply  to  the  above. 

Youro  truly, 

E  <1  i  a  o  n  i  t»  b  '.'/*$  t-  o"r  y 

Private  Seorotarj* 

Aug,  22,  90, 

Philip  £W  Pyar,  Kon., 

Antwerp*  B*l£iunu 

My  dear  Pyor»- 

f*r,  Reason  los'i/id  conn  correspondence  with  Oir 
Jolai  Porulor  in  to  'Ms*  lighting  of  certain  diotrieta  in 

Loudon  by  tbo  tlatwpolHatJ  Electrical  Supply  Co*,  in  which  Sir 
John  in  interested.  bfc  received  fsfom  London  data,  maps  etc., 
rhioh,  however,  wan  not  oatiai'actory  to  Mr.  Edition,  who  suggoa- 
tad  that  wo  aand  over  to  London  on  Expert,  who  eoald  get  nnaia- 
tanta  tiwre,  to  canvuou  the  whole  district  anil  oolloot  the  K*tos- 
oary  data  in  tho  regular  way  and  lay  out  a  general  eoSsemo  of 
lighting  the  district  in  a  proper  and  permanent  minor.  To  thin 
proposition  Mr.  Kdlwn'laxs  received  no  reply*  and  ha  would  like 
you  txi  call  u?on  Si*  John  PanM*  at  your  oorllest  convenience  and 
talk  ttw  rnttw  over  with  him.  It  would  take  fiyo  «m  about  tin 
we»Mi  to  *ale  d  tlwoi^h  find  complete  convana  of.  tl»  district  to 
be  Mfjitotf*  Vow  c«i  tall  Si*  John  «»*  Our  latest  pi«*o  ptmit  us 
t>*  l!0*i  astfcrco,  aqmf*  fwm  <MW  “tai  -oh* 

Ur»  XdL.titoir  hyd  intend^  t»  «!»««»«  *«**  Subject  *tth  JfWk 
wirln  yea  *i»»*  jv*f  He*?  lutt'  M  itt 

-2~  4 HE#  ft&t  ^90 

,3*  Mr,  saiaon  promptly  of  {im  pssalt  of  ycmr 

iU*  .Tfti'ji  fflrdsr. 

Ym»j>n  vory  truly  t 

Private  Seeretary< 

Aug*  22,  10  sp 

Mensr.r,  »yoi-  *  Seely, 

Roll  St  root,  wow  York, 

Item*  Sira:- 

I  bo,;,-  to  ao.snowlodno  the  reoeijtt,  af  youP  lett.ot.  of 
WU.  te.UM,  notiiym*  „  Hut  you  tavo  o.ournd  lh>  >lv>w 
Of  *r.  UW.'  ®U*lm  So.  ass,  ou  Intnn.hane.nhio  lmp 
““*•  “4““  am-"°  >»*•  t!»  final  n.  paid  on  thin 

at  cun.  no  tint  «».»«»«  ney  u  innnod  uithout  dolay. 

Vtm-s  truly. 

Private  Soordtnry, 

HtVJV  hx  Uotte  Korean, 

P*  0»  Box  73<3,  lUntu 


tear  s’ir:- 

Your  la ttor  of  12th  instant  addreased  to  the  Edison 
Reduction  tfartw  Co.  haa  boon  received  by  Ur,  Bdiuon,  In  reply 
t»nld  oay  that  wo  have  no  Roduotion  Works  aa  yot  at  Charlotte. 
Thors  in  not  sufficient  oro  in  aicht  there  to  warrant  the  erection 
of  a  mill.  Wo  do  not  aoll  tha  Oro  Millinc  proceaa,  but  work  it 

Youru  truly, 

Private  Secretary* 

AMs*  as,  jsflo 

Edison  Phonograph  Works, 

0  M  n  i;  o  ,  II.  J. 

Bom*  Sira;- 

Roforrihg  to  ti.o  loiter  and  ordor  for  throe  Mickcl- 
in-Slot  phonographs  frem  tho  Edison  United  Phonograph  Co.*  sent 
yon  KDth  instant,  ploaoe  suspend  action  on  tills  ordor  for  tl» 
proGont',  Arrajifjomantn  arc  boing  rad  a  with  tho  Unitod  Co.  in 
regard  to  tho  Miokal-in-Slot  business,  and  until  tloy  are  complotod 
it  'dll  by  v,«ll  to  hold  tin  ordor  raforrod  to* 

Your  a  tiuly( 

August  22,1890 

Krtiaon  Phonograph  Toy  Mfg,  Co,, 

■  Mo,  90  Milk  St root, 

Boston,  Maas'* 

Doar  3irs:« 

I  bog  to  acknowlodgo  receipt  of  your  letter  of  yester¬ 
day’s  Onto,  outlining  a  proposition  of  Mr,  C*  P,  P,  Joyce  in  ro- 
gard  to  the  sale  of  dolls  in  Prance,  through  the  ‘Bon  Mar o he, * 
tin  "Louvro*  and  the  "Printerapiu" 

If  wo  wore  in  a  position  to  coiwwence  thJ  manufacture  of  dells 
in  quantities,  there  would,  of  course,  ho  no  trouble  in  turning  juut 
the  numbers  named  in  your  oommunication,  but  you  mast  without  doubt 
be  aware  that  the  tools  for  making  tin  new  movement  have  not  yet 
been  ordered  and  cannot  be  until  a  settlement  has  been  tad  be¬ 
tween  yourselves  anti  tin  Edison  Phonograph  Works  of  the  questions 
now  pending  regarding  payment  for  tools  abandoned,  material  scrap¬ 
ped  and  other  matters,  as  pointed  out  to  you  in  tny  report  on  manu¬ 
facture1,  It  will  tako  at  least  two  months  tomato  t ho  tools  for 
the  new  model,  and  another  month  to  work  up  to  a  steady  product; 
or,  in  othsr  words,  tho  Phonograph  Works  oould  cosinonce  delivering 
movements  to  you  in  throe  months  after  placing  tlieir  orders  for  • 

P*  #.  Mfg.  Co'«  ^ 

August  22,  1890 

“WOlel  t“1“’  ,’ro'“il*  -  «-“>««*  etoiu  in 
obtaining  tie  latter.  Wo  aro  .  - 

»oot  tovo  thooo  „att„ra 

Adjusted  tov  tl JO  (to or!  *y f* 

8  of  ^  .on.era.a.  pl«»a  tte 

"  6<,t0™  W  in  «»  "»«  ■«•«*  t.  atovo,  „  „ 

miU"°  '*  *•«  «  deal ratio  to  „*ei 

1  W°"tM  *tet  “  *“*»  — -  ™»«»«a  at  to  t.PaWy 

°"  W°'~  aim  for  Mrt  of 

pivpoi*  appliances'. 

Your a  very  truly, 

»’.s*l  Insull,  Esq*r 
HobV  1*>  &  IS  Broad  Stroot, 
iiew  York-  City* 

2c:U’  S3  s*5~ 

Mr*.  H*  t*  Auchi»cloas>  one  of  the  atyekholdfira  of  t}io 
Edison  Ph(mo#rq>h  Works ,  has  aekoc'l  mo  for  information  in  .reenra 
to  tl;o  state  of  affairs  in  that  company.  V/liat  ho  rants  is  a  copy 
of  our  BaXmo.s  Shtot»  which  shows  tho  losses.  I  havo  not  fait  at 
liberty  to  ijiva  hi&  this  without  your  approvals 

. - 


Mr.  Philip  S.  Eyor, 
A  n  t  w  o 

p  ,  •  Bolcixwii 

Roar  Sir:- 

I  on  clone  horowith  statement  allowing  the  nuoynt  «f 
minimum  royalty  ($1,000)  duo  ttesar'a  Lalr.nd*  and  oteporon,  aa  Crro- 
vidod  for  in  contract  between  Mooaro.  Edison,  JnXtttAe  and  Chaperon 
dated  24th  'day  of  August,  1389,- at  tv/o  thousand  per  year 

payable  half  yearly  in  edvando. 

Please  fce  kind  enough  to  pay  this  Royalty  to  Uouora.  lalando 
and  Chaperon*  *tfl  draw  on  Mr.  Edison  for  the  amount  of  .same  either 
direct  or  through  tin  Edison  Lamp  Company. 

Yours  truly. 

Private  aeototeryo. 

August  25,  1890!. 

Sranuel  Instill,  Esq., 

#16  &  18  Broad  Stroet, 
How  York'. 

Dear  SirJ- 

Tho  Edison  United  Phonograph  Company  sent  ua  an  order 
some  days  ago  for  three  Niokel-in-Slot  machines,  one  to  be  de- 
livered  in  tho  Hillo  Building,  and  the  other  two  to  be  subject  to 
the  order  of  Hr.  Moriarty,  who  I  believe  desires  to  take  them 
across  tl»  water.  Ono  of  these  maohinos  lias  been  sent  to  tho 
Mills  Building,  but  I  have  instructod  the  factory  to  hold  tho 
other  tY.o,  for  tho  reason  that  I  boliovo  tho  typo  of  Hiokel-in- 
Slot  machines  v/liioh  is  boing  made  by  tho  Phonograph  Works  now  is 
not  tho  same  a3  we  will  supply  tho  Edison  United  Phono'.  Co'«  with 
should  wo  conraoneo  filling  orders  on  their  account.  If  you  have 
any  instructions  to  give  tlio  vorke  in  this  oonrtootion,  will  you 
kindly  write  than  diroot. 

Your3  truly, 


Augo  26,  90 

Edison  Phonograph  Works, 

Orange,  N.  j. 

Dear  Sii’3:- 

fi’om  Mr.  livo^/in^orard^tn71^!001^  °r  lottor  received  by  n» 
chines.  ’  n  10GdId  t0  ord01’  12  Belt  Separating  m!£ 

Yours  truly, 


Private  Socrotary, 


*Vt*  f  * y 


hew  York  August  23,  i'3j)0!» 

A.  0.  Tate,  Private  Secretary,  ‘ 

Edison  Laboratory, 

Orange,  H,  j. 

hoar  Sir:- 

I  "Ml*.. l.or8«th  a,  oraerto  «»  Phopo^p,,  ¥o,k, 
12  B.M  •.P.n.tin,  Machine  Mu  WbU,  s„  aat  thoy 
«»  wtl«  „  ,o  <Miw  etc.  p-opti,,  „„„  „„  „Mh  olalat 

Yours  t  ruly, 

(Signed )  H.  M.  I.ivo*,  . 

fien’l.  Manager o 


Sanuo.t  Inuull,  Esq., 

10  &  18  Broad  St., 

Hew  York  City. 

Dear  Sir:- 

AuS,  27,  1390, 

Uitli  roloronee  to  tiio  cwuting  of  the  Association  of 
Edition  Illuminating  Companies  to  bo  hold  in  -Mimaapolis  .next  -month, 
Do  you  know  what  Mr,  Edison's  intentions  aro  in  ro^jird  to  this? 

1  lave  a  lot  tor  from  Mr,  Jenka,  asking  if  M«.  Edison  intends  to 
bo  present,  in.  whioh  case  it  would  bo  desirable  to  arrange  for 
aocomnodation  in  tl»  Special  Oar  which  it  is  intended  to  secure. 

I  aosuma  t>at  if  Mr,  Edison  goes  to  Minneapolis  you  will  accompany 
him,  and  you  will  doubtless  arrange  for  tlie  necessary  accomno- 

Yours  very  truly. 

Private  Secretary-. 

August  27,90 

13oa»*  Mr#  Ediaon,- 

I  an close  herewith  copioa  or  some  letters 
v/hioh  l'aw  toon  reccivod  hero  since  your  departure. 

Yours  very  truly., 

Chcraas  AW  Edison, 

Dover,  N,  J.  Aug.  22,  15-90,. 



Thoinaa  A',  Ediuon 

Dear  Sir} 

I  would  like  to  i.-aot  .you  at  your 

oarliont  convenience .  if  you  win  name  t  too  and  rlaea  to  tm  ovei 
the  Ogden  !>t»f»rty  matter.  l  expect  to  bo  in  Now  York  on  WoUnec 
day  next.  If  you  ahuuM  be  in  t)«  City  on  that  day  and  could 
you  spare  time,  1  hm  an  engagement  af.  the  cy  fc,  Road  Go’s 
omco  at  cloven  o'cleei;  that  day 


(Signed ) 

0150R03  Ricwvaas, 

Korivil,  H,  (Tt,  Aur. 


T}vrtijSi»  A#  aaioon,  Kcq « ,  President, 

‘bonr  /3ir:- 

Ti.e  tract  of  .lam1  o on- 

taini.iRimj5n3f.ic  iron  oro  that  I  apo.’w  of  in  my 1  last  letter  to  you 
in  located  in  tho  vicinity  of  Lebanon,  N,.  S.,  on  tho  Q,  ft,  0f 
!l0sv  ^P£*fty»  *«»•  W»to  House,  Tho  partioa  to  address  c  once  mine  it 
ia  0#  S#  KolTpmn,  Coal  Apent,  •Bteaorvillo,  11.  a,  yh 0  tract  .has 

boon  wilted  formerly  by  i ./#  fhotr;uaeu  of  Cataanqua,  -?tt, 

Tivari)  ii:  also  another  tract  within  lb-re 0  tsilos  .of  tho'  same 
rlaco,  ant!  ;o  wiwd  by  C„  X*  IW59;  TJhite  Souse,  ft,  .3,,  o»  .the 
iJiijr.e  h,  R#  He  wial»o  to  either  sell  or  It  seems  tlw  tract 

l'Ma  town  fo men'ly  wrJcod  Then  i.w.n.  wan  in  brisk  demand,  but  lately 
tin  tracts  ham  not  beon.wkcd,  If  I  understand  tlio  locality  it  i.i  in  the  same  line  or  strata  of  the  faijuxus  Jiin!:oy  Mill 
iij.ino,  but  10  milos  further  East.  Tl»  'Turkey  Fill  mts  -worked  for  a 
Ions  tuna  by  Pardee  &  Co.  or  the  beh.i.{;h  Iron -Co.. 


.  (Signed )  P.  F,  CIKEA. 

Ft  Si  Mi'#  Hoffman  offeree*  to  fetch  bob?;.' In 3  of  ore*  I  told  him 

hot  to  bother  about  it  as  -■  lift  nasnploa  would  not  amount  to  a 
pitierh'  of  snuff »  no  hhy  souia  pick  up  samples  any- 

wiV»’*--  eft*  would  net  fbs  mit*  out  average.. 

6»]Lir.jwy,  h„ 

P#  Auf;i4a*  JS9Q 

Mr«  Ihoparj  Mtiicon.,, 

Ky  tlttar  sir,- 

itino"  aituatod  in  south  Owo^ina  at 
ThlK  *oU  »*>  is  second.  only  to 
WnWt  youiis,*  to  invest ic.nto  i  *? 

I  «n.'i  control  iho  *»ott 
•J:iO„Ot5o  for  a  short  turn, 

"Wa?  f!<v3.12o>»  and  "The  Browor,-« 

■Vory  truly  .-jiKi  *»re&isr.Uy> 

C»Jicnaa  J 

»»  Arsndolli 


Akron,  Ohio*  Au/j»  23,  1890;, 

3>om*  Hrotla^,- 

on,-  t„i„  wnM  ,  }  imV0  toun  rocoivi«!I  Walter  aovaral  loUara  - 

ano  telegrams  lately,  which  indicate  that  yon  am  not  X5K! 
nbly  inclined  towards  tin  scheme*  which  w  arc  vlxmiZZrhlnZ  1 

l  Z  E*  t  hUBinoao*  H«r,  1  write  youkS  S  tS  .  * 

li??  ?^!f^iln£JtaLal?'°n  tW#  buaino'33*  -It  loan  boon'  aon»ihinr 
+,"!  andil  hllf  oinoe  wo  started  in  on  the  name,  and  aa  '««  ’ 
bZ  at.,ro.‘UV3  tw*&  tlc  in  good  working  order., 

* iei9ta"s^  *  *"m  09  H  0an  b0  fw  3howinG  woolto,'-' 
L^hvu  I*  buAinaoa  *™hod  and  3  l«**c0  Plant  put  np 

S 1  i, laV °f  tta'nxn,{  °:,t  ^  *"?*•*■.  and -rin  brine 

But,  it(»,  tua  quest  ion  arisen,  i.. 
ii>V5  up  thin  larger  plant,  Personally 
tb  adYtjn  <s.i  i  ■  -  ■ 

ahall  wo 
3  not 

"ranee  ;lhr  .pat- 
<ltxito  fiood  si’h4:-e 

V l)  '  ,  y:  1  «  naturally  inclined  ,to 

~\i”  r:2'«"/'hR‘'  *!  iati  bMt  «Wl*o  «  largo  oiaofc  uoupgu 
!v  2  "  ^t3-,4i  "Vital  aumoirnft  to  put  ttj>  l  imt  plant? -v 

V  M  r-^mbu  %  ran*  bonus  for  «»  work 

:  Uaapeuay, 

.  .  —  -  -  -----  plant,  ana 

f}  ,  .,.  ®ohua  for  tlw  work  we  tavo  ali-)aa,v  dona  in 

,  ■l>''  '''“  X0‘’''.  ‘-'!0  »«•*•■,  1  aw  nut.  at  nil  vwte.fcpR.iflK- 

ontwnt  to  see  it  pushed  with  oil  v/iapas- 
rj  ,iww  I  think  the  inusinooa  ia  now  in. such 

:1'2*  ihf  °.r^t"iS5t*I'0M  «•  3  UTfio  «CBP»*V»  iTihn 
.  o.'.nea.:.  Rttd.  «J«e  ft  sueeeaa  of  it  for  ua  -ulli  raa 

«Mly*  tojj  already  have  dirt  tea  i*o»  cur  *«m 
T«r.r2  004  tlwreforo  it  wail  be  mmo**  *o 

o-r  r,«»‘rt--fSWU  in'’’  w!iyv  ***°  will  asatsM  tin  ros^oasrtf afctin a  ' 
*'■**£  rv  b$9om&i$  O^eral  •  Sirpe  rintend-su*.  of  the  '4s»ime?s« 

nilsrsija^  a?  position,  and  yax  win  n.»t  consiewr 



•n^i;  -"■■■■  h'js- 

eiblsti  *  bat 

will  <ji3w*  tip- 

that  .1  am  a  boar  sm  am  tryine  to  Oiucoura^o  t.ho  >»sa a, 
WxBlnnn  to  be  -kindly  remembered  to  Sins,  Motter  and  t 

iajnA.iy ,  i  an. 


Yoftra  truly, 

(3  iff  nod )  IRA  V.  MS3UWSP*;  secretary* 


Paterson,  N,  J,  August  23,  1390, 

Ur,  Thomas  A,  Edison, 

Doa\*  Sir:- 

l  cloaca  nnot.her  of  the  Kinoaicl 

leasee  yesterday,  end  lwva  partially  uereod  with  Kimble  at  Homburgh 
°n  ,5i8  c*’°up  of  I  2iavo  teen  making  fiml  arrange¬ 

ments  for  closing  t}»  'Wisnor'  Contonnial  loaao,  and  have  agreed 
upon  nil  the  points  excepting  tho  three  months  release  clausa;  that 

to  be  tie  only  hitch  and  I i' 
;  unices  that  clause  sy&a  granted  .tin 

•y  refused  to  accept  tho 
r,nci  ho  hau  taken  tho 

;  re  to-momiT  whether  or  not 

w.t..Ll  grant  n»  tint  clause,  1  think  however  that  .1 

Tte  tax  matter  interfered  somewhat  with  my  work  this  >  week,  bi 
I  acc  no  reason  v.hy  I  .should  not  close  the  "Vtisnorf  and  tho  How 
Jersey  iron  Mining  Co.,  'leases  on  Scrub  Oaks  during  tho  coming 

■stook,  A.iso  one  more  of  the  Kincaid!  leases.  I  called  upon  tho 
Brown  heirs  at  Stockholm  yesterday  and  saw  all  but  one.,  which  ono 
aecma  to  bo  considerable  of  an  "obstructionist, «  but  I  think  I  can 
bring  him  around  during  tlso  coming  weok.  I  have  just  written  him.  ' 
1  have  on  appo intmont  on  Monday  next  with  Stevons  and  tin  others 
South  fti'  Stanhope  and  cannot  therefore  moot  you  on  that  day  but 
**  **  y«u  later.  If  all  these  leases  are  to  bo  sent  to 

!  fyfap  ftMwt'.Hiaa  nwoh  delay  will  bo  caused.  Please  J 

!  a«  t-b’iv,  f ho  «V  *$  ir.portant  t»  close  thorn  when  tMj  m 



terms  are  agreed  upon  and  without  Giving  thom  too  ranch  time  for 

I  have  agi-ood  upon  an  option  with  Mr,  Kimble  for  a  group  of 
leas  or.  (15  in  all)  for  a  total. of  $4,000,  $1,000  for  one  group  of 
41  §1,000  for  anotlmr  croup  of  4,  and  $2,000  for  a  group  of  7  or 
any  of  tin  three  groups  wo  may  select*  Ho  lias  agreed  to  sign  an 
option  in  which  wo  are  to  have  si v.  months  for  mo  to  .examine  tl» 
leases  which  are  on  record,  also  examine'  any  or  all  of  the  nrv for¬ 
ties,  It  being  optional  with  us  whether  wo  taka  any  or  all  of  them 
but  whatever  we  take  will  bo  at  the  above  fi euros*  This  option 
’•■111  bo  signed  boftfre  the  examination  is  undo  oithor  of  title  or 
mineral*  To-day  1  tried  to  got  the  II,  J,  Iron  Mining  Co.,  to  re¬ 
duce  phvckuio  price  from  $55,000  to  $15,000  or  §20,000..  They 
refused  to  make  any  reduction,  I  therefore  have  concluded  to 
prepare  the  leases  embracing  tin  iiurchaae  clause,  eo  that  it  will 
be  strictly  optional  with  ua  whether  we  toko  advantage  of  it  or 
not  in  the  next  throe  years'.  I  have  been  tin  owners  of  Hoff  mine. 
Ho  says  Mr.  Richards  lias  nothing  to  do  with  it,  I  have  offered 
the  ownor  25  cents  por  ton  for  vein  and  5  cents  for  wall  matter 
$500  minimum  after  first  year*  h'o  will  write  uo  Monday  whether  he 
will  accept  my  toras  or  not.  Ho  would  rather  lease  on  concen¬ 
trated  product,- but  I  think  ho  will  accept  my  toms  bn  vein  and 
wall  matter. 

Very  truly  yours, 

(Signed)  Alox*  Elliott,  Jr. 


Hew  York  August  22nd,  1300. 

Thomas  A.  Edison,  Esq. , 

Doan  Sir:- 

I  sond  undor  a  not  hoi*  oovor 
noticoii  or  tho  mooting  of  the  Association  at  Minneapolis.  Wo 
have  boon  assured  that,  if  possible  you  would  accompany  tho ' party, 
aid  it  iu  certain  that  this  announcome nt  will  oxoroiso  a  great  in¬ 
fluence  tov.nnl  making  this  ono  of  our  boat  Conventions* 

It  is  difficult  to  express  tiic  importance  which  attached  to 
tJw  prooor.oa  of  Mr*  Konnolly  at  tin  Niagara  Falla  mooting  last 
year1*  ilia  paper  on  tho  "Heating  of  Elootrio  Conductors"  was  pon- 
iiapa  tte  moot  throughly  praotioal  feature  of  tin  discussions,  and 
was  rendered  vastly  more  forcible  by  his  pcrso.nal  mgnotism  and 
the  forco  of  his  diroot  address.  If  not  inoon3iotont  with  your 
other  plans  it  would  certainly  be  of  great  valuo  to  ism  him  go  to 
Minneapolis  this  year  and  present  something  to  tho  Convontion  frem 
tlrs  fund  of  information  from  which  ho  always  draws  ao  eloarly  aud 
happily.  If  this  is  impossible,  I  hope  it  may  not  bo  out  of  tho 
question  for  him  to  writo  a  paper*  and  I  think  if  you  will  in¬ 
struct  him  to  do  so  wo  a  lull  profit  very  muoh  by  it. 

If  you  will  direct  him  to  reply  in  accordance  with' your 
wishes  and  plans,  it  will  assist  roe  very  muoh  in  making  up  tho 
programs  of  tin  session. 

Yours  vary  truly. 

(Signed)  W.  J.  J  e  n  k  4  t 


Aug.  28,  1890 

V/iUiaui  Holaor,  Eat]., 

Menlo  P  a  r i 

My  doar  Sir:-  . 

i  r 

that  yen  left  a;  1  p-, 

bean  suddenly  ca.Vie 
bo  done1  in  : 

mediately  jjj  oii  .. 

eounuhicato  vu  .  . 

i'jrcnco  to  the  sample  of  wire 
.  las-,  weak,  tliat  Mr.  Edison  has 
}icha>vet;;dy»  Of  o  our  so  nothing  can 

'"’•r0  dui’-'-ne  his  absence.  Im- 
Ul  3l,bm‘14  tll’>  staple  to  him  and 

Private  Soorotary. 


Doar  Sirj- 

M)’«  Ediaess  >i4ij  nsfc«d  HP  to  tlumfc  you  for  your  .lot tor  -of 
14th  instant,  enclosing  lottar  from  Li  Chin©  Mai,  san  of  Li  Hung 
Chang,  tlie  Vicoroy  of  Chihli,  in  which  to  noknavrl edgeo  receipt  of 
phonograph  presented  to  hia  fati.or  through  tho  medium  of  your 
firm  by  Mr,  Edison.  Tho  latter  is  vary  glad  to  loarn  that  the 
Viceroy  is  au  nnch  pleased  with  the  phonograph,  and  hopes  that  it 
will' be  a  cuntiicusl,  so  re e  of  pleasure  to  him*  Mrt.  jSfiinon  notes 
J.i  Ching  Stax's  suggest  ion  that  he  take  a  vacation  ac-sd  vL«:it  China, 
and  is  ranch  obliged  to  him  for  his  proffered  welcome*  So  wvgrots,, 
however,  ttat  it  is  impracticable  for  him  to  undertake  sue  ft  a  .trip 
at  prosent ,  Kiu  ov.par imontal  v/ork  being  so  important  as  to  command 
his  presence  at  tho  laboratory, 

•  Yours  very  truly. 

Augs at  27,  1390. 

X  4s»vc  letter  of  t,Oth  inatant*  At  '  V.o 

present  tinw  ray  oxpe&aoninl  mrk  koapa  mo  ao  .busily  vcdn>iV«i 
it  is  impoaaiblo  Tor  nv  to  yxve  any  attention  to  you;'  .rotter*  I 
am  oneneod  on  a  lino  of  experiment 8  for  the  Ediuon  .General  <3166- 
trio  Company,  wliich  experiment's  have  to  bo  carried  tkrw.qsh  vary 
quickly,  and  they  arc  bo  important  tba-t  tiioy  .requiro  all  my  vciii- - 
vided  attention.  Wltsn  you  raccive  this  lot  tar  vi±i  be  in 
Sohenectady,  N.  Y,,  prosecuting  aomo  work  there,  in  conncotxaa  with 
tin  above.  Regretting  that  it  is  imprac  tieable  for  no  to  cmply 
with  yotu*  vnahvu 


An'};,  ^7,’  tisbo*' 

Ifccj lev  ' 

y*\\r  letter  of  7th  '-.i.-ftai;!.  au'Oroaood  to 

in  wa’;;  .;  t?«jca\  ivcorus  on  tbo  j'.hbYiOgraphf  in  ordoi*  to 
a'ta’n  tli*  boat  remits,  it  it.  vary  #8*vwsJ*y  that  to:-  phcuiocTsph 
it noli  ithonld  Vo  :ri  Hie  best  possible  oraoe,  I  am  sending  yon  - 
lia-rawth  a  copy  nf  <n>>  Ihepootor’a  Handbook,'  in  which'  you  trill  '. 
ixm  stated  a  anwber  oi\ib»  'cUranenmonta  liable  to  occur  in  tho 
instnacrnt,  together  with- a  niaaW  of- th«!- probable'  c'auaos  and 
(.hoi  "  rerud-us,  1?kqj>  tasking  re c o yds  bo  aura  tint  your  phono(*K'4>li 
is  well  oils d,  end  that  tho  apoed -of  tho  .shaft  holding  tl*e  cylin- 
dor  in  ItO  nvolnt tons  par  minuto,  i  also  enclose  Jwraw>tlj  a 
couple  of  rough  diagram.,  on  one  of  which  arc  indicated  tho  rela¬ 
tive  pom-toons  of  fnunel  and  piano  when  making  piano  records,  and 
tte  other  chons  the  ilimsneiona  of  tha  funnels  which  wo  uao  how*. 
*iou  em  paffi  <»f  the  mulls  ftbta'.hod  from  these-  latter  by  tho 
mroieal  rvcar&it  wJiIMj  Mr,  Million  *<;nt  to  yen  with  tha  phbnograph, 
08**“  <JottB«l8  ftr*  wade  of  hfta7y  tin, 

Vtnh^  Very  tnuy, 

Private  Soo'y, 

Jlomi  Cohoimrofch  von  Helmholtz, 

Aug!,  ,27,  if? 90 

Clmnot  tenbwg,  u-iur  Berlin, 

Vy  dtiar  Ciw- 

Mi*»  Ratoon  delayed  the  nokrowlBclconiniit  ov  your 
very  into  resting  .tetter  in  regard  to  the  fhonoBraph  under  rlatv 
January  2nd  Inet.  (inrt  which  yaj  did  not  rorwy*d  until  Haven  iatn), 
i«r  tl»  reason  Vat .  to. 'has  been  aval  tine  the  completion  of  j*  .no-.? 
machine  in  irh:oh  4s  embodied  nil  the  latent  improve  uontu ♦  }lo 

oxpoeto  to  Inyo  this  instnwioijt  wady  .ift  «».  oouroo  of  a  week' or 
two,  and.  toed  lately  it  is  cofciplotod,  ha  will  forward,  tin  nrwsii  to 

Chariot* enfcare  for  *°m*  aceoptonoo.  You  will  be'  notified -in,  doe 

eo!»rso.ef  the  noma  of  the  steamer  carrying  the  inatruoant* 

Vntnra  vary  truly, 

PvXvatio  Seam  ary*  j 

^4*  -3  f 

^  I  * 
J  §4  *  1 

\  ^ 

1  ‘  3  J  | 
!>'#  ‘ 
If  A  s*  < 

rri-s^  p 
i  Ifyjjpii i 

i->  i« 

«  i« 


AUtf.  27,  1B9Q. 

Deal*  Mr#'.  JJilioon,- 

I  on  clou  a  l;or 

thin  no  mi  tv;  iVom  Hntori  &  i/wiit 
non  auitj  also  copy  oi"  lot. tor  ro 

with  o ooy •  oi"  a  letter  received 
ii  rcs^ara  1,0  -tho  (M  il  iland-Tomlii 
leivod  from  Mr..  Li  vo:*.. 

Thomas  A#  33d.ii 

Swnuel  Insull,  Esq., 

&  18  Broad  St.,  Mow  York. 

Boar  3  Jr{- 

AU  Mr.  Edition's  experiment*  on  Electric  Railway  work 
were  billed  Jf.aimt  Men  ore'.  saloon  and  Villard.  Should  these  bo 
trana  To  ived  to  the  account  of  the  Ediaon  Gen'l.  Company,  or  . 
ohoulri  I  hold  them  in  tho  prooont  account  until  tho  Laboratory 
contract  is  oxeented? 

Yours  truly, 

Private  Secret) 


oBCMio".  to  :;hut 

tho  brie' 



trill  watclv  t; 

J,  August  B9th,  IS 9' 

Konvil,  H. 

«r*  JPhoj^io  A*  Kdi  r«r,, 

Hoar  Sir: 

To-day  I  ship  you  to  the  Lai 
at  Gi*s',KO»'by  express,  Coro  Box  containing  40  ft,  of  coro,  and 
also  in  aaparnto  10ft.  p-ichaj  u.  tJ  e  bori  ngu  of  .'50  -ft  from  130  : 
to  100  ft,,  which  the  hole  now  is, 100  it.  It  lav;,  boon  very  hai 
for  the  last  40  ft,  which  you  will  sue  by  the  cove..  Scarcely  t 
to  boro  4  ft,  por  day,  I  hive  ionr  «on  .laborers  _b a? idee  tj.o  dx 
owe!  two  of  than  place  for  drift  hole  i!o,  I-  and  the  dtl 

mvkiric  on  the  cut  aero  as  the  kala  hill,  Tho  striping  is  vary 
deep;  in  my 'next  I  will  give  you  the  correct  raasuranent.,  and  a 
tin  moaouroment  from  the  surface  to  roch  at  Ho.  2  hole..  If  the  i 
coro  boxes  could  bo  undo  say  tw  f.jxt  .longer  it  would  save  ex¬ 
press  ago,  as  tlo  ono  box  would  hold  coro  and  borings. 

R»  J?»  Gildea. 


Hoff  York,  August  fi5»»  1390. 

Thomas  A'.  Edison,  Esq., 

•  Omni  *,  M.  .T. 

My  £«*«•  M/.  tfdioon,- 

With  rescue t  to  \'.\c?  cas-.:  !■;■'»•  »t  -.h  .ah, 

you  tvo..U?ct  m  describe  tho  svcc  o  inotnnoss  u- 

aluminium  chloride,  the  patont  oi  keo,  tgnoiu;  ot  •« 
nukes  tin  polio, vine  on- ' 

"This  olairn  is  i’urtiar  m'jv oviji  ft:;  ino;  or-.t  :V«  :.r.nco 
nlnminiwm.  chloride  is  a  non-conluotor  «>i*  wl. -v.o 5-. •- 
(Sso  Chomikor  Zoitnng  1887  page  ?>t)  _  An.-,  r— j„ 
the  apparatus  uhotm,  tl»  chiorino  lib.Mv.i-t .••W'V’aikn: 
with  tha  aluminium  act  free  at  tft« .  eathoae  ;.n«  r.>-  ' -.Tr. 
aluminium  chloride  (3eo  British  Patent  7,-V.r-,  .rij.-i  , 
1335  J" 

How  do  ad  tills  objootion  strike  you? 

Yours  vary  truly. 

{Signed ) 

-Packard  H.  Dyer, 

Sonuol  InaulX,  JJaq., 
lo  &  IS  Broacl  St 

ikel-in-Siot*  uaehj 

to  accommodate  : 

:i:ino  hundred  ampere  hour  coll 

Tlw  Now  York  Phonograph  Company  ia  havij^-'an  inmenso  amount  of 

trouble  with  tm  @to rat 

■os  svivi ch  they  are  now  uf.;i 

there  13  no  doubt  about  it  ul' 
absolutely  to  uao  our  collar  Vo  ; 

1  for  toot.  Ho  tod  it  rtntni 

w-vtoly  thcr  be 1  compel 

1  phonograph  for  a  v/h 

but  for  the  loat  five  days  the  teat  laa  been  discontinued,  buoa . 
Vr.  Haines  says  ho  luo  no  phonograph  to  run;  aitd  nothin'- thstan i.r 
Win  fact  thn;!  i»  13  holding  forty  •Wiekol-in-Slot*  machines  for 
Hw  reason  thu  In  cannot  supply  them  with- battery,  he  alloy®  th 
teat  to  t>j  JW/Uooted. 

Wo  are  to  a  certain  oxtent  handicapped  an  the  first  loi 
of  "HioVoi;*  -tt-Slot*  me  bins  s  that  were  turned  out,  because  wo. 
cannot  r,fpv  iy  t  inm  with  the  lirffoat  type  of  battery, 

^  Jtti0  making  a  noi  cell  wlii cii  will  run  tin  phonograph 

August;  ity,  00 1 

uhuut  a  thousand.  hou m,  and  which  will  bn  just  tho  thing.  ta  use 
in  Qvimcction  with  the  no  <ITieko  i--:.»-Slot  *  machines.  Tho  jars  in 
t’uio  battery  will  bo  about  17  inches  high  and  not  moro  than  12 
inches  vide*  Tho  Mickol-Slot  cab'notu  ocitld  vary  well  bo  made 
large  enough  to  accommodate  four  if  those  cells.  1  had.  a  talk 
with  Hr.  Edison  about,  this  matter,  and  ho  promised  that  tho  cabi- 
nota  l’or  our  ibt*o  igx  business  would  bn  made  sufficiently  largo  tf 
take  tliotir  colls*  1  should  very  aueh  like  to  ooo  the  cabins* 
which  .will  bo  used  in  our  donee t  ic  bit  sine  ns  dr/largod  a  1  fr': 
aa  to  udupt  t).m  to  our  battory* 

I  am  gradually  forcing  all  tlw  Phonograph  Companies  into  tho 
use  <tf  our  cdllu*  TIkivj  not  tim  Iciyit  doubi  in. tho  world  that 
the  Edison-I/alnnde  cells  arc  essential  so  t)»  success  of  tho  phono 
graph  itmolf  whew  cnnmtl  i*  to  bo  on  from  a  battery,  and  it 
is  only  a  quest  ion  of  fanilari sing  tho  oonponios  with  tfJ8  merits 
of  our  battory  when  they  thesMMlvaa  will  recognize  its  vast  super! 
or;ty  ovwr  All  others. 

If  tfcfi.  ^icAe-l-ift-Sldt*  cabinets  arc  not  made  to  take  those  oelluf  it  hot.  only  mdana  iundi  capping  our  business,  but 
tew  &  capping  tho  ■  *0i$kdl^i*v3.U>t*  business*  In  "Niokol-Sloui  vrork 
ot>^  'J^bgoat  also  ceils  would  i-ave  a  life  of  from  four  to  eight 
bdi^'ba#  whirfis  weald  «sjan  a  reduction  in  optratitx?  ex&onata. 

lourc  wy  tiuly# 


Thdtwia  A*  KOlaon,  Bjq., 

#dh<m<ytft.«kfyf  k.  y« 

Aug,  30,  90 

My  dour  Mr,  Ecu  non,- 

I  entloao  herewith  ooimiunioat ion  received 
to- day  i'ivui  Mr#  Druxson,  in  regard  to  Ogdon# 

I  leave  rocoivod  some  oocsfuni oat  ions  fi'om  Mr*  Bum,  in  regard 
to  ore  properties  which  lw  l«o  examined,  and  an  holding  aamo  until 
you  return'.  Ho  loan  oont  mo  oxproos  receipt  fob  four  boxes  of 
samples  weighing  570  lbo.  win  oh  l;o  hao  forwarded,  but  they  have 
not  yet  come  to  hand. 

Elan  and  Dorr,  of  the  Charaioui  Room,  both  leave  permanently. 
Elan  I  underatand  goes  to  Heidelberg,  nnu  Dorr  to  some  one  of  the 
American  Collogoa, 

Youra  very  truly. 

August  30,90 

Mr.  Kills  cm 

'Gird  to  Gilliland-Toml: 

grant  than  the  extern 

Iso  rotary* 

aoptu  Xp 

R'»  R.  Bowkor,  1*»t  yieo-Pros idont,  '  •  ”  - 

Edison  nice  trie  Illtuninat U%^  Co,  of  How  York, 

How  York  City,  .  . 


:  Mr*  Ildiaon  haa.  received  copy  of  letter*  addressed  to 
1 1  by  Mr*  Thomas’.  Hoe  no,  Jr,,  datod  /.ugtut  27,  1S90,  da  ya- 
eai«  to  tl'A  otowi  nation  which  was  made  recently  of  tho  «hl«noy  at 
39th  St.  Station,  ond  is  pleased  to  loam  that  thaw  arc  no  indi- 
Catiea*  of  injury  bcisv;  dono  to  the  brickwork  by  tho  exhaust  steam, 
He  ear  j  IXo  rum  time  thore  is  an  examination  made  to  try  the  mor¬ 
tar  with  v  mito  and  see  if  it  :s  hard. 

Yours  very  truly. 

Private  Soc’y, 


lad  bott> 


1  1 1  ;a  patoni 

trains  by  electricity  to  any  purolmaor  whom 

be  able  to  y'ocuro, 

Yours  truly, 

Private  Score 



’used  a  Irani 


'to!  ainJea  to  bottom  ami 



uat  c 


Privat  0  Sacratofyi* 

S'*  L  o  w  i  a  ,  E3qV,  Chairman, 

American  He caption  Covan itt go  Iron  &  Steel  Institute, 

#23  Park  Place,  Hew  York  City. 

your  letter  of  28th  ultimo  in  re card  to  meeting  of  the 
British  Iron  and  Steel  Institute  in  Wow  York  cccmoncinc  October 
1st  next*  ins  boon  roccivod  by  Hr.  Edison,  and  ho  has  askod-me  to 
inform  you  that  licr  will  bo  very  pleased  to  have  ouch  .of  tho  mombars 
visit  his  Laboratory  as  nay  dosiro  to,  on  the  drsfco  nontioned  in 
your  lottor,  Friday,  Ootober  3rd.  Mr.  Edison  is  desirous  of 
entertaining  to  lunch  such  ol*  tho  members  of  tho  British  Iron  and 
Steel  Institute  as  nay  avail  themsolvOs 'of  thi3  invitation,  and 

about,  how  many  persons  will  visit  tlie  Laborato: 

late  the  noco3sary  arrangements  for 

their  accommodation. 

Sopt.  2,  1390 

Tho  Btliaon  Ora  Milling  Co.,  Limited, 

16  &  IP.  Broad  S  t  r  o  a  t  , 

How  York  City. 

Pear  3ivaS- 

I  would  oca-in  call  your  attention  to  tl®  billo 
standing  spinet  your  Company,  amounting  to  $43,005.10,  for 
experimental  performs'^  .by  ms  for  your  account.  I  wots 
you  .on  this  subject  19th  i^uguat  last,  but  iinvo  received  no  ra- 
opens  si  to  my  letter.  1  an  vary  anxious  to  love  this  matter 
closed  up  and  would  ask  you  to  be  kind  enough  to  inform  me  aa 
to  what-  your  intentions  are  regarding  it. 

City  Hall  Sqrnr 

Phils  d3  lr>h 



County  ora  P1 

1  Thursday  of  this  week. 

Private  Secrota: 

Go  or  go  Richards,  Esq'*, 

Dover,  H,  J'. 

Sept.  3,  3S90 

Deal’  Sirj- 

I  lave  considered  tho  oi'i’or  you  lave  made  of  $100,000 
for  tlio  whole  property,  or  $75,000  for  the  property  minus  the 
Pardee  Shoot,  and  I  have  concluded  not  to  accept!*  My  parties 
icnov;  nothing-  of  shoots  and  do  not  rant  any  lions  or  unknown  future 
complications  which  might  seriously  affect  a  future  sale  of  the 
property.  1  am  willing  to  pay  $75,000  for  the  whole  tiling  and 
at  that  rate  for  a  majority  of  the  stock,  and  I  am  willing  to  be 
bound  to  purchnn o  the  whole  at  the  same  price  30  the  minority  nay 
be  protected* 

Yours  truly, 

#T>3  18ft)  at 


Doar  Sir:- 


|Jo -f  •> on©  or 
vHro'.  l'.he  ljcliaon 
in  t.ha  earth.  way 
contact  v/itJi  them  j' 
through  a  quarto  r-b 
heavy  jjwnlatftonw  ! 

it  you  2  lava  in< 
CoinpaitiSo  nhich  ran 

#19  Day  Street, 

1  liavo  your  letter  of  4th  instant  in  r>l£ard  to  the 
engine  at  Ogden*  Mr#  Henderson  is  too  b way  to  via i t  the  minew 
If  tin  engine  needo  bracing,  Win-  don’t  you  brace  it?  there  is 
a  Professional  Indicator  man  somewhere  on  liberty  Street,,  ISevt 
?ork,  who  j:e rhaps  you  could  get  to  examine  tin  0/igine«  '  Ke  is 
located  I  think  in  the  office  of  the  AMIJRIOAN  USCHAHKU 

Yours  very  truly, 

%m?A  <*■«', 

•J  A 


Sorauol  Innull,  Eeq',, 

16  &  18  Broad  Street, 

Nov/  York  City. 

Septli'  4,  38  90.. 

Dear  Sir:- 

1  teg  to  acknowledge  the  receipt  of  your  letter  ,ef  3rd 
instant ,  enclosing  copy  of  loiter  received  by  you  from  Daniel 
Wold,  Sec’y,  of  the  Edison  Phonograph  Toy  Mfgl,  Co',,  under  date 
29th  of  August.  I  will  take  up  the  waiver  of  1‘oyalty  matter  at 

•Y/ould  you  suns oot  to  Uiu  Saloon  'tiiat  KfcU  Jrjrn*  oi*  vmoovor 
lio  ia  sending  to  investigate  tho  iaen  ores  oi’-Baio  «5t. 

Paul  and  the  Eastern  Xovmsliip3,  should  ccmo  first  to  Ot¬ 
tawa,  which  would  really  bn  very  little  out  of  hi  a  war,  oa 
it  is  only  three  hours  run  from  Montreal,  ho  mu  Id 

lr.vo  to  go  in. any  case  1  find  on  lra’tua*  into 

the  subject-  that  mny  important  facta  are  -Given  m  detail 
in  reports  which  are  now  out  of  print  dnd  ft  v/ovld  take 
more  tiw  than  I  oould  Give  to  it  to  copy  ftft*  information 
in  full ,  If  Mr*  Bum  came  he re  ho  oould  uato  dovm  -likely 
looalitlP#,  sod /actual  specimens  of  the  ore  and  obtain 
nctfaadary  K&ps  and  initowaatien  as  to  best  way  «-  ctuattsuWE 
+.1*  different  points*  Am  eorty  that  ,%  .was  xutavni'dtiiity «i 
taiwed  f-’ort  Ottawa  when  fco  was  eta  M's  wry  hack  itum  tbo 
gold  no  Ids  and  I  unf  ortunateiT  hs-st  hite  *«i£ros*u 

Mr.  Perrier's  add  re  ah  is  GooS.o$i  call  &  JJsjJsvral  iid>ry  Suinoy, 
Museum  and  Office,  Sussex  'St.,  Ottawa. 

Hw  York  City, 


I  think  you  had  hotter-  order  a  couple  of  new 
tlio  Boston  portion  for  tho  Ogdon  mill,  stay  mate 
u  wi  11  send  mo  the  exact  longtis  ,xti&  width  of  «i?,o  bo: 
1  aan  ox'dov  n0'7  «»*  tiu-ourfr  tiw  FJjonorrnpt'.  HbrMfr 

Joo£le  Ho  Lipji  incott,  Boy., 

■North  American  Phonograph  Company 

y.’hon  Mr.  Insull  and  myaafc  called  ur,.ut  yyu  aosty.  Um,{ 
ago,  in  regard  to  waiving  the  royalties  due  by  the  Sitt^an  Phone- 
eral’h  To>'’Ui’S«  Co*»  you  stated  that  you  would  lil<p.  to  you?, 
kwyer  puss  upon  the  natter  before  deciding  in  regard  to  j,u 
Boot  on  Company  hive  written- us  on  this  subject,  and  they  are  yt^y 
anxious  to  receive  tte  necessary  papers'.  Mr,  Ediaon  m  vd-OAsg 
to  waive  his  royalties,  and  if  the  North  American  Ccm;p^\y  i<f  -gi^, 
ling  to  lore  go  theirs,  tho  documents  could  be  •  e^eott&A  v 
further  dolay  and  forwarded  to  the  Toy  CotnpaXy.  let  m# 

tear  from  you  on  this  subject  at  your  earlUtet  bo  nv  carl  ones,  ana 

Private  Secretary. 

Sept.  6,  90U 

My  clear  Pardee, • 

Y/e  arc  :in  need  of  a  Bookkeeper  in  the  ofjioe  of 
the  Edison  IflanufaoturinE  Company,  Silver  Lake,  H.  J.,  and  if  you 
desire  to  take  the  position,  you  om  have  it.  The  compensation 
shall  ke  sufficient  to  keep  you,  and  your  future  advancement  vri.ll 
depend  entirely  upon  yourself,  if  you  accept  the  position  I  woulcj 
like  you  to  come  on  at  once.  Please  advise  of  your  decision- 
imned'iafccily.  If  you  come  on,  report  tome  at  the  Laboratory. 

Private  Secretary. 

John  B'«  Pardee,  Esq., 


I'4  M.  larohar,  Esq'., 

#96  B  r  o.'n-d  w  ay, 

How  York  City* 

Dear  Sir:- 

Witli  reference  to  your  lettor  of  July  26th,  would  say 
that  Mr*  Edison  has  experts  out  at  the  present  time  hunting  for 
mica*  and  he  expects  to  find  it.  It  is  his  intention  to  investi¬ 
gate  the  matter  thoroughly.  If  Mr.  Edison  should  fail  to  dis¬ 
cover  what  he  want3  lie  might  then  bo  desirous  of  treating  with  you 
in  regard  to  the  mica  property  mentioned  in  your  latter  under  re¬ 
ply.  He  prefers  hov/evor  to  await  the  result  of  his  present  in¬ 

Yours  very  truly. 



Sept-.  8,  90 

Henry  B.  Aucliincloss ,  Esq.,- 

.Luko  Placid-,  ,  t.  Y« 

My  dear  Sir!- 

Roplying  to  your  letter  of  2nd  instant-,  would 
say  that  I  understood  you  wore  to  return  home  last  woak«  .1 
have  t'no  Phonograph  Works  Reports  and  will  be  very  -glad  to  show 
than  to  you  when  you  get  back  to  Orange.  At  tho  annual  meeting 
the  only  notion  taken  was  to  elect  a  Board  oi'  Directors.  The 
personnel  of  the  Board  is  aa  follows!  T.  A#  Edison,  R»  L«  Cutting-., 
S.  Inaull,  V;.  Morton  Grinno.ll  ami  Arthur  Butler  Twombly-,  the  two 
last  mined-  being  the  representatives  of  the  Graphophone  interest.. 

Yam’s  ve  ry  tinaly, 


&V,t i  Hatnmen  h no  been  idenXtfied  (rjiftrife&Stean ffolric 
tileJlcolTfo  'Hie  peu>t  eleven  qeara,  Jfefi«denTu»ocfian  jx 
tjprnij  6qx»£tfdu,uifi»'eh  wao  wW" 

j]a  {icto  cctri/iScd  ou-t-ovueccoofutpLH  Mine  oflflc  PancfideCeet.  ie 
ftqSiti’n*  I/n5fa(Patt’crU>  coa.Tff  y  «nd  m  .  -'.'e.  u> 

C orr.p^^^nei  %nd*Tti*u*.  lj*c» . 

September'  99  90 

The  Royal  Academy  of  Sciences, 

DV-  Oi  Iiindhagen,  .15s-’ »,  Terpotual  Secret  ary, 
Stock  h  o  1  :a  ,  Sweden. 

Dear  Sir:- 

X  ben  to  acknowledge  with  many  thanks  the  receipt  of 
your  estoomed  favor  under  date  July  1st,  notifying;  me  of  my 
election,  to  foreign  Membership  in  The  Royal  Academy  of  Sciences 
of  Stockholm,  and  enclosing  Diploma  to  that  effect. 

I  an  very  grateful  to  your  Society  for  their  kindness  in 
electing;  mo  to  Membership  and  appreciate  highly  the  honor  con¬ 
ferred  upon  me  thereby.  This  testimony  of  tUolr  interest  i-tt  my 
work  gives  me  much  pleasure  and  3hall  be  remembered  with  grati¬ 

Yours  very  Respectfully* 

Leopold  abjuioiimm,  Iis<i»>  President, 

Tiio  Oomuittee  of  the  International 
Exhibition  of  1891,  Frankfurt-on-tha-Main., 


O  a  a  r  s  i  r 

Your  esteemed  favor  informing  toe  of  my  .elect 
as  nn  Kjonorary  Member  of  the-  Ooraaittea  of  tha  .Into niat.ional  321  a 
trtcal  Exhibition  to  bo  hell  in  your  City  in  the  year  1891,  wza 
di\ly  received  but  permitted  to  remain  unanswered  ovdas  to  any  •  from  homo. 

It  gives  me  much  pleasure  to  accept  this  election.,  vrhicli  \ 
appreciate  very  highly,  and  I  would  ask  you  to  kindly  convey  to 
your  associates  my  sincere  thanks  for  their  co-.VrtJ.ovs  attdf.'n  in 
unanimously  electing  me  to  Honorary  Membership  on  their  Gownf-OV 
With  best  wishes  for  the  success  of  the  Exhibition 

I  beg  to  retrain, 

Soot,  9,  1390, 

Franc  in  Watts,  Brwj , , 

<Jovci%aftat  Analyst, 

Antigua,  W.  I’, 

Dear  Sir:- 

1  bar;  to  acknOTletlf/a  the  -  receipt  of  your  esteemed 
■or  undor  date  ii*£h  ultimo,  addressed  to  Mr*.  Buisoa,  onelboins 
article  from  the  "ANTIGUA  OBSERVER"  relative  to  the  treatment 
fibr*»  leaver  by  soaking  in  a  solution  of  crude  pot? ’oleum" 

In  reply  Mr,  Edison  desires  mo  to  inform  you  that  the  ouc- 
siiil  application  of  tfca  process  -has  boon  confined  tiros  Sxcf  to 
Pulpy  Agave  family  of  plants,  in  oe.moction  wd’Kv  v;Ai.  cli  it 
ka  absolutely  perfect.  Mr.  Edison  las  doubts  as  to  the  auo- 
oful  application  of  the  pioooaa  to  .pineapple  leaflets* 

Yours  very  truly, 

Private  Seci-etarv. 

Edison  Phonograph  Works, 

0  v  a  n  g  o  ,  N«  J’. 

Sep't*  3,  1890, 

Dear  Sira:- 

Mr,  Edison  liaa  received  a  letter  from  your  treasurer, 
I3rV  Samuel  Inoull,  in  which  he  states  that  the  North  too ri can 
Phonograph  Company  complains  of  your  a on ding  out  'linen' bolts  on 
the  phonographs,  which  they  claim  are  no  good,  Ih  regard  to  this, 
Mr,.  Edison  would  like  you  to  have  Mr,  Ballou  test  these  bolts  mid 
report  to  him  the  result  of  sane. 

Yours  truly, 

.  Sept*  9,,  IS 90;. 

i>aav  Mi s a  Spalding, - 

Your  letter  of  iitli  instant  to  ito*  Edison 
Jias  been  duly  received* 

12rV  Edison  Ins  undo  an  entirely  new  doll.  it  is  different 
in  every  respect  from  the  old  one  and  vastly  superior*  At  the 
present  time  we  arc  arranging  with  the  Boston  Company  for  its 
manufaeturo,  and  just  as  soon  as  the  details  are  all  settled  thu 
business  will  be  pushed  vigorously*  Under  th030  circumstances  I 
think  tint  you  would  be  very  foolish  to  soil  your  stock  now.  1 
would  advise  yon  to  hold  it  at  least  until  such  time  as  you  can 
dispose  of  it  at  a  fair  price*  Wo  have  by  no  moans  lost  faith 
in  the  business*  On  the  contrary,  we  have  groat  confidence  in 
it  and  believe  firmly  in  its  ultimate  success.  Tho  delays  Which 
lavo  occurred  were  unfortunate,  but. unavoidable,  The'  outlook  is 
now  very  promising,  «. 

Yours  very  truly, 

Miss  J*,T.  Spaldihg, 
Black  Hock  House, 



1  Phonograph  v/orks, 

,  KinCUy  3tnd  t0  Ml'"  v/™C»umn  as  aoon  aa  possible  a 

a  largo  package  of  cylinders,  to  be  used  by  him  in 

'***  ,n‘**’*‘  convention.  AMne.o  ,llem  M 

A.  '«*o.  »,w>  Bim,awll  B,„oa,tlmi  Wi30„  M,ibili 

Wm'  S”«™  *  »*  ■>/  e*P*a.e  ana  the  bill 

ohorna  bo.  a  ™..W4»  bin  to  thia  bn.n.l,  „r  ^ 

m11  b°  aai“S*M  «"  «  *=  *«»  -  to  tbo  t*i„e 

sjUpetltpi  of  Jttxja 

“  10  Ce»i»y*ol«A  Ottcw»  Co.  j^JV.  Part 

■Wftiwit  fWtfto  Pity  pf  Ojtta*a  about  twelve  wUvdj 
iota  1^,18,18,20,,  34,  35,  38,  37  find  28  SeeiW  'i»$a  Twp 

Daywoofl.  County  of  $**t*s«.  -Drov.  Quebec  about  thirty-five 

ftiioe  'Hortrt  6f  Ottitrtrtu 

taj).  Dewy  Co*  Ottawa  About  twenty-five 

rallaa'  from -Ottawa*  Tia  C»p.R.  A  River 

Letterbook,  LB-044 

This  letterbook  covers  the  period  September-October  1890.  Most  of  the 
correspondence  is  by  Edison  and  Alfred  O.  Tate.  Many  of  the  letters  relate 
to  the  manufacture  and  marketing  of  the  phonograph  and  talking  doll. 
Included  are  numerous  letters  pertaining  to  the  business  of  the  Edison 
Phonograph  Works,  the  Edison  Phonograph  Toy  Manufacturing  Co.,  the 
Ed^on  United  Phonograph  Co.,  and  the  Automatic  Phonograph  Exhibition 
Co.  There  are  also  documents  relating  to  mining  and  ore  milling,  the  design 
of  an  alternating  current  multipolar  dynamo,  a  new  motor  for  use  on  electric 
railways,  and  the  presentation  of  phonographs  to  European  heads  of  state 
Beginning  on  page  247  is  a  four-page  memorandum  regarding  the  status  of 
approximately  one  hundred  Edison  patents.  The  front  cover  is  labeled  "1890 
General  Letter  Book  Indexed  Sept  10,  1890-Oct  20,  1890."  The  book 
contains  500  numbered  pages  and  an  index.  Approximately  25  percent  of  the 
book  has  been  filmed. 

'fiinjm  S.  JjowuL  T5aq*  ,  ' 

jlnciuatrial  'R>ipo<jitio.n,  J5dir»o«  Sxliibit. 

Minneabolia,  Minn, 

5  beg  to  ooitfiivi  the  folio  wine  telegrams  exchanged 

ionnoy  }iai 

inaohina  sot  tip  trait  ing  for  blanks  and' 
WilaoivS.  HoT/ell." 

•Blanks  expressed  Monday/,  batteries  last  night. 

I  A.  0.  Tata,  truly, 

Private  Secretary. 

3tt*>  Gcn'l.  Manage 
Works,  Ediuon  Ocn 

Dear  Si 

coni  inn  the  .following  telephone  raaosage  re- 
morriing,  and  my  reply  to  same: 

co ived 

-  motor  will  bo  ooia- 
ii’X-  it  11  rat,  then 
you?  Or  do  you 
Please  let- mo  know 

'  in  sh°P  arei  cot  all  the  information 

y  a  can  roi  future  use  an  to  saturation  curves.  Don’t 
'U  ”"VU  we  com2  W*  Will  you  Jnva  the 
Sprague  car  all  ready  to  nan,  Edison.* 



‘  tffc*  A  0  <**  w 

*44**.  3f*tW 

%,*$mr4XH,f!P2i  4&**  4***# 



Sept  12  90. 

To  whom  it  may  concern, 

The  bearer  Mr.  Samuel  A.  Blan  has  been  one  of  my  laboratoiy  assistants 
for  over  a  yean  He  has  been  veiy  faithful,  and  I  wish  him  eveiy  success  with 
his  studies  in  Germany 

Thomas  A.  Edison 

Bi.  1U  lawis,  Eaq«r 

Mossra  Eaton-*  Lewis, 

#l!20  Broadway,  Now  Yorlt, 

Sopt>  13,90 

•  I  ™oiM.  n  M  to  Mr.  Sdia0n  by 

»■»  fell »»  »«.,«  »»•«,.  Co**,  aai„  July  2Sria>  jggg( 

Srtl"  CiW  *  “  *«*«"»  »*»“»  «  «»t  o»  th,  25th  of  JUJj 

“d  T“**  “  f»  “«  >■>*  ™n  i.  *»  to  tii-  am. 

Invio„„f  tfcorrMmt  aiwiionip.  Wiooo  ooooidorvi* 
'"****  t0;rtthar«  w  *»■■>»  .hies  !»  h„o  civ8„  t0  tto. 
traoofor  of  Mo  am  M,  »•**„  tl,0  Edioon  mknsnrA  Work,,  i„ 
"■*”  *  ’“•»  1  *"  *-,  „„  of  T/hioll  i,  *. 

***"“  *  »"”»nolly  and.  tl«  o,Mr  i„  hi3  .opacity  „  .  or  tte  Editor.  K.oaocropjrworte.  I  ,o»M  u*  WW  •'*. 
if  ttaeoo  communications  are  adequate, 

Bdi3°n  i3  ********  with  the  idea  that  the  telegram  that  4 
*  *“*  t0  B00t0n  on  tha  25th  **  should  have  contained  soma  time 
liMt  with  wapoct  to  receipt  of  shares  and  cash  in  Boston,  and  l» 
inclinea  to  the  belief  that  the  Company  could  on ’the  strath  of 
thio  telegram  hold  ua  for  an  indefinite  pm*,  :  i  fake  the 
that  ao  far  as  any  contract  is  involved  thin  teles***  i* 
tary;  that  it  must  bo  intarprstow  in  «h«  lirfht  o f  ft.U  its  out*- 
roundings ,  and  more  particularly  a3  t  x^vma  to  «  qomminication. 

.ihicK  jaatiixcu  abaototoXy '  on.r  •bs'lltti* 'that  a  reasonable  period 
only  vtowla  elapse  before  the  rav»«y  and  shares'  were  iK»rtl»omihe. 
If  the  V.m  letters  1,0  the  Boston  Company  are  in  proper  form, 
please  return  than  to  we  ond  I  will  Jaw  thorn  forwarded.  Also 
Please  -lot  me  have  your  views  on  the  questions  which  I  lavo 

Private  Secretary 

fhonograpn  Works,  v/hich  io  complete 'with  the  exception  of  the 
nrmtTtca  of  the  annual  meet  lng  of  the  stockholders.  $he  'By-laws 
prescribe  tyftt  this  meeting  ahull  bo  held  on  the  first  Monday  in 
Uiy  H'  ’-i’ieix  ami  every  year,  but-  this  .year  wo  desired  to  pass  the 
Annual  meet  ing,  an  at  that  time  v/e  were  taking  atock  in  the  fac¬ 
tory  and  'wished  to  (jot  a  report  on  the  general  condition  of  our 
wor-c  before  calling  tie  stockholders  together.  1  consulted  with 
or  Sat  on,  and  he 'said  that  this  could  bo  dono  if  w  ten  the  do- 
Z>.i .‘.’r-'-d,  moating  was  called  on  announcement  of  tho  same  wero  made  in 
two  apt- rs  published  in  thia  County.  These  conditions  ware  com-  with,  copies  of  printed  amouitjemont  attached  hereto.  The 
d&iVrtWii  nbeting  was  called  for  Tuesday  29th  .July ,•  3S90,  at  four. 
o'$io<fk  pi  m*;  there  being  no  quorum  present' this  meeting,  was' 
adjourn Sdf  to  Wednesday  15th  day  of  August v  and  josh  aasgaakad  last, 
tbit  rwmomber  that  I. had. a  conversation  with  you.  in  regard  to 

ifnffi  ;a*  of  the1  13th  of  August,  and  you  suggested  how  tte 


Mount  C; 


-ock  of  that  Compftny  i'iou: 

■ih.'AU-'arJ,  at 

t  Vj.xcon  i»  Mktfti  to  iign,  boing 
executing  t-Ho  ctocuiMmi 
®  **  10  hU  m 

i.%  any  Oblivion  On  M*  p*n4  to 
ff  pvofosetX  inertM*  iu  tM  Oapi* 

wi'W  .uftJch 



■ttiVdki}-  ateifial'iufat# 

I  omsloaa  iiorevrith  oojdef,  of  latte  ru 

IlioMson 'Klee trio  Welding  Coiapvjnjr.  Oyrus  Vt, 

.aid,  ai*4  Sir  Aiabroao  Slioa;  also  report  received  tiiia  morning 

fro©  Mi**  Diokaonv 

Yonru  traly , 

Si i*  Cisaiir  'fiawaoi 

Aft a VO  a  a« a  1 

in  ptirr-Uiio 

An  uhioh  the 


My  adu  rsat 

Metropolitan  Hotel,  Mar:  Y< 

(Siontui  J  A*  3  h  a  a 

TwsKwsitw  vuJLniwc, , 


ttnmrn  sks&m  oo#fert 

'hfrrewitft  '006  i.yp«  16  C«*  vj*  Dvnm»o  and 

out-i of  10,000  Hiim*,  wit h  primary 

BV  U  F.  :/O0  Volta *  Wa 

oil,  >Ut tou/ja  hot  absolutely  -re <j«3 

p.r*«tat  mat  wo  ti  on  tto?  following';  roaotivs  coil,  type  2  0*  G< 

tbs  oiit'  t  'i aom  «wj4  -to  terminals  of  awi  toh  board,  while  typt 

Lea  with  Uyi  raider*  Tte  lattar  .lao 

tch  in  base '.of  tl»  coil  «onp- 

.aa  multipS 


indlented  Vy  ti»  was 

i  u  mi 

Index*’  Raaei 

the.  amount  or  over  oaspouhding  whioh  ii»  iei 

firtniy  luok<w*  fey  a 

Moat  on  fxrlL  load;  the  aeoohdai 

■  odj  in  moving  t)«  secondary  {copp^* 

«&iold|»o  as  to  ouvsr  the  primary  lane  tfttswaiimiind  OffOmi  ia  os*  •■’.■ 
tdi  o3d,|aore  if  itoYed  i%  the'  op!p»dito  di^liBn* 

Shidymno  wiwn  l*avii«  t-te  factory  ia  *#  Adjusted  ibut-  HdrtAtr 
>  fill  VCrt  M)*l  fftr  »«*»- *p*t*lU  ««  position*  WSsikt*  8ft)!* 

$>  binding  P^f-e  eiM*  in  tVa»t  of 

WJU  W,  wM  *,e  siMHH'i  .*>0  f-inw.-  of  to  «*u 

0./  'fata  «frsju!tiv«  JftoH  to  ri»t';r  V>r*l  >t 

Dear  X9r«  &#*»«»- 

2  onesloiv:-.  horavii tli  latter  received.  this 
morning  trom  Mr,  fMcuuon,  '«opy  or  lot’,  or  Moeivaa  from 
£«  Pi  ■  ■(Jlliiaa'i, ' 

Ycruru  very  truly. 

Thom*  A«  Baq*, 

saloon  Phonogrypn 

your  Comp  jus  y 


Pleaae  have  Mr#  Ballou 



Private  So<srotary« 

jock,  with  •  cpftcial  ilo'livwy  ataa* 

fork  City.  Perry  cer.t 





'  at 


'ty  (Joar  lift**  Kd&soi 

ia  cony  of  letter  roeeiw 

tliia  soivrins  -'Wn  Mr.  Kiv3 

record  to  tbs  Putnam  ore 

.  pwpert: 

Thwaas  A*  £X%zan,  ?.sit 



fnatiw  ir.torv 

to  tPftat  tfc 

iy  boat  to  carry  t  J:j  Wskq 


Tea*1!?  tr«ay< 

,jjp.  BiaKiJisxRa* 

My  dour  'Hiram, 

qnite  wall  await**  that 


:ono/?rapI:  %>rkt 


waa  no  aniotfiun:  but  -tf*  troitbla 


’  ‘  •Mr*  0**«n*U  '***  tha;  c«ty  JJiMt'tton*  whom;-* 

car:  ,'Wt  tUrt  **•  MS**:  in  Minnellis  3ml 

UP..  Ttronbloy  in  Moropo.  therefore,  until  I  «*' »b30J»t*ly  ^ 
*WW  ***  R‘*^"*iU  bo  boro,  I  eauhot  iaaue  the  notices.  Mr. 
terfsi  4a  Spins  abend  with  tJ»  propagation  of  papers  for  the  in¬ 
crease  of  mspital  stock,  ami  who,,  the  Directors  meat  owrything 
^iU  bo  in  shape  for  Uaa  to  pa  an  upon.  Kindly  show  thia  latter 
to  Mr*  Ktiiucm. 

(wri  very  truly, 

Private  secretary. 

'1,  -Romano  r, 
jchen&ciitdy,  K.  y. 

SohanPctcPy  ivfcn 

My  dear  a: 






iiit  ice 




I'm  is  Glawii , 
#3K3  Pi  nt 

Priwjt  o  Saqreta^y. 

wdiwi  >ww»«rit*  Un  UWfyto&a  «£  ?m  kekciriq 

‘Hu"  i7C  <5r  17*'  o^r^h  fo*  any  Oonaro,  and 

*  lr' tlite  ■'"lwe  aiV  '4v  AViaoru.  a*,  &aM«  .niwondora  thoae 
lU‘*  ^  ^  R-  Ufc  wrfcw  of. THS?'  BUSQ'fiUO 

£,  ^JwatandiT*  «**■  too  'cWteow  Clnb  aw  doslmun 

t  Jtojawn  .of  too  ro.raia.iW  n-a^x.f  6  r  So«b  **<*34  do  this 
):«r  tl.wft  to  head  tig)  oiVt(9  until  ti:»y  Wit**  payable . 

Plo'fflo  aefeovdad^  t>*  rocei?*  of  tias;  Bonds,.'  and  sand  to  u*. 

sopt,  .is >  imo* 

lottor  .malor  dyt  a  15tb 

fop  uao  in  eonnfliction 

jot  holts  rofcwou  to  will  fco 

,ar.4l  Hr*  Killeen  would  lifco 

to  ha vo 

icofcdance  with  Hr. 

Sard 'a  requeat,  report  ivi 

it  of  teat  to  Hr.  JMiaOj 

;  .aa^taryi 


ifivin,"  powor  of 

t'-fl  UjKjn'  !;elt 

o  f  the  puUo: 

501TV  19,  m«v'J 

'/m)C  loti 


ia»m,  that  T  dor, 

IhtlSTi;  to  Ora 

V  i’urij:ior  tnl’oj*- 

't  hi  l  to  apprl; 

Major's.  B.-  Eaton,  . 

.  #120[  Broadway,  tfw  Vokc, 

rogai*d  to 


JtoeJrholdora  meeting  ?*i  cJj:  the  law 

*f03a  of  votiiv;  oi 

to  raturr 

Phonograph  Toy  Manufacturing  Oompany, 
#>5  Milk  3  t  r  6  at,  BO  s' 


Referring  to 


wdaipfc  in  Boston  Of  One  Hundred  Thousand  Pounds  coal 
********  wit*  eharea  representing  one-eighth  interest  in 
whom  capita!  does  „0t  exceed  Three  Hundred' Thou*. 
?* nU  PQUM4a  1393  8xPenne0  and  eonmiaaioai,  which  must,  not 
•dxcaed  Twelve  Pounds  myself  and  the  Edison  Phono- 
»g««.h  Works  will  in  consideration  of  thirty-two  per  cent  - 
"of  said  cash  and  shares  execute  any  papers  necessary  to. 
-transfer  our  rights  dreat  Britain  Continental  Europe  and 
the  Ohoraiol  islands  to  the  said  Oompany  upon sthe  condition 
-that  my  transfer  of  manufacturing  rights  to  u»  Rdison 
Phonogi-aph  Works  shall  be  recognized  by  your  Oompariy  whioh 
*ik  ri'!fi9U3ary  “  the  Phonograph  Works  now  own  these  rights. 

(Signed)  .  Thomas  A»  Edison.  “ 

P.  Ti  M,  Co’. 

September  22nd »  Iff  90- 

WhUi5  “  in  I,0OponQQ  *»  of  my  22nd,  in  which 

^  “  t0  lmdaratand  that  «"  cash  and  a  took  considerations’ 

°f  t5B  Pr0PC,8ed  EU!'°PC-  of  rights  would  be  deposited  in 
Boston  ininediately:  as  failure  has  bden  made  to  carry  out  tl* 
provisions  of  agreement,  neither  money  nor  stock  having  boon  ro¬ 
od  vad  and  W  attempt  to  capitalise  the  involved  portion  of  the 
hm*ma*  h:iVinS  been  unsucc esaful,  X  beg  to  advise  you 
that  I  nor  rithdra,  the  assent  l  gave  to  any  and  all  propositions 
vlnch  were  submitted  to  me  as  part  of  this  proposed  transaction, 
for  the  mason  that  I  wish  to  prevent  such  as.sont  beins  oamed 
oyer  and  applied  in  connection  with  any  fresh  negotiations  that 
my  hr  or  have  been  undertaken.  Any  further  attempt  s  diapoae 
of  these  foreign  rights  vri.ll  in  all  probability  alter  the  com- 
Pie xi on  of  the  tranoaotion,  and  my  object  and  desire  is  to.  have 
any  questions  affecting  my  personal  rights  presented  in  their  ' 
genuine  light  to  be  judged  accordingly,  a  privilege  to  which  i  am. 

so,  entitled, 

Yours  very  truly, 

il  jf>: 

Sept*  25,  1890 

4>hn  H.  Wood,  Baq., 

#18  ft  20  Liborty  Street, 

New  York  Oirty. 

Dear  Sir:- 

I  fl«nd  to  you  herewith,  by  apedial  mauaeng*r,  the*  fol¬ 
lowing  imuronoe  policies  on  Mr.  Bdieon'a  property,  <*ch  for- 

Phoenix  Ini.  Co. 

Fire  Absoo.  of  Philn. 

Liverpool,  London  ft  •Gk ab* 

Sun  Firo  Offieo  of  tendon 
American  0 antral,  St,  Louis 
Springfield  Ine.  ‘Co, 

Liverpool,  London  ft  «V»be 
Phoenix  Ine.  Op* 

Also  the  following  for  $2,506  each: 

Greenwich  Ins,  Company  No. 217389 

Bpringfield  Ina.  On,  No.  1133 

Providence  Washington  las,  Co.No.2476 
N.  H.  Fire  Ins.  to.  No.  299524 

Tho  Buffalo  German  Ins.  Go.  No.  17815 

Sun  Fire  Office  of-  London  No.  3483780 

together  with  two  policies  for  $1280  each,  end  one  fw  $3600,  tt- 
fMlewt  ■  ' 

Genapa  Ameriom  tnsuranoe  Oo.  No.  245,695. 

The  Hamilton  Fiife  Jto*  Oo.  No. 222,874 
-  Oer,  Am.  ,1ns.  04.  ($4*00)  No.  261566. 

Pitoase  acknowledge  Veoeipt  of  the  Above,  and  oblige 

Yours  truly,  - 

IwSiete'  Secretary. 

No.  2198 
No.  660892 
No.  29837Q2 
No.  3433778 
Np.  219098 
No.  1124 
No. 2983701 
No.  2197 

N.  *.  S9PU  17,  X89Q. 


*  *1""  *'»  1Sl"»  «‘» « *****■*»,  « 
r  mr,o<>th«r,  retain  their  .shape  bettor 
-  —*  «  «■  U8W  *lt.  Ab 
«.  t.  Wte 

«  or  takm  of-  4  m  put' 

n  w»  t}»  coventor  ahaJft  t 
,  ‘  m'u  *»  taken  out  no  .ai» 

to  .«-.Wh  *„  „w  "*■* 

-no  rian^anof  the  pulleys. 

«oo>i*a  2y  3*1101* 


S*M«  ZtK  f*«?. 

mo»A  of  Amur  leans  tn,  i»  Mr, 
**Wa  <*iirto*  <*'  ***«,» oe  in  ejection  with  the 

•H^wtoA  I"*"***  tW  Arte  on*  Kolenoe,  with  whith 

**  *"  ttwomt  tun  (XloKsda  Hineyai  palae, ; 

*>*?»***»  - 

l’&m'F.— « - 

Roiwrt  jftiathjBh - 

S“*»*  ft-  IV  Ksvm — 

G\»rgs  Ztawr  Corl-loa- 
VhlSrey — .- — _ _ 

• — fclcotriolty. 

— Phjraion. 



— Saving  Mmahine. 

— -Antoaatifi  Engine a • 

""  *“v*  ”“w  «™  «a>  »i«..j  mjm„  „a 

fcr  »*>*»  R’*jut  gw* 

*****  4n  l‘o!?ly  to  **»  l®tten  Of  12th  lhetant. 


PMVWe  So#m»frp* 

H»  1890 

2tw  Statf. 

Tw*<p  Utto*  of  125th  inctan*  a&re&aoA  to  Xr.  v^*9j 
**n  tnpMM.  Sa  <fa»  Mnaies  o?  the  proposed  Opeoial  «-f  fct<i 

Sktot  »-t  ot  the  Xataotx  Phonograph  Wortuj  vihUh  yvur  Kiw 

•  He^iai  aant  fc>  tor*  ?<st«*  n  trw  days  ago,  and  onfllu&ii^  ««t>  #ojh#t 
oA  0<WtJjr.l««t*a  of  Innate  of  Capital  wjiiflh  you  «*niA  saint  i- 
tftWtf  tor  those  which  ficooapiftiftd  the  Uinutoa  *bowe  wefenrea  *to, 

4*  dtol*  tt-  land,  and  the  uabatitution  or  taper*  which  ^ou  (Malm 
•**»  W»  tom of  footed, 

**»  ***««*  <*  tto  BdsM  of  DlKitort  or  the  Phonopwph  TOcbh 
O^-lOd*  fc*Ttf**d*y  laittf  &td  instant,  wad.,  as  you  are  aWaw^ 
ydOtiJofead  tfitii  the  next  day*  'tfters  being  no  ^uevota  pro*ortt»  The 
flehflWiS  hdd  to  fee:  dftain  ftdJOUHiCd  oh  the  24th,  m  wo  oteald  Wt  •#»% 
•*•**»■'  <o/tether»  tort  Who  Via  the  daft  or  in  el»rgo. 

In  thor  *bc*>«o  of  Urc  Tate*  tee  hflt  yet  OdJUfed  tho  writer  as  tb 
t«>  date’  f-W  wWc’K  to  oail  aitother  moo’tihfe* 

Youbu  trtilfy 
Bpigp^  M|0%PRY  by 

Wmt»i  State*  a  Sewir. 

jfiiso  0?(i4»aj  , 

an  Wtw*  City, 

PrlcO  t,  Oo., 

Now  York:  Oity, 

t»ar  Siras* 

8«pt.  2(5;  iSDb 

5  u  1  i  4  i  ntf. 

v»«t  Pi  lnt,r  ”  l8,h  to  IM 

oirrrr  *-  ^  -  - — — 

wwaat  that  ho  anoirai*  it,  V»  osV- 

,m  ^"”4  *  -  ™  Prl„  ^ 

■  ■  *  "  “  M  **“  «"»*  **  «».  ««  ri«  .  tau  . 

*X**M  or  two  *,fpp8  thft  cylhjda-  i 

^  tQ  _  cyJiTwl0r  i8  *«•**-.  M*. 

Jzr  th“ 

ZZ ZZ“n  *Mh  * teu>  -  -« — - ~  » 

>JZr72?mU  — «  -  U 

.  r  mth  for  on*  Of  »ur  for. Ip,  oorroopoata,,.. 

zzr*  ”**“•  «  *— 

»«»«*  IT  ""“*■**  “•»■*  “iu  sui^ 


***ntik  fc  ~i' 

ZZ  \T  ~*** w  *• w  '“"•  - 

zr  * '-  '•* — *  *-.  *.«  ^ ««, 

^*“’  *“■  *««**“*  tb. 

^  ’ H *  -  ’Mlt,“'  *"»»  ‘«  »«■«  to  ...„iw  .  fh0M. 

*’*■“'  "■'  **»  -  »  U  aoQojmodat* 

Youj-b  v»i*  truly. 

Private  Secretary, 

***•>  John  Mrkinbiro* 

**  w*  B-r  City  Kail  Sqmra, 
PhllaOolrhia,  Pa. 

>7,  Iftg0<, 

,  &<wr  Si*j> 

itm[rat  ,  “‘-m  *•  m,°b  "“ie-  *».  *-  ««•  to**.  * 

“*  ,„  n,  p»t„„  CoMtl,  0rt  proiii„r<  fc  rci> 

**  say«r  never  mind  tho  *ale.  but 

+  '  **  irW1,t  on  «xt«n»ion  of  another 

twenty  years  «t  inereaeed  royalty* 

Tonra  very  truly. 

Private  Soo  rotary. 

Sop  t.  27, 


Uoizep,  B*q,, 

B,nl*  '••-k.  ». j. 


***'*  ^ioon  dsainsB  mu  to 
*“’■  W°  1M*  **  «»  teb.rn.ry  to 

«•  « ,tth  roo„„. 

infom  you  that  tht  *im 
boon  toatod,  and  „  flnd 

Vounj  truly, 

Privats  Sacra  tary. 

».  c.  Hradm.m,, 

s  a  4  II  o  „  0  0  n  •  !., 
fa  la  Broad  St.,  Now  York. 

**  **  ’*•»  «»  -MUion  00„ 

_1"  W'”"  ,r  ””  t0  tM 


TJjes®  tubes  aw  o»  ?»  , 

:  *'  a‘Ul  -  .1-  7/8.  external 


"*  °r  tte*>  ‘“w*  «"  ~«»‘Wd  on  „„  „„  Mtii  tM 

...0«ii«to  „„  ,M  ^>h  ^ 

On  «.  !«»  of  mnth  fw  „  ^  tntoii  ^  ^ 

»««  *.,  *-*  .no,  a,  iww»i«.  Ih0 

“"'.r  "**“  ~ ~  ~*»i  «» to,  4i>w. 


The  l»alsta»ew  of  ti»» 

or  thaoo  tuMg  averages  15,000  ohms 

eaeh*  or  at  *}W  rata  of  30  otoa  ,**.  mU*. 

”**  Uve  ‘°°n  ”«*“*  “  *•>»  *»k  *«*  rtWto,  toot,. 

Vows  vary  truly. 


Sanuol  In  Bull,  Kaq*, 

16  ft  18  Broad  St  root, 
Hew  York  City, 

SOPV  39,  1890,, 

Dear  Sirj- 

I  beg  to  acknowledge  the  receipt  of  your  lot  ter  of  svaan 
date  herewith,  informing  me  that  in  accordance  with  an  arrangrment 
made  by  you  with  myself  on  Saturday  last  to  loan  you  two  Certifi- 
cattea  of  100  shares  each  of  the  Capital  Stock  of  tin  Edison  •Qeri’l. 
Electric  Company,  you  hovo  withdrawn  from  tlioso  in  your  possession, 
subject  to  my  order,  Certificates  lumbered,  respectively,  313  and  : 
314,  both  for  100  shares  eocli  and  bearing  my  endorsement ;  also  that 
in  exchange  for  tlio  foregoing  and  to  be  hold  by  you  i'or  my  account 
as  security  for  the  return  of  the  Certificates  of  Edison  Qeri’l«Ca. 
stock  went  so nod  above,  you  deposited  to-day  in  the  Safe  Deposit 
Vaiflto,  Will  iam  St,,  New  York,  Cortificatos  for  200  shares  of '$100 
@ach  in  tho  Capital  stock  of  tho  Hew  Jersey  and  Pennsylvania  Con¬ 
centrating  Works,  with  transfer  attached;  all  of  which  is  satis¬ 

Sept*  09,  3390, 

Cabinet  do  Sa  Hajeata  L'&nparour, 

St,  Petersburg,  Russia, 

I  bee  to  advice  you  that  the  two  Vases,  t)»  product  vt 
t}»  Imperial  Manufactory  at  Jekaterinebourg,  mentioned  in  your 
esteemed  communication  under  date  17th  July  last,  wore  receivod 
by  me  at  t)io  Laboratory  on  Saturday  27th  instant.  The  reason  of 
the  long  delay  in  the  delivery  of  these  Vases  was  owing  to  my 
inability  to  expedite  their  passage  through  the  Custom  House,  which 
dt  this  season  of  the  year  is  always  in  a  very  crowded  condition, 
the  American  importations  being  very  heavy, 

Pleaee  bo  Hind  enough  to  convey  to  Hia  Majesty,  The  Emperor, 
my  sincere  thanks  for  the  beaut  iful  Vases  with  which  he  has  so 
graciously  presented  me. 

With  groat  reapoot 

Z  aa,  yours  very  truly 

Maatw  Contis  A.  Edwoi 

My  claur  Ten, 

icordaitoo  with  inotroctions 
to  you  tho  on  closed  choc*  for 

Mwu  Ediaon, 

Youru  vspy  truly, 

Sop%.  SO,  189  Q. 

Dear  Mr.  Batohalor, 

Youro  -traly^ 

Cterlas  Bataho ior»  Eaq%  \ 
#33  West  23th  St. 


Sept,.  30,,  1B9Q, 

<7ohn  Birk inbine, 

Will  yon  P lease  deliver  to  Ur.  Charles  Batchelor, 
who  will  present  this  note  to  you,  a  map  of  the  Putnam  County 
ore  property,  .  Should  you  not  have  a  imp  of  the  property  in  your 
oi’fioor  kindly  proouro  one  for  Mr**  Batchelor,  and  oblige 

Yours  truly, 

#343017,  1  think  ia  infringed, 

800,  Get  it  out, 

798,  Oot  it  out, 

691,  How  about  it? 

692,  How  about  it? 

693,  « 

694  • 

695,  • 

699  • 

704  « 

716, Ought  to  bo  got  out 
724,  Ought  to  bo  got  out. 

293432,  Thoroaro  ono  ox*  two  who  infringe  this, 

605,  Many  infringo  this;  can* t  it  bo  got  out? 

606,  Also  infringed, 

SS&  *■  "*■ “*•  <*  »*«****. 
®4,<,a7,K!,n.TPSpr"  tv  “  «•*«*■ 

328572,  Xa  tliio  infringodf 

Ooaa  584,Klim  took  this  out;  do  we  own  it  and  ia  it  in¬ 
fringed?  ■ 

585,  lot hi a  infringed? 

304083,  la  this  infringed* 

297584,  This  ia  infringed 

.889,  Zm't  this  infringed  on  B.  R*  R.  or  Station*? 

•  i  rhil*  Alternating  people  have  it. 

304084,  This  also. 

298954,  Equivalent  to  earbon  brush. 

298955,  Performs  bettor  the  funotiona  that  carbon  brushes 

•.V  ’ . •>;"  : aw .tsU|WO;; foi v  V^y>:-vv: ' :"i:/ .  v-  •  ■:  v : 

SjjT  82i"jK12wa4'  C0uad  8t°P  »a®  T«»adine- 
273485,  Marsh  6,  1883,  Think  4th  claim  infringed  by  mm  nr 
two  parties, 

512»  *°v*  9»  1882,  Middle  support  coming  into  use; 

K&linaky  uses  it,  mxd  Boas  Boston  ooncern  reeenWy 
ggjd  iraPort8  th0  carbons;  ought  to  bo  got  -out  ®f 

Hoy,  9,  0832,  Bernstein 
principal  competitor  if 

P*t«wt  onght  to  bo  gsi  -ttV 
I  think  ona  party  lnfri»v*fti 
I  think  aomebody  ««»«..  .2?? 
Srt^i-w  «**  «°w>thinc, 

°0oa  ‘my  °»»  infringe 
JSSf*  2,,lPly  *U  infrincef 
How  abQ«t  this?  ^ 

*”«5:  £*  £■  i”*®"  >»  *«■»< 


251542,  SS'infrtige?  °*°°* 

250599,  is  thio  infringed? 

•  « »!« 
patent,  if  out. 

248%  dOVlooa  infrinsad 

’*2  I  thSr^—"®  0bout 
6^  r0M08  eivon.*» 

248M0’  So Al8°  *•  1 

from  Gibson  or  some  such  mar 
PSMns  222  ”  or  «ontro0  it? 

S,  SSS.  “ ' thi 

oeennn*  HOW  about  this? 

ofiin*  axi  infpi«0*» 

P42901*  %ZZ<an£°iy  infrt"6®» 

*  211^  i»5f**ingoa,  and  , 

SS2*  infringe. 

251540,  KaarOy  a00  ^  . 

^«e*  this;  j*»  *ioo  b 
„  .  £ftip  fi'lwnoijt  sjji 
got  ouV  by  apa  roans, 

•  “£*»\thia  patent. 

«so»  tWa  doyiea  in^^motpr 

this?  ;■■■;■ 




■  Casa  237' 

264649,  Claim .  7,  Bkg.  okt,  at  multiple  points  infringed  by 

Claim  1,  InfrineadTby  nearly  all  if  we  cot  it  out, 
227226,  All  infringe.  Can't  this  be  oustained, 

437,  Does  anybody  use  any  of  those  devioos? 

230255,  All  infringe. 

Wiy  cannot  wo  fix  up  paper  carbon  lamp  patent  case  187  and 
pet  what  w»  did  not  got  in  regr*  fil,  lamp  now  in  suit?  Thor 
are  a  number  of  points, 

265310,  Oot  ,  3rd,  1832,  This  is  infringed  by  all  . 

use  it.  •-  \  wouW  ba 

"  _237518*  I  -think*  this  is 

Pat.  28398G, 'Augi^t  28,  ] 

->•  5^»: Jfhi^wjaa  stop*  tho 

•  ,v  makpc  itil  .: 
zsptf.  Opt.  30,  issai.  I  think  this 

Pat.  274294}  tfestinchottse  did  use 
■  v  ■  v  oontinuoua.  ^  *  * 

aibl£f  f*V*  2S’  1882’  v  a  pnJont  that  should  bo  got  out  if 
527  ongh^  to  bo  got  out;  Doo.  8,  1882.  ,% 

529,  Thoro  is  a  party  in '‘-the 

parxy  in  'the  iioid  who  ooata  with  Silicon. 

J^kpls  itewrcvs  ***** 

Po“”‘  °r  w°“-  mss-  *««. 

Sot  0Ut  *»*»•  «6.  filed  Aug.  u, 

claims  ans  fbr  continuous  «L*T?  *«>lley  system  used: 

the  continuous  contactors,  but  the  loaner  i „  ^ 

good  patent  t  oiget  ou 

by  somebody. ^ 

T*  *  H.  anchors  "■ 

?i^Ksgr*  - 


“  VQotinchouao  lamp,  if  ho  nc 

it.  paad  bilk  thread  which 

Application  473, 
able  io  valuable, 

Oet  483,  Sopt.  2£ 

■aim  if  obtain. 

oat*  1,  1890* 

#J,S  A  IS  Broad  Straet* 

Haw  York  City, 

1  bog  to  oont'im  tha  Hollowing  tolaphono  meaaagaa 
ox*  ban  god  betwoon  yournolf  and  Ur.  Bdioon  to-day: 

■Odble  result  Edison's  motor  child.  Ask  him  what  ho  r 
willing  to  appear  at  the  Prankford  Electric  Exhibition. 
Suggest  not  general  exhibit,  but  opooial  objoot  liko  nevr 
motor.  Cable  Mr.  Edison's  saw  opinion. 

The  above  is  oopy  of  a  sable  re  o  caved  by  Mr*  Spofford 
from  Ur*  Villard*  Till  Mr*  Edison  lot  me  know  what  reply 
to  make  in  his  nt*no.»  " 

Mr.  Edison's  reply: 

■AH  oxperimanta  tried  and  satisfactory  on  now 
motor  supersede  Sprague;  standard-modal  now  being 
made  Schenectady;  don't  believe  it  possible  to  get 
ear  in  time  for  exhibition.  Experiments  continue 
on  motor  and  system  Ohieago  terminal  and  no  overhead 
Street  ayotaa--aH  approabhing  completion.  ■ 

Private  Seers  tary. 

John  BirJcinbino, 

^25  N*.  Br  City  Hall  Squall 
Pliiladolphia,  pa< 

I  havo  your  loHw  <jf  p, 
Putnam  County  ora  jwparty  ^  I10t< 
»oat  tl«y  Qlvo  m  my  tlmo  to 
o^ht  to  ha*  *fc  six  months, 

Maks  tin  wood  omroganontB  thu 
is  h<m  for  tuanty  ysara;  in  , 

pay  usual  ratwc 

oradited  baolc  to  wa  if  leas*  holds 
can  be  done,  tell  than,  to  *0  ahoad 

ffre  twwfey  youra 
wthfc  .*&.  3»j»8* 

All  An  StirliT*:.  Biiq** 

#/4  0  or  t  iatvd  t  fk  i  r  .<*  o  t  , 

Hour  York  city. 

1  rat  tarn  boro  with  applied* ion  of  jaBWAfeSJRsliip  for  Mr* 
William  Wallace,  of  Anaonia,  Conn.t  in  tho  tta*!«wtie»l  Engineers 
Sooiaty,  duly  eigned  by  Ur.  Edison  as  requested,  tha  saw  2®,v£ng 
accompanied  your  letter  of  29th  ultimo. 

Yotira  truly. 

flow.  4,  38904 

Thomas  R.  Lombard,  Bsq., 
#160  B  r  o  a  d  rr 

Hoar  Sirl< 

Upon  ray  return  to  the  Laboratory  after  an  absence  of 
several  days,  I  find  your-lettor  of  23rd  ultimo,.  in  regard  to  tbs 
journal  which  your  Company  proposes  publishing,  I  shall  be  vary 
gl^d  to  see  you  at  tbs  Laboratory  any  time.  Before  coming  out 
please  telephone  and  ascertain  that  I  am  hare.  I  would  like  to 
arrange  for  .the  front  page  of  the  •PHONOGRAPH, •  ibr  a  battery  ad,, 
providing  your  touns  a re  not  too  high. 

Yours  truly. 

Private  Secretary, 

^  Vgf.  I|ivor^ 

#19  Coy  Street, 

Hew  York  City, 

1  have  yonr  latter  of  3ni 
laxdlor  capacity  at  Octfen. 

Put  tlie  additional  bo i lor  in  now, 
Refinsry  ia  built* 

•"a  truly, 

a  0  *  <n»itruotio; 

HiJifl  toiling,  Hw  York  City, 

VOW*  nrf 

very  t inly- 

Ttomu  A*.  JWieon, 

Otfiur  Sir:- 

" - soma  tiofinito  undorotandi^  in 

■>.  don#  ««.  the  infection  obtained  by  y„„ 
»«•  Canvass  in  th.  City  of  Buffalo,  in  th8 

trojoot.  a  a  moat  ,o„yorMtioll 

tfc*‘  WU  “*<*'  ««!>  to  main  th«  data 
wation  ntth  yooy  company.  toaoo  so  „o.iV( 
*  you-  diobuy,„mta  a  tto  mattor,  ana  lto 
«.th.r.4,  by  tto  15th  of  ,h„  am*.,.  .0  ohali 
Wfan  to  main  it  f„  TOm.  m  M  op  ^ 
tiU  not  IcoJ:  to  ua  for  payment  no  n 


«*!<>*•  S*  8,  Baton, 

#420  Broadway,  Now  York  Oity, 

I  tavc  your  mm,  of  3«  ^  lha 

onpiration  or  ib«icn  patents. 

I  think  My.  „,s,  ted  *,«„  oom  ^  ^  ^  ^  o6mtot 

any  patents  . 

Tl;o  Sawyor-Man 

sopiG  have  gone  back  to  bamboo, 
tn  bamboo-  patent  alive. 

herewith  the  following  papers  which  accompanied 
"d°r  r0ply*  nanBly*  your  letter  to  myself  under  date 
»0,  Mr.  Simpson's  memorandum  of  Mr.  Dyer's  view3?  ^ 
H.  M,  Dyer  addressed  to  yourself  under  date  Aug.  21 , 

YourA  very  truly, 

m.  *m  m  m 

Tho  Xdiaort  me  o  trio  IUucdmtiTtf  colony. 
Mount  Otxnoalf  pn. 

I  onoioae  haroaitl,  oartil'ioat.  Ho.  !,,«»  43  -off 

C"‘>“al  8*“”1  »f  »«»«.  i"  «  «...  I  ,«,*  W 

0 'MflMte  for  lha  mr„„  or  having  tl» 
inliontaa  an  >»,„  of  ,»».  „„„  tte  t„uaftt.  *  ^ 

”*  ™»  45  «*««■  to  nr  nam,  M,„,  fon^g^ 

tw  oertifioate.  towiat  Ota^o,  and  oblie<, 

Youra  truly* 

Richard  H*  Dyar,  Kaij., 

Mean  ns*.  Dyor  ft  Sooly, 

X  return  horowith  specification  on  the  last  i'omn  of 
nacnetie  belting  «lwly  oxocutod,  the  aann  laving  bean  enoioaea 
with  your  letter  of  4th  instant. 

I  have  no  objection  to  Wotalor  illuot rating  the  new  mechanic- 
al  motor  or  to  hie  publishing  KennoHy’s  teat* 

Yours  truly,, 


Oct.  7,  3890, 

Thia  is  to  certify  that  the  bearer,  JAMES  WAI.R0ND,  has  been 
in  my  service  continuously  for  ten  years ,  in  the  opacity  of 
Watchman,  seven  years  of  which  were  passed  in  my  factory  At 
Ooerck  Street,  Now  York  city,  and  the  last  three  years  in  my 
Laboratory  at  Orange,  N.  J.  During  the  latter  period  he  was 
under  my  personal  supervision,  and  ho  always  porfoxmed  the  duties 
assigned  to  him  tp  my  entire  satisfaction.  He-has  proved  himself 
to  be  homat,  trustworthy,  reliable  and  painstaking,  and  I  can 
recortmend  him  very  highly  to  any  one  in  need  of  his  services;  He 
leaves  my  employ  entirely  of  his  own  accord,  and  he  has  my  best 
wishes  for  his  future  success.  ^ ’ 

l^p^bar  7.,  -j^o. 


ft!  $  1?*  a  r  o  a  a 

I  enoloao  herewith  Copy  a  letter ^acpi.^U ^ 
Blowing  from  Edward  D*  Adame,  Pro.oidojrt  of 
50  tian  Q°watiy*  Mr,  Adwi  letter 



i'BKSOJt&l t*. 

wmm-  'mewifism  q  hungry 

Vwi? «.  Ooto|jflP  (Jth,  *890, 

&«***  \*.miwm?  l 

N»  if. 

tS  1  **»**?"»*  **. 

,  »"  VCTi?  p-u;Uf  i  v  S^n'3  KM»e*i«« 

-  «•  v<w* 

- "-  sxT 

5  If-  ».  -*  -.  .  .  *  A"  *»  Wf  »;ttV,l  nivn  i 

••',000  K 

* jj, *  «*  ^v/j?rc;r^ri 

‘■•10,000  W,  V  /5cot?n ^»!S  tlw  twtavls  i>f  a 

. . „•  ~  •-'«Hl  InMm  J^ZSX££***>f».  »Zm* 

t;-:-.t  ;  Jj,-aww  J»av  fros,  yiw  JT*  11 ,,0?U  »*“«?.  «»A 

w!  ««»  -l  attar  at  V/aatf  ao  I  «JV"  0bll£dl1  £f  **» 
-I,,*  *>  ssr»ytJiing 

Sincsraly  y<nm, 


bds&iro  a,  4jja mb 
I***  i»eo*  c*  WOtoora,  fftv 

Sarniai  tnav&x. 

t0  *"*■  "T:""1*"  or-in  iarttmt, 

‘ava  •  «*  tho  Certificate  to 

th0  Secretary  of  the 

"”‘****  *«  DM  J1U  datsa  30th  OMjjfe*, 
“lMhW  »”  »4er  ^ 

Privat*  SeoVO’ 


W  ®  JS  lo  p  „ 

^on  owa  in  P#pl 

lt  i0U  my  00  ^Py  tlaa  house 
laboratory  building. 



Private  Sec  rat  ary. 

mix  Oottaohak,  pmld<mtf 

Autoaatic  Phonogr^h  Exhibition  Company, 

^13  Pal*k  Row,  Naur  York  City, 

«y  dear  air:-  ! 

"•r-rriHB  aenln  to  »»  10 1 top  or  JifjywjnOov 
toot,  ,hioh  M  lnolo„M  ^  lgttor  ^  ^  ^ 

«»  «.  Soyt.  «„  nMro„04  to  ^  ^  ^  ^ 

«.««,«•  or  t*  Hit,,,.,!.  inanotruUBn.  coition,  in  t„  nh, 

“kW'31„l  0n  «  otatoa  in  lay  0o«„. 

t.  yon  or  aortonoop  both,  teMiatell,  ^  of  ^ 

o«.lon  atop,  rofonrod  to.  J  wot.  to  Hr.  **j  „„  ,hB 
(ookt  or  „  bettor  onoboaoa  nor*** ,,  ^  *  „„  ^  !to  ^  ^ 
oopy  or  hi,  topby,  by  w»*  yon  „m  «,  **.*,*„.  Mtt„  toMi 
«»«a  1»  h»a  no  intention  or  rm..tin,  w  of  ;,bo 

Autooatio  Phonos,,  Katibition  company,  y  «,  .a„  ttat  ^ 

-»«a  b.  vary  pbonnoa  to  loapn  that  Mb  oyn^ation  /i.  *, 

f  1»  spim  in  which  it  ia  given, 

,  Youra  vory  truly. 

Private  SepretarpT^ 

My  d«ar*  Upton, 

Xoitf  lott«r 

very  truly,, 

Vvmoia  R*  Upton,  . 

Mfe*  Dop^t,,  ItorHooi 



Orange,  j^r  J( 

My  dear  I'ati 

wi  letter  of  the  Automatic  Phonograph  Exhibition 
511  as  copy  of  my  3,6tfcBrf 
I  a,al„  to  **,  m  „  lm„  So  Mr> 

«««  «.»t  *  by  Mr.  *,*!«,  lfowu_ 

■nstmtont,  at  ih.  Mlnnoapolia  JJtpoattioa  VCT0 
■roper  "Wer,  „*  fau.a  *,  ^  '  J1;1M  itat 

a  beva  boon  mere  o.rMMii,  l„ok«4  aftor,.a„a 

iataetim.  i  tMW,  «,,»  <m  iww»a»t  «,at  *<it 

a  «»=»  yon  .wli  »Mt„  tha  offioora  of  tho  Mm  / 
Pl.ono.y.p,,  SMbiUaa  „o.,  „a,stllt„  that  I  W  »  tatoaU™,  . 

° *  br""il”a  *”  ”»  ”»  »»  ebeef  .  or  erHiotalas 

tlo  Phoaoer4*h  0„„  V(,rk>  lwo„a  the  ^  tbe  of 

proper  attention  in  Minneapolis, 

At  the  Minneapolis  Exposition,  the  automatic  phonographs 
Trore  scattered  in  various  points  of  the  buildin*  ^  did  not 

*"  spot,  under  +*,„ 

„„Mt '  ”  H°  0ar°  or  *  *»*«*ht  i>=Mo, 

to  *u  „Meniefl> 

**■■**•?  the  AatbmotJo  Phonograpj 

*”*  tta,  th*ir  beet  ... 

letter,  cellfmr  n+4.„^,_.  . 

youro  truly, 


H»  M.  Livor,  J5nq ,  > 

No.  19  Doy  street, 

"Nov  york  City, 

*•  t0  «»«■«.«»  MMk,™ 
Sl’ioo  thin  morning: - 

new  ore  Separator  will  bo  about 

six  tons." 

Youhe  truly, 
®  tt  Zt  a  b  o 

I  "turn  haraaith  V.  8.  Patent  ^ 

a«to„  for  Ommo  **,,*,  „Woh  Mn  jiat 

W*  «”*"■>««.  “Wethon  your  aett,r  „  4th 


-x  m  opinion  that  you  win  ttad  it  dimoalt 
0  diapono  of  thin  patent,  Thai™  are  many  Oifferont  Innda  of 
rW“i,B  a0V‘0<'*'  ■—  -,*■.«-««  Of....  ant  they  don't 

""**  tate  ****"-  oo.  haa  Mf  . 

to”"  "  *  ddnnaotion  with  oi*  dy»«». 

"*■  *”  ““  ?•»-«■■  «»•»»»*  .india*  and  to 

th"  than  ay  any  antomatio  daviaa. 

Voters  .truly, 

Prlvato  Sooretary. 

•  **  *■«..  AM»t.  to  end  Vioe-Pro8i«o„t, 

*  d  4  8  o  "  Q8"'l*  Hoctri,  Co., 
«  IS  Broad  St.,  JJott  ^  <si*y# 

Oct,  9,  1S9Q, 

Ur.  Bl»»  too  ro.a  sow  lotto,-  of  nj,  toot-ont,  „ 

«  *«•-  *«.  Bn.  BtU.  toto-.o.,.  mo. 

*  M>“m  “»*  *ta‘  “  ^  »  tooh  to  oM  «CM 

»  <*»  X*.  ««!*,  tobto  of  ,to  otofotono.  of  «. 

'*“*’•  «i«*  or  wit.,  mpono.,  misW  <tc>i  Ma__ 

b«-  no  tookinc  tawing.  „  ,0,  jooto!  th0  *ta  ,0  ^ 

Kituof,  to  »n  «,**  ttat  tto  ooaoon  to  „„  ,,„a 

in  MW.,  tto  cooMiany  controlling  tho  „„Mna.  WJSlM„ 

.0  si.ioc  0«  Oto«nnJ,  im.  tei.»  *.„  „wa  uat  lt  w  „ 

*“*  a  MM  »*tt  4*t  fotoi  Bo.  nttoot^o  U1  tM 

4«.  «ku»  .» tto  ttouk 

Dear  3irj 

Private  -Secret 

Jo hn  Birfcinbina, 

No,  25  N,  E,  City  HaH  Square, 
Philadelphia,  Pa, 

I  boe  to  oonCirm  tto  folio**  ,„i„.„»  M  ,m 

*“*  “*•“  to'***  your  iot,.r  of  „  ^ 

relative  to  the  Putnon  County  ore  property; - 

"hotter  received.  All  rieht;  shall  ccmite 
it  closed  Thoa,  A*  Edison." 

*  *  *"-**'*w  vi«^3iawt,  **  *  *"‘ 

»».;*.rl,  t^. 

,  ««*M  Broad,  «„  y.0K  „ity,  ’ 

Dear  3irj- 

I  have  your  letter  n-r  m t.  -  , 

„  °f  8th  ^  WW*.  outtvae- 

ai*S  Hoffbuiwh,  N.  Y.  a  as 

!Jr  mc„Z  ’  “*  1,1  **  *»  <**>»  you  taut  I  told 

'2  ta„t  X  «0W  our  Company  ,«  *  „  ,^a 

2  *°  **■  “  “  **“  ^  — »*  -  -  «.o  or  a*... 

zzrir  th° to™ io  ^ ^  . 

m  be  done.  We  have  stock  in  *«  Kowbimffh  Compaq 
“  "  *"  Won^^  InoraaSO  their  plant  a  max.  _  taeytou* 

*  ““  f™  “  ~  and  max.  „on.y.  ' 

Vttiirs  very  truly, 

■  ■  jsfy 

Mob ora.  Dyer  &  Sealy, 
#36  Wall  St.,  No 

Mjpross  ion  is  that  Jaoquoa  did  not  assign  and  is  (going 
to  bleed  ua,  it  seems  strange  that  he  should  have  got  ahead  of 
la  it  not  possible  to  put  in  a  protest,  stating  that  Jaoyues 
got  this  invention  at  my  Laboratory  and  that  he  has  no  right  to 
a  patent*  They  have  discretionary  power  there  and  1  an  solid  -with 
the  Oz&r*  ; 

Yours  very  truly, 

Mackintosh,  Bsq*, 

ttiljc  St»,  BoBton,  Ma&t 

1  to  o cntim  the  following  eacha^a 

ib  to-day: 

*nd-  self  go  on  Monday  night.  Pi*as«  ammg< 
i  Siwi*»y  coming  if  Mr,  Stovona  can  attend 
otiwrwi.**  afternoon.  A.  0.  Ta*o.  » 

"Away  yoat.ardoy,  havo  done  rtothing.  is  Borfffeldt 
on  have?  J,  W*  Mackintosh. * 

Years  tmly, 

Private  So  oratory* 

Oot,  IX,  90, 

S*15*1  l»si£l,  Eeq«,  SJn a  Vioe-Froq  Ident, 

Bftiaqj*  Conors  a  S  1  9  0  *  ?  i  0  e  o,. 

Soigne  ctady,  N,  Y. 

D»ar  Sir:* 

I  t»g  to  ocmttjro  the  following  telephone  nee cagaa  which 

Paawd  hotwocn  yourself  and  Ur,  Edison  to-day 

raOH  MR.  IKSHC&  TO  MR.  EDISON:  Our  railroad  podpjo  tfcink  it  vary 
important  that  you  attend  the  Railroad  Convention  to  lie  hold  at 
Buffalo,  a  tar  ting -Wednesday  morning  next.  In  it  possible  f  or  y.«a 
to  take  the  nix  o*ol.<»k  train  Tuesday  night  for  Buffalo*  remaining 
tliera  Wednesday  and  Thursday  and  be  home  Friday  morning?  AH  our 
opponents  will  be  very  aotive  there.  If  you  can  attend  personally 
our  peopXe  think  that  our  business  will  bo  beneficially  affected 
by  your  visit.  Please  reply  by  telephone  to  Seheneotody, 

HR*  EDISON  TO  MR,  IN3ULL:  Who  is  going  on  the  train  .referred  to 
in  your  message? 

MR*  IHSUli.  TO  HR.  EDISON.*  Tell  Mr.  Edison  that  Kr«  Muir  is  Boia® 
to  Buffalo,  and  1  will  go  along  too  if  Mr.  Edison  will  go..  «y 
previous  me  a  mgs  was  sent  at  Mr.  Muir's  request,  and  lie  is  very 
much  impressed  with  the  import anoo  of  Mr.  Edison  boing  tiara. 

Yours  truly, 

Private  Sfldiss  tir  jw 

.'j  <■<■>  1  m  '  <*’ii  wa« 

liy  d&ar  Master  HoiWnh,- 

Your  latter  of  loth  ultimo  was  duly 
received.  xho  two  records  which  you  mention  as  having 

«*nt  to  Mr,  Edison,  we*,  noyer  *,00iv*d  by  *B,  and  they  must  tevo 
S°n  astray.  Yfo  are  having  a.  funnul  specially  made  for  you,  and 
it  is  ready  «  send  i*  forward  to  y «  at  Berlin.  You 
will  doubtless  bo  able  to  obtain  good  results  with  this  funnel 
yon  receive  it.  We  will  also  send  with  the  funnel  the  so 
blank  cylinders  which  you  request  in  your  letter  under  reply. 

In  rep}y  to  your  question,  I  beg  to  infonn  you  that  the  out- 
ting  -knife,  reproducing  point  and  recording  point  are  all  made  of 

Yours  very  truly, 

'Uaster  -Josef  Hoftoanftr 

Potsdaner  straose  64,  , 
Berlin,  cemiany* 

Oov  13,  .18  9Q, 

B*  Upriaon,  Esq,,  ggorat^ry,  • 

Edison  Unite#  Phonograph  Coptpmv, 

MiUo  building,  Sow  ¥s>»*  City,. 

I  return  herewith  the  applications  for  pat  ants  for 
Victoria  and  Queensland*  which  ware  enclosed  with  your  letter 
of  9th  instant*  duly  executed  by  Mr.  Edison  before  Notary  'Public,., 
the  latter' 8  signature  being  certified  to  by  county  Clerk* 

Yours  very  truly,, 

Privat  e  Secretary, 

Mr.  Edison  has  revived  notice  off.  *  .-special  meeting, 
of  the  Board  of  Directors  of  the  Edison  United  'Phono,  Co,,  to  bo 
laid  at  their  office  in  the  Mills  Bd C„  New  York*  on  7/ednesday 
afternoon,  Oct.  15th,  1890,  at  two  o‘ clock}  the  object  ofthe 
w»etine  ia  to  pass  upon  rights  for  Brasil;  also  affairs  of  Soreign 
®onfai tt ee  and  othsr  matters. 

Yours  truly* 

Sarauol  Insnll,  Esq., 

#16  &  18  Broad  Streot, 

Now  York  City, 

Gen»l,  Daniel  E,  Sickles, 

#23  Fifth  Avenue  , 

Hew  York  City, | 

Dear  Sir:»  - 

Mr,  Edison  received  year  letter  of  yautenlay,  intro¬ 
ducing  your  Secretary,  with  whom  ho  arranged  for  the  visit  of 
the  Count  de  Paris  end  Suite  to  -the  Laboratory  o«  Monday  next, 
20th.  instant,  Mr.  Edison  will  bo  pleased  to  receive  the  Count 
and  will  do  what  he  can  to  make  his  visit  interesting,. 

I  enclose  herewith  a  letter  frww  am  official  of 
m  of  tho  West  Indies,  in  Antigua.  This  is  «  s^le 

of  a.  nombas'  of  letters  that  m  have  boen  receiving  lately  faom 
theco  Islands  in  regard  to  the  treatment  of  fibxm  leaves,  which 
is  an  industry  which  the  Governor,  Sir.  Ambrose  -Shea,  is  enteawr- 
i«ff  to  outuMiah.  Mr.  Edison  has  a  method,  as  you.  Xnow,  for  the 
treatment  of  fibre  leaves.  Can  we  pj-otaot  it  by  patmtf 

Yours  truly, 


Efcfaarti  tf.  p-rar,  hs<j«|. 

■m  wan  st»> 

Smith,  Esq.,  C.  T,  D, 

Nov/  Haven,  Conn, 

Replying  to  yout  letter  of  4th  instant,  I  bog  to  inform 
Ton  that  have  a  new  doll  which  Mr,  Edison  has  recently  perfect 
ted  ani  which  dealers  say  is  entirely  satisfactory  to  the  trade. 

We  are  looking  forward  to  a  vary  large  business  in  this  article. 
The  Edison  Phonograph  Toy  Mfg.  Co.  holds  a  license  to  sell  these 
molls  throughout  the  world. 

Yours  very  truly, 

Oot»  14,  1890, 

Saiwol  Intrallv  Eoq, 

16  *  18,  Broad  Streak, 

1  boe-  to  oonflm  thtf  following  masaaco  telephoned  t<o 

■Sea  Marcus  and  ascertain  if  North  .Maori oan 

cannot  advance  on  aceomnt  tan  or  fifteen 

thousand*.  I  am  very  much  dissatisfied, 

Yours  truly, 

14,  IS.OOt. 

»  Oreone,  AaoH,  to  2nd  Vioc-ftwtiUfrHfc, 

B  ti  i  a  o  n  don1!#  Bloc  t  w  1  * 

#16  &  IQ  Broad  St  root. 

With  reference  to  your  letter  of  iota  inotant  add-reoaod 
tOt  Mr#  Ediuon,  aoking  for  information  in  wgjustf  to  the  designs 
for  the  Alternating  current  Multipolar  Bsiuousea,  !  bqs  to  inform 
you  that  Mr.  Bdiaon,  Mr.  Kennelly  and  Mr,  SKwnjw  wore  working  on 
thio  nwttor  last  night#  and  the  deeign  for  She  machine  was  ule- 
oidod  upon.  Meoara.  Kennelly  and  Phelpa  aro  ,to  ,aee  tiat  the  daaign 
lit  carried  out.  and  sent  to  Schenectady, 

Yours  very  truly, 


Yonva  va«r  tftaly, 

Oet.  15,  ■'1S90* 

I.J31VO  yaw  1st  tor  of  13th  instant,  stating  tfcrt  in 
roaponse  to  verbal  inatreetiona  fwm  Mr.  Edison  you  are  about  to 
allow  ETenoh  Ptftonta  #13-7,124  and  187,185,  relating  to  pyro-wag- 
"***'  oonmthtnr  and  mwa.  to  lapse,  by  not  paying  tho  4th 
annuity,.  a„a;  tkrt  expiration  Will  not  affect  tbs  corrospon- 
dihg  s*  Patents ^  X  have  aubaitted  your  latter  to  Mr.  Xflison 
and.  to-  aayfr  tint,  it  i*s  *ai  right  to  let  the  patents  referred  to 
above  lapse*- 

Vours  very  truly, 

Private  -fVeoret  ary* 

Messrs*  Dyen*  &  Seoly, 

$«M».  Wall  Street, 

Hbw  York.  City, 

Mr.  Edlaon  liaa  road  yom*  Jotter  ®f  astli  inctant,  -in 
******  to  hia  Husaian  patent  on  the  to y  plionognsr*,  a«& 
fto  an;m,  all  ri^ht,  }b  will  ua8i<jn  tlzo  fir  t  ant  jnentionea  tro  the  . 
•Roy  Cowpany. 

Yottro  trvayt 

Private  seiwmvy.. 

S*WW0l  Inar<U ,  Baq,. 

U  *  *8  Sro*ti  St  re  I 

Oct,  15,  1890/1 

Dear  Sir 

Yours  vory  truly ; 

Major  3*  E.  Eaton, 

Hr*  Edison  lias,  road  your  letter  of  13th  instant, 
referring  smonc  otlier  thin&jto  tho  Motor  Suit,  and  aokine  Mr, 
Edison  \rt»t  la  thinks  of  Mr,  H,  L»  Brevoort  as  an  export  to  teott- 
fy  in  th*  suit  mentioned.  In  reply  Mr.  Edison  Bays  that  la  thinks 
Erevoort  is  a  first  olass  roan* 

■  vv  -  -r,i 

1890 iy 

Bdiaon  United  Phonograph  Company, 

Haw  York  City. 

Ho  Bill  of  Baton  and  Lewis.  Mr,  Xnsull  says  that  you 
hive  roferrod  thia  matter  to  mo  for  decision*  I  believe  that  you 
do  not  object  to  tho  amount  of  tho  bill,  but  you  think  it  ought  to 
bo  paid  by  my  aide  of  tho  house.  '  I  always  understood  this  matter 

as  Ur*  Baton  says  in  hia  letter  he  did,  that  hia- services  were 

rendered  to  you  and  that  you  would  pay  for  them.  He  has  not  in- 
■oluded  in- thia  Charge  services  which  his  firm  rendered  to  mydbUf 
or  to  the  Edison  Phonograph  Works.  My  opinion  is  that  you  should 

pay  the  bill,  and  considering  the  vigor  and  value  of  the  services 

rendered,  I  am  sorry  there  has  been  so  much  delay. 

1  enclose  Mr.  Baton's  letter  tone  of  June  19th,  and  Mr* 

insull *k  letter  of  Tune  21st,  together  with  a  copy  of  the  bill. 
Very  trdly  yours,. _ 

Drexel >  Morgan  &  Co, 
M  '«  w  Y  o  v  v  o  i 

'  y°1’  PlaaU°  ^ve  Mr.  Butler,  ffh0  wiu  hand 

*h"  ”°t8’  *  ““  *  «*'  railroad  and  te 

°nCi"C  “  y°”r  l“*»»Mion,  ahcnd„B  ,ho  o(. 

bond  and  t)io  par  value  of  tv,»  ,  _ 

Youra  vary  trulyj 

Or.  Oraeoe  M.  Kanmomi, 

#58  want  45th 'Street, 
Hew  to»*K  city, 



2nd  Vio8-Pra3idont, 

?tM  New  York  City 

YPdra  very  truly 

Private  Sooiretary. 

l>sar  Sir:- 

Mr,  Edison  has  received  your  letter  of  14th  instant, 
°°n’  "  ooram,nioati°n  rcoaivod  *  «»  somra!  o«w.» 

,ran  w  4  “•*.  »«>~»o  ».•«,  o,  „ 

»»3io»tio«  for  fatcni  or  Villim  Kolas,,  Ea„,  «„  r,„ 
fl/D^ion  with  whioh  wore  paid  ly  the  Lerop  Compaiy. 

'**  '*V3y.  Mr.  #diaon  desires  mo  to  say  that  you  had  tetter 

*"•  t»  *"»»  f0M0i„d,  M  tt  ^  U«B 

vaitie,  *Dd  in  Could  n&Ver  ft*  «  fMo  Hr,  Holzer, 

SB»m9l  Imull,  Esq.,  2nd  Vioo-Prealdont, 

#10  &  13  Broad  gt, 

Dear  Sir) 

Miv  Edison  has  instructed 
attached  correspondence  from  Mr,-  J, 

you  the 

C,'  Henderson  and  Mr.  A.  B. 
Kennolly,  in  to  tha  «White-Wilkincton  Recording  Amaeter, 
the  same  having  been  enclosed  with  your  letter  of  14th  instant. 

“r*  “KaiB0'n  SIV3  t,at  t!l0  Company  might  arrange  to  take  thB 
Mete*'  referred  to  on  a  royalty  bcwis  of  15#  on  shop  price,  not 
exel'usivo,  with  the  Vifcht  to  make  or  not  as  please. 

‘/rnjrj  Very  truly 

PHvattf  Sebretaryi 

Oatobflir  1?,  13&0, 

»&Jor  SVB^Batofa, 

jf; ;«  0j  a  .>,  T(  .A  y  r  • 

vttm  V'-atk ,  ■  ...  ' 

Dtan-  Sir:'-. 

I  oivcacute.  iuv«nxr*h.  eoi/jr  or  Agreement  between  the 
!^*h  Aira:ioMv'Fh0yw^Wh  Sbrr  ife;«r5»  H.  Lippincott,  and  .the  Sdiwn 
Phonogr-aih'  1,  •oritti-rt aJe  Autfutt  1st,  188S,  and  boe  to  call 
.  yowf  vo  &i.w  Ai'/rttr  clause  af  the  same,  by  whioh  tte 

TAcrfcs  As-eivon,  the-  exclusive  rieht  to  mnu to*. 
"i.‘i  1iib);rjv»*apn  and  tie-  VnriotfiJ  daviooa  and  apparatus  used  in 
cotuiocticm  tJApowa'th'  and  supplies-  there?  or  in  perpetuity* 

I  ion  ini'onbed  amh  believe  tltet  certain  licenaoa  Companies  are 
Purchasing  fro, -a  mainline  turor's  other  than  tile  Edison ,  Phonograph 
Worker  apparatus- for  use  in'  connection  with  the  phonograph,  to  wit, 
attncjancnta  designed  to-  operat’d  the  machine  automatically  by  the 
insertion'.,  of  a  n’i'cJvol  coin,  and  also  supplies  in  the  foim  of  musi- 
cal  records  *•  , 

J.-d&biro  to  dWtmn‘  fiefa  you  at  your  earliest  oonvoni&hce  your 
opinion  as  to  *%eKsu*  tHo  ’-forth'  Ame  Heart  Phonograph  Company  and 

Octwver  ,t7, 


Oct  ofcer  1-7,  IS.' 

yont  Iffttar  of  16th  instant  in  regard  to  gn  oil 
P0*llWaa>  IV00iv8d  *  *our  Company  for  Mr,.,  Edison  iVo«  Mr.,. A,,  ^ 
Ando^m,  of  Paris »  Jvia  *  out)  t  o  hand  in  the  absence  of  Mr.,  s**|*  , 
M  di4  ym*  1?W,v0us  <*  instant  on  the  sane  sublet., 

Mr*  Edison  is  expected  to  return  to  the  lab  orator/  in  tie  course 
•  of  a  fOW  days,  when  the  matter  will  be  immediately  bronchi  to  fcis 
attention*  in  the  meantime  2  wuld  ask  you  to  be  good  enough  to 
hwe  the  piolune  forwarded  to  Mr.  Edison  at  Orange,  K.  J. 

TSanALag  .voa,  for  the  kind  attention  which  you  have  alretvfjr 
given  t  Ilia,  matt  *r 

i  am,  yoars  very  truly,,  .. 

The  Kv,  3}.  Clafliy,  C.&tp??iy , 

Church  St,,  \T brth  Broadway, 

21  o  v  '2  o  r  k  0  i  t  y. 

PhiVdt  a  SscrS' 

•October  17^  l&'Oty* 

Thomas  B,  Connary,  Baq„ 

Dear  Sirs 

I  smclooe  herewith  for  y  our  in«>«nntion  twaal&xW  •* 
iooivod  W  Mr,.  Edison  -fttOM  J3ew>r  Rubio,  .aeknowJjefciins 
the  phonograph  Which  was  iprasei.t.od  to  him. 




flow  York. 

$$?*?  gin* 

Ifc  Jmo  Qrrived  «K  »dnds  in  parrtct  option  .ttes 
vmn*v>,  *.*«,  you,  »iBhWM  te„  Mon  so  SOOI>  w  amd  t,oue> 

*  "*  *  IOr  -  ♦•■*•  ,b“  1  <w  !•-«.«.  Imrwt* 

to®  «»  «  prociou,  yooollsotion'of  'ita  Illnstvous  .Authoi 

Who  honors  mo  with  his  friendship. 

(Signea;  Romero  Rubio* 

$  &  'f  i-'p  $t  '  Id 90, 

Orange  National  Bank, 
Orange,  N*  J« 

Dear  Sira! 

Please  credit  ny  ao count  with  the  enclosed  check  for 

twenty  dollars. 

YonrB  truly 

3.  flf  Baton, 

#120  Broadway ,  Na>r  J 

Door  sir:- 

to  »  S»  W«-> 


17,  1890 


memory  dum  of  isth  inst. 
Jomittoo  dapidad  to  rafoi 
lto3*\  Pat  onto  to  the 
,  and  in  reply  soys  that 
*o  suits  not  proea-fhaa. 

Prof*  lta»  0,  .Marks, 

"Ediaon  Klocti*io  Ligiit  Oo., 
Philadelphia,  pa, 

Dedr  Sir:- 

Edison- las  instructed  ne  t. 
the  President  and  Direct* 

*3*  d4“ 

thm)t  you  &r  -the 
*8  of  the  Edison  El 
1st  ant,  which  you 

Yours  truly 

Prlvat  o  isodretaty 

Qotober  17,  ISSOi 

gitfuol  im«w,  jjuh*,  2nd  yi<re-}?'rctsiaont, 

BH*or.  8  «  n  ‘  1.  .  1U  e  e  t  t  A  ?  i 
#10  &  IS  Bnwuf  at,;  Hew  f  ork  city 

Mr*  Edison  tee  raadl  your  lotto r  of  15th  inotant,  in 

nearest  to  dmi/inga  for  the  now  small  motors,  and  in  reply  says 

that  the  drawing'  tivBt  pod<>l  won  finished  three  weeks  ago; 

the  model  i3  boinc  made  hero  and  is  already  half  finished;  wbJ: 

completed  it  will  be  fomardetl  to  Schenectady 

Yours  truly . 

PriVStii  Seflfotary. 

Q pfctfws-  17, 

libera*  Ufa 9  ft  Piolce, 

Boa  ton,  Maaa 

Dear  Mrs: 

He  Waloh  vo.  Edipotu  1  oinaoaa  fcwosw&'-fc  ,Aitt:L£aVH 
ctalp:  vstseutad  1®  He.  Raison  fov  mo  in  tfoa  ooafe  asentiom&o  ISfiza 

3AV«f’  wns  sent  to  Mr,  Edison  for  his  signature  ft?  GEessrso  XSutato 

aril  Lewis ,  with  instructions  to  forward  the  emi  t.o  ,y  owusivste* 

Please  acknowledge  its  racoipt,  and  obligo 


October  IE,  189Q. 

W»'tt,  lfaq,v»  Propiflont. 

In  ru.crtrd  to  ,-acf ti'it  ire  the  Laboratory  -accounts,,  Mb, 

QfUgon- yotii  vsould  ltave  aont  y  our  Audit  or  .here .  long 

huger*  this*  fta  I  iia-faunreC  you  in  .nv  previous  letter -on  this 

atrftjdtffr,  ha  io  vsry  ssuzims  .to  have  this  matter  settled  •imnediately 

and-  I  Bffttld  i/a  .mueh  obld^sd  -if  you  would  v/rito  .me  ;)y  return  mail 

■jg’ours  truly 

•Pri-vat e  Secret ary-. 

Messrs.  Baton  &  Lewis, 

Ro  Welch  Case*  With  referenda  to  your  let  tor  ctf 

16th  instant,  I  telephoned  to  your  of  fiee  yesterday  afternoon,  to 
knw  if  Hr,  D* Infreville  and  your  Hr.  Lewis  could  not  cone  out  -to 

tho  Laboratory  this  morning  instead  of  Hr.  Edi,i 

York,  Your  Mr.  Hodgkins,  who  took  the  message,  promised  to  tele¬ 

phone  us  an  answer  t  Ids  morning-,  ■  but  as  yot  wo  have  heard  nothing 

Please  inform  mo  if  it  will  be  con¬ 

venient  for  your  Mr.  Lewie  and  Mr.  D'lnfreville  to  com  out  to 

Orange-  and  see  Mr.  Bdiaon,  who  will  bo  glad  to  njsndar  than  all 

possible  aid  in  the  case  montionod" 

Yours  very  truly, 


Vm  MV  hXvor,  32gq 

No»  19  hey  atyaet . 

2  have  your  totter  <r£  ISfrh  SnpPmy  *1  *#*»&  ' 
ir.v  <&  som  of -our  machinery  at  ■Beoihteli^lto  tp^  teatflU 
Ssefrtellsvilto  Separator  trill  mt  ,wrk  Bi  tiauhome  [oi^  mn  j 

■th.ljs.%-  we 

$w>l  |p?un,  x-y},,  • 

M*  $  }£■  ■ 

fy?v  Y-os*  Pity 

I  r,t«n,  h.MMts^  ewioo  Of  «  fettef,  tow 

*“**•”*  ^  *?  «4 

«W«Mh*  «W  »  oj.  ^  ¥  «uMte0<Mili  ^ 

lft»,  »»  «„  *»n»„  „  ,M  ***„,,  „OJ,M  of 

h‘V8  '*•’««»*  »  »<  ®««=n.  I  dn  wixn  i.St». 

tktw  niton,  a«M  mu,  o.t.,  isso,  Mdiwmi  »  yowMI,  tM 

*“*  ^>>»  *>»«  «ith  jB«r  lettot.  »f  m„  i!lsls„t, 

tlasfitio  vftc  the  latlsi*  in  *ipliodb  e  sonUortja  aWve* 

oofeobt>,>  an, 

t*.  J5*  Gt^pany, 

efc»*.»,r  3,.  » .f(  e,oaiter! 

Suit  yCTt'Jt  <rjiy  , 

•  00(5  w  the  receipt  of  yo®  favor  of 

in3tant’  inr*™^  »»  Unit  tuo  picture*  received  by,  your 
C^pa**  i'Kom'Hr,,  A.,  A*  Andereon  of  Paris,  ftr  waelf>  v/ouW  ^ 
to,  :ua  as,  Qyfcaga  t  o-day . 

^  .herewith  check  to  the  order  of. Mr.  John  Clailin, 

hnndrdd  and  sixty-five  dollars,  in.  payment  of  Mr.  ' 
bin  mm,  and  the  freight  from  Havre,  also  the 
duty  oh.  the  *U«4  4irt«n  Houbo  oxpenses-in  ttl  about  $65- 
xn  aecc^a*.  wUJOrow  letW  of  9th  instant.  Kindly  aoknowlt^ 
ir4ceipf>  vR  dris'cik. 

t  *»6*£  ^.hdhJt  y'mt  faf  ihsf  pWmpfe  attention  which  you  have 

***  H  m  m  tw  which  you  M  taken  ih 

'  ■  ' 

Wrtffr  ter#  truly, 

L*  §  k 

Letterbook,  LB-045 

This  letterbook  covers  the  period  October-December  1890.  Most  of  the 
correspondence  is  by  Edison  and  Alfred  O.  Tate.  Many  of  the  letters  relate 
to  the  manufacture  and  marketing  of  the  phonograph  and  talking  doll. 
Included  are  numerous  letters  pertaining  to  the  business  of  the  Edison 
Phonograph  Toy  Manufacturing  Co.  and  to  Edison’s  unsuccessful  attempt  to 
gain  control  of  that  company.  There  are  also  many  letters  concerning  the 
affairs  of  the  Edison  Phonograph  Works  and  the  Automatic  Phonograph 
Exhibition  Co.  In  addition,  there  are  documents  relating  to  mining  and  ore 
milling,  mimeograph  sales,  electric  lighting,  and  electric  traction  systems. 
Other  letters  deal  with  the  formation  of  the  Edison  Industrial  Works  and  the 
Swedish  Edison  Company.  There  are  a  few  letters  about  Edison’s  family  and 
his  personal  affairs,  including  the  terminal  illness  of  his  brother,  William  Pitt, 
and  his  efforts  to  rent  or  sell  the  laboratory  and  grounds  at  Menlo  Park. 
Beginning  on  page  81  is  a  three-page  list  of  experiments  billed  against  the 
Edison  General  Electric  Co.  for  the  period  Januaiy-September  1890.  The 
front  cover  is  labeled  "Thomas  A.  Edison  General  Letter  Book  Indexed." 
The  book  contains  503  numbered  pages  and  an  index.  Approximately  25 
percent  of  the  book  has  been  filmed. 

Joseph  Wetzler,  Esq*,, 

#150  Broadway, 

Replying  to-  yaxjr  letter  of-  16th  instant,  the  ".Edison 
Industrial  Works u  have  Wen  incorporated,  but  the  organization 
of  the  same  is  not  yet  completed,  The  Edison  Industrial  Works 
will  control  mrtai&a.  factories  which  are  to  be  erected  at  Silver 

Lake,.  New  J;®nsay.» 

October  21,  1890. 

;evens,  Esq,,  President 

Edison  Phonograph  Toy  Manufaotur: 

As  a  majority  of  the  present  Board  of  Directors  of  the 
Edison  Phonograph  Toy  Manufacturing  Company  has  decided  that  the 
wishes  of  the  stockholders  would  not  be  carried  out  by  the  election 
of  the  gentlemen  whose  names  v/ere  submitted  by  ms  to  serve  as 
Trustees  for  the  ensuing  year,  viz:  Messrs.  Stevens,  Mackintosh, 
and  Richmond  in  Boston,  and  myself  and  Messrs.  Borgfeldt,  Istsisil 
and  Tate  in  New  York,  the  opinion  prevailing  that  a  majority  of 
the  Board  should  be  selected  fran  among  the  stockholders  in  Bouton; 
arid  aB  I  am  absolutely  ■unable  to  carry  out  the  plan  submitted  in*- 
formally  to  the  Board  and  viewed  with  so  much  favor  by  .  all  its 
members,  except  by  arranging  representation  in  the  manner' origin-  ■' 
ally  proposed,  I  have  determined,  t-o  bring  the  matter  to  the 
attention  of  tho  stockholders  so.  as  to'  place  upon  thei*  uhduldaMS  ' 
the  responsibility  of  decision* 

the  g^Avest  *Wportano<#t 

quest ion  at  issue 



85  04  *■* only  ha'eovim$^  h  m *** 

SDrap  «*»».*«  aa03W  M  a,h0  ^ 

so  far  Xtfn  -made  to  b9rrow  money  on  asset*  *p  m  mj>B  ^ 

^*s.4vm  lit1k^  or  no  hope  of  success  in  tlpt  di  roqtjuo^  qm 
y%p.  subscribe  at  for  the  unissued  ptopk,  end  jt  .«#$**#* 
sold  for  leas*  >he -assessment  of  the  stockholder?  l^s  -Beyaral 
timep  bee^  mentioned,  bid  that  I  believe  to  be  impracticable,  as 
Q  graat  maqr  of  them 'would  doubtless  bp  unwilling  to  respond} 
therefore  this  plan  would  fail  for  pant  of  unanimity, 



“  “*-»♦«»«  w  *«.  I  simply  lwil  „„„  «.  , 

"‘’ST  Wd*h  *"  thS  ■***  S‘«Wi»lasm  *  tw  comply 

qp»SR»el  weoting. 

Yours  very  truly, 

58  J'-  Barker,  Esq,,*  Actuary, 

She  Perm  Mutual,  life  Insurance  Co 

Philadelphia,  Pa, 

4rr  Edia0n  read  voup  letter  of  nth  instant,  in 
v*ich  you  r«t  him.  to  *ive  you  some  idea  as  to  the  -branches  Pf 
the  electrical  business  in  which' fttal  accidents  are  likely  to 
occur,  and1  to  explain  which  branches  are  perfectly  safe. 

In  reply *  he  has  inst meted  me  to  say  that  high  tension  alter- 
nating  wires  and  high  tension  arc  light  wires,  overhead,  are 
dangerous ,  and  persons  whose  duty  it  is  to  attend  to  such  wires’ 
or  who  are  many  way  liable  to  come  in  contact  with  the  .same,  are. 
certainly  exposed  to  risk.  On  the  other  hand,  low  tension  sys- 
tems-  are  always-  safe,  and  certain  high  tension. system  when,  m  ■ 
even  curren,  13  uaod  and  where  the  wires,  are  buried  and  not  ex- 
posed  to  the  public,  are  attended  with  a  comparatively  small  amount 
of  danger,  . 


mm  h  &  - 

October  21 

J°hh  Clai’liiij 

Church  St,,  worth  St,  &  w,  Broadway, 
Mew  Y ork  City  ♦ 

I  »  mch  ,blW  for  „„  lau„  iaotant 

en«oBint!  you.  *,„*  t0  „  0,ae„  ar  Sa>a5>  auo  r0os.pMji 

f0r  entitled  -u^  aft81.  tJS  „au  . 

veiy  truly 

October  23,  1890, 

Sjujik©!.  Inaull*  EBq.,r 

t^I6  &  lv?'  Sroa&  '.iz.sosrt 

I.  bo'g;  +.o  onatirm  xjpa  ^T-atlA cwi tyj  raospa go  telephoned 
you:  fbora.  this  office  tn-dby  t 



poto,bew  22,  18  §0., 

V?  *?«. ’#ood»<. 

Saltillo,  Mexioi 

Your  letter  of  15th  instant  in  regard  to  Mr.  Edison* 

process  for  the  treatment  of  the  Agave  family  of  plants, 

hand,  and  in  reply  Mr.  Edison  lias  instructed  me  t  o  say  that  his' 

process  inquires  tanks  holding  several  hundred  tons  each  of 

leaflets  ih  V'ndles;  the  action  requires  two  and  a  half  weeks; 

of  fibre  or  material;  tie  tensile  strength 

sr  than  by  ordinary  process.  Mr.  Edison  will 

not  deal  with  stock  oOmpan: 

Private  SOOJ,otary. 

October  23,  J890. 

).jy  dear  Ytold,- 

I  have  given  a  letter  to  iry  A33i3tant,  Mr.  W.  S. 
logue,  asking  you  to  give  him  permission  to  make  a  transcript  of 
your  list  of  stockholders.  I  am  preparing  a  circular  which  we 
intend  submitting  to  them,  but  cannot  have  it  ready  in  time  to 
send  you  a  copy  to-night.  I  expect  to  finish  it  to-morrow,  and 
will  eit'her  take  qr  forward  copies  of  tie  same  to  you  at  Boston. 

We  lave  been  absolutely  unable  to  make  any  arrangement  excepting 
ori  the  original  basis  which  1  proposed,  in  Mr.  Edison’s  name,  wijen 
I  first  went  to  Boston.  I  hope  that  there  will  bo  no  feeling  . 
among  the  present  Directors  other  than  that  a  very  important  ques¬ 
tion  has  arisen  in  deciding  Which  the  responsibility  should  be 
plaped  upon  tic  shoulders  of  the  stockholders.  ■  Mr.  Edison  and 
nry'self  will  appreciate  any  courtesies  which  you  may  extend  to  Mr. 
liOgUfe .  yj 

You ra  very  truly, ■'  / £  t* 

Private  Secretary. 

Daniel  11/eld,  Esq . , ,  Sec ’y. , 

Bdison  Phono.  Toy  Mfg.  Co. 

'  Boston,  Mas 3. 

“  "  fCtSULs  (J#  Mu  ZflMj  (K^> 

\  JfLa_  JaaJ'Vl-  ^f<n^ 

4^.  ■cZ^(Ja. 

/  9^9=:7r/§<^^^^  'i(l(tm  1 
l  .  JMm^  1 

^!?|S:|^?  .  '^°  I 


October  20,  1890, 

•Salmon.  ,Jtyle,  Esq.,  Ventilating  Engineer, 

Opr.  Hamilton  St.  &  N.  J.  R.  R,  Ave.,  Newark,  N.  J. 

With  reference  to  your  letter  of  21st  instant,-  Mr. 

Edison  has  been  t^ing  to  accomplish  the  result  which  you  speak  of 
tor  a  long  time.  He  has  the  same  trouble  from  frictional  elec- 
tri-oity  -oh  the  Phonograph  cylinders.  Ho  first  encountered  the 
difficulty  on  the  paper  Pf  -his  Automatic  Telegraph  System,  and  he 
has  pot- yet  been  able  to  oversows  it. 

Yours  •  truly. 

Pri vat  e  Se'dr.o  tary  i 

Ly/P'-y~.  ^  yfa-dsZs  ^-a^e_- 

tf&zjx  ■JZZ&S'XU-*-- 
0  $£fi?  p- 

i~—  -  *■ 

^  K'Zjat  ^  >to#£/a£,  ^  : 


4^Lfyf^tT^C  k-J^r-  d*L*^n~  -■  <? 

^  5>  ‘TtZef+ZS.  iZ*,-~~ 

Doar  Six*!- 

With  reference  to  your  letter  without  date 
to  our  Mr.  Kennelly,  I  bag  to  inform  you  tint  Mr.  Ediaon  will  be 
Pleased  to  a  bo  you  at  the  toboratmy  m  orange  any  day  that  yo*» 
find  it  convenient  to  Vieit  utoi  there. 

I  telegraphed  you  on  tbs  lath  inotant,  addreasing  you 
Hoffman  House,  How  York,  ttaking  an  appointment  for  Tuesday  after¬ 
noon  last,  but  tbs  despot  oh  was  evidently  not  received  tyynu. 

OttHfria?  IH,  4<i5o, 

s*  Kit  on, 

1  teve  /0"  **»«■«  art  W*  teth  „latton 
to  tow  ».«„  TO  »j,.trte  «,ios  you 

<*<*  m  p*t  i  »<na<i  ttel* «„  b04w  raao  Io_  ^  ■ 

b*t„.n  ^  ^  Itoaon.w.3„ 

^-y.  »»*«,«,*  .tat  „  ,ave  Jtl>t  Bimjn  jif  ^ 

««,  >l.tse  w«»  on  account  of  twin  trt.ehe,,,  z  lJO  m%  ^ 
it  ««M  bo  toalnaw,  -.,  enter  into  enet wW«a  thee,.  J* 
it  *>W»  to  wsotsjte  peons  w|llblt  ^  raJ5h- 


October  84#.  JjSflO, 

Major  S«- a*  Raton, 

#120  Broadway ,  Hew  York  city 

Vour  memorandum  in  regard  to  Railway  Truck  Patents 
io  at  hand.  I  want  Mr.  Vanaizo  to  look  over  the  truck  designed 
by  Plains,  'Hondbraon’ a  chief  draughtsman.  As  wo  are  about  to 
buildit,  I  want  it  compared  with  the  patents  Is  has  been  looking 
over,  to  *%ot>  that  «o  are  reasonably  sure  of  froedom  -f  ram  any  in- 

•Yours  very  truly 

October  24,  IS 30, 

gomuel  Inaull, 

#16  &  18  Broad  Strco 

Now  York  City. 

Dear  Sir: - 

On  tlia  14th  of  August,  1390,  Mr.  Edison  gave  his  check 
ft»r  43,500  to  tha  Automatic  Phonograph  Exhibition  Company.  As  I 
understand  this  transaction,  tho  payment  was  a  loan*  Should?  wo 
hot  "have  soma .’acknowledgement  of  tho  debt  from  tho  Automatic 


In  hegard  to  chock  of  7th  July,  1890,  for  §3,000,  and  check 
of  July  16th,  3390,  for  43,207.74,  the  information  given  in  Mr. 
Btttler' 3  letter  of  September  2nd  to  Mr.  Randolph,  to  the  effect 
tint  this  money  .was  Used  for  the  -Phonograph  Syndicate,"  is  vary 
Mr.  Edison  las  frequently  complained  ahdut  ouh  not 
having  foil  infbnaation  bn  bur  bboke  in  connection  vA  th  payments 
at  this  character,  and  you  will  oblige  too  by  giVirfe  the  details  of 
fc^hn’Aotibn.  So  that  a  full  entry  ban  bo  mads  Wn  our  *>- 




October  24,  18 90. 

3?(ijeoft  Pho'nogvjsiJh  Worku, 

Mr.  Henry  0.  Waro, 

Oral-ice,  N.  j, 

I  bee  to  confirm  the  following  message  which 
transmitted  to  you  this  afternoon  by  telephone 

''■PTeauo  -ship  nothing  for  account  Toy  Phonograph 
Company  until  further  notice." 

Yours  very  truly, 

October  24,  IB  90, 

S,  .JPerry,-  Esq.,  Secretary 

The  Edison  Or?  Milling  Co.,  Limited, 
#lfi  Broad  St.,  New  York.  City.. 

acknowledge  the  reooipt  from  you  of  Stock 

Certificate  Jio.  113V  of  the  Edison  Ore  Milling  Co.,  Limited,  for 

beins  sent 

part  payment  on  account  of  ny  bill  against  your  Company, 

As  stated  in  your  letter, 

ibove  certificate  computed  at 

twenty  dollars  per  share,  represents  a  total  valuo  of  twenty- 
five  tliouBarid  dollars  ($25,000). 

Yours  veiy  truly, 

October  25 . .  j.8$ 

Dear  Mr#  Tate, 

York  at  two  o'clock 

this  afterncoj 

"Have  seen  Borgfeldt,  who  ax-  s  t) 
change  in  state  o:f  affairs;  Kxo< 
called  on  him  yes  teruay  and 
upon  four  Now  York  -  ,  ar 

he  did  not,  but  what.  .0  die  r>s.j 
if  lie  we re  elected  to  the  Board 
be  hold  in  New  York;  .that  it  vrat 
whether  he  was  elected  or  not." 

The  above  despatch  embodi 

with  Mr,  Borgfeidt.  The  Execut; 

Phonograph  Company  called  dpon  him 

to  their  questions  hf  informed  them  that  he  had 

ticular  desire  to  be  on  the  Board,  and  that  he  Nfould  not  acci 

a  poaitidn  on. the  same  unless  their  meetings  wo he  h^ld  in  New 
York  City,  for  the  reason  that  it  would  be  impradticablB  fdr1  Wivi 
to  be  present  at  theih  d  W  iboh&tiOna  v/ohe  theY  to  meet;  in 
I  asked  Mr.  Bohgfsldt  if  tVw  Cotn&itieo'a  visit  to  hiW  IM  (h 
waY  charts ed  wto  jjwat-us  of  tttoAkj  and  to  replied  <SWV, 

October  gij,  ISilp, 

X  told  him  that  X  proposed  telegraphing  y< 

Stated  that  such  a  telegram  would  reflect- practi^ 
occurred  at  the  copsrultfttidn  between  himself  and 


Nothing  of  importance  has  come  up  at  the  Laboratory 

your  departure. 

A.  0.  Tate,  Esq. 


Esq.,  Gen'l.  Manager, 

Schenectady , 

This  letter  will  be  handed  to 


who  is  employed  in  the  Chemical  Department  of  the 
vflio  win  show  your  men  the  proper  method  of  oxidi: 

:.ab  orat  i 

.11  remaii 



mf  fic; 


Yours  very 


H»  BS* 

I  <#  wh  *o 

Vfr  lSjnM  fork  p#>p4r%y  &** 

■  /  &*  J  bep  w  totem  yw  i\0  k  *LV.  «»t  *ho  Wrotory 

L^&bctnuvtr  prowfl*  *  U«^  .ty*  ^  m  rum  of  qW  thousand 
P*6*^  £^Wa)  w^W.  W  ^Wv  MW  ftMT  ton  thousand 

ra“^  ***  *w,a  ^^  ^v^ntr-gi*  ^hotiswd  dol3a«, 
|nt4  incriudU«  fi*tw*0*  oanio  of  v^h  *»*  ®tiU  there* 

I  have  Rtiptfor  lanfr  block  of  land,  ton  or  twenty  acray— 3 
S\>rfiot  ^lioJwflf-tnotftd  near  the  Laboratory  at  o,  for  whittfc  3 
pM^w,  thousand  dollars  cash;  I  will  sell  tm*  for  three  thou- 
fi'mfXj  tixi>  hundred  dvlUi*  {§3,500  J, 


S«.  J>'«  GreoMO,  Bug 

BOisau.  i?.ar*?nl  Xaocttric  Company',  He#  York  fjity 

of  84th  instant,  with  relatioa 

to  this  teaifya  for  tlw  anait  raultipolar  Motors,  Mr.  Edison  ban 
iflat:»nc<:etf. to  say/  Mat  the  l/ 8  horac  power  motel  io  marly 

ahd  that  all  tho  other  siaes  wilk  w 

tnjaploted  at  tto  laborati 

mate  fmtt  this  aWaloli 

Your  a  vory  truly. 

Private  tbJ'Y^ 

October  27, 

Connery,  Esq, 

'mth  reference,  to  your  note  of  18th  instant,  in  regard 
to  the  removal  and  prevention  of  steel  rust  on  war  ships,  1  have 
SPohcn  to' lir.  Edison  upon  this  subjoct  and  he  tells'  na  that  nickel 
-oteel  till  rust. 

Yours  very  tiuly 

PMVato  Secretary, 


iXaotric  fcight  Company 

Minn  i 

Dear  Sira; 

This  will  introduce  to  you  Mr*.  Pierre  Richemond, 

He  would  like  to  sea. 

aon  o£  tin  great  French  engine  builder. 

y 9ur  C  antral  Stat i on i 

Letters  similar  to  the  above- were  addressed  by  Mr. 
PrOf.  Marks,  Phila.,  C.  L»  Edgar,  Boston,  Jno*  I, 
and  S«  Electric  Lighting  Coi,  Washington,  D.  C. 

.  Edison  to 
Beggs ,  Ohicagi 

Oct ob oi'  28,  IS  90. 

This  lettor  will  be  handed,  to  you  by  Mr.  Pierre 
Riohemond,  of  Paris,  so*  of  the  great  Erench  engine  builder.  Hr. 
Richanond  is  desirous  of  seeing  out*  Central : Stat  ions,  ®jd"  X  would 
ask  you  to  be  kind  enough  to  give  him  letters  of  introduction  to 
your  various  District  Managers.'  I  have  already  given  him  letters 
to  Messrs.  Krousi,  Marks,  Beggs  and  J3dgar;  .also  to  the  U..  S'. 
Electric  Lighting  Co.,  Washington,  D.  C„  and  to  the  light  company 
ill. St'.  Paul. 


Samuel ' Insnll ,  Esq . ,  2nd  Vic  e-Pre s ' t , 

Edison  Oen '1,  Electric  Co.,  New  York. 

October  28,  1890. 

Edison  General  Electr 

This  will  introduce  to  ycu  Mr.  Pierre  Richemond, 

of  the  groat  French  engine  Builder.  He  would  like  to  see  V<W> 

Your 3  very  truly 

October  28,  1S90', 

Sopiuel  Instill,  Esq.,  2nd  Vice-President, 

18  Broad  St.,  No vr  York, 

Deai?  *Si^: 

I  enclose  herewith  explanation  of  experiments  conducted 

at  tl;e  laboratory  from  Jan.  l3t  1390  to  Septanbar  1st,  1890  for 

the  Edison  General  Electric  Company,  bills  for  which  have  bet 

Youre  truly  j 

Private  Secretary , 

SXf SSrf ?SS',L*!I15SoAtf f’ rois™  '«■««*“ 

’  -Uiuy  is.,  j.890  to  September'  1st,  1390. 

Exp  orient  Mo,  415,  Bate  ho  lor  Special 

*  l  tof'JZ0**3*  for  Pw-iiyine 'Syrian  Asphalt  . 

n  426  Mew  .Furnace  ior  C.  A.  Brown-  \ 

*■  422,  Carbon  Experiment 

aKperimonta  above  mentioned  are  for  the  Lamp 
Manufacturing  Department .  * 

Experiment  No,  438,  Feeder  Patent  Exp. 

wL18  Porfoiued-  in  comoction  with  Local 

Peetior  Patent  litigation,  for  Mr,  Jencka,  G  . 

Experiirant  Ho.- 379^  Determination  of  Conductors;, 

ciSra8tr°mi”“i‘“,‘' Edison  ®““~  »  «» 

Experiment  Ho.  400,  Soot  Exp. 

This  was  an  experiment  to  ascertain  whether  the  ejection  of 
soot  irora  a  smoky  chimney  could  be  reduced,  with  particular 
reference  to  the  39th  St.  Station,  ar 

Experiment  Ho.  303,  Resistance  of  Wire 
To  de  tormina  the  rasistanoe  of  v/i: 

Experiment  No.  126,  Vulcanite  Solvent.  • 

Experiment,  No.  151  Wrought  Iron. 

Experiment  No.  28,  STORAGE  BATTERS' • 

Experiment  Ho.  367,  Insulation  test  on  Gutta  Percha,  for  NEW  YORK 

Experiment  No.  355,  Insulation  test  for  Mr.  Insull;  New  York  ' 
Works,  ... 

Experiment  No.  167,  Meter  Exp.,  self  explanatory. 

Experiment  No.  194,  Physiological;  experiment's  conducted  in  con¬ 
nection  with  death  by  electricity, 

Experiment  Ho.  428,  Model  Motor  Meter;  This  was  work  performed  in 
connection  with  tho  construction  of  a  meter 
for  litigation  purposos.  The  metar  will  also 
be  employed  coninorcially  by  tho  Edison  Gen' IV 
Company .  Model  furnished.  1  / 

w..  i  >*'  <"  %■.-*  ■  _  M 

Experiment  No.  435,  Test  on  Trolley  Wire;  work  dona  in  determining 
tha  strength  and. conductivity  of  trolley  wire 
for  Edison  Gpn’  1.  Elec.  Co.  Reports  furnished 
to  Con ' 1 .  Co. 

Experiment  No.  419,  Testing  Lightning  Arresters;  soli'  explanatory , 

Experiment  No.  417,  Model  Transformer,  anil  T00I3;  Transformer  has 
boon  remodeled  and  finished,  and  'is  now  on 

•'  test.  '  \  ■  ' 

Experiment  No,  411,  Lighting  Lamps  with  Intorroif tent  current; 
Experiment  for  Mr.  Edison. 

Experiment  No,  394,  standard  Copper  Resistance;  This  waB  work  done 
for  Hew  York  Works;  standard  resistance  mado 
and  furnished  to  Works, 

Experiment  No.  392,  Winding  bobbins  for  Siemens  Alternating  Ma¬ 
chine;  for  Edison  Gen'l.  Bloc,  Co,  alternating 
our vent  writ. 

Expo rinant  No.  403,  standard  Clark  Colls;  furnished  Standards  to 
New  York  Works. 

Experinent  No.  400,  Permeability  of  Cast  Iron  and  Mitis;  work  done 
for  Schonoctady  Works  and  curves  and  data 

Experiment  No,  376,  Alternating  and  'Straight  current  machine,  in 
connection  with-. alternating  current  work. 

Experiment  No.  378,  Alternating  Transformer,  West ingiouoe  Pattern; 

work  done,  in  testing  and  improving  upon  Westing 
house  Transformer. 

Experiment  No*  388,  Dynamometer  t  o  test  No.  20  Dynamo;  work  done 
,  to  test  comnerSial  efficiency  of  No,  20  dynamo. 

"Experiment  No.  145,  Transformer;  •  Experiments  made  bn  continuous 

current  transformer  of  2  different  types*  Ma¬ 
chines  made,  but  actual  designs  altered* 

Experiment  Ho.  369,  Hew  Style  Lamp  Socket;  made  at  suggestion  of 
Mr.  Insttll;  model  furnished  to  Hew  York  Wks, 
with  explanation  and  sketches* 

Experiment  No.  401,  Test  bn  How  meter  made  in  connection  with 
Bxparimont  No.  167, 

Exp srimant  No.  356,  insulation  test  on  Bonsilate;  testa  made 

Bergmann  &  Co.  on  their  order;  reports  fur-  " 
nisliod.  ’  ,l 

Experiment  No.  353,  Multiple  Wire  System;  Experiments  made  to 

'  render  mult ipia  wire  systems  effective. 

Bxpei-ir^nt  No.  260,  Seals  for  Determining  location  of  Potior  Mains 
this  was  an  apparatxis  %at  haa  boon  ua  6ft  o var 
^inoo  its  completion  in 'determining  conductors 
for  Control  Stations,  It  will. continue  to  bq 
exceedingly  useful  in  that  rospoOt. 

Experiment  No.  363,  Alteration  on  Spray  we  Motori  Style  G.  This  is 
part  of  Mr.  Edison* s*  car  schema,  arid  also 
.part  of  gon oral  dynamo  o  onalimcjfion. 

Experiment  *0.  ,247,  Mains;  experiments  connected  with  under¬ 
ground  ay at  on. 

Experiment  Ho.  434,  Repairing  Instruments  for  Mirnaap oils  Exhibit. 


m,iit  reterpnee  to  your  ipttdr  of  SflUi  instant  tid- 
ICO  Mi**  Kdiaou,  in  rceard  to  his  old  a^LAeat Hu* 449, 
^l.4d  Jtmo  2&*  1 tiHSty,  which  tea  'peon  put  in  intepfe«*ei^^,  f.4,^  a 
WW  et  K»«fcHaiHanf  #33?, {530,  Aueust  2,  1837,  appli^t&on  fay 
'way  i'ilski  3Istt  Juno,  1333,  Mr*  .Edison  any  a  that  he.  cannot 
jp:  back  of  tho  dater  of  i‘i tine  this  upplioatim  tooPo  them  About 
waoH#  her  <tb«)3  noflf  th.i\ih*  ho  even  i-aducod  it  to  practice* 


Private  Socvtoiary 

Ofctetrfli?  31,  185)0, 

Dear  MaUi 

ITotiha  t  ruly , 

Sri Vat  a-  Secr  etary * 

>  «hvt;ai’e'tb.J-1,iiwoii, 

\Mr.  Edison  soya  in  reply  to  your  letter  oV  28th 
inatdnt  that  theVmw  to  v/hom  you  refer  can  occupy  the  room  over 
the  dfi'jco  xMUl  notified  to  the  contrary.  Mr.  Edison  expects  to 
-ifoll  tii6  fYtfetot#  pretty  soon. 

Insull,  Jtsq,,  gnd  Vie 

•eoaidont . 

Wnr  York  City 

W\«h  refaroiifc?,  te  :/oui'  i*4t  of  ol‘  3l3t  ultimo}  in  ratjan 
to  Ad.ta?fto*inB  3)ummo  oaa  converter,  Miaon  toa  inntjructed  aa 
“to  infMte  ym  iha.t  tho  IsotBiadto  data*  #*,*■  the#  J\^tomai  itjg  Dynamo  v; 

ftimiaW  t-e  Hr.  j}^4e**aj»  t^roo  **»!$  «0o.  **4.  J5<t&<m  mde»C 

atafida  tkii  the-  go  aural  drawing  hfta  heart  fittifiUdd  and  oJily  .waits 
tte  arprovai  of  tU*.  m«den*40n,  when  the  detaild  &w  to 
ft  I’ow  daya^  If  y^n  widl  hato  t)»  ptotu  mU 
ttpnPVal,  tW  Ct&l  ho  aonspi9t.dd 

ranged  i« 
bane  fdi*  final 

#  lit#  h&xt  'ntsoh 

dm*  ,#  i'»  ^M}*  /*>*  4ULbH&  M\iu  for 

»ieh?.T«»;  it  be  itemfaWt^d  m>\\  0  v4«fa‘\ 

ttfii  'V*4 

a  aw  it?  to  rosian  from  nwmbar^ip  in  «»  0RAHG1 
*  raaoon  that  W  time  ia  a0  M<ib.  oocupi,*  it  * 

»  for  «•  to  avail  mjraolf  of  the  privilege,  exteretpd 
I  Viah  ay  i»aiBnation  to  take  effect  at  pnea* 

Vottra  vary  troly, 


Yotirs  vary  truly, 

I  Joniw  t <y  yoaign  from  mgmfcarahip  in  tho  i@»  jrtow; 
AJCHHSTM*  CIWB,  for  trbs.  wawm  that  ny  tine  iB 

it  is-  imrtnaotieahltf  foi  iv  to  avail  my.elf  of  the  priviUuwa 
oxtunaed  to  namhora.  3  Ash  *v  r«a lunation  to  tatee 

New  XorJc'  Athletic,  <pjoiiy 

#104  Woat  Jx'uftert,' 

Btov  Toa3t  Qity  * 

November  3,  1890V 

Edwin  M»  Fox,  Esq,, 

The  Junior  Travellers  Club, 

#S  St,  James''  Square,  London,  S.  W, 

Pfliwal*  S8wsAjarf« 

W  dear  Sir:- 

Xour  letter  of  2nd  ultimo  was  duly  received  by  Mr* 
Edison,  and  the  natter  of  presenting  a  phonograph  to  the  King  of 
Sreecp  was  referred  to  the  Edison  United  Phonograph  Company, 
tfiXla  BUildiug,  New  York  City ,  Mr,  Edison  would  be  very  pleased 
tb-  make  the  presentation  suggested  ware  he  at  libe  rty  to  do  so* 
3J»  phonograph.  in  Europe,  however,  is  controlled  by  the  United 
Company  and  Mr,  Edison's  relations ,  with  it  do  not  permit  hitt  ti 
make  presetftat iojis  of  this  character  direct. 

Yours  very  truly,. 

Edison  Phonograph  Works, 

New  tfersOy 

Mr.  Henry  C.  Ware, 

Mr.  Inanll  has  addressed  a  letter  to  Mr.  Edison  in 

regard  to  sending  a  phonograph  to  Mr.  Villard's  daughter,  who  is 

present  in  Baden-Baden,  'Germany,  and  I  believe  he  has  alsc 

written  the  Phonograph  Works  on  the  same  subject..  In  the  lettej 

r&fbrrbd  to  Mr.  Instill  asks  Mr.  Edison  to  instruct  the  Phono. 

^x^ctly  vtiat  to  send  to  Miss  Villard,.  Will  you  please 

Edison  in  regard  to  this,  matter  and  he  will  give  you  verbal 

struct  ions  concerning  the 

Yours  very  truljr 

Private  Secretary^. 

KoVSmbeJ*'  6,  1890, 

Years  very  truly,, 

@dJ.i?on  Phonograph  Toy  Mamifaotvu* ing  Co,, 
#95  Milk  Street,  Boston,  Masa, 

Dear  Sir}-  '  ■  .  .  '  . 

I  beg  to  acknowledge  the  receipt  of  your  letter  of -Slat 
ultimo,  advising  me  that  at  the  annual  moe t ing  of  your  Company , 
hold  at  Portland,  Maine,  on  October  30th,  1890,  1  wa£  duly, elected 
a  Director* 

In  reply  1  beg  to  say  that  I  cannot  accept  this  position* 

November  6,  1890. 


Yours  veiy  truly. 

Pjwf.  Vta.  D.  Marks, 

The  Edison  Electric  Light  Company, 
Philadelphia,  Pa. 

1  have  your  letter  of  4th  instant  in  regard  to  my 
Photograph,  in  which  you  state  "It  always  worries  n»  to  see  that 
the  zipc  of  the  battery  is  pulled  up  and  consequently  there  can  be 
•*  assume  the  error  was  made  in  exactly  the  same  way  as 
jv)u  have  erred  in  the  above  statement— that  is,  through  inadver- 

November  6,  I89p'« 

#16  &  18  Broad  Street, 

New  York  City 

Here  is  a  copy  of  a  letter  under  date  31st  Octobe: 

1890,  reoeived  by  Mr*  Edison  from  Philip  S,  Dyer  in  regard  to  a 

Company  -which  is  being  fonned  by  Mr,  Woekatz,  Mr,.  Wockatz,  who 

is  endorsed  by  Dyer,  seems  to  be  con&ervat 

ibr  a  reasonable  sumi— $50, 000-~and  Mr,  Edison  has  no  objection, 

so  -far  as  he  is  personally  concerned,  to  granting  the  request  to 

etfLl  -the  proposed  Company  "The  Swedish  Edison  Company,  «  I  do  •not 

think  "that  this  trill  o  onf Hot  with  any  existing  contracts,  but  i 
'Aft ^Looking  t  he  matter' up ,  With  reference  to  subscribing  to  the. 

stock  of  Wookatz* s  Company,  Mr,,  Edison  does  not  care-  to  do  this 

himself,  but  has  thought  that  the  General  Company  might  perhaps 
%efe ire  to  become  interested  in  view  of  possible  orders  for  goods 
irijih  ithat  source*  ■■ 

Y0'cn*S  vefjr  tifrisjjr* 

Bhivtvte  ,  Se  ere  tary . 

cop  Y. 




who  has  boon  my  agont  in  Sweden  for  the 
10  mafl9  a  S22eaa  of  the  Edison  businose 
f  th°  S00d  ^terial  your  company  have 
now  concluded  to  put  his  business  into 


there , 

turned’  out  in  the 

He  asks  mo  to  writi 
the  swodish  Edison  Co.  ( 

Y/ill  you  kindly  permit  him  t( 
Ho  is  a  regular  Edison  man,  t 
and  has  dono  some  good  work. 

to  you  asking  for  the  right  to 

buys  and  installs  only  our  goods, 

well  cstabli shed  ‘  business 

The  capital  will  bo  about  §50;000, 

burg.  /  .  1 

taken  in  Oothen- 

Ito  wanks  you  and  Mr.  Upton  in  the  CO, 
both  .subscribe  about  §3000  oaeh, 

1  have  written.  Mr.  Up- 
talk  ov^r  the  matter  with  j 

and  would  like  to  have 

smaller  amount  if  you  win. 
on  this  feubject,  and  expoot  he  will 

Mr.  Wockatz 


■'kindos  t  regards 

•cdy,  ( Signed  J  PHILIP 

Y/ockath  has '  also  the  .agency  A,y  tile  Phonograph  and  Phono 

November  6,  3390, 

This  do  to  certify  that  Mr.  EVERETT  W.  FRAZAR  has  beei 

employed  in  ray  Laboratory  and  has  given  entire  satisfaction 
in  the  -work  which  he  has  performed.  . 

November  7, 

A*  A.  Anderaon, 

i£59  Avenue  da  Saxe, 


Mr.  Mdie.n  ha,  asked  me  t  o  ths  Moslpt 

yevr  totter  «nd.r  date  22„d  September  tost,  .hi«  u.", 

4,0  »»«•»*  «  "OH.  Veer  picture  «,  ..prnina 
has  alao  ta,  received  t,  Mr.  Edieon.  ft  arrive  in  e„„d  crUi 
end  no.  oooupie.  a  prominent  place  in  Mr.  Edison',  reeidcnc.,  * 
It  is  much  admired  by  evexyone  nho  sees  it. 

Mr.  Udiaon  remitted  a  cheek  for  the  amount  of  yottr  bill  > 
•Mr.  Claflin,  and  no  doubt  you  have  heard  f«m  tie  latter  m  rege 
to  it  ere  this. 


Mr*  Edison  tec  road  yow  letter  of  <n*i  mi 

mean*  to  «»  oa*  of  vr*zQh  vewua  MiaPtw  aid  W.wp  ljt  ^ 
lot  t»  pay  noro  than  *«>rQJ»,  tho  *Mn*  etatetf.  to  7^r  Mt«i 
Mr.  £di«on  tea  also  woeivbd  your  not®  of  ««  data  as-tcS 
in  t»epd  toli*pm  on  Bitet  notating,  and  ha  appro**,  ofyw 
pataiiins  3Vr»15rovodit  in  tho  matter. 

Yours  voiy  tr-u3y. 

W  Miller, 



JD0»r  Mr*  Sdi'afim^.- 

I  6tt.cloa*  htfwfith  aopiijs  of  lottarg  frppj  JJp, 
Cl^dboume  and-  thomas  R«  Jointerdi  t}»t  waro  received  In  to-day 
iail^  oojvfcaiifl  of  which.  nor  a  t.ele  idion&d  to  you  at  Sohoneotady 
this  raominc* 

V Aura  very-  truly* 

Vf$Mnj  i$w 


>•*.»  «th  *,  liMli 

ma,b  “  41  »*.  *■-**»-  tte 

,«w  » *u  tlon  fIi  ?WotisaUj,  to  Ms  in 

”**  **  »•*-«*«  *  develop 
ff'Wi&tftffl  that  r/ny  jakaast. 

Y<W^»  vary  trujy, 

**»*&&#.  lOUBARO, 
Vice  Pre 
Th4  Horth  American  phon 

f Signed) 

»»»?  Bfciy  hayi}  boon  thai*  ■  ^  acoou»t  at  this  w  , 

•  theJf0  *•«».  Who  can  t0U?  t  rk 

£££;r  «  ■  *srA  - 

•t«ns  about  «out  *«  ,  • 

>««  MawwJar  •  ™»  »<M«|  *«,  ^  anamio^ 

d>  R.  c  it  idk.i,  > 

November  12,  1890* 

A,  B'»  Dick  Company, 

#162  -  154  lake  Street, 

Chicago,  Ills, 

Dear  Sirs:- 

In  looking  over  your  remittances  on  acoount  of  Royalty, 
X  find  tint  I  lave  reoeived  from  you  the  following  sums: 

Quarter  ending  October  1,  1887---— - $551. 13 

*  •  January  1,  1883— - —  597,20 

"  tt  April  1,  1888^ — ■■ -  903,03 

"  "  July  1,  1888—*. — - - —  6W-49£ 

"  "  October  1,  1888— , _  495*86 

■  "  January  1,  1889 - —  l&r+SO 

*  "  April  1,  1889 - , -  518*24 

*  "  July  1,  1889-, - - -  5Q7*36 

0  *  October  1,  1389— -  540*97 

"  .•  January  1,  1890- - —  638*71 

"  “  April  1,  1890— - ■*-,*-*-  MfajM 

"  "  July  1,  1890- - 0 

»  "  October  1,  1S90 - 562,53 

Por  the  first  six  months  of  the  p6ar  1837  tie  Royalty  paid 
tte  amounted  tO  $1148.33;  ibr  tile  ya&r  1838  $2690*33*  and  fbr  $3b 
Pear  1889  $2205*2? ;  and  for  the  firs'fe  three  quarters  of,  the  yesf  . 
4899  li  M4b  amounted  to  $1904^62v  if  the  Royalty  foi*  gtaftaer 
TC?f  year  just  nqw  drawiilft  -to  a  close  is  p&WttHtf&ate 

^W<^liji#  ]p,aid  for  the  preo^t^ 

quhrters  of  0  /e«ry  . 

A.  B.  BicJt  C( 

Yours  very  truly 

«■*  -V  Y*r 


S  «  3"e  t  a  ?  ji  , 

TJae  'Sktiaon  Kloetrio  liitiminat ing  Company, 
Mount  Camel,  Pa. 

On  the  6th  of  October  last  I  sent  to  you  by  res/latered 

a  certificate  •tip.  1, 

rry  name. 

Stoch  or  ybur  Company ,  fdp  the  purpose  of  having  three  sharps  o,f’ 

transferred  to  Mr.  P, 

Cert ificate 


I  have  not  yet  received  from  you 

an/  acknowledgement  of  the  communication  referred.  to*  end  I 

not  'uwfbrstjsnd  why  there  should  be  3uch,  A  dO Isay  inhavirv;  th 

Upon  res  eipt  of  this  letter*  will  y  ou  vary  kin&y 

.the  matter  ytfds*  attention  #ul  iurv/ard  the  two  certificates 

to  me 'at  -Qr^heo,  very  mnbh  obliging 

Yours  truiy 

*?♦  AteEma, 

Ensign qq 
3?  h  a  p  ),  c 

4Nf  fcaib&rt 



November  15,  1890, 

V*  11.  McRae,  J5sq. 

will  take  the  half  page  on  inside  oover  next  to  reading  matter, 
referred  to  in.  your  letter  now  under  reply,  j  wiU  try  and  SQnd 
you  some  special  matter  to  fill  this  space  before  you  go  to  press, 
but  should  you  fail  to  receive  it,  you  can  copy  pur  advertisement’ 
which  is  at  present  running  in  the  “Electrical  World," 

Yours  very  truly. 

Private  Secretary, 

Nflvcmbop  17 

>  1  thiiMc*  giitf  the 
3  otitalbctue  of 
of  «a6h,  aVu*  «JSb 

J*  E3(Jr> 

'  0  0  *  .,  Russia, 

Edioort  Phonograph  Works, 
Orange,  N,  Jk 

Eear  Sirs:- 

Youra  trtdy, 

Private  Secretary, 

Orango,  h.  j,  November  17, 

Kdison  Phono  Graph  Toy  Mfc.  00, 
#95'  m  i  l  k  s 

to  ,ho  vdrtoug  roport.  ,hla>  ^  ^ 

•  "  Wi“  y0Ur  °''4or  ftr  »hp  mopufaswo  of  epoukiu,; 

“*  1*“*  be‘"“  ‘  Prorooeo  fro„  «. 

°f  *te  *«■  »y  ropr.„„WUvo, 

T”m-  “  °w  °r  ”M°h  ~ f™ « «. » ««.  oo  Bl.; 

to  too.  0,  0000  oho,  ootioo  you  propogo  taMug  ,„o  .aUor  0f  . 

Maauf.oturo  *ag  auopondad  ourly  in  Hoy  ,lnoo  ,hl„ 

*1”°  "  h”°  “itM  pMl8"‘ly  *>'  ™  ooouir.  on 
•hot  «„uld  u.oio,  you  to  o  thoroughly  iutouigea, 
tho  ouhjoot,  0„,  boyond  fo-urdiug  «,  oopioo  of  .  ,..p„r,„  „hich  „„ 
hovo  hod  fro.  you,  .•opr,„o«.,1,„I1  „  tUl0„  „  ^  ^ 

uo,  pormlt  ,hl..»a«„r  ro„.to  -looser  Ip  o  ototo  of  „gpe„,o  uud 

thorofor  that  you  „lth  „  gofioit.iy  by  roturu 


Yours  very  truly, 

(Bignefl)  THOS.  A.  KDJSON 


Kowtaba*.  IS,  IS  90, 

Doev?  Siri,-  " 

a»?ayT.r-K  to  J'CUT  letter  of  recent  fl^te,  I  ^  to  my 
that  I  do  not  heliov*  in  the  accumulator  ayatem  for  railway  XOrfc, 
In  regard  to  yow  rkormco  to  the  Woatinshouno  mtlwl,*  *o*- 
ducti^  the  curv-ant  by  a  oonWraU.  I  bsC  to  iafom^  ^ 
thia  system  was  Patented  by  mo  a  number  of  yearn  a^o, 

I  hayv  boW  vrorki»e.  for  some  time  with  the  object  of -per- 
f0Ct“&  *  *"*  *****  which  render  overhead  -wires  uavecese,'^ 
itt.  ^oh  it  ia  necessary  to  overcome  a  ^ea't  -W 

dtffioaities  „ 

Yours  very  truly. 

(*riiit-4ym  HavoataAt,  Esq,, 

Park  Avont*  Hotel,  Kaw  Yor*  City* 


November  18,  1390, 

B«  Ward  Leonard, 
iiight  &  Power 

Esq.,  Gen' 1.  ManaG«*V 
Dep't,,  Edison  Gon'l.  Electric  c< 
Now  Ybiic  City. 

With  reference  to  your  letter  of  i8th  instant,  Mr. 
Bays  that  you  bad  tetter  postpone  the  issue*  of  your  #5  c 

jue,  entitled  "I’aots  about  Electric  .stationary  Motors,"  ^ 
decided  to  make  some  chances  ih  the  small  typo  of  motor 

Yours  veiy  truly 

Private  'Secretary, 

November  19,  1890* 

Thomas  B.  Connery, 

Llewellyn  Park, 

With  inference  to  your  note  of  yesterday,  Mr. 
Edison  uill  be  pleased  to  see  yourself  and  Mr.  Clarke  at  the 
laboratory  to-day  about  noon. 

Yours  vary  truly. 

Private  Secretory, 

Sarmal.  lmmil 

SWilAing,  Brogd 
York  0ity , 

^  tQ  l<e. 

’**  *«  V  ♦.***,  , 

m8WaeS  *  «>»  *W,  «*. 


pi-. *,:*  a***;, 


meoaa^a  %n 


Yours  truly. 


Bear  sir:» 

I  quo  lose  herewith  far  your  lnformtio.u  .copy  of  a 
messnee  toich  to-.  Edison  earned  to  fee  telephoned  .to-,day 
Insull,  relative  to  an  arrangement  tfhich  Mr.  Edison  desires  sput 
into  effect  in  oonnoot  iori  with  the  Pinswgrsph  Works- 

Mr*  Henry  C,  Ware, 

Edison  phonograph  Works, 
Orange,  H,  J, 

Novowtaoiv.isth,  3.89, 0 

S«»ug1  Inrnm,  Esq,, 

Edison  Suildine,  SroaU  Etj.Qot, 

New  y0rtt  city, 

Dear  Sir:-  • 

to  W  ».  ^  tae  '***  -*  1  oausea 

to  W  telephoned  to  you-  to-day  *- 

cormoetion  with  Phlnolmp^Wo^^1^^  W«*B«aa«t  in 

oo-i  Room  and- supply  ft  w-i+v.  „  A  1111  *P“t  a  motor  in  t»ie 
The  Works  staff  "g  be  **>“  the  LaboratoS 

and  Mills*.,  The^ii J!  °!d  ta  Ballou,  Student  HZ' 


man\  Jn  ^  3:001  Room  ^  trill  at  .the 

to^  finish:  Oro  Miiiin»^Sti°n,W°y  more  than  ,3ix 

attaohnents  and  12  modeS^pton^S  •ma3c9  ni«kfll-.AiK'8aot  ‘ 

auspens ion  we  will  make  uo  our P»rioa  of 
aaooniing  to  contract,  ohL*lL  ?  0anta  With  £iPPlncoft 
“f  ^diOs,.  old  and  L  tewTiBB-  woh  as1  tables 
o5  iLtdV0thiMff  *>■  <*0  WorS^iff1?41  te  *toe*.  having 
leL  ^°^in?  t0  “hhtvbet.  All  22^i?£  2?'  b00n  °hargea 
^®“w.  ^  ahaolottf  -wi^n  £»,<»  »»*<*  old  Wfc*  win  doubt- 

?rtbliI’0r  TO  ,sS®^». 

Hott  aecbdnte  &  9J*' *****-  Wo  '»iu  put  v: 

***  “*  ^*ventbry  .evo^hiiw. « 

'  /fit  {*  /;  '  tv:>^ 

November  0,9,  1890. 

•Karlostraase  66/2 

M  u  n  i  e  h,  Germany . 

Mr.  m,m  tas  reroirM  ^ 

*****«.  „0P0SM  ,talu.  „ 

2  “  **  "r-  *“■“  ,te*ira"  -  - — -  -  - 
~r.  b»,m*.s  a9siw  ^  hmSsiim  M 

November,  is-jtfv 

Ahte?mtie>  Phanoeraph  Exhibition  0o«, 

#l<i  Park  Ho,  tt,  Mow  7  01*  City,. 

■Sffar  Siro1,*'- 

Refei*i*ing  to  tho  cor.^wt  Saws  y»  Isis 

ot  Wrl1'  “*>•  “■> to  tto  elm 

1  h°”’by  y°u  *hat  1  «"*  **  *»w«  «*» 

«^«bcteM  ■*.  duplicate  of  «,  ,TO,  ,kita  J,  ^  M 

Ch»  Standard  Slot  Machine  Phonograph. 

I  to,  prepared  now  to  ^  out  alI  th0  provisions  bJ,  ^ 
^oament  Pertaining  to  manufacture.  The  sixth  section  provides 
*'  d9liVSry  at  a  rate  not  t0  oxc^  fifteen  Chines  per  day,  to 

Ua  ^ulated  from  time  to  time  upon  thirty  days'  notice.  ^ 

Please  advise  me  Where  to  deliver  your  duplicate  model, 

November  18,  1890,. 

P.  P-  Venable,  Ph.  13.,  F.  c.  S., 

University  of  North  Carolina,  ( 

Chapel  Hill,  N.  C. 

Bear  Sir:- 

In  reply  to  your  letter  of  11th  instant,  in  regard  to 
the  occurrence  . of  platinum  in  North  Carolina,  Mr.  Edison  has 
instructed  me  to  infom  you  that  his  assistants  panned  in  every 
SQld  stream  in  North  Carolina  without  ever  getting  the  color  of 

Mi*.  Chas.  Mo  Gregor, 

Mount  Vernon,  H.  H« 

Dear  Sir:- 

I  return  herewith  the  newspaper  articles  which  ware 
enclosed  with  your  letter  of  10th  instant  .  Mr.  Edison  is  so  bu¬ 
sily  occupied  with  his  experimental  work  he  has  not  time  to  peruse 

Yours  truly 

Private  secretary. 

4a  'Tm- //K*L- 

•Novenjb^r  i20,, 

iifcn'iwl  IpstiOi, 

Svviaort  SuiltH%,  E^id  st, 

•Nn*  Vorjc  'fci’fcjr. 

I  beC  to  *moV1,uc  me^o  *  elo  ped  >ou 

tha  Laboratory  this  jpwn.ij^.; 

•“■  *«w»r  wi-tta*  ts  *ue  \(bmi  •*». 

Phonograph  (Ume*kf>,  iwlW^iagt  dbaac  »£  •  tha 
cl 03  ing  down  <&  tj»  Vorko*  I  ratfw.^ianiX  '. 
there  are  a  number  <rf‘  aminos  thli  -oV^ild 
1,0  oont  *n  by  the  J&eaJ  ^oc^ati.^s  fjar 
,J>air»  Thpso  ouefeft  to  bo  Wtw>Vafi  ,iji% 

#i£4  .you  w-ite  HI*!  3  at  t*r<  tftm  you#-  HA: 
<*°  fpu  win!)  <rer  to  di  •  A*  ' ' 

VWtf*  tjnflr*, 



Bdiaon  Building,  Broad  Street., 

•  O?  **1*00  tov*nt]a  •«»  .Iforatto  Of  the  .nwotiji 

**r °T  **Widea  of  tha  A»tw»ti0  Phonocwaph  .tt&Ulft&on 
$bl» 'rtcora  ip  0wr<?«t» 

*n  r^rd  to.  the  mtfitmes  trm  -the  tKutiariftttiMW 
!  Company,  Jwd-^rfcady-  gdv«n  an 
tpiesti  on  was  whether  tha 
sitti&t  tinted  for  the 

for  Abo  so  250,  ■  and  tho 
modal  of  Gilltlond's  .  shows  be 
)3d  one,  pf  oouriKf  '.this  hn  ,no  ,v/ay  Urtte^wres 
S(6aon  a  nifitht  - antler  his  contract*  Mn.  Edison  .notified 
****!*  t0-^  *  **•*■  '*»**•  tod  ready  •*  model 
*  k  «,e  Standard  Hachto,  of  the  Company.,  and  hfdvised' them  .that 
'  Waejr*opSr*d  to  »«wy  -all  thr  jpsoviaions  of , the  dement 
1  **f  *  *•.««*•**•.  *«*  «*  »«•  tint  underlie  -contrast 

H  **  and  JWlsfb  -of  .nhav-dhull  bo  used.  Ti* 
?.  ***  Wtfir  aa  **  #*>  ^ts  <w  Vha  -cava*  with  -res- 

f  mk^'  ^^nc^aro  other  **»  ****«„, 

|  ***  ff  **  #«*  ***>  of  oonrne,  Object  to 

* ter  ^  CbCTlaffv_, 

f-  ZOf,  ^8v(V 

ibtfn'Ss  «+  Won* 

#*a>  a  r,  v,  £  <3,  w  u  y. 

•  <*&•* Ycpfc. 

'  ^  ****  **  w*«W****«i»  Vfitji  mny  re*«*j*  ^ 

1*“***'  m"  t”i‘*St'  «“»■•»«  <*»•<*  *„«,  .60MWj, 
w.~ir  ■«*.*,.  «»«  t„  Btoo„  of  «m  uanau 

jvafvh  Exhih5>i't'&». 

■ht*y*.  K'  ”'M*a  »“*Wl  *»*  umm  *  lOT>li%,  ww£ 

,amltoi”“'t«  *  *»*•*««  **».  to  WWlMlte  ?1, 

«®.  .—****.  to  can  ^  *,  *«„„  „r  ohsres  rf  B,0  „<w 

iswittiS  ^  t*i  expiration  of-  thr. 

5  y“nra  t'Wffl  tho  dfttij  of  the  o«*v. 

lanaat..  OwWvTOnM.^*  to  oonaitiom  „b««jnttli, 

***?  H*mM  “ *h“  *—>'  —  »  M  mimmi* 

«**  .V  ***  tte,  fax*  «»M  b.  „ort  „,*<»*,  ttan  „ 

w  «  **  «*»«•».«*  n**  «**  *..  Sdlw„  -in 

*"'*  *«.'*»  «!•  a*«ta  ia  tj»  **„*,  „W  «*(*,  t„  wt  lu 
SJWMSmi  9n  fcmferatw  HMWfc  *tt»  jm  j  tWoi, 
“  **M  to  9  sa.9  19*  »W  fc  **  m  4  <,  _ 

»*teuan)rt  »  •«*  w*w  ,*tti*  k^Wumki, 



13  i  ok , 


Qhicago,  iaia( 

*  bog  to  i 
l7th  instant,  replying  t< 
e^nph  3aiea»  ■ 

acknowledge  the  receipt  >>**«,.  **,t9r 
omine  or  the  lath,  in  ^  to  ^o. 

laeratood  ny  question.  j 
iot  biy  the  Mimeograph  fastis, 
-  ™  voinne  of  busing  .done  by  ,y  o„r.  .oonjpany 

ysara  1887-8-9  4  g0, 

I  ♦>**  you  admit  that  it  to  „w  ro„!B8  ,to 
■* H“‘  ,01”*  *■“ 

V“ ;•*  bn,"oh  °r  ~  *-“«•  **«. 

POlnt’  “  *"  *«*  “■*  yooro  I  „ 

«  ^oot  ,  P.y.».i  Horovs„,  „  thm  ^  ^ 

I  «»  »„*  yra  „„  toTO  w  tortl„t,rtsh0„ 

W“mano8  <*  tM‘  «  «•  P«S.«' 

I  r*f  e: 

Yom>*  w. 

•No.vsnibar  20, 


hd*ea'' BvmiW,  Broad  st#„ 
flew  Y^rj,  city. 

*  to  Oonl’S»vs  Aft,  W.^,, 

t*  «.  ^  ^^::zrw — 

0omp%yf8tflPday  th3  letter  to  Wl.e  :NiciWa^aot 

JatedSS;*i9SfS^J®  jj£g° 

Slvt  **»»«*»  ^tril  *•  « 

Of.  tana  «n  * *  wvtahtt 

eection  provide  a  for  doliv^,  Ste  ;sST 

firtaon  machines  p*r  dayv  V^ 3  'rf'a  ,xaKt  to  ^xceeid 

mudel*  youra  tr^ 

rrr is  with"°  n°w 

■  S^iS  ’Conjje^  4 

532^-“  2«i**  ■■«*  *»  hotter  -to 

rt  vrent  *.  ft,  «*»  XSkcb.  morMjjf  ** 

tlWft.vaiy  ttVj2{-h 



Now  vorfc  pity 

'  ~  o.  ft.  iG  vqcv  eltoirafle  '.that 

*■***”**”"»  “*>*»  .*» **«.*..* 

2'  “  *"** tto  »f  «”  —  ~  *  «*«*« 
goinp  aTO  for  „»voral  oontel.  ^  ^  ^ 

Sleaao  lot  n®  hear  from  you. 

Youra  va  jy  -fcreily 

November  20, 

LI,  Bag,, 

Building,.  Broad  St 
New  York  City.- 

X  oxntwnd  tat  Mr*  0.  English  ha.  aa^M  „ 
ItaW  °,e-  »”V«»»h  °«W.  Hr.  A.  S.  Van< 

too.,  ha.  returned  tr..  Minneapolis  a„d  ,„M  j, 
»•  «»«.,«,  understand,  tho  phonograph 
thoroughly .  I  do  „0t  tear  M»,  hi.  buainesa  qualif  ic.tloa,  ar, 
b«  th,  poop!,  ,ho  aro  looMug  p,r  00ma  ^  to  ^0  Hr.  ^ 
doubtless  oiae  «.  up,  Have  ,«  W  any  opportunity  to 
form  an  opinion  of  his  opacity? 

Privuto  $5eei*:taiy.: 

Richards  i 


Yours  vary  truly, 

NoVembar  2Q#  2S^o, 

^  dear  Shaw, 

Mr.  Edison  returned  from’s 

J*»»»  ajao.t  f0P 
^  1  ilhdfl^stand  that 

TO"  “«  I  *«*«  4^,  t 

henectady,  but 
IJuron  to  sae  v 

of  next 




-3.2 iamupbrtj  J>a* 

*’**'•' Ito'- i«w  to  •«,.  aairi,  „ 

tho,  oobjoo.,  „  »WU«.  B^api,  .Binder,  ^  nl,kel.,lot ' 

^  “**  *"— *  “»•  «*  >.  *-  on  Mo  *,* 

“  1  ™*  **  °m™  *te‘  f-  Ml  >»en  received  at  m 

m  ,tom"OT  •*  “  ^  *«*»  *•»*  «pre,oi.n  * 
opinion  tmtter.  ■  I  aaaumo,  ■  Jiooover,  that  you  win 

go.  ahead  and  o  tinplate  «»  opinion, 

■  **“  *"*“  *  *■>  **  **-  lotto,  of  13th  in„u, 

”  tnoMW  *«**  oi.raisonWo.  Jo,  af(!.  G0. 

•i.i.  in  00.  Jirot  I  MVO  oi*  in  «  io  not  op,  J 

*°  *“*  ,,,r  “i-'towm..  ..iMk,  tte  Oi-  nt 

ooopaiar.  Wa  have  already  nollMoa  ttol  or  era  _ _ 


IMm.  4  tort. 

Now  Yon* 

1  "”l0“  l»>-»«th  chock  of  , 


th9a>0”ta,v  "  «»t0  or 
°C°^  3‘“*  «•  «m  ow, 

wd  oblige 



Your  a 

So or at ary* 

Novcm'otfr  21, 

JV  q*  El*W»  W'l.  Manager, 

Jtiseowi  Wppoffraph  Qomaw, 
.St,  V»uia,  Mo, 

tear  .Sir;-,. 

’  ia°”  tm  ^  ^our  Xettor  of  ,14ih  instant,  ruia- 

“*  *““»  *«,  *..,«*  W,  « 

■  *■  ”’5iy  *  to3  ****«'  ”  ‘»  **».>"*  th,t  «  ^  ^ 

*  *  !—«««.  V  H»  ,»  **,  tte  ^ 

•»«*.  »f  «.  «.  **.  **,.«,»  fc  thi,  tlm^ 

Wi’orat'“  *>»  ***»»  ^  «*  rMm 

*“  tera  "  ““««»»  *•*  *«c,  Wmw)H.'«K, 

(Oroeon),  «,  ha  yto  „adl^  IM  ^reoi_ 

ated  to  a  voxy  great  extent*  It  win  coat  a  large  amount  Of  »** 

«**"•*.«••»(..•*  *'»***  l««d»  ^ 

the  Dforld'a  $air  of  1S92. 

Edison  Phonograph  Workf 

Orange  ,  Now  Jersey 

I  bog  to  confirm  the  following  order  telephoned  to 

your  Mr,  Ware  this  afternoon! 

Please  send  by  express,  prepaid,  to  Thoina3  A.  Edison, 

Port  Huron,  Michigan,  one  phonograph,  tested  for  music- 

icords;  one  reproducing  funnel  18  inoh;  also  speaking 

and  hearing  tubes,  single, 

Walter  Miller  will  bring  down  to  the  Works  a  multiple  tube,  arri 

tap  dozen  musical 

>rds,  which  are  to  accompany  the  above  ship¬ 

ment,  Please  get  these  goods  off  to-day  if  at  all  possible  to  do 

Yours  truly 

Privat  e  Sec  rotary , 

November  2gf  iago-, 


dlson  Gen‘1.  Electric  Co, 
Udison  Bdg,,  Broad  St#, 

cuta  forward,  please  advise 

much  oblige 

Private  Be  i 

WW**?  S4,  1390i 

hivor , 

#19  2ay  Street, 

51a«s9  furnish  Mr.  Ih 

assistance  v&ieb  3»  may  require  : 

and  Pernafont  Monw.n?nts  at  Ogden, 
h«lp  needed,  aM  much  oblige 

Lehmann  with  all  the 
erecting  Triangula* ion  stat.; 
Kindly  'see  that  he  gets  all 

Yoiu*3  very  truly 


November  24,  189b, 

PoiH  Huron, 

English  has  itedigrtecl  tttem  New  York  Phono^&ph  Cofnpah'y, 
tfaft&eftiimn  tskfe  ‘to  be  wiofexshdSa  for  t-b  plates*  ftiatr  d6 
you  think?  V/hen  do  you  returns 

Samuel  Inauli,  Esq's  i 

E&LiibVl  Euildihg,  iiredd  St. , 
foeW  *idi'k  City* 

■Dear  Sil’S 

■  ,  C  ^8  to  .aoimowljJdgo^  laying  r do  aired,  t 

WiBeafle  ettdlostuSS  ri^r rftfl  il  &  0  4bU&  to  you 

\  '  Yoterte  very  truly 

I  r/<nr  '  '«?<> 

j  /hctfou  (Z,/, 

~.<c*  ^/ T  f"~ 

n  ...  ,  * 

J\T^  **>  ^  VU-r+lteL 

;ity^  w  ^  r#  &***.  ^ 


a*y *«t.  atMlk/  ...  ■  f  . 

.  *“-*  .— &.  ^6  ^  ^  aUrf. 

Tho  Edison  United  Phonograph  Co,., 

G.  E,  Moi*i3on,  Esq,,  Secretary, 
Mills  Building,  Nov;  York  ( 

Your  letter  of  04th  instant  to  Mi*.  -Edison,  asking  him 
to  name  a  time  when  it  will  bo  convenient  for  the  writer  to  meet 
you. at  the  Laboratory  for  the  purpose  of  auditing  and  verifying 
the  accounts  rendored  your  Company,  ia  at  hand.  I  will  write  yoi 
later  and  will  make  an  appointment  for  some  day  next  weok,  when  I 
siiall  be  pleased  to  see  you  at  the  Laboratory  for  the  purpose 


Yours  truly, 

Kdison  Electric  Illuminating  Company 

I  beg  to  acknowledge  the  receipt  of  your  lett< 

stmt,  enclosing  Certificates  of  your  Company,  one 


the  Capital  Stock,  and  anothei 

Shaw,  Esq, 

received  y 

si"  out  your  wishes  as  expressed  therein, 
I  enclose -herewith 'Certificate  No.  58  of  the 
Illuminating  Co.  of  Mount  Carmel,  Pa.,  in  your  na 


the  Capital  Stock  of  that  Company .  These  shares  of 
u  bsr  Mr.  Edison.  Kindly  acknowledge  reoeiut  n-r 

and  oblige 

Private  Secretary, 

Nov.\  25,  1890. 

Your  letter  of  15th  instant  to  Mr,  Eclii 

Phonograph  Toy  Mfg.  Co.  lias  remained  unanswered  owing 

to  press  of  husinei 

At  the  adjourned  stockholders  meeting  held  in  Portland  on  the 

50th  of  October  last' Messrs#  Weld,  Mackintosh  and  Hutchinsi 

Lth  several  thousand  more  votes  than  Mr.  Edison 

to  command,  and  they  elected  the: 


As  to  the  affairs  Of  the  Toy  Company,  I  beg  to  state  that  they 

very  large  amount  of  money  to  the.  Edison  Phonograph  Work 

connection  with  the  manufacture  of  speaking  mechanises.  Mr. 

Edison’s  Circular  to  the  stockholders  asking  for  their  proxies 

in  effect  a  request  to  place  the  control  of  the  business  policy -of 

tim  Company  in  his  hands,  and: was  made  in  the  belief  that  the 

pc-t'ience  at  the  command  of  himself  and  those  associated  with  him 

Ln  merchandising  new  fnvpntions  would  ensure  the  ’sue caps  of  tha,.  / 
I'oy  Oompohy’s  buBinesa.  Jn  ordpr  to  ca'rry  out  fully  and  quickly 
;ho  plans  uh  '.eh  Mr,  Edison  had  in  it  was  necessary  that  he 

should  have  control  of  the  machinery  of  the  - Comjsany,  and ,  ho 



therefore  asked  permission  to  name  the  next  Board  of  Directors. 
.In  addition  to  this,  it  was  felt  that  if  the  Company's  chief 
creditor,  the  Edison  Phonograph  Works,  knew  that  the,  Company ' s 
policy  had  been  formed  and  was  being  matured  by  Mr.  Edison  they'. 
Would  have  rnoro  confidence  in  the  ability  of  the  Company  to  carry 
out  the  various  provisions  of  its  manufacturing  agreement,  and 
would  for  the  same  reason  exercise  more  forbearance  with  raspect 
to  the  Company's  debt  ponding  the  development  of  a  trade  which  in¬ 
experienced  .hands  ought  to  be  a  large  one.  This  part  of  the 
arrangement  was  misrepresented  to  the  stockholders  through  the 
medium  of  the  press  by  inspired  statements  to  the  effect  that  Mr. 
Edison,,  personally,  was  the  Company  's  chief  creditor,  and  it  was 
intimated, on  this  account  it  was  undesirable  to, place  the  control 
of  the  Company  in  his  hands .  Mr.  Edison  is  the  Pres ident '  of  and 
"  laree  stockholder  in  the  Edison  Phonograph  Works  and  they  are 
the  Company's  chief  creditors.  The  Company's  debt  to  Mr.  Edison, 
personally,  foots  up  only  a  fbw  thousand  dollars  for  experimental 
work.  While  there  may  be  a  number  of  stockholders  who  oven  under 
these  circumstancos  might  ImVe  considered  it  undesirable  to  give 
I..r.  Edison  control  of  the  Toy  Phonograph  Company,  the  reports 
Y'ric-,  worn  issued,  arc  none  the  .lens  mi  sat  at  entente  which,  in  ex¬ 
plaining  ’.he  matter  to  you,  I  consider  it  but  just  to  correct. 

November- 25,  08 go, 

to  is  .«»  tt8,[ww 

801“M  “  “CMe  40  “••  '"«»«  «*, 
JOllW  “  *  «**“*•  «“  *»  -  & :» 

8"t"t  ‘,S01i”e  “*  “  *  »»>»-  **  m,s„t  SMraj 
**.  ““  *"  “MrM  "*,5>“  ■»  »»—  ««!».!,  «d  »hoUy  U  tto 
Hands  of  those  whom  the  stockholders  have 
i  entat  ives .  Under  thdu 

iolected  as  their  repre- 
lipcumstances,  1  can  make  no  prediction 
as  to  the  future  of -the  C««pany,  as-  X  am  entirely  nnfamiliar  with 
the  methods  which  it  proposes  to  pursue. 

Yours  Very  trirly, 

Private  Seoretary< 

November  25,  1890. 

North  American  Phonograph  Company, 

#160  B  r  o  a  d-way  ,.  New  York  City. 

With  reference  to  tli?  auditing  of  the  Laboratoiy 
,  books'  by  your  Company,  we  wish  very  much  that  you  would  finish 
this  work.  The  Edison  United  Phonograph  Company  also  desires  to 
audit  the  accounts,  and  wo  do  not  wish  them  to  start  in  until  your 
audit  is  completed*  Mr.  Edison  is  very  much  dissatisfied  with 
the  delay  whioh  has  occurred  in  getting  those  accounts,  audited’. 

If  he,  had  delayed  his  experiments  to  the  same  relative  extent' 
the  North  Am.  Phonograph  Company  would  hardly  be  able  to  do  any 
business  at  the.  present  time. 


Private  Secretary , 

November  25,  3S90< 

Silver  lake,  Bloomfield  P«  0, 

in  regard  to  your  request  relative  to  remaining  in 

the  house  at  Silver  lake  beyond  the  time  stipulated  in  the  agree¬ 
ment,  I  regret  to  say  that  it  is  quite  impracticable  for  me  to 

comply  with  your  wishes  in  this  connection,  I  desire  to 
property  ana  must  request  that  you  vacate  the  same  on  or  1 
the  first  day  of  January,  1891,  30  that  I  can  take  possess 


Yours  truly. 


Phonograph  Works 


Orange,  N.  J, 

I  enclose  herewith  acknowledgement  of  Messrs.  Eaton 
and.  lewis  of  the  check  for  §120  winch  1  obtained  f>om  you  and 
sent  to  them  a  short  time  ago.  This  money  was  paid  to  the  Sec'y 
of  State  of  Hew  Jersey  for  Statutory '  tax  incurred  in  connection 
with  the  increase  of  Capital  Stock  of  your  Company.  '  ' 

Yours,  very  truly. 

1  PrivSik^Sei 

V*  '?  *  Edison, 

November  .25  ,  18.9  0f 

Port  Huron, 

Phonograph  and  battery,  shipped  separately  ;  f. armor  forv/artled 

Saturday  by  United  States  iixp.vess,. 

'Uever-bor  '26., 

Port  Huron,  Michigan*.. 

telegraph  x®  if  phonograph  fails  to  dr; 


.NoyenvbsM*  3^  3*390 

PMlip  Saubel, 

Electrical  Finsinoor, 

>r  '3ii2  East  105th  Stroot. 

Your  letter  of  24th  instant, 
«ncarboni2cvtl  bamboo  fibres  was  du: 

■ianqser  of 

Department , 

1  quest  that 


Samuel  Insull, 


Buiiaing,  Broad  St,,  Mew  York  City,, 

x  -nave  your  letter  of  21a t  instant, 
1  Stock  of  the  Edison  Phonogrtph 
)00,  and  asking  what  steps  1  desi 
In  reply  i  would 

informing  me  that 
Works  has  been  'ino reused 
Lre  taken  in  regard  to 
say  that  this  matter  of  increased -.stock 
in  abeyance  until  the  books  are  finally  balanced. 


Yours  very,  truly,. 

lirtis on  United  phoftojsnapih  C.o*,,  ' 

Mil2,a  PMiadlW<,(,  JNfev  Yoriif  tfi'ty*. 

Nov,,  29,,  1390* 

DQar  Sinas- . 

•please  s«na  yow  editor  to. -Wse  ^iioratAiy  von:)* 

next,  aio  Bomber  1st,  tro  aw&it  .t hr  accounts  rendered.  •, against  ,yc 
Company,  and.  very  mu£h  obl-i^a 

Yours  truly.. 

November  29. 

William  E. • Nibble, 


«ave  duly  received  your  letter  of  22nd  instant 
Pleasure  in  enclosing  herewith  Mr. -Edison's,  check  for 
J  Receipt  of  which  please  acknowledge, 
can  let  the  old  mule  go;  dispose  of  her  as  you  think 

In  regard  to  taxon,  Mr.  Edison  considers  that  the  amount 
"Paid  on  this  account  is  outrageous  ahd  out  of  ail  proportion  to 
the  value  of  the  property .  Yon  should  try  and  have  them  reduced, 

very'  truly  . 

Private  gc 

N°V*  20,  1890m 

5diS0h  United  Pt#inoB£.wh  G(Vj 

Mills  Building,  Iftny  York  City  .. 

Dear  3ire:- 

'  ”010”  «i»««  .««;*»  m<,eiv,d 

50““'d  *»-***  *»«  -to> 

*“*•*“•*  *  lott"  »*«  *“  »»  MM*  ®ot,  *,„*«,  *  - 

«r.  «i»»  ta.  coa.  *««*  «tt  m  *»* 

of  «.!»  outstanding  »««.,  « 

.took  etc.  to  th.  Edison  iinS.ted  B,o„oer»io  !0»i,.w.  jaosf,.^;^  to 
tho  qo„TOW  account  Oo.,.  c»™„d  **■*  n  .too. *,  «liwnts 
*?**-«**  to  this  pto**  (SJ09.W)  wiu,  TO-1  to  Itexioo, 

»««  .MCI,  wore  .ithout  m  M>  toulotj,,  u  tw,  ^ 

V.liU  subject  to  you.  ortw  cl  «««,!,  th0  tottoa  Downy  Ml 
ho  doubt  .MMni  tl,o  acwliM  WuHV-nu;  t„  ttoa 

l  to  nahAkX  ft,  ma,su^ 

^  MX  W  to  Nhitf  ^  yifo  M  tgU;  MlAfra  at  ^  «.  4„ 

«5  ih  '/W'Mm'  -if  i'b  awim?' kMf- 

H  &,**&«**»$  "ii  W. 

rf}fai*red  to 

Y  otitti  v\9iy  fcrwiy'j, 

Privat  ii  $»  tary , 

peoouy^i'  ^  \agpt 

fSsrt-  .  ' 

I  .return  }torevrith>  proof  .jf  ifeppple  Certificate  a** 
Beneficial  Interest,  which  Ur,  3»isi»\  appyovasr  with  the  exception 
of  -that  portion  rela . inc  to  the  increase?  of  (jqpital  Stock*  "Mr# 
Bdisor  cons  idem  it  jnneoossai-y  and  undesirable  to  Bake  this  pro¬ 
vision  in  the  certificate.  So  far  as  I  can  aste  this  previa  ion 
■troTild.  he  a  real  security  only  in  the  event  of  aninCTeaed  Of&npl- 
tai  Stock,  and  the  issue  of  a  portion  of  such  increase  .as  a  Irtutno 
to  atoilkhoidord,  whi oil  i3  sutsh  a  remote  houtinconcy  that  it  is 
-uttnehOuoary  to  provide  for  it  in  this  Aertifidatoe  The  provision 
also  tttlfcht  lead  to  Jctap|;}£sii0ris  thi-oUgh  omaesioivon  MT» 
part  th  ioetth  propel  hotsteas  nt  the  proper  time*  and  1*5  dornf  not 
feel  iVIcliftfeti  to  itnfdeb  S^Vao*  ftondiUopa  uport 

The  ppoVihihh  ift  i^idrii  to  dderd^ad  of  ia  oil 

Main  4Mu 

A*  S  chun  lac  he] 

Schumacher  Milling  Co, 

on  qr  return  frem  th„  wool  „  ab8mos  M.  ^ 

uuoto  I  fins  „„  eoteeraeu  fc,w  of  mi,  inotunt,  t wh« 
unuouuru.,  all  of  ttW,  1  Per».a  ■*,„  „„„  iM8r8a,. 

I  have  nothing  to  do  with  the  bnsinoi 
Company.  As  a  Shy. loch  I 

end  of  th<?  Edison 
dead  failure  and  t  lie  ref  ore  unviali- 
I  took  to  inventing. 

commercial  life, 

•  I  return  herewith  the 
to  submit  for  ny  examinatic 

•  rrespondenoe  which 


Baisoi)  Vorkp, 

orange,  n.  j. 

44*.  lietiW-  s  has  asked  me  the  folio  wine  quest  icmfe  tfhich 
reqipire  t\J  be  answered  prompts,  as  la  is  holding  an  important 
cciftihunid.dtion  for  the  Toy  Phonograph  Company  pending  -receipt  of 
this  inforriQtio'n-: 

il)  In  fftist -condition  were  meohanisma  when  accepted,  by  Toy 
•jCjflinpatny 'a  Inspector;  that.  is,  were  they  enclosed  in 
indites  and  passed  in  that  cohditibni  or  warp  they  passed 
by  tha'llnspector  before  being  placed  in  the  -bodfea,  or 
irefe.  thdy  pdaiiid  dfidr  the  heads,  legs,  and  asms; had  'been 

isajf  Please  give  me  a .  statement  of  account  between  the  forks, 
ahd  the'Tpy  Qotepafiry  frdm  the  coirjnonp ament  Mf  delivery  qf 
doll  a.  Th£s  statement  Should  .show  the  dated  of  delivery, 
antotaits  fljharged  and  -dates'  Of  jOI  payments,  together  with 
"balaneo  duo.  ■  •.  •  "  ■ 

=JJ55  Aye  tiuStri  art?  ^oll^,  .and  if  do  hqvf  Au^,  &rt  thp  store 
fpam  -at  pre^int^idi  have  he$n  aaaop^d  iy  the  roy 
^rmany’b  li^Whtqr,.?  'V7hen-p$d  such  ihspe'etipn- 
1&U&9  Plehstfhrqy^  Tith  thd  fp&h  -'of  locator  •* 
mt&iQb'spr  rejfiBt*  ypu^hovt  his  repeaptf  fop -all 

®4kvws  ^iai«  d&lv®ttr  JfeB  b^ja  mp&i?  Hop 
nw^SSpiteted  niofjfetfe^tjs.  hpytf  we  dh  hand  -peady  ^hr  in~ 
gptoi&icmf  '%Wit  arm  haVe  ad  on  hand  tft  the 

Aaa6n^i^%W^'4ha^J9^  t^pljahisiiie  $hifh  fit 

ppaper’Sp^r  ingpgc^,  int  vdtfotf 
Adtfor  an  '$**•  pa#'  in  '^rder  4q  tSt$»tv  in- 

spoctid^ '  •  *-  • 


#125-  *•***.  *  3. 

'*  Edi3°n  to3  rafl:9iv9«>w.  i^Uor  a*,^  ulticw  4*4  *»*■  i^rwisfce&jw  %»  inJSwwysu  *&*<$>■  i*  in  ^vor  ' 
of.  tfcs  ex-tena-ion  of.  the  Ski*.  street  aft  Jfcalo  to  %hiefryou 

PtflKi?  MU^Ediaow,  is  willing  to-  #jf\  tateaty  dsMl^s,  -fcM  stun 
mntfipw#  $n.ww  ;Ht‘opr  for  i&0 

ronite  vB»a»jr  ia/aty, 

VHvt&o  SdisNSttWir^ 

December  3*  3.8.90* 

Masers-^  Dyes  ft  S&elir, 

i  i  ?  ire<  *  * 

Now  York  City , 

Your  understanding  of  Mr.  Edison's  wishes  in  the 
matter  of  the  interference  with  Hey  finger  on  a  tubular  phonogram 
blank,  made  of  papM*  ubVefed  With  wax,  as  expressed  in  your  latter 
date^h  Uoveinbar  let*  put  Whioh  was  not  received  here  until  Deo* 
2ndy  ia  perfectly  ooppeot.  ■ 

Yirara  very  truly* 

Pfivata  secretary* 



•  aon.  Badldij®,  Broad  St. 
Ne»  York-  Cite  . 

««*.  **.*«,  «*  „  ,  1SMW  ^ 

*  *  ■»«««-  —  t0  M1V 

*Uh  sw  -•  “■>  **  * «»  «*.; 
it  Wiat  tsat  tto 

r"”*'""*  ‘ena,r  is — ■»”  **• ««.  to  _ 

In.  addition  to  this,  to  .  W 
*  *,  SotteeMt*  *  „.taa  ttet  „  aia  M  tMai  ■ 

*<N’W"“  19  «“•  *«  ^ 

hae  *.  ntooa^  rls6t  ^  oontaot> 

**  »  -»»*».  to  mo.onite  ** 

“*“•  ■*  ***'  **  *to  “”■»“«  ««Wn  «t  in,  «„  at  tte 

SW1°”  »  tnrl,  to  ^ 

**"**  *”*+■*•  «"»»».  1  it.«„«lm  . 

M'mS'  *“  <™>  “«».  »  -»  tom  Bto 

It.  tenet  ««,»,,«  t0  «„„„„  tfB  mortto  of 

.mine*.  wo™,  lh,  Ooow  „ 

„„  ,,,  W  ^  ^  ^ 

m  *»«*<>  W»r<l»  r  ijo 

»  di^oaiii, 

to*  0oMf*>)»»*  Mr  WTO  TO,  te 
** 10  *»«!>  *<»*  i»  wu-mt,  tlis 
aBa^iMont  from 

TSltewa  ao  that  a*y  ^ou: 

-i®  am*  way  impairing.  *ho 
<**  £■  Stanford  Modal  >.m 
Westing;  of  iho  Oireatora 
"this  infoVmat: 

,f  ** 

""'■^ *»  ■»«%»*  s***^ 

‘"S'#*  •*  M#  «*i>  p,w 

*  «>•“  >  «  »r  TO  w»VTOt  »•* 

*  «*>  rftamim  *»,  ^ 

pl»*a  Jan  to  inoono*  K«h(mt 
or  ttt  toom„v  ^  quMtioo 

*”  »tt  p»ai,r  o*  »P  „  th4  ^ 

»f  U»  o»w,  '.j  ,  Eiw  yw 
■>0,  1,  oraor  tMit  you  ooy  TO  poatoa. 

Private  Secx,©ita?*y’^ 


•fttfsdi&br'  k. 

4  D’-°$  VJ  ^kaoww^b  -ihb ft 

^  ^  *&»  I  tevLered  nn 

u  In  ***  you  attfc  &r 
lrt  ,1Mwd  *  an  invent *.  ^ 

JBeh^aby.  in  reply  l  beg  tp  ,//* 

'the  Automatic  Ptamofitfhph  Bahibujta  Company 
Srtty  ywiw*  ^«»d  10th  day  of  'forii, 

*J**  **(9Pfl*F4  ^pt  «n\ai)li)b 

your  letter  of 
•automatic  maohint;  to 
oertain  ii^jfbr- 
of  Orange,1 

^  to.  thp  ,osrebmOnt  between 
4lT»d  fho.  Kdibon  Phono- 
1890,.  vhitfh  provided  that 
phojy, graph  to  ho  used  by  ,y0ur  edspmy  *je. 

)>y  ««.  Ih  tft«r  Of  fc.  provision  I  do  not 
Uhdb^4h«d^.^ttenent  to  the  affect  that  !  hove  tendered  a 
^ohdno  lb  tfoUr  <*mpany,  for  the.  reason  that  by  inference  it  d*vo*$ 
*®WW'0f right  -under  the  to  mafco  and  deliver  ft  Btan- 

jgsgrt .«d  trnnbferj.  -this  privilege  to-  others.  ‘  _ 

<^|fe\.4b9irb  tb‘  piticQ  vjnyoelf  ib  the :  poaftioh  “of  having;  givdjj  dp 
-«ny  TSt-^^hls  undbr  the  .eoptr/wt  abovo-'&f^Vd*  to,  Olid  Hofbro 

^lbdUa(ttodV.WUr  B$tr& 

/December  4,,  aggqy 

■Private  Soereiai 

?ro&  Alexandre  Stoletow., 

University  6f  Mosc-ow, 
Moscow  Russia, 

**  «**»*..**,**  ■MU'grw 

**■  **? «« «»***.  *■* 

tte  3«  of  to  «.  ^ 

”‘1"**iW  of 

»r,  Mi,to,  waa  „oh  <s»Wtta*  .tft  *,  ,„MW  caf  MM*,,!*®, 
.at,™  -ofo™*  to,  and’  t»  WTOo»0.  at  ™»y  '«WU*.  >!4aaiJ, 

o»va,.  to  yoo,  Orothor  ^  aWtodh...«f  ttb  .«iwsl(, 

or  MOaooK  ttv  WW.  COTOUM  ,oW,  tKmt 

Yours  very  •trtity.* 

E,  H»  Lewis,  Esq, 

Messrs,  Eaton  &  Lewia, 

#120  Broadway,  New  York  City- 

Bear  Sir: 

I  enclose  herev/ith  copy  .of  a  lettOf  addre: 

to  the  Edison  Phonograph  Works,  asking  certain  questions  with 
relation  to  toy  manufacture,  copy  of  itheir  ra^ly  to  the  same,, 

•copy  of  receipt  dated  April  30-,  .for  314  dolls  received  ly'Toy 
Company's  Inspector  for  examination,  form  of  receipt  used  in  Doll 
Department  for  dolls  inspected  and  accepted  by  jToy  Company's  In-, 
spector,  statement  of  account  showing  halanoe  due  ...on  bills  ren- 

Phonograph  Works  say  tint  -they  cannot  definitely 
sr  these  printed  forms  of  .receipt  ware  over  used. 

I  am  quiite  .posit: 

’the  files  at  the’  Works. 


find  them. 

On  or  about  the  1st  of  Ifegr  a  final  receipt  was  taken  from 
tie  Hoy  Compaw’s  Injector  for  all  the  dolls  that  had  been  ao- 
.  ...tod  by  him  up  to  that  time.  It  was  written  by  Mr.  MaoC-rdtlrtr) 


77"’“  *-  -»»*.*»«. „ 

»  **  **H— .  .W  1  „  ^  lM»  „oeiM 

*** tb  * abls  *•■♦***  **••». i  uh-™* 
"“ 1,1  *w"“‘  *  1  *•  *—««*.«  >«.  „ 
?* :  r«'*  to.  „,ll83t 

’”*““•  *  *■  rnm  »  oob,s,raaa„00' 

T™5  nw*r  »<*  it  »*»!«;=  ti».  t„  ** 

OMor.  I  «MlUt*  this  to  „»  TOy  «*,ratoM  that  to.  ;»t tor  is 

f  >iBS  ’BW,C*W-  **""  1  «“  «-««.  ♦»  •«  , 

*  m*****  «...  ***.„  tea  o^  *  *.  **, 

toy  mamrfao ture  cornnehced.  I  have  teW*!**  *,**  ■  ■ 

pointmawt  tp-nijjh^ 

t  o-morrovr. 

Yours  very  truly 

PriyjYto  Secretary . 

Letterbook,  LB-046 

This  letterbook  covers  the  period  December  1890-Januaiy  1891.  Most  of 
the  letters  are  by  Alfred  O.  Tate.  There  is  also  correspondence  by  Edison, 
Thomas  Maguire,  and  John  F.  Randolph.  Many  of  the  letters  relate  to  the 
manufacture  and  marketing  of  the  phonograph  and  talking  doll.  Included  are 
numerous  letters  pertaining  to  the  Edison  Phonograph  Toy  Manufacturing  Co. 
and  to  Edison  s  efforts  to  liquidate  that  company.  There  is  also  material 
concerning  the  Edison  Phonograph  Works,  the  North  American  Phonograph 
Co.,  and  the  Automatic  Phonograph  Exhibition  Co.  A  few  letters  deal  with 
problems  in  the  production  of  musical  records  and  with  Edison’s  decision  to 
close  the  laboratory’s  music  room  and  discharge  its  staff.  There  are  also 
documents  relating  to  mining  and  ore  milling  and  to  electric  lighting.  There 
are  some  letters  about  Edison’s  family,  particularly  his  father,  Samuel,  and  his 
brother,  William  Pitt,  who  died  of  cancer  in  Januaiy,  1891.  Other 
correspondence  deals  with  Edison’s  personal  finances,  including  his 
stockholdings  in  the  Edison  General  Electric  Co.  and  in  several  railroad 
companies;  his  financial  relations  with  George  E.  Gouraud  and  Jesse 
Lippincott;  and  his  investment  in  the  magazine,  Phonogram.  The  front  cover 
is  labeled  General  Letter  Book  Indexed."  The  book  contains  498  numbered 
pages  and  an  index.  Approximately  40  percent  of  the  book  has  been  filmed. 

■dx-VlA^,  \hs\AAAj(Jb  1/  AiJOuV, 

(j)cLc*en\  O^c/iofrajdj 

:  L,  kiJbA 

*J.eMJ  Ma*!-  / 

°  -'tst?  -’^irV  /.  «&<  £. 

J  /UOAAAct,  %Al.  <)„00<ttA  „% 

&U,^  Crn^r  A  Ate  aL  %-nZ. 

/‘t'Oxj  (ocLtsxttx.  Jx  cca.  -^f</i xtA.\McL>  X, 

'«r  2  t  ~  /«<? 


0*a  s*  i?fo 

'  <tUaJ 

V  Sooo.  00  JacJL 

\fi*XA*y/  trvv  /Djta  %-J8?0. 

/^O  CiMAJ  fat\J 
HA-  ifc  h*V  /J>_ 


^0  Oft  ©<? 

*  zt^  sooo.  no 

*  ZV  «  sooo.  00 

•>  2.S  ,  SO  O  0.00  jk 

■  *  Z8  j.'  3000 .00  * 

*2 to  00.00 

••«*/  AJLcute  /tectena^te  Arte 

fn  Uo.  /oaao.  ^  i  4,^^  ^  .,  .  , 

^  ^  a-W  3-f»oo.  ^  Jtfo  *  / 

^ Ucmju  'X.cteu^  K,  njL^cndrlk  *<u~^occr.rO. 
^AJLoM^j  cr64ioi  v 

t6  <f  I 

December  -igga. 

George  RiohaPGs, 

t  have  your  ^nsigno*!  ?ie*.t  er .  of . ,4th  d-ostant,  ,md  -.vrim 
*•  «wl  ®  .i.  paper.  t^rsin:mMiaM 

relative  to  ,*  Dedea  I»n  tfo*e  proper*.  w.  are  »*„*» 
to  complete  the  WaMBaotioij,  ’ 

.Ypurs  very  truly. 



#33  Vest 

**  ^  ******  the  foUw 

13,0  PnSn^. 

•S  °V*  soon,  6* 

evonHl  *r  tM. 

Deoembar  5,  2890, 

Samuel  Insull ,  Esq, 

Edis on  Building,  Broad  Strop*- 

Dear  Sir f« 

1  intlotw  herewith  press  copy  ot  a  oomnuni  cation 
Tsfeich  I  have  received  fpow  Mr*  Eelix  Qotfsobalk,  in  reply  to  vjf 
letter  to  him  of  the  2nd  instant,  copy  of  irtiioh  I  sent  yon, 

1  do  not  -want  to  do  anything  vrith  th®  Automatic  Company  in 
rtg&rd  to  patents  ex*  id  takb  naiinitn  action  on  any  nubjoct  nntii 
tepreoafttdiidii  *eh  the,  Board  of  Directbr*  is  arranged  to  our  satis¬ 

Xpurs  very  trvjiy* 

Deaomber  5a 

*  Raading- coaa  &  im*  Co,,  • 

F*  p*  Kaarcho^  EaqM  gao^i 
S'  so.  fcwo,  st„  ruirnim*:**. 

to  wu»,t  „<■  3td  iMtm.  ^ 

7“  **  **'*?**'?■  *9*?  ■«•**■***  w* 

I»m  mMM  on  tho  MM,,  »  ‘  W  *  <S6ttW  iia ^h,t 

Private  §e*s*taiys 

December  &,  as  go. 

V»  mX*k.  &  Reading  Coal  &  iron  Cp<, 

*V  P«  Kaerohor,  Esq, 
#S87  5otrth  Fourth  St,v  Philadeiph: 


Your  a  truly. 


Samuel  Inauli,  Esq*,, 

sraiaon  Building,  Broad  Street, 
New  York  Oity* 

Dear  Sir:, 

»o  you  Jmoif  |KB  Mr,  Bush  a 
tutfion  on  the  Board  of  the  Nickel -3(tot 
*9  manufacture  these  attachments  t 
BoaVd  without  delay, 
grsph  Works  close,  so  tint  wo  can 
Besiks  the  Gilliland 
t5S»  on  the  other  model,  ard  it  is 
fiOr  this  Company  to  have  several 
use.  in  an 


4  raee  tfog-  if  *h£a 

Work  shoudd  be  comnehcdd  btfofe  the  Phpno- 
tffeli-  faai  Whit  men  to  keep,  • 
P00J>lo  are  going  aKpad  «t  the  present 
n°^  e®i5te  to  be  a  .good  thing 
different  kind,s  of  '■maohihes  in 

probability  it  will  ^  Exchange  ^  sbm^  Jnture 

tte,.  B**™  turn,  w.t«  ,  &HL  rna  «  thooo 

.»o»W  »  no  4  ^oiWy  .noo..^  *,  w„okili(. 

o/\je^A--Cy  firtAAAs 

{..\AJ  -7AC\  '  - 

’' ^VA^Aa^UaJ^U  *  "  thLtcfr  ,41*10 

zM\yU^y^  ^-MAesu&  (HC^-Yf ^/  "  £7 
-T&  -^\Ms(jL  /fijLs  '6v\jl,  .y{/^ 
v~{7  &  caasJ)  '6&C  ^4s£/l 


£faiAy\Aj^  ffi£-  rf/i, *^a^Ll*£^ 

/?\AjJr-A&  IS~7  Ks7jL4AA£sdM-^> 

OtyoL^&S^ ix^xCfi^u  /0t6  ; 

A .  .oM^jdjfU^u 

,Yrte\  ^iV.vw 

Eooajnbsr  6, 


8  r*  v  as,  d  w  a  y. 
•>■  New'Ytfl'Jc  City. 

iSVp  Ediatm  has  s^o<^i)»d  yqur  letter  of  2nd  irntaht  in 
EBjsnrttf.  to  tht  Wiling  VflJmfWn  Sussex  County,  New  Jersey , 

tod  5s«i  Jiao  noted '*dhteht£»  tti1  SdnA, 

fzth.  relation  to  the  various  ore  propertied  whisk  Mr*  Edison 
■i?  leasing  eto.,  will  you  please  inform  mo  who ther  you  are  keeping 
a  atcord  ae  to  *han  the  payments  oh  sarm  are  to  be  made,  and  if  so 
will  you  advise  concerning  them  in  ample  time;  or  are  the  records 
being;  kept  in  the  office  of  the  N*  J*  &  Pay  Qonoontratire  Works? 

I  ft*  hot  altpget^n  familiar  with  the  conditions  surrounding  those 
various  properties  -  that  is,  whether  Mr»  Edison  or  the  Const*-.  ‘ 
tratiag  Works  shall  make  certain  payments  when  they  fall  ddo;  and 
I  tfdsld  iikd  to  have  Ma  define  just  how  far  ay  office-  hohO  fa  to 
M  tse^pBtmilaa  for  these  records/  ,  '  ’ 

Vbufs  Vo  if  truly*  >•■ 

P£iUfito;e  sesreta**§* 


tAeosra.  Drexol,  Moreau  &  Co., 

Cor.  Wall  &  Broad  Strei 

Bear  Sirs: 

Thoxi3 and  Dollars  of  Was*  Shore 

Bonds,  being  the  balani 

•R.  R.  Co.  1st  'Mortgace, 


account,  at  par 

!  count 

meeds  to  my 




Ertiaon  Buiidii 

Rsfe  ivin( 

0  nwmw  t)u  e 

1  *""*  mi  to  ,aa  t 

,he  ^  pH0Si 


"  ^.000.  „r  m„ 



Meesars*  Satan,  Law.: 

New  Yopk  City 

I;  have  not  y?t  been  ab)$  to  see  .,i^:  a^ggrd: 

to  toy  phonograph  rsanufAotpre  „  I  dggi*4d.  *0-  QUfjfigtp;  fvim  ■iff.-'aegp 
gar®  to  delays,  whibh  ocaurygd.  when  this  fork  .was  ' /ogdar^ajlfexy 

Mr*  Batctolor  hiid  charge  of  it,  and  i§  ghj#  &o  .explain  the  '$&*!&'■ 

Of  the  Works  having  failed  not  ORly  %S  ftbvemO.ntp  1  the 

time  prescribed  in  the  contracts,  bp-t  of  -tJjgir  having  from  time 
to  ti*»- named,  other  dates  for  the  c.oaBpencempnt  of  .-delivery;,  •rapping 
through  the  Jttonth3  of  December,  January  and  February  tand 'having 
failed  to  ke&p  these  promises  al>e;  I  btlieve  that  ;it  can  be ' 
very  clearly  shewn  that  the  responsibility  for  .these  ,del|«f.s.,.r)e3ts 
as  much  with  the  doll  people  as  with -os.,  Aa  jl  'have  bean  -unable  to 
*eath  Mr.  Batchelor,  .and  as  I  do  not  .cape  tP  sWil&hpld  JJhy  longer 
What  information  I  have  been  -able  to  ;aec.umulats  thus  far  .frofci  the 
yecd'Mii*  I  will  make  a  .report  &>  you*  .and  .after  jrac-e^ve  /«£> 

-  aai M  V&Vt'can  doubtless  wika^rt  jippo^t^ont  ,rfith^ 

*<*$  i*  it*v*  Of fiet,  And  tfive^op  •&&,  ^ovmMon  #»  $*s®lffi$>i&y 

Me  a  era*  Eaton;  &.  J^ey/js 

m&r  be.  able.  %n 

vouws  vary  t,rtUy, 

Private  S^tfF9iuvyf, 

'  **  8  <>enve«3^iop  yith  $*,-  on  ^tu^y  $*» 

i«  to  tHa  toy  n^eraj*  ^sil5?8^  ^  ^  f^6 

**  dp  anything  and  ^mnim  that  w  ^  *0  .linkup 
**  Oo^any,  0,  eeurse  b,for?  t?kll*  ^  ^ 

mti9nHr’  Edison  y/ou^d  jfant  th*  ^ils  ^  procedure  0>rtain9d 
ho  that  ha  p*,  W  the  ,of  that  ^  ^ye^,be 

t&ken>  ?  **d  a  conversation  with  Eaton  ,Won  this  snbjec.t 
about  ten  days  ago,  when  he  irifomed  ns  that  any  stockholder  of 
the  Company  had  the  right  to  apply  to  the  Courts  w^th  reference 
to  winding  up  the  conpe^  Assuming  that  we  .desire^to  dt  up 
and  wipe  it  out  of  existence.,  Mr„  Edison  would- like  -to  have- you 
submit  to  him  the  details  of  a  plan  of  cusp^.  After  receiving 
at  710  YriU  deoide  -definitely  what  he  wishes  done*. 


-^1’d"??,tO:.i5  e  pr  et  ary..< 

December  8,  1800, 

iftraael  Insull,.  Esq  *, 

Edison  Building,  Broad  St, 
Now  York  City* 

Referring  to  ny  letter  of  to-day  which  was  handed  to 
I<lr*,  Butl  or-  add  re  Oded  td  Messrs,  Braxel,  Morgan  &  Co,,  ^.questing 
thani  to  sell  Seventy  Thousand  .Dollars  of  West  Shore  R,  R,  Co,  1st 
Mortgago  4#  Guar*  Bonds,  the  same  being  balance  of  $100,000  held 
by  D*  M„  &  Cov  for  ny  account,  at  par  or  better,  and  to  Mr, 
Butlef’d  telephone  ttCSsage  ti>  the  effect  that  90  l/s  could  only 
be  obtained  for  the  Bonds  mentioned,  and  sinking  foh  authority  to 
sell  ten  thousand  dollars  worth  at  that  figure,  I  beg  to  confirm 
«ipJy-which  was  jbranamitted  by  telephone ,  authorizing  the  hale 
k>f  twenty  “-five  thousand  dollars  worth  at  the  price  inamed  (99  3,/z J 

Yours  veiy  truly* 

D&sepifcar^g* '  lido, 

Samuel ’’Ihonil,  Esq.,  \ 

‘"BtiisDn  builfiinff ,  lW*d  St i 
New  Yhrk  City. 

“We  could  hatfe  finished  t ba  maohine  in  tima  promised, 
bttt  laiij  tfere  told  the  machine  was  not  completed;  after 
■cotoiilbti'on  the  tost  showed  a  serious  difficulty  which  us 
onijr  got  over  day  to  ford  Veaterday.  Tho  iflachins  is  now 
.ttnaongting  a  tost  and  if  oil  right  to-morrow  they  will 
start  at  once  on  it*  EDISON.  * 

Yours  truly. 



?**  <&duo 


c&/x«u&<a  ^ 

903f  djiam 

G-Udui,  (?<yj. 

I  JlltAJ  Jd 

?»y*n«a  4v  '  Abu 

■<r*i  <4  -tU  J& 

/CerrZ  c/\  J  **ow6C  6/  a*\ 

^  ***+<£  au*t 

^  V  ^  cCtfiJti  cl 

December  9.  1390, 

w*  Edison  y^a 
i*  i%  ^  fcvwfy 

f-Mbt'-ctr  ha^Mtjf'^-.  afitt)  pvaj 

voi>.  WWJ& 

v4**jjl  ^hb06 F  bo’  at. 

oxw^  <*94  a  method  of  pro 

YoHPb.  very  tpjijy^ 

Etfivaie  sabr6.jai'^> 

Sami  j, f>  !  ^  Egq.^ 

i'icJispxv  JjvtfAdine,. 

l to  you  the  anm  , 
copy-  of  a  letter  t  !??*??.. 

teoti,e,  the 

Great  i®p.  to  put  a  f-irri'  ■-  .  >$u‘. ;  -1-  4  J;r.iW  e-.  '  V  -Prl'Xft  ov  #  fHSf; 

question  of  protection  against  fi*,_  '  ‘  "  '  '  ;"'  '  \  C*'F 

Years  truly ' 

^w  r^te  .Secre  tary 

iwaor  oth  lyoo 

jChfl>naa.  A. 

«V  Bqvjv,  Proai^nt 

Orange  (  r,.  j, 

-  «WiQry»a  Mill  at  Hw«,oWi 

*»*  -,  w„„,  „.P„4„Ml 
"■«  «*.  n*-  *  w  « »««.» ««.  jjjiio 

te  *"**"*  MUtera-M*®,  (m.opotmm-v  ths  pump  in  th. 

-*‘M«  **•  —  fl„  „„taat( 
»»4i  a*  *»  VfMtaW**  ho.  HM*  .  MO* 

*'  •«»  to  **.  „  «  „  wi  «  m«  *  .  «„  .,  ih. 

*”•** -l  to  you.+orbHlly  *  mJ' 

***•  *“  '”*■  "**r  to  hf*  ■*  rtiwwNW-'m*  riH*s  ;*a  Wte  hSt. 

Ahto  th»  hius®,-^  ■hhhhwthr  in  hurt,  5,  wt  hs-'th  hM  MV 

"**’ mw  *"*  ■**  ■**•►  •  MMWtwS-  -W«f  a  suit  ffl 

tot:  !  m„fc  tHSfr-  imp  -hiiildiftR  hoing  or  Ad. 
MMMfa,  i,  «M*«  rfor.  artA-lto*  «&  **, 

M*W»i.S-  ,»«*•  HUt  «  pOrthifM  .‘itanwdiatfly,  « ifcMtrmW,  - 

**”  w,'w  **  *'“**•  »*»«  WImri  .ton  Mil,  aa 
irWMUa.  VWtgtfli*,.*#  k«t» 'tiMliMFiMb,  a, 

M0^  80  pofec 
if*  .&?  that  the  total 

T**  *Rsk  WOWW  a 

v."1***"'***.  n*.,,: 

*  r*je*t&  to  ifc&g, . 

"TOI*V  **«■*»•  M?  jttgfa*,* 

5d®a>#  *  ^#ei  ^ojiWtJsnt  that  i 

******  th*»  *•**  *»  «* 


7***  .***:  «***  3 

?**  *t**ni**  mm'- 

Youta  trujy, 
H*  M*  Wvpr, 


‘Private  S&eawtary^ 

Ma^or  S.  B.  Eaton, 

Hooembar*  ^  is&v 

Wejar  York  City.. 

Mr.  Silrn,  las  received  your  letter  of  and  inetanst, 
enoln.irs  oopy  of  ,w  Soport  of  let  inetant  to  the  antomtio 
Phonograph  Exhibition  Co*  on  the  preaont  atatne  of  their  paten*. 
*“  *>  “  **  »«t«a  year  remarks  in.  regard  to  .ftp. 

Ott  on  page  8  of  the  -arid  aeport.  *.  have  »*.  ,appWaohod  Sr 
the  Mohel-glot  poo  pie  rel  .t  Aye  to  thi.  matter,  and  it  dsa^. 
.bur  tome  ap  at  the  neat  mooting  of  their  hireotora...  i  .aa 
ro  tom  to  you  eoar  of  Report  in  a  ft.  day. ;  l  do.  ire  to  taw 
ooRr  mfede  it* 

yotam  trUJy., 

PetoeEj^e*,  9 

A  i  *  1  b 

®w  '*“  »twrw  n,«„^ 

1  orwvod  «  «»  a.o;,io„  ,Hll  W1M 

H«« t«u£WI* 



■Spmuel  £sci*,. 

Raison'  Building,  -atrso-t, 

Itew'Xo^t  JSxty'i 

X  Jjftg  tb  jeouiPiiTa  il#  foUOVang  iaMpbome  me(j3aeoss 
exeharedd  botwiKm  ypoj*js<&£  and  Mr,  Edison  to~dqy  i 

''*1  wdifl  .OiJdB  tb  k|j6V  if  y6\t  <sdrnb  tip  .How  Yoyk  and 
meet  AWy  Dolan  and  My*  S4ligto®h  at  tto?  oi#i$s  of  .'’'iiid 
latteV  «b  \5fth  »ft  thttx^W  t>$  \ms, Ir  pools* 

•'■  Sjjwnga.  ifn»dll** 

65*24  d#  6ofc  fctft  it  kiXl  -take  ibr 
in  -a  ^i$aifcy>  ”  is  ’im 


m»6)u  x  ajii  fanny 

;V.  -MeC13j3iy,  JEsrij., 

Mo,  7  Wbs-i  'ThaSSttiJlavSt *£&, 

Mr.  -'Mlsojv^a ^g» biy&d  Vox&MfcwP  -fl*TW**  Bea}i, 

"5  th  'and  5th,  1'oapBotilr^lV,  tfrf  £i rs  rfeJ.ateWgrfjft. 

i  ohoiosB  herewith  1!tt.  \EdisW*#t  dHp <}R  '^^30>flO,';13.Ti 

ftfiajtf'danpa  with  the  requost  'oonta>n?^  -S#  yoUf  ^ottot*  of  5th 
I’ieasg  ^chnow;g^s9  }Ppd?^pt  .of  aan^, 

YoiiVa  t"r^iy 

^  ditto' tary, 

Jpobsmtor  9^ 

%  lippinoo^  cowpany , 
Publitjflera  5,.  ^oKboaie,.^ 
rtiil£iaqlph>a}  Pa, 

V’qwwi  veiy  truly, 


December  94  X$Sb^ 

T*  GoRciapiford  Martin,  Es<u, 

#1$0  B  r  o.  ti  d  »  d  y  ,  , 

New  York  City, 

i.^y  deaf  Sis*;* 

Mp,  Edison  would  like  you  to  prepare  an  article 
on  the  Phonograph,  whioh  th.q  former  can  submit  for  publication 
in  the  new  edition  of  "Chamber *g  Bnoyolopaedia, "  as  indieigbatfl 
in  the  enclosed  letter  from  the  J*  B.. xippincott  Company,,  of 
Philadelphia r  Please  inform  me  if  you  can  undertake  the- work* 

BATTERS'  CATALOGUES.  Please  let  me  "know  how  you  ere  geitins 
along,  with  the  Special  Phonograph  Catalogue*  and  the  others#  I 
’rtwild  like  to  have  the  patter  for  all  the  catalogues  as  noon  am 
you  can  supply  it. 

Yours  very  truly* 

Pftitefce  £e«i^t6ry* 

si*  In^liesw*  pqji, 
3?*^,  »jx  S&w,  tJey  Vo** 

?I«ai»(3  bo  good  enough  i?  ,^,eh  tftie  fffflantiUefc  aolfctw 
of  all  1t5»  B^aton  jiafiorB,  pai’tienlarly  tbo 

svea  sen#  tin  Edison  anyt  hin  that  appears  ^ 

Sftioon  Phonograph  Toy  ttanufaoturing  Cojipaoy  CBalAw®  'iftipTij)-  $$• 
psKsiblsf  ^aso  edraiiniza  these  papers  ***•  say  tow*  ^  aj^p 

muoh  oblige 

Yimrs  .truly, 

r  Aais;®n  h^  **4  your  lsw^ 
ine  >«^>»«.iTO4  V  you  «** 

*  "’*  *  ****W**»i..--.  pi  nr„, 

”  *°  *’  *****  WSH%th«, 

’  *"**"  ‘&*M  *»  *, 
*°  have  tferU*  ?!»<**«>  i*  ■«**«. 

pvi  tm  %aea. 

uptime  tf&fero^ry 


Stoakbridtej  Bscv, 
"EiWrftlG.  POTOR, "  #132 

i^ja  Stjcesft, 

I  have  yoi*  letter  ***&*,  ari^si^t*e* 

df  introduction  "from  ttr.,  Ilickj.M  &*,&«*«. 

fMe  PaeaaUM  ih  Vmt  t *.  wail,  «*#  ,4^ 

fet°  °OV0W'  a  “*«*  ***  4^  ^  t«  o&t#eb^  «to 

tfc^dieon  exhibit- avtl^ptipi^^  ***«»  ta  MinneWQ$* 

Sfcis  booh  -contains  «  fa*lta*«fcb«  *  e»  of  Hr.  SaiBtm^  In 

vantiona^  as.  Trail  os  an  apoount  of-  Mp  iijty  and  nwv  btfier  *«#. 
t  ibttiars  tl*t  will  be  uddfal  Wj  you  in  pwpar-iug  «*.  w*inp  ' 
Tshioh  y  on  Make  .mantflpn*  Trmiir^  tbit  {hie  wiU  fet 
<£&is  factory 

I  am,  youjrs“very 

Daderibar  10,  1890. 

Samuel  Jnuull,  BBq., 

Edison  Building,  Broad  Street, 

Nsw  York  <3itjV. 

fita*  Sir:- 

Herb  hs  -A  letter  whi oil  Mr.  Edison  has  received  from 
Pm.  Tfrurstpn,  of  Come diversity,  relative  to  furnishing  that 
institution  with  u.  h.  p.  generator  to  drive  tfce  two  Sprague 
rtotors  that  Were -presented  to  the  University  a  kittle  time  a£6  ty 
***?  Edison  poppjLe.  Mr.  Miaou  Wants  to  know  if  y  at  •  des  ire  to 
arrange  -tbi'a  natter  for  Prof.  TJmret out 

yours  very  truly. 

V . . 

Pi^iVate  Secretary. 

fficBaixJ-  Eaq,  , 

#  »all  St 

l<Ir^  Bdluon.  has  asked,  me  to  re^i»  to 
enclosed  l<K«ei»  received  from  Mr*  Jolm  Kraus i,  ; 
patents  ^ve-  beep,  taken  out  in  Canada  on  the  nev 
'P.oinv  dj-mmfr  which  is  new  boine  mamfattui^l  a* 
«forksv  I-  l»ivre  advised  Mr*  KVSufli  that  nis  leVta 
ferytad  t'ot>'oni<Seii?»v 

Yours  truly*; 

SPrifljate  'Soi&rfetaaryi 

**tow*ta&.>  jfr  Y, 

E<tart  #$.¥■;:' 

Y«ars '  •fc-iniit/’ , 

Private  awwii^, 

'Deeeial^f  1^ 

Mig.q,  guannU  l+  s,t 

Pear  Miss  Stilwell, 

Mr;  Edison  has  read  yo-ar  letter  of  B'Ah 
instant,,  and  in  he  has  instructed  me  to  say  that  the  <t>aa 

iron  to  TKfeioh  y  oa  refer  must  be  P*i*  hotted  t  o  remain  at  the  :4»t>orar 
turf  oh  account  of  a  lair  suit. 

YoUra  itruly. 

$V  ^  Vpx  3333^  WwT<pX.  fli^ 

JUfsar  aUssJ'm 

Ya*p*  iSitfc**  of  4th  ipa^ant  J^^ion  fo  the  phone* 
graph,  ad<&w.ajaod.,t*o  May  Edison^  haa  btieft  ive  4- 

Kto/8«4©ia*tri«wj8;  rWiah  Vnf  ogenta  toi-  «*#*  y  qu.  refer  dsairsd 
to.  place  upon  tJjp  use  of  the  phonograph  vrith-whioh  they  offerofl  t® 
fijanioh  pou;  were  not.  dictated  to  Mr,  liaison;  in.  fact*  your  letter 
undCr'  rCply  is  the  first  intfinaiioh  ltd  h^a  bait.  op  such  9  thing* 
Sihoe  the.tiibe  to  which  you-  have  refet'eribe-' the  phOhogr&ph  has 
StiKJUftd  into;  other  hands *  and  tin  Conditions  sjp^OiaSQing  it  ‘wow 
f&sfaer  it  aftttolut sly.  impossible  fof  iir4  E&ip<£tt  it)  giVo  yon  a  mafr 
&& ino>  Yfe(  anticipate  within  «  r'eaaOhafett  tiTie  tbBsti  Cant 
fikm  nodM  still.  be  reisxefu*  kfld  tf,s  soon  aS  trfl/y  ttffe  tin*  Bctiaon 
•»£&i  Srfl  aWIa  to  flivb  y<M  he  tenld  do 

pxc  liabifr  of 

twiiA  very  ii'ftiy* 

*#»*&»* n$*4 

Ife**  fcsilattatj*.  ly^d 

'SMt  Toeie  <3|^^ : 

3k  0  *•  A-  &  i'  **•  :$»■■ 

•VjW1  l«$,ftec  $£  iftfcE*<>g««4iion  was  duly  p«9^t*a 
lip  ifto#  V5«®Wmt  d$>  i^b^aorstr  a»i<!l  «}yr  B^ron  fio  Ravignonjr  , 

.©aft.-l'mcett  W30Mi  a/wiwif  t&r*ragfr  the  LabfWtotoi^y  atjd  ^ha  Fhonogttatdi 
’Sftrtifcay  and?  aVs'rtT^VJing:  ~waa  done  to  male#:  thpl^  it&tifa  inW^e^i^?* 

IfhJ#  tfese.  jin±i«odkTOQ&  to  Mrv>  'Eeja©ni*,.^fe^)tt  wSdct-^ft^  1<»® 

c&nvejrsoAiiwi,  and  wsni-  attay 

H-DrJi'g  very  ifaly 

Your3  truly; 

.Private  Secretary- 


Vr*  vEdipoi^  haft'  revived  yt>up  letter  of.  IDth  Instajtt., 
eap-losing:  a.  papor  gd-Vine.  extracts,  from  the  mineral  l«assa  of  the 
Sussex.  County  Iron.  Cb,.  to  the  N«  Jt  ft  Pa*.  Concent  rating  'W^rkan  fti*e 
sane-  ba.irfe;  a  description  of  property  And.  information  »quas-t»<l  V 
OurMr  siloed*  This  paper  will:  be  handed  to  Mr,  Reed  as  soon  as 
he-  return}3  to.  thO  Laboratory*. 

7iUrj/nV  3*r  B"t  Eat  Op, 

#120;  8;  r  q,  a.  d  w  ay.,. 

hew  York  city  „ 

isott,  J3aqr> 

Mwit.  Wk  W&ins, 

^  a.ij'  a<  r  a  os, 

W&ri  friK; 

WOaW  «**  *  *•  W-MWj*  W»«  ««#  «, 

to  in  tjifr  abovo  iteV&erapfc* 

Ytftars  truly. 


I.  have  Jrbur  letter  of  9tji  instant  in  regard  to  Bupi 
<?ats  Cylinders,  and  in  compliance vri,fh  your  request  I  .en'eibse 
herewith  copies  of  the  two  leUers  wfciolvypu  <fc 
press  copy  of  the  North  Vbji^irican  Co*p  replytp 
drssqed  to  it  ty  the  Bhonograph  Workjjf 

I  do  not  want  to  make  pri^nai  jjyUnderB,  and  have  no 
jpction  to  the  local  companies  making  them,  What  X  want  is 
manufacturing  0f  duplicates,  whiohare  very  different  .things 
records  made  hy  inusicians  direct.  The  moment  dtiplioates  are  to 
be  had,  the  direct  production  of  records  trill’  oaasa,  as  the 
Will  he  better  and  cheaper. 

Yours,  very  truly, 


Xftrui  £  W. 

Ittjfir  fa  B*  -Baton, 

frJ-20  B  r  o  a  d  Vr-ft  y  , 

■Haw  Yoi*  City* 


Sira  t- 

Y°ura  votf  tmtyt 

fiDI30N  ZHQlWfitpH  «ORKSb  ! 
<Si(Sho4)  At 

’c°»  J'MivarJr  aft* 

ijaison^io^ograph  wdrj?3f 

Nv  j* 


1  -001^03^1100)1  oa  ft’ojtij  v'jai’ioiw  Phono. 

"*M*"“*  ’,'M”0S»a  * »<«»  Oo, 
.  **  «*««*  •»  •*)»  to  „  ft.  ^lty 

»f  -TOifa  too*  W  l/too|*to*r, 

a  «,Kto,  to  yop.  «,*  „owloi(lla 

™  “  *  ”**"  01  «<W»«Mi.,n  to  a»  HU  p^i 

'***T** •*"•**»** .»***.«•  mw  *,»  j 

****”  *”**  »**  '*»*'  #m+t  •»  t 

to  e5^  »iwly  t0  oblies  UM,  „,  im  tai<iti„  ^  **** 

*** •* *«*««»»  **»*  „fWj 

««*  to  to,  tev,  toto  »»***  too*  to.  htotoM  to  to.  toatoto 

T1****  **  *,*.*,<h  *•  *  ***  m  v,  Mb  *** 

wi.  tta,  »  *  to  .«».»  „»v  «,«. 
toWt  toto  *l».tatoM  w«tovto»to»to  to^<utotoaM  ** 

■  'fc#4  **•  ■S!°~  f«  «*»«»£  Wto  for»i„tod  w  w 

****•«,#»■,.*  s%**>  -ft*  ^  wHto^ 


w  w  <,,’iMti0”  *“  <*■  ^  to 

’T’"  *****  *»  J  *  *«!  to  **s  la}„y  * 
»M»n  to  toto  — «  ^  ^ 


/O  // 

/z  .  /ffn 

JLuutfjO  £jf  f\tCOV. 

&clvu<r,  (%tnyl-araJU 

^  "'■  ***“  i rM 

^  W«<v  W1  J&i*.  //>  M'"*'"  ^ A"  / 

^<w.Zx  ^  W1 

7^.^*w**.*  ^  ***  r^js-  »« 

^a*^,  j*  t-^r/ujr  ^  w  t m 

'-~in,ut^e.  :tiT-  ni6"  M~~~  *  '*'*' 

"*"■“*•  %  <V>'^V  <W*,  mUl  /  ; 

y  t  **  ^  ^ 

■WW  r)UA 


S^oembop  as^ 

Esq,,,  Aaaiatfttvt,  Manager, 

»0*  D.ap*t>  Edison  8.»%  Electric  Co,, 
•  .  ®n<UUtMy,  NfY, 



■  far: 



**”  ***”  •*  “♦* .  *”“«  *««««!  t.o  *,  JWte* 

Ml  MplaWitan.c*  the  *u«r  which  ccran-ed  in  -reVcroic,, 

”'  *»*.  cew,in  «i„  for  :r5^c„  ,tos  :b„ 

“•“T**  **  **  **“  *““"“*»>  «  Mr.  a»H  «,.»»» 

•-iis'  pen&ii  note  upon  the  tomjeponctenfre:  *' 

sv^f r  s&s  rifT- 

very  truly,, 

Dtfw&bei*'  12, 

WfcOjalor,  > 
#ss  'Ssro^t 

'Na.w'Xjorfc  ci% , 

Mr.  Oit  fc?  infbm  yow  ^  )gj$g*r 

oul*  sxjale,  ^  ywjfre  m  yet  hniX 

mboxht^vr-i  thB  'jm&  y}mfp&  tfUUb  tfce 

yflup  .Macn^t  1*  ;J^i^  W9up4. 

Ed^a  0.  Oooksy ,  Esq.,  Sup’t.  Supplied, 

^UPP  ly  Dop ' t . ,  We  a .  Union  Telegraph  Co  , , 
Ho.  6  Day  St.,  Hew  York  City. 

Dee ember  is,  iS30< 

Dear  Sir:- 

He furring  to  your  letter  under  date  19th  ultimo,  in  ' 
to  the  two  sets  pf  Quadruplex  instruments  which  your  Company 
kindly  loaned  to  Mr.  Edibon,  so  tint  the  sine  might  fee  included  in 
•Dia  Daria  exhibit,  ana  afterwards  -eonsentdd  to  the  same  bding  ex- 
midjitdd  at  tlief  Exposition  recently  held  in  Minneapolis,  I  beg  to' 
irtpoim  you  that  the  O.apps  thp  exhibition  goods  are  how 
nt  ftp  ^er^tory  waiting  tw  bd.  tfojttftited,  dhd  M  aot**  ip.  this  is 
done,  dhiph  Vill  be  in  -a  ypry  #wrt  ^ime,  tfce  ip  rumen  ts  will  ,bp 
returned  to  you, 

Y butts  truly. 

Private  Secsetary. 

Deoowher  ^  ^$00 

A'tyvafWi  3  +  SfcvriU,  Esq, 

Xev  York  Oi^Vj 

Sfe^r  Sirr*' 

Mrr  Edigop  Juft®  red oived  your  letter  at  ,13th  inetant 
in  -m&Hixt  to  the  P&queet  Curmcow  |Je  Trill  have  this  property 
QXantfnpd s  ?jnd  'sill  then  report  to  y  <W  on.  the  ,»tthjset* 

Yours  truly  ■ 

Private  Secretary? 

Esq*.*,  '  ' 

Step*  P-iassii,  an$  Qourt 

'  D es  Mciinea,^-.  lowa^ 

Hear  SStrjw  t 

Mr*.  Etfjaon.  baa  jpkcrd  irts  to  aofenowiedge  tJiO  receipt  pf 
your  3&tter  of  IfKJt  iTur^nt,  ifoioh  oame  duly  to  linnd  ana 
}i«r-  perused.  with.  *sn*xh.  interest*  Mi<+  ftaieon  aspect  a  hia  fethtfr,  *5 
visit-  him  in  the  a  our  as  of  a  short,  time*  when  he  will  taring  yetar 
letter  before  Mttenl  disouas  the  aubjoot  df  the  Edison  ameatry. 
It  is  possible  that  PjW  M*>  Edison  Way  remember  some  of  the  SttJrta 
referred  %c-  in  your  letter#  and  rfian  tiny  have  been  brought  to  tala 
Attention,  a r<-  Edison  will  be  very  pldiaed  to  Qomnunioate  with 
you  Again*- 

^onrs  v'Oiy  trctly^ 

■  '  l  H[  \  " 

December  15,  1890  ( 

H*  Ward  Leonard,  Esq.-,  GOn'l.  Manager. 

InteLligenoe  DepH.,  Edison  Gen‘1.  Electrio  CoM 
Edison  Big. ,  Broad  St,, 'New  York' City, 

Dear  Sirt- 

Mr,  Edison  Das  road  your  letter  of  11th  instant,  also 
eojy  of  letter  so  company  ing  same  from  the  Williamsport  Edison 
Company  tulat  ive  to  the  Thompson  new  vatt-mOtOr.  Jn  reply  Mr, 
Edison  has  instructed  me  to  pay  that  as  sOon  as  the  teat  of  the 
Thompson  is  competed  he  will  report  to  you  ding  it, 

Iflr,  Edisonf3  mechahibdi  faatdr  Will  soon  be  ready. 

Yours  truly  * 

Dacenifiar  16, 

Boarc(  Bast  Proprietors. 

Pi-B  *  t  h  A  m  b  o  V  . 

:  *  «»Binaw 
*  "  “  “  lma  ta ' -*■  i*  -  a.  »*.  t„„ 

”8  ****h  “  *”»•«•  «  -*-a  ,hioh  it  ia 

?*"“  U  ohalM  „ia.  in  ^  ^ 

"'"'f  lnSWi-W  W°"«-  p™,to„  ths 

lmi  *vt*iBl* *:  “  <**«.  ,W1M0  <m  „  a„0  raB 
77“  ^  ** 4,M>  *-  -» « -*«■  **  —  ^ 

f  “  !’”',W“lTOS  «*»  »*.«»..  that  ^  tu10  ta8  . 

“0fi3M4  a’“'8  »f  b«i»S  haatk^aa  6,  la.. 

Yours  truly; 

$  v 

yxwsivlH  ■  ■  ■  . .  ,  _  ; 

■  *  40  *'w&i**  #m 

?^3i«on  Xvlephbrijfo  to  ^ow  ,ti*rafty>*f.  ,■  .  . 

i**  'Pash -*S#it}  *ia  oim  b^ties>  *  *m>.| ; ,, 
*®**  pay  snythihC*  of  oo^aa-  if  Bash,  aa^es  ym 
'*%  ’W9  M»  i  Hva  na  db&e*  ioj^  -  iurtsoft**  •  •  ■ 

©ei  J6,  iS4o, 

Jfcwter  g, 

2  Ms  to  coni' inh  the  foi;c 
taiao*  telephoned  U  yon  Un*  morning 

m  about  weetinff  you 
ajwl  Buaiu  %  (lid,  uot  jtriDw  tjpy  bwa*ezm(i 
to  Aaatos,  ^neull  i*  pvoiwprtaM.  m 
ivt&  WMfti.* 

December  1<7„  1890* 

»  r,  Uiao'n,. 

Referring  40  tho  attache^  correspondence, 

first  being  a  letter  from  the  Edison  Manufacturing  Company 
faring  my  signature*  addressed  to  ^  Insuli,  2nd  Vzoe-PrtaH, 
^ieon  General  Electric  Company,  ^d  the  Ww*  a  t^i^ea 
from  the  latter  addressed  to  you* 

a,  1  am  uot  in  a  position  to  prove  tfcO  existence  of  m. 
Oration  knora  „„  the 

thdrefox-e  cannot  contradict  the  statement. 

b*  ®«^®»Pon4an9q  ip  -juastion,  tvi’Qrring  W  it  did  to 

Jthe  bat^ry  business,  I  thought  it  would  ho  proper  to  ftunduct  *, 
the  n*n*  of  the  Edison  Manufacturing  C<^oiy*  I  have  no  deling 
pn  uti?  point,  art*  pi*l  conduct  it  ah  the  name-  of  the  Alm%h% 
if  y  on  wiehi 

« .  t  cannot  Jnysdl*  concaivd  that  you  or  anyone  «jm  no  old 
^riotisly  propose  that  the  ,&iieon  «*n-l.  Bloct.rih  Crafty  Md 
honae  thq  busipesa,  involving,  Sanding  of  stoaK  oh  a  mergin 
**M..  The  16^t  dfatfcfcnts  that  to.  give  to  Any  dealers  on  our 
"***  .U*  Of  is  ;3oX  *  Itf  **«,  list,  I  Offered  the  • 

*4W  ^  ^  *he  market  price  of 


bhe  cells  is  wot  eatablielied  by  us,  bvit  by  the  trade,  which  allows 
from- 10'/,  to  25#  from  ohr  list  prices.  There-  is  no  press  ing  reason 
why  the  Ktlison  Gen'l .  Co„  should  allow  merest  In  fact,  if  they 
are  going  to  out  the  throats  -of  all  the  dealers  we  would  very 
much  better  keep  the  business  in  our  own  hands  * 

The  large  oells  fop  electric  lighting  purposes  are  not  yet 
ready  *  WJien  thoyoomo  out  I  proposed  giving  the  Bdison  Gen'  l*  Cot 
better  discounts,  as  you  willaea  by  ny  letter* 

The.,  whole  thing  in  a  hut'rflhsW  id  that  it,  ia  absolutely 
impossible  Coir  us  to  quota  any  lower  prices  than  thpso  nsytiad  j,p 
my  letter',  unless  we  wiah  to  psw  the  Rd.i son  Qen*l,  Rid Q trie  Cot 
for  condescending  to  handle  our  goods  f, 

d,  dt  would  be  interesting  for  yid  to  know  t?  qpy  letters 
which  I  write  in  connection  with  this  b&HSXV  bUflinqgs  Site  to  be 
called  into  question  as  to  ivhtU05‘ity»  ppphapu  jrtyji  oonld  funiiah 
me  with  a  etas?)  or  a  se^J  wtyloh  y  e.pvi&ii.  attach,  to  o.&Oh  Jet  top, 
bearing  a  form  of  affidavit  that  $  4Vtl  author  ia@d  te  handle  tip  ,;v 

business*  '  -  — • — •  /■ 

December  17,  1890< 

U. It.  E  i  i  6  p  n  r 

The  Auditor  of  tie  Edison  United  Phonograph 
Company  has  finished  his  inspection  of  our  books  and  checked  every 
item  in  th9  bills  rendered  by  us  against  thht  Company.  Shall  I 
adk  the  -Compahy  for*  a  Certificate  of  approval  of  the  bills,  of 
>shall  1  start  right  in  and  dun  them  for  money? 

Mr.  EdisOn, - 

Vith  reference  to  the  attached,  letter  from  Major 
Eaton  in  regard  to  Mining  Leases.. 

The  matter  of  thOde  leases  comes  up  from  time  to  time  in  my 
-off****,  -arid  I  wrote  to  Major  Eaton,  asking  who  ma  attending  to 
the  payments  involved  thereunder,  being  desirous  of  hiving  defi¬ 
nitely  defined  the  ektent  to  which  ny  office  is  to  be  rasponaibli 
fw  ^  keeping  of  fecbrds  of  payment  etc.  These  leases  seem  ti 
he  paseing  through  the  hands  of  a  good  many  people,  and  Maj  or 
Egtcn  M  ih  per  hips  the  best  position  of  ahy  one  to  take  entire 
charge  of  thtto.  Please  indicate  your  wishes  in- the  master- 


B  a  o  n  $  o  ri  ,  jtfy 

wmtw  17*  ia% 


Mr,  Kdiaoh  has  rtwwa  yoW  latter  ot  15th  imtmt 
i«  W  to  th,  Ohootoo  »»«*  pjwt,  i*  te  rtjj  ^  tht 

tof°ra  **  to.  n^w,  a  *»  wiJ6 

««,  «t  to  Oon.iO*  tto  PO*«o.  oSo  He 

prefers  to  **U  MO  Ore  ***  rttau  w  Men  Wwion 

**"  ,ta* '  •«»***  4*  m  <*  ■ 

Yo^ir?  vexy 

$m&U  , 



GtnWtHh  Minijjjs  6«y i^,, 
0  t  t  ft  \(  *  ,  4 

*4%  Edison  h^s 
in  thereto  i»  ^3, 

W*M*  at  the  present  t  & 
W^1'  the  owner*  -of  $>*<*©  j 

,:  "a*  w  &M*  of  12th  inatnnt,'  an* 
******  5*  **W that  he  %  aoinz 
1X0  W  th>>  S,,Q'htu*y  ^istriot  and  will  not 
:Vty  mtkt  neighborhood  apna  i»  their 


test  truly  , 


:  m 


Wy  do'&r  ita-i  ltti-tohol,-* 

^saying  tv-  y*W  le  ■$.*■}■  <*f  13-tfi-  instant,  I 
“feag  '0ay  t)$»  'id*  to  wlrMft  ijj  foihg  toW'bm*** 

tfir  M**  Bdiaori  «%M*,  J*thf*pp*  k  wha  hot  aware  that  y.6n  ha^-  «Klf 
sw»h.i.d«a,-a8vifchi«#  k*>  hatltfoji  ha*  to  ay  rknowled$*  :$**  j*  va*? 
1<«^  tin®  -  *n  fm  r,  a  dasir*  to  «c- 

ddwpliaii  this  anSpl^',1aufc  until  wwontly  nsvai*  »ooc$as.fui  in 
intdi*eHi%  Mn  ;»aiso** 

Vqura  yfafr.  ti*uly  jr 

My  dear  J&throp,- 

The  enclosed  is  very  rich1, 
little  nan  thinks  we  extratitecl  his  6&at  idea 
eve^iftfe  at  the  o'ran-ce  Club.  I  enoloae  copy  of 

Yours  very  truly 

December  17,  Xg&O;. 

I  am  afraid  the 
from  him  one  Sunday 
my  reply. 

‘George  Parsons  i^throp ,  Esq., 
Fpw  iondsn,  Cphn, 

December  18,  1890, 

14r*  P*  Oildea, 

Meant  Olive, 

Dear  Sirjf 

N.  J. 

4'  : 

Mr.  Edison  has  reogived  your  letter. 0f  16th  instant 
iil  to  the  lease  of  the  Thomas  Walling  Ming,  Ihis  lease 

will  not  expire  if  we  pay  up V  After- Mt , r Bethel,  Mr,  Mfron  wants 
.you  to  tafegkj  up  the. welling  Uine>  ' 

Yours  veiy  truly. 

Private  Secretary. 

Stanu&i  iAsmi,  Ecq,, 

Broad  Street* 
Novf  York  City, 

December  la,  1890. 

'****..  n°‘*  rro”  ®>.  Oanwtt  in  r,ea«  to  m 
“**“  WlS°h  h'  *"■«*»*  ,to  <*•  “«**  «-wpt.  i  ** 

•  ~  *°  **  *“  «•  *»o  «eh 

^  1  *«  *»  «%  to  „  me" 

t  ^ 

if  he  to  *  ieE«iiat6  ,lw*  ^ey  itaut  mim  i*.  I 

n<*toto  *,  men  »  to  „h*i  **,  **,  rtttWw  * 

■iewe  «0  npw*  J  Wto  Mr,  amah*.  WJi  »ill  W  fonM 

nls  reeords,  «>•  I*rhia»-  yep  are  iamipaf  With  hia 

very  ftmty} 

December  IS, 

Sattmol  Iiumll*  Esq, 

Edison  Building,  Broad  -Street., 

Hew  Yorjc  'City,. 

Dear  sir:: 

I  bag  to  confirm  the  following  message  from.  Mr.  Ed: 
telephoned  to  your  ofi'ico  .to-day?: - 

"HendCra-on.  writes  .that  he  will  have  ,blue  prints 

•made  of  little  cnotpn.  If  y  ou  are  .going  ;t©  .wait 

•fbr  bliio  •i»r.ih'tij  yoh  •Mil  be  muoh  -delayed,.*  ’.Ttoiy 
•not  s'hip  -iaotpr  to  Spljeneota^y  a.nd  let  thorn 
ahead?  ^D-ISOE.11 

;Yours  truly 

'Private  secretary,.. 

■December  1§.,  139$, 

.  Edison  United  Phonograph  Company, 

G*  'Nfc.  Morison,  Esq..,  Secretary, 

.Mills  Building,,  .New 'York  city,..  * 

hear  Si  n>- 

Your  letter  .of  4th  instant  addressed  to  the  ^Edison 
Phonograph  Work?,  with  relation  to. M9.  Edison's,  bill  ;f or-Rhono- 
ftwip'h  MQ"  8514  and  RWiioa  amounting  ;t  o;^21§.ll,., shipped:  to  ..the 
City  of  Mexico.  August  16th  last,  MstOft^-raforred. t.o-.tlie  labora- 
tory  for  reply,.. 

The  -phonograph  iii  question«was -presented  to  Senor  Don -Rubio, 
Secretary  of  the  .Interior  .of  ;,.the  ^Republic  of  Mexioo.. 

At  a  meeiting  of  the  Executive  Coumittee  of  the-. Edison  United 
•Phonograph  Company  held-2Rth  April,  1896,  Mr.  Edison, was  autho¬ 
rized  to  manufacture  twenty- five  phonographs  to  ba  used  for -distri- 
'  'bution  in  foreign  countries  to  .distinguished  people,  for  the  ..bene-  ' 
fit  of  the  Company,  and  the  presentation  abovo  referred  .to wras 
made  in.  accordance  therewith. 

:yp*  'Torfc-.'jpi^ri 

^eda^er.  ^ 

■i!ea-r  ,sira-- 

••Yputfa  Ay^^Jbgttji^ 


■u4  " 

J>paeml?6r  19,  3890, 

35,  Eaton, 

,$120  Broadway, 

Hew  York  City. 

J)9p.r  Sir:~ 

With  ^fopwjie  to  your  letter  of  8th  instant,  in  rep* 
i<>  m9  *  tha  Un  *****  to  Mining  leases  ^  the  payments 
involved  thereunder,  1  have  toiled  Mr.  Edison’s  dttdhiiOiTto  this 
*****  ^  ^  to  inform  you  of  his  wishes  in 

the  *S«*»*.  -Mr.  *&*mn  desires  to*  to  iook  after  all  the  p*. 
*****  in  "*"5*»*  With  tfce  various  mining  pretties,  whether. 
****“*  ‘to  hite  pOVkona^  *r.  to  the  Na.w  Jersey  *  Pennsylvania 
^pntwfcing  Works.  He  wishes  y  <*t  to  keep  a  record  of  when  the 
stmmnteed  royalties,  t***a  **,.  wto  hp^and  to  notify  the 
proper  parties  in  due  season.  You  Will,  therefore,  please  wdeW- 
*%m d  Itdison  vxpeai*  you  fo  ta#  oOle  charge  of  this 

ana  4o  Jreep  track  «f*U  the  ^ymants  to  ha  nBde  under, 
the  vd^ous  fflini^g.  leaser,  ^  offrP)?  ^  to7  be  in  po  res. 
portdihle^or  -anything  ip  connection  wi^  ^Bse  minitfc  -matters, 

**  OTy  001>«®licfttiena  pr  dommnnta  th^  you  <aay  wend  to  ¥  Ve- 

1441750  Will  bo^imply  for  ow-’^^^k-SJfVfgr  reference 

?ounff  very  t*ily,  ^i4  '*  Sectary. 

Da v- carter  20,,  3,890, 

B*  lippihoott  Oovjtpany, 

Publishers  &  Booksellers, 

Philadelphia.  Pa*  , 

Da»y  Sires- 

Raferring  again  to  your  of  6th  inst&nt  -ad&r 
•ara&sod  %o  Mrt  Edison,  I  taJ?e  xMb  pleasure  in  enclosing  herewith 
tha  required,  .article  on  the  t>?  p*  M 

raiw  edition  of  ?Chqmhere’s  Encyclopaedia, “  Xit  id  complete  ip  ajea 
essentials,  and  I  trust  iroU.  #£4,1  find  the  same  sat isf  ao*.ory>  .1 
f$so  enclose  a  blue  print  of  the  perfected  ‘i»ct>s*je,ht# 

Srnsjte  yviy  truly,.. 

.Detfembar  20,  S1890 

■V  C>  .  Martin,,  JStlq, 

fodis*  Mr^ 

I  eo  TUneih  Obliged  for  y  o»  «T  15th 

■ivatijht.  onoloijing  artic3.ff^n*tlML  Pijotfograpfy  vkXdh  Hr,  Edit3c/.n 
has  poruaed  and  pronounced  -tot  •Jn^jac  '  .  ■'•'•• 

PiodMa  returh  tb  j-fc.  of  m  fcippincsvtt 

Your*  vary  truly- 


Pa.csshqr  22^  jJ.S90^ 

pr*  TJipmt^a  Egdeaton, 

ep.qj.nn)jitia.  Qoljegq.,.  New  ¥«**  Qity, 

Dear*  Sir  i> 

Mr»,  Edison  haa  read  your  IsMor  of  }33th  inyiant  in 
regain.’  to  the-  monument  to  Audubon  whictb  it  is  propped  t$>  oreefc 
in.-  flaw-  Yo,rfc  Pity ,  In  reply  Hr*  Edison  baa  i»atw»p*«A  as®  *«  £»JRoti> 
yon.  that,  ha  i*  in  entire  sympathy  with  this  Q.bject„  and  iSaat  .yqp 
may  put  him,  dawn  for  §100* 

Yours  voiy  truly. 

Private  Seatettor* 


$P!P£Wl>?'?  ;3S^90# 

W  <3ea*.  Deis****- 

Yow  letter  Of  lot*  jUwi*nt  in  .re^a  to 

2»riil^  Dttwnophone  i3  duly  at  hand.  Ho  net***  «w  ##  ti® 

£i»a  -overtones.  1  have  only  euoeeoded  lately  in  $he 

sesoofekl  overtone  and  am  going  to  stop  there,  , 

Yours  VBix/  +.v>n1V 

mailbag,  H,  .Att*  tfet,  -«an>lwwu  ifoM, 

>  W .«»  «*  M,.  Wi»m  »***  t,  1W»  4  *(**,*, 

postponw  Vintia  latep. 


Mill  «n*^_ 

Decainhep  2Z(  3,806 „ 

V  -T,,  HbtisqJ.,  Esq ,, 

fo 5  *  -  0.  « Va t  o  h, 

Vour  Kltt,  or  10th  instant  *Mh  „UHm  t„  ^  „n 

■“  **  *•""*  *  «*  **»»,  ' 
r,Ut™  to  «.  ***  «*.  „  *  mrw,  *  the  ^  ^  4> 

“* sleMrioal  *““**« is  ****  *» «» *>»•«* TO3tw„ 

**  Mr*  Edi30n  himself  upon  ?t»ur  letter 

"Giro  *im  *  good  oomnjon  aohoo.1  odpoatiou, 
timn  aecuro  a  Plaoe  for  him  to  aome  3^0- 
•  trlcal  Workd  “  sand  him  to -college,. 

Vours  very  truly*  '  4 

fciv&fto  -Secratary4* 


J'Ofcja.  F,i  EtsooJipr,  Esq,, 

K«»HmriU  e  »  Bq*  X, 


.Gaar-  &irr-  ■ 

•your  lettqr  of  15th  instant  ’to  •ftyf,  J5fti»o»  •xyjgttcL  i$o 
■UI&  Edison.  Phonograph  Toy  Manufacturing  -has  cdu^r 

rwoaaos l. 

•It  the  adjourned  stockholders  n wet  tog  told  it).  w  *t?to 

30 tii  of’  October  last,  Messrs.  V/pld;^  ajp- 

peatmd  with  several  thousand  more  votes*  --was  mhle 

ew»toandr  and  they  oieetad  their  own  73oto$ 

**•  M  tha:  dffaijjt  of  thd  Toy  Ootop&ny,  srta#w»  Itihpt  they 

am  Sr  vary  large  amount  Of  tnorwy  io  tto  gditfto  Worses  -in 

0 orinteffti on  With  the  manufacture  Of  speaking  w»3h9»xanBf<.  ,  :4trm 
Ea'ison/s  oir^ttlar  to  the  stockholders  ashing-  for  their'  uautfivios  man 
i»  afToet  a  request  to  place  th(s  o  otitrol  of  tKt  buffidinaaaj  ;noTioy  ?&' 
tlfe  Ckjfapany  in  his  hands,  and  *&s  made  izr  tie  fcelief  tdaft  'the  ®«- 
pdsdendA  tt  the  Coaw&hd  of  himself  and  those  aE^adiatesii  with.  ihiira 
Sri  How  invention  ehsm^e stotowfc urf  the  ' 

Hay  emptily  r»  business,  In  order  Mltjy  aiwa  iguiofcly 

tie  plea®  wliioh  Mr,  Edison  had  .in  aih&ft  'bbabSstixy  (that  '(he 

tftotflili  have  doirt-rol  Of  the  machinery  of  "fcStfe  iS&iHNHy*,  -and  to  ithars- 
fo-re  a ik(SA  pormi3«ion  to  name  the  neSt  Sottod  'of  ®rre'o:twr3p*  '  .In 
addition  to  thia,  it  was  felt  that  if  tlald  '’C'OStptdty-'s  -chit#  .creditor, 
tlwi  Ediisdii  Phonograph  tost  th&jfe  ^h&.&fcntptoy'^  .piil'i'qy  toa 

ftfeefrt  said  vrSa  frying  matured  V  tip*  -Sdthoh  'they  -.Wiil'd  'have 

mdh&  eohfidohco  itt*  the  (ability  of  tis»  JsdwjiaYiy  Vo  -.oaiitiTy  vojit  tto 
various  pWfTiaiorts  of  ita  lagrbeman't,  'toto#©Sia  'for 

tft#  dtoe  reaftoh  Ojioyoioo  ma*u  fawmaeeps®**  -%ito  ;re*3p:adt  to  vtihe 
6oftij?sWy f*  do&t  pending  thd  dcvalOfAtov^  .AAtaaite  brtjiteh’.An  :ex- 
fWidrtootf  iwnafi  to  t9  *  lUttSfe  toe*  Iftfrs  psfiKt  *&’  the  ar- 

f&Tgenfettt  ms  te  tfee  atoc^B4&d©nc  rtlr^Mh  the 

meditut  Of*  tte  p&OZa  %'  the  <e5*fbet  ZUtitb 4te» 

Afcitfto?  Wf  tya3  Vto  Oe#$aa*'-**  ^llt'iteredWoaj,  .-Sind  it  v#on 

itoito'Oq'd  tlTiit  to  thih  ^irs«ta*(b1te  to  fiiaee  the 

O-Ontrol  df  tJjO  ifl  'MS  MtOfai  $lKPiS|t)tn  is  the  tohsident 

<ff  and  &  ia?0&  staekWaUdf,  in  5feCCA:Braph  mtes  and  they 

&re  t-he  S0mf#iy,fi  tmisf  ‘^e  (d^ht  thjMh. 

sa.  mo. 

» ***  **(«#**  «-,«t.s  {Co- 


.  -jwS  “322  SIR  ££?“:  -2W51 “■'  *  »•*•» 

**»  polipy  of  Cornp^y, 

distent  to  decline -hia  olaatiL  «  '  fe**  **  auly  •<«><&- 

sentatxYQc*  Under  those  oiMuwtwea  V222K  fCnwa’  &WV- 
aa  to  tho  fatura  of  tho  Conm»«o  ,  t  a*  1  Aw?te-  SM>  Jwa.aiotw.Qn 
®*  -««• 

Yours  wry  truly,, 

Saisya.i  IftjnJ.1,.  Esq,,. 

Edison.  Suilding,  Sr^  St  peat* 
flew  Yqflc  <jitjfr 

Enap-  Sir.*:-  ' 

I  boa  ta  ooni'$rw  thq  following  message  from  Mr1, 
taXQSPhOJ’sd  to  you  this  morning  fc 

"HsndorsiQn  vjnites  iionaiol^^  soya  ho*  a  going  to  change 
half  honso  motor  to  msko  it  look  batter,  also  going  to 
v»3o  Mitis.  irottf  he  Krona  i  agrees  with  him#  Now 

if  those  things  srs  tg*  bo  doraY  might  as  wen  stop, 

Mitis  iron  was  trl^d  anti  did  not  anOwsrV  '  You  iYill  bo 
srupe  to  got,  in  trouble  by  theoratiaal  ohangea,  If  the 
motor  is  not  exactly  ka  wanted,  return  it  with  efitiiiwas, 
but  don't  yakz  any  changes*  Please  Attend  to  this  at  '' 
payee*  arid  answer*  EDISON*.’?  •  '  , 

Yours  truly* 

private  Secretary. 


•Seoumbar  #5,  18*0# 

***  OSfyW*  ^pi^9«4 

#97  $  %t,re*%f  %  trt,  Wtoju.«rMm,  d,  c, 

&t#r  Sir  to 

to  yow  letter  dated  Ifltft  instant  -to  Sir, 
asms  l  Zwn&Zis  to  thf  aubjeot  of  napj^wreronta  to  the  phonograph, 
***  of  *****  ^  *<*  Mr,  Edison,  th»  latter  d*~ 

*****  no  to-  ihibrja  you  W  ail  £bd  *»&?*, stiqna  nrhioh  you  made 
***  this  ooBnaotlan  >25ve  bg  ai  ferried.  Out  and  era  embodied  in  the 
to#  !ph6noGrapfc*v  Kv<Jry  thine  tiiil  you  a,akad.  for  has  been  provided. 

tdura  voiy  truly, 

Private  Secre  tary, 

•  i^4.  ■ 

S.acamfo-r  .25,  1890* 


?.di9on  JJrp^d  St  real;, 

New  York  City, 

3S4et.r  Sir*- 

Ydw  favor  of  22nd  infant*  m  clo®  Isp  ^ojy  oJf 
m^ivad  by  you  from  Mr,  Reward  t>.  Keeton,  F*vrlAm&  of  Tftw 
Columbia  Photw^apli  Qot,  on  the  (subject  of  iDep^-oyamfesitc  ,t,»  *»» 
5**00 gttyyte  Ms  heen  duly  receives  fey  Mr*  fidiao#, 

Afittf  re^iqor  this.  correspondence  Mr*  Bdiwn  SwtvofcfcM  u» 
to  Tfirito  to»  Hr*- Satat.oji,  to  the  effect  that  a U  the  suedes*  Sons 
vM&b  he  nadfl  in  the  ainvo  oonnoot  ion  have  been  carriW.  emt.,  *&tu 
0^.^  being;  e*>be*$&<i  in  the  r\w  phonograph,  and  t  at*  doi*e  s©  it 

Y«1irti  very  truiy, 


ft:t  Bm*n,  Dflq,n 
8  r  O  q  fc  fl  i  4  4 


Vom»  lotter  of  Slat  v„  t. 

“*V*WWI  .«•*>  «R*r 

«y  «r»  Edison,  who  perused  wu  .  ' 

-*  -W  «**  %  «*,  tart 


“'  th“  I‘°*,,Ne  "•»«•  ^  <$*  Is 

‘  -  ^  ^  SU  *.  ^ 

T<nm»  w**>r 

mm “T*  -* 

P'QOj,.  35*  ^90, 

Sisraie^.  InaulJ,, 

muon  Riliiainq,  Broad 

New  York  City, 

JJsa?  Sir;- 

IW  *>to»  -to  »M  yto  W  w  w»»to. 

iU  ”C“*  10  *  *“"'«“<*  »  -rtm  p«  ti,  TOw*  w 

ihtoo^Ktot,,  ^  to  ta,  mw,  ^  ^  rartrB| 

*  t!“  ”<’nnM*“"*  »  — -  «** *  *w«  «,*  M,  m, 

motor  vary  short Jy* 

'&#WrB  voiy  ipt&y#, 

.  •  •'«**■ 


P.  F«  Gildea, 
Sox  I*?, 

Deal'  Sir:- 

duly  received 
approval,  and 

December  23,  1890, 

,  Esq,, 

o/o  A.  B,  Bonn, 

■  Bethel,  N,  J, 

Your  letter  of  20th  instant  to  Mis  Edison  has  been 
and  perused,  ty  hirit*  What  ytw  propjj^  doing  iias  fcfe 
you  can  proceed  with  tljg  worjc,  ‘ 



pesomber  313,  j,aoo» 

Richards  fl  Esq,, 

Dover,  n*  J, 

US-st  Sirr- 

Hv*  Edison  has  received  yoijr  letter  of  goth 
md  m  ^  ycto*  will  have  to  wait  n  little  while 

an  Via  is  not  c/uita  ready  yet..  Mr.  Edison  has  only  just  tinitUm 
hxsf  -feriaMgniationa  and  3na  got  about  60/  of  the  pormrs  spotted; 
he.  w  Proceeding  with  the  rest  of  the  work  as  fast  ns  possible,, 

Voiird  very  tru^y, 

'Private  Secretary, 

Sa*»l  Jns,ou,  2,„,. 

^enr  York  City.. 

1  to  confirm  tho  reeai^ 

« h  *,  «.  _  ”T  ,mr  t,18Wi“  —*• 

laMW  *  ***».  m 

Jj*  ■><'«» a™  thL’EsSJJ  “S®?***"*  1-on  «oMd 

taiin’  sailu-  next  weak  Ym  Hi,a  fi’ienu  Mp.  Kri0B_ 

™° in "»« *>**  «;  s:  *  xx-ssk  *° 

SAMUgi,.  fwmiyf1  ji- 

Decertify! l-  23,  1890, 

Edison  United  Phonograph  Company, 

Q.  N.  M  o  i>  i  s  o  n  f  Esq.,  Secretary, 

Mills  Building,  Mow  York. City. 

Dear  Sir:1-  •  •' 

In  reply  to  your  letter  of  20th  instant,  I  beg  to 
ihfonn  y  oh  that  Joseph  Hoffman,  of  Berlin,  is  the  f anous  boy 
pianist  \ft*o  created  such  a  furor  in  America  some  time  ago. 

A  phonograph  and  supplies  therefor  were  presented  to  him  ibr  the 
pep)0  re as on  that  similar  presentations  were  made  to  other  dis¬ 
tinguished  people  in  Europe. 

In  regard  to  the  Recording  funnel,  billed  at  $21.36,  this 
was  a  large  funnel  for  recording  music,  and  the  price  named  is 
the  exact  amount  Qharged  against  Mr.  Edison  by  the  Phonograph 
Works  for  tho  came . 

Yours  veiy  truly. 

Private  Secretary* 

December  24,  .1390, 

Vo  Ho  McRae,  Esq„ ,  Manager, 

The  Phonogram, 
New  York  City . 

Dear  Sir:- 

I.  have  received  the  first  number  of  "The  Phonogram 11 
’.vhich  you  kindly  sent  to  me,  and  I  am  very  much  pleased  with  it. 
i'rom  both  a  literary  and  typographical  point  of  view  the  Magazine 
is  excellent,  and  you  have  tiv  best  wishes  for  its  future  success. 

Yours  very  truly. 

Private  Secretary o 

December  30,  1390, 

Hi*.  P,  P,  Gildea, 

Bqx  117  Mt.  Bethel,  N.  J. 

Dear  Sir:- 

Mr.  Edison  cannot  understand  what  this  last  shipment 
of  73  Samples  or  so  with  accompanying  chart  means.  It  is  dated 
December  10th  and  marked  1  to  78.  The  first  lot  were  also  marked 
ltd  100.  i  assume  that  this  oatrnot  be  a  repetition  of  the  1st 

Dedfember  Z&f  i S90. 

•  J&r  dour Mr„  ^kohanu~ 

Y°br  letter  of  jij^arrt,,  informing  oe 

i  **e  vacant  addition  to  your  family  <md  gf  your  v/ife'j?  desire 
maw  her  boy  'baby  “Ketisfon?  after  myself,  been  duly  re¬ 
velled  and  perused  by  we  with  much  interact, 

Ploaso  sal1,  to  y our  flood  wife  that  it  gives  me  a,  grea$  deal 
<,vf  ploasuro  to  >c rant  the  permission  ashed  for,  and  that  in  gnat.i- 
fy^ng  her  desire  alt a  does  aw  honor.  The  afcxt  best  thing  to 
be/ang  t  ho-  father  of  &  boy  is  W  have  pne.  »4bj-W  aftbr  you,  and 
4  «P  *^p«rienciRc  *4:1  the  Pleasurs  usual  ih  (iaseb. 

/  J  bog  that  Mr  a.  Snokmi  hrjd  acodpt  my  «ongratn- 

/lat-iona  and  very  beat  wishes  fbtf  young  ma*‘e  future. 

I  Yours.,  very  truly#  - — — ^ 

b«  -Sfa>wanf 

.  #2«  «  X5f  Bread  '^*iWfcy. 

Wau  Yvh&M#, 

tf*  B*  Jepaon,  Esq,, 

#30  South  Maple  Avenue, 

Baqt  Orange,  H,'  J„’ 

December  27,  3.8.90, 

Hr.  Mison  has  reaa’your  lattor  a.tod  PSri  iw,a„^ 

t,,at  ""  ”»”«"»  «  «»«**  a  to  tht, 

"T*  “*  R“P*'i  **»*  *“‘1™  °»Wnio. 

*n  oo„  up  rw  a.,Seion  „„  ^  nieht>  ^  >n  ef(ort  • 
1*  «.  «  havo  ,M  <»»**.  asrae  to  ooa.storaso  M*,*y 

“r*’  ma  al”  wtt»  *’"»  yo“  iM°M  *•  -«<*  *•  M»  nwm*  a 
*°f  of  lb.  MWtorl.  mt,  by  Hr.  Mlaoa  ia,t  Sop,™.l»r  i„ 

»«it  WlM  tho  R*M  transit ,bow, 

“*  W‘W  °f  **“  *«•*.  operatioiy 

tes  “wtreowa  „  to  infom 

4,111  ■*“*  **”  «P  «M»  •»  MX*  »»■>  ..  *.«.  ho  „a,  tbo 
AfYiaavi-t  inferred  to  ih  the  Ifcregoine,. 

y^urs  very  truly. 

y.mtat'e  :Suor.&teS$£ 

S.  «,  Baton., 

#1150  B  r  c 

Dsoomh^i*'  Z7y  i&gQ^ 

o  a  d  w  n  y  % 

Nov  YorH  City, 

'Boar  Sirs*- 

Edison  has  roosivea  your  mmorshami  ot  S)*ti 

»*,**„„  hi.  th.t  i,  to,  ta0„  8„anoo4  ^  Hendomroift  f>m 
Jo»»o  tto  Jnro  snmian,  a.  too![  a  ^  ^ 

Oinsss  tap  to  is  *«  to  tots  ondor  «»,  Imitu,s  ^ 

BO  MU.  yon.  Mr,  MiWn  ««,.  ,tet  Shis  is  »  m„  BooJ  i<B,a, 

Yoiar3-  trtdV,  ■ 

.December  27,  1890 

Major  S,  B.  Eaton, 

#130  Broadway,' 

Hew  York  City  . 

Boar  Si*1!-  • 

Re  N.  J.  &  Pa.  C.  Works  Mining  Properties.  Mr. 
Bd-ison  has  head  what  you  say  on  this  subject  in  your  letter 
•pf  34th  ihq.tant,  received  this  morning,  and  he  says  to  let 
^5r.  Pepry ,  at tend  ,tp  the  payment  of  royalties  and  taxes  on  all 
properties  belonging  to  that  Company,  inasmuch  as  he  prefers 
it* jipok  aftgsr  the  matter  $Lp>spif, 

Yours  very  truly. 

'H*  Seely,  Esq.,  . 

Meaa*a.  jjyer  &  Seoly> 

#36  Wall  St.,  New  York  City. 

December  27.,  isoo. 

toaar  Sir:- 

**  ta'  ***  of  2«h  1M_ 

regard  to  the  ■  *  “ *  ih 

J£T*~  — 

Yoiirs  veiy  truly. 

Private  Secretary. 

December  29,  iS'fco* 

allograph  Wc 

Orange,  N.  j, 

With  reference  ti 

uma  ^^vfarn-at  o nee.  These  spectacle  arms  are  to  duplicate 
'fective  parts  v/liich  were  sent  to  Yokohama  on -a  previous  order  of 
v  **»*«•»  an‘i  t}59y  should  hot  be  charged  against  Mr.  Edison,  but 
iould  be  furnished  gratia.;  Pour  of  the  spec  facie  arms  previously 
nt  to  Japan  were  unaccompanied  by  the  new  combined  recorder  and 

tUid  were  therefore 

t  more  tJian 

iturri  them  frori  Japan,  arid  the 

Yours  very  truly; 

las  &«•  Edison,  Esq- , 

HwYork,  |§?.q, 

Referring  to  my  letter  to  Mr.  Tate  of  the  3rd  instant, 
aivj  subsequent  telephoning  to  the  Laboratory :  will  ’you  please 
send  to  my  office  on  Monday  or  Tuesday  the  4  ppeotaole  arms^oom- 
Plote'^  In  supplying  same  will  you  please  let  me  have  such  as 
.wild  be  suitable  for  Machines  shipped  to  Japan  gay  one  year  ago? 
i  mention  this,  as  they  are  to  be  used  on  old  mchines. 

Yours  veiy  truly, 


With  Siiitf  ve  tfttiS  nut  arm.  -My  Yokohama  fii’m  wishes  t'o  convert 
old  maehiner«  iitt:  hand  into  those  qf  the -latest  pattern. 

Everett  Erazar,  Esq., 
#124  Water 

December  29,  3390. 


Mew  York  City « 

Dear  sir:- 

I  have  received  y our  order  of  27th  instant  for  four 
spectacle  arms  complete,  suitable  for  maohinea  shipped  to  Japan 
say  one  year  ago.  I  have  sent  this  order  to  the  Edison  Phono-  ' 
graph  W6rk9, vrith  instructions  to  c*ve  the  same  inraadiate  attention. 

Yours  truly,' 

/QjLcj  30  * 


U'^CuiA.qp  li 

o-oisU  /c^c.c.o-tM^l\  ©vu  (yvt^j  Jhnr&v  ^ 

^-■Asaa,  JktMj  ,’u.tii.ntvt^  / r7"y'^  ,a*icC/  Jl 

'aW'  *“  'la^ 

or  J  ^,/t,  afc 


December  30,  1890 

George  Richards,  Esq., 

Dover,  N*  Jt 

Dear  Sir:- 

1  beg  to  confirm  the  following  tolegrara  sent  to  you 
tOMlby  by  Hr.  Edison,  in  reply  to  your  letter  of  29th  instant! 

"Better  send  your  man  here  to  explain  to  us 
jufit  'What  is  wanted.  You  Java  a  hard  gang 
to  deal  with.  EDISON.” 

Yours  truly  , 

Private  Secretary. 

L  ijifAs  -  (X/lv.  XXiXr 

f-to/n  uA  ^  /c^^w  Js~/>aS"Jf  A£^ 

7^,,  a  j&pfrfXhoo  ^<muX  '  _  • 

*  7  '  *  ■  .  /A^r  yt'j'ieJUj(j 

r^  Xp  'ftff  Xur(^C4/^tC^  ::0'H.y  f^Xy  ) 

c/>/»'  y/y^‘kixXt>  '&*&-#  jr/M'  **w\ 

(  PMs?  *  '7^A  MOh^Xfcf  ''tUtfijL-  J*rX  srn^pmcfc 

X  j  /^r  * 

.  -'//)  cAMjcJ^iM^^>C(^  %***</  '-7n*46*& 

jrKftsA,  yXtU'tUtA  • 

C&k-  ■■■  '"”'  (  Jffl'  //■ 


sm/o)  mj^U  s?>\*-li  ^rj5;  // 

//W/W  sW'Os?  //"/^-A-c  P  , 

i/jy //ri'ZtAL ■■■"'- 4) N\*  rf  • 

December  3a,  1890. 

Mesat*.  py&v  & 

#35  Wall  Street 
*few  York  City. 

M  **  te“o-  «  »0.  =»..«  in  t0  w  ^ 

llfiht  ^erfO^anc-as  and  the  manner  in  which  tv, 

•  r  in  winch  they  were  conduced 

*  ■*»  *  -t  Wen.  w  coarse  i 

1  ^  “  “  "^•‘*  -  ■**«.*  «**.  ^ 

““  "*  *“““  “*■«—»  *  «  R8*a.w 

"  W’i'h  ™  «"*  *>«  W  *  -  Preliminary  state' 

hxmt.  6 

Y«wh»  v&py  truly. 

December  31,-1890 

Messrs.  Dunlap  Smith  &  Co., 

•  W.  Cor.  Dearborn  &  Monroe  Sts., 

Mr.  Edison  is  ve.itf  ranch  obliged  foryo'ur  letter  of 
23rd  instant,  infoming  hirii  that  "Edison  Park"  is  now  rejoicing 
in  its  first  native  bom  oi-fciaen— Edison  Zutell.  Please  convey 
M  ^  mVQnts  ^^ster  Z^el}  Mr.  Edison's  congratulations  and 
his  bait  .WishOs  for  the  yothig  man's  future-. 

Mr.  -Edison  is  glad  to  tMt  "Ediddh  Park"  ia  progressing 

and  he  hojias  that  ei*e  lohg  ypur  flourishing  auburb  -win  have  quits 
h  formidable  roll  call,  of  native  bom  citizens. 

Yonira  very  truly, 

■private  Secretary^'* 

/•'  /  ' 

January  2,  1391, 

Prof,  Yto.  to.  tearks, 

Ho.  $4)9  SttJisOm  SttfeoA., 

Phi  lade  ipM’.n,  pa. 

BOfti*  S'iri- 

lir.  Edison  fog  aekednie  to  rtteovledee  the  receipt  of 
y^t^r  t» Thim  uiidorr  date  W.*  *Ku*f  «*.  to  inf om  yon  that 
»  paVsdnally,  4s  agreeable  to  all  that  you  want  done  in  oon- 
ho^ifetiva^ii-the  -Ph.iludelph^a  Ration* 

Private  Secretary, 

January  £,  3^9: 

MiBa  V.  H.  McRae,  Business  Manager-, 

Room  127,  Pulitzer  Bdj 

Dear  Madame, 

Mr,  Edison  has  re  ad  your  letter  of  31st  xilt  imo. 

He  would  like  you  to  send  him  the  first  number  of  THE  PHONOGRAM, 
of  which  he  lias  .not  Jret  Boon  a  eiopy.  After  Mr.  Edison  hato  liad  an 
opportunity  of  perusing  the  Magazine  he  will  eomnanioate  with  you 
relative  to  the  subject  Matter  iaf  your  lettap.  If  }»  favorably 
impKeased,  and  no  doubt  he  vriii.  bo,  he  nay  subscribe  for  a  jaw 
shares  of  the  stock  himself. 

Yo'urp  vojy  truly , 

Private  secretary. 

v  0  December  31,  isgo. 

TO.  v.  sraButt,  Pre3ldmt  i 

Ele3cti*otoohnisohe  Vorein, 

Berlin,  Y/. ,  Germany. 

Dear  Sir;- 

b^g  Mth  ^  t)jmks  t)]e 

",r  “e  7th  ,ati”’  -■  *- "  *“  «— 
JlT  of  .«  -  ~t.«misoh.  v.rein 

* .  w, ***  x  ***•,«,.  ^  Halre  •; 

T?  ‘*  **— " bt  -  » -,in  „  ^ 

“  *«>  ««'  -Vb  ««,  «.,  an4  „■*,  „  fcuw 

«**«  m  *  •*.*.;  «-  or  „«»„  „„  ^ 

-  «» * vT  *>*,«,  *  TO  to  M>  „Mt 

1  -T  ■*.  —»  «v  0f  »W' , 

m  shall  prise  the  earn  very'  MeWy..  ' 

Yopra  y/siy  sincerely, 


January. 5,  1891. 

Samuel  Insull,  Esq., 

Edison  Bull  ding,  Broad  St., 

New  York  City. 

Bear  Sir:- 

Mr.  Edison  has  read  your  letter  of  2nd  instant  and 
nopy  of  letter  dated  Dee .  23rd  addressed  by  Dyer  &  Seely  to  Mr. 
liptpri  with  relation  to  the  Sawyer  Hydro-Carbon  Patent,  and  he 
says  iA  reply  thereto  that  wo  cannot  get  round  the  detail  patents 
of  Maflim. 

Yours  vBjy  truly, 

January  1891. 

Wajor  s.  B.-  Eaton, 

#120  Broadway, 

Now  York  City.. 

Donv  sir:- 

'  ™°rri'*  *•  ”■*  «*♦  <tf  *,i*  ,  haMsd 

r*  ""  **”  *'»’  “*  ~  .<■  W  «.  ai. 

vision  of  Edison  Phono.  Worn*  m+  ,  . 


*r  “ ,w  jmsr  *°m  ***••*  »*.*>  *. ».  i. „ 

r  th* *■ 

.  «  ^  ^  :  TO.„  :1S:  a  ^ 

^«g  w  the  directors  t-o  bo  hold  to-inorhow  (fmsdtf )  at  i? 

;:r  r: ta •* 

J  ’  “  *"*  y“  **  **«  «*«-,  *  «.» 0» 

the  matter  referred  to  herein. 

Yours  very  tf uly, 


January  5,  1891. 

Thomas  Butler,  Esq., 

Edison  Building,  Broad  Street, 

New  York  (Jity. 

Dear  Sir:-'  ' 

1  beg  to  eoniirm  the  following  message  received,  from 
you  to-day,  and  "my  reply-  thereto: 

BSend:out  notices  of  a  .special  meeting  of-  ‘the  ‘Board  of 
tlie  Phonograph  Works  to  be  held  at  the  Edison  Building. 
Mr..  Ins.ull’,s  room  tqrraorihow  (Tuesday  )  at- 12  d' clock i 

REPLY:  * Notices  of  a  speo  ial  meeting  of  the  Board  of  the 

Phonograph  Works,  t o  be  in'Mr, ' insiill' s  office 
At'  the  Edison  Bdg.,  Broad  St,,  Hew  York,  to-morrow 
(Tuesday)  12  o'clock  noon,  have  bdhn'- 'addressed  to 
each  of  the  -Directors,  and  the  same  will  go  forward 
by  this  evening^1  a-  mdil.-..T «• -Mv «• 

Yours  truly. 

J^nxary  6,  iS91< 

*'  H*. -Smith,  Raq,  , . 

^65  Ploaaant  St., 
fiorcheatar,  M^aa. 

Bear  Sir:- 

bettor  of  sth  ivi«+ 

**"•»»*•«**  *w  Mis  **  *"■•  “*■*”  «*■« 

»*  -  j.  rr^  ***~-  - 

-** — «—  ^ «,  :i,h“ — 

"•  *  ^  .ws»  ^  of  looney  t0  th0  Mi  **•  ““J  *"  » 
»»h  *,  .f  >1"'”  ln 

fos  moolanlM,.  Mr.  ^1. 

•««.*  .  owes,  t,  J  c“r°  ““”S  r°r  “«>•  !■-«»•«  «M  lo 
low,  “7  °f  P°11M  ,r 

~  -  of^rr : th* wi°r  ~  - — 

,  M414  „  ~ c"1***4  Mth  ~  -  - 

-  ,J.  .  *h°  of  th.  TW  0m_ 

At  smith,  hag., 


January  6,  1891, 

Vftpy'q  bufinbfs.  I»  order  to  carry  out  fully  and  guiokly  the 
plggs  flhlch  Mr,  'Edison  ‘toad  in  mind,  it  was  necessary  that  he  shtipid 
have  control  o¥  the  machinery  of  the  Company,  and  he  therefore  , 

perMdildA  to  hams  the  next  Bdard  of  pirootorB.  in  addition 
i»  this*  it  was  felt  thfet  if  the  Company’s  chief  oreditory  the 
4diaoh  fh<hM>graph  %obka,  knew  that  the  Company’s  policy  haa  boon 
formed  and/waa  being  matured  by  Mr,  JSdisOn  they  would  have  more 
^ranfidhWdi  ih  the  ability  of  the  Company  to  Carry  out  the  various 
provisions  of  ita'nianufaaturittg  agreement,  and  would  for  the  same 
fefhoh  exorcise  more  forbCat*aHcC  with  rCspect  td  the  Company's  debt 
jpdndiwg  th°  of  a  trade  which  in  exporionoed  hands  ought 

t8  bd  a  large  one.  Thip  part  of  the  arrangejpentwao  misrepresent- 
«ll  to  .the  jftq  akfcolderf  through  the  medium  of  the  press  by  inspired 
td  the  effect  that  Ml*,  jgdisoh,  personally,  was  the  Coni- 
»C]hibf  creditor,  ohd  it  was  intimated  ^pgfl^Ton  this  ao  count 
It  was  undsdifdblc  to  place  the  control  of  tho  Company  in  his  hands* 
Vfj  Sftikpij  if  thf  Proaihent  at  and  a  large  stockholder  in'  the- 
0iitm  PhMiogrflph.  Hofrks  and  they  are  the  Company's  chief  creditors. 

(hiittpipwy’f  debt  to  Mr.  Kdicon  personally,  fpots  up  only  a  few 
.t^fHaWtd,  ddllft-h  experimental  ■  1»hiie  there  may  be  a  nun*-. 

'  y*  stockholder*. who  <r»0n  uhddr  thfede  cirbumst«ioes  might  have 

f  OUCidehed-  it  undesirable  to  $i ?t  Mr.  Edison  control  of  the  Toy 
h%egrapJt  tfompwy,  the  report?  Thick  «**  **■«  non?  tw«  l0BS 

whidh,  iri  explaining  the  matter  to  yod^l  consider  it1 

injli  4»»«t  >jp -dorr^oj.  •  .-v-.  '  A.‘.  .•  ,• 

^rday  isfth^t  thb ‘|tockh°Vddra  of  the 'Oompqny 
4ooWiw4  to  tweedd  ;tp. >>.  Edinop'a  request  for.  po^siaion  to  eliapo 
the  policy  pt  -the  Oojnpatojr,.  «hd.he  therefore,  felt  it  qply  eon- 
ftiitent  to,  dhulino  hi* , ei6otioH:«8  a  mbtriber  qf  the.  jf^eae^tr  Board, 
no  that  the  control  rrtigftit  bh  plaaea^eiitirel^  andwholly  in  the,  v 
hands  of  those 1  whqjp  ptookho^tfora  havo  .selqqted  as^  their .repres¬ 
entatives.  Under  thOBe  ciroumsiimcen,.  I  can  make  no  prediction  po 
to  the  future  of  the  Company ,  an tj.  t  arn  .entirely  tuifomiUfl.r  with  the 
rartiw^a  Trtiioh  it  propoaes  to  purine.  .  ;  ^  .  .  ..  ....  .  /  v/ 

Yovu'a.  vary  truly, 


^  P*ivato<;8feoret|W'y .  ,  . 

dentical  copy  of  this  letter  was  sent  on  January  5,  1891  to  W.  I.  Brock,  Quincy, 
nois  in  response  to  his  letter  of  December  24,  1890  (pp.  327-329).] 

January  G,  1891. 

W«  So  Perry,  Esq.,  Secretary, 

Edison  Ore  Hilling  Company ,  Limited, 

Edison  Bdg.,  Broad  St.,  Now  York  City. 

Bear  Sir!- 

With  reference  to  your  letter  to  Mr.  Edison  dated 
December  18th  bitt  received  only  a  few  days  ago,  in  which  you 
refei*  to  the  inability  of  Mr,  Mallo-ry  to  carry  exit  tho  pro- 
vision?  of  his  contract  with  your  Company,  and. saying  that  tho 
Xaltbv  wohia  be  filing  to  .enter  into  an  entirely  new  agree¬ 
ment  with  Mr.  Mallory  ih  'the  general  spirit  of-  the  old  contract: 
Mi',  Edison  as  Of  the  ofcihibh  tint  You  had  better  held  off  a 
little  on  this  matter  and  take  no  notion  in  re  card  id  ft  dt 
present*  Mr.  Mallory  may  diOp  the  business  and  give  vis  back 
tilt  territory  now  controlled  by  him,  which  Mr.  Edison  Would 
V»«r  much  prefer,  . 

ilirtUtuty  a/jcrs^. 

<0»Aa*^t  Sail*,  g^.#^  #  ■*■ 

tU  C»  Utehittfi  &  4V&'<oWn>9ht  O&i ,'( 

Ash6vila$,  IU  fi. 

4>e&r  Sir:-. 

J&r*  R&4win  r&au'ytVm*  letter  cSfrSWt  ultimo  in, 
♦•W#®  t6-bofrn*dttf«,  M  fh  foply  hka  inflxm 

^ '■**  &  M  i\\  tteef  #fcji«t„  some  tin* 

Bfeo  h&  lias  3 ia&dhs  i*k*  this  nftfte&il  vrtth  i&£‘  intention  of  wSinc 
it.-itijcswnedft'O*  'frith  ^;J>hgnoerapfi  xmttine  tools,  fce  traa, 
hbUvbr.  UQ&ta  J?b  Obtain  abV  jftif fL^Swt^.  hard  for  that  ptupo-ue 
' >WacV  :f»wd  «r  to  1)0 

fohj\d  in  <t«  &a  liable. 

January  6,  3£9i. 

^assra.  Krsxel,  Morgan  &  Co.,, 

Now  York  feity. 

I  Please  sell  twenty -five  thousand  dollars  of  Cincin- 

I nat i ,  Indianapolis,  St.  Ws  &  Chicago  R.  R,  ist  Mortgage  4* 
j  <$A. 

I  50  yr“  BohdG»  at  95,^for  toy  account,  and  place  proceeds  to,  ny 

Yoiirs  veiy  t^ily, 

January  7,  1S91, 

I  waht  the  accounts  of  the.  Edison  Phonograph  Works 
nd  fixsd  up' to  January  1,  1891,  and  collateral  (N.  a.  I 

Uao  the  Experimental  Account  at  Laboratory,  to  January  let 
With  collateral.' 

Aleo  the  settlement  of  the  extra  shares  which  X  was  • 
consideration  for  extending  note  and  taking  extra  risk, 
I  Mil  extond  nteto.  Until  March  15th  to  permit  this  tc 

I  am  already  $540,000  out, 

January  7,.  US 91. 

iUJOR  s'*  B,  EATON, - 

I  sent  you  a  memorandum  to-day  regarding 
renewal  of  l»ipparicott  •  s  note. 

I  want  that  stock  given  me  which  depended  on  his  issuing 
stock  to  public  but  Which  failed,  so  as  to  give  me  the  stock 


Also:  m  arc  going  over  the  books  of  the  Phonograph  Works 
and  are  taking  stock— having  practically  closed  the  factory.  We 
expect  to  finish  it  by  March  1st,  and  win  thm  know  what  Mppin- 
cott  owes  the  Works  under  the  -contract,  nhieh  allows  us  20/ profit 
Got  Mm  to  agree  in  writing  end  approved  by  the  North  American  Co. 
that  they  will  audit  the  accounts  which  are  to  be  made  out  accor¬ 
ding  to  contract,  and  ttet  if  ready  pn  the  1st  of  March  they  will 
give  the  Phonograph  Works  notes  for  the  fun  amount,  spread  over  a 
period  of  three  years,,  and  all  machines,  appliances  or  repairs 

ohippod  f ran  Works  after  thQ  lst  ^  Janmryf  I891>  inoWne 

cylinders,  arc  to  be  paid  for  in  pash,  which  da  to  be  credited  bn 
tm  notasjin  addition  pa  security  for  notes  an  additional  amount 
of  Ni.  V.  &  Metropolitan  stock  at  36/ on.  dollar. 

Wa  north  American  -do.  is  to  give  notes,  ibr  the  experimenting 
t»p  tb  Jopuar^  l,  IS 'Covering  a  pobioa  of  one  ^r,,  with.  obi#. 


Jammy  7,  1391. 

.yi-.jar  g,  g,  Eaton.  "2 ~ 

lateral  in  the  shape  of  North  Am-  Co.  stock  at  25/  for  double  the 
full  amount.  If  this  ia  clone  I  will  further  extend  the  note 
until  July  i,  '1891. 

I  think  that  .this  is  only  fail*.  All.  1  want  is  security ,  and 
even  then  ito  character  is  p6or.  1  have  put  up  more  money  tlan 
Lippincott,  personally t  as  t  believe  he  hod  partners,  while  he  may,' 
if  he  pulls  through,  moke  a.  pile  of  money .  I  wont,  even  if  he 
toes,  and  if  ho  don't  I  shall  lose  a  great  deal*  this  raising 
sever*!  hundred  thousand  dollars  in  a  panic  ha3  been  tough  on  me. 


.  Vie  as  a  look  at  the  contract  and  see  when  they 
hsyp  to  pay  lippincott  and  myself  the  minirriwn  sum.  How  would  it' 
do  to  notify  them  that  no  further  extensions  will  be  made  ana  tliat 
we  shall  demand  and  expect  the  sums  due  op  date? 

In  foregoing  the  minimum,  did  we  forego  it  altogether,  or 
only  postponed  it,  and  will  they  be  compelled  to  pay  past  dues? 


Orange,  N.  J.  January  12,  1891. 

Mias  V.  H.  McRae,  Manager, 

The  Phonogram, 
New  York  City . 

Dear  Madame, - 

I  return  herewith  the  Article  of  Incorporation 
which  accompanied  your  latter  of  9th  in3tant.  I  rogrot  that  I 
have  been  unable  to  obtain  Mr.  Edison' a  signature  to  thi3  docu¬ 
ment.  Ho  prefers,  however,  not  to  3ign  it. 

Youra  very  truly, 

(Signed)  A.  0.  Tat  e  , 

Private  Secretary. 

Miss  V.  H.  McRae,  Business  Manager, 

Jan.  7,  1891. 

World  Building,  New  York  City . 

Dear  Madame,-  .• 

Beforring. again  to',  your  letter  of  31b t  ultimo,  and 
also  to  your  letter  of  3rd  instant,  Mr.  Edison  will  subscribe  ibr 
five  {'S’)  shares  of  the  stock  in  your  magazine,  "!fhe  Phonogram.  '1 
He  also  desires  you  to  sond  to  him  five-  copies  of  the  paper 

Your 3  very  trull' , 

private  Secretary. 


January  7,  -1391. 

(ieorge  Parsons  lathrpp,  Esq. 


Your  letter  of  6th  instant  was  duly 

Mr«  Edison, -who  soys  that  he  tried  to  dictate  the  notes  to  the 

phonograph,  hut  failed.  We  ha3,  however,  about  56  pages  of  notes 

1  to  your.  addr« 

he  -frill  send  them  to  y 


Hew  London, 

Yours  very  trt.tly, 

Private  Secretary, 

January  7,  I$gi( 

New  York  City 

I  take  pleasure  in  enclosing  herewith  check  for  ?15 
reived  by  me  from  the  J.  B.  lippincott  Company,  of  Philadelphia, 
payment  for  the  article  on  the  Phonograph  which  was  prepared  hy 

ago,  I  have  endorsed  the  check  in  yohr 

favor,  kindly  acknowledge'  its 

Lpt,  and  oblige 

Yours  very  truly- 

Private  So ere 

January  7,  19  91  . 

Major  s.  B.  Baton, 

#120  Broadway,  * . 

New  York  City . 

Boar  Sir:-  . 

I  have  your  letter  of  2nd  instant  in  regard  to  the 
argument  made  before  Judge  Lao ombe  on  the  question  of  making- the 
injunction  permanent  whioh  was  heretofore  granted  at  the  request 
of  the  Exhibition  Company  against  the  North  Am..  Phono;  Company. 

It  seems  to  me  that  Lippincdtt  does  not  own  the  phonograph' 
yet  until  all  the  agreements  are  carried  out.  There  has  been  a 
great  deal  about  the  graphophone  kept  from  us  by  Lippincott  tliat 
I  don' t  like. 

Yours  very  truly, 

'January  S,  JSgi, 

H.  Park  Bowden,  Baq . ,  . 

Woottoiry  Park*  Sristil  ,  ■  /' . 

England . 

Espr  SirJ-' 

.Replying  to  y‘6ur  letter  of  23rd  ultimo  addressed  to 
Mr.  "Edison,  I  beg  to  infbttn  you  that  the  phonograph  would  record 
the  sounds  resulting  from  the'  explosion  of  a  steafn-boat*s  boiler, 
oyen, were  the  boat  p.  V^ter  of  a  mile  distant.  It  is  also  quite 
practicable  for  one  jdJonogrftph  to  reobrd  a  message  delivered  by 
ateotl'kyr.  .u..-  ... 

YoUta  ti^jly. 

January  9,  1891. 

Eugene  H.  lewis,  Esq.,  '* 

Megsra.  Eaton  &  Lewis, 

.  New  York  City . 

Dear  Sir:- 

I  just  finsihed  thi,a  Report  to-day.  I  would  like  to 
have  had  Mr.  Edison  read  it  before. sending  it  to  you,  but  as  I  am 
st i  11 1„ c osf ined > t o  the  house  and  could  not.  bd  with  him  whin  reading 
it,  to  explain  different  parts  of  it,  'l  have'  thought  it  better  to 
get  all  the  papers  out  of  my  han^3  and  into ^yours  and  wait  until  ‘ 
a  later  day  for  any  criticism  yetr  nay  haw  to  nuke".  in'  preparing 
this  report  I  have  taken  the  writtent record  as  a  text  and  adhered 
rigidly  to  it  all  the.  way* through.  Wherever  a  date  i3  mentioned  in 
the  report >.it .  is' verified  hy  a  letter  or  somo  other  paper  in  the 
accompanying  bundles,  which  will  be  found  in  its  proper  place.  •  All 
the  accompanying  papers  are  arranged  according  to  date.  In  ad¬ 
dition  to  the  information  which  I  now  .hand  you,  you  should  be  sup¬ 
plied  with  a  report  from  Mr'.  Batchelor  and  one  from. Mr*.  Edison.  I 
will  attend  to  the  latteri  Perhaps  you  can  arrange  to  get  the 
former,  as  I  veiy  eoldom  see  Mr.-  Batchelor.  Before'  be-  -writes  or 
dictates  anything  for  you,  I  think  it  would  be  well  to  lot  him 

ad  my  memorandum-! 

January  9,  1891' 

W.  3.  Mallory,  Esq., 

Mo,  7  West  Randolph  Street, 

Chicago,  Ills. 

hear  3in:*- 

1  beg  to  confirm  the  following  telegram  sent  to  yc« 
to*cl&y  ih  reply  to  ydurs  Of  even  dato:- 

ll0gdan  mill  Mil  not  start  until  abqut 
February  10th.  A.  0,  fate.* 

-Youps  truly. 

Private’  Secretary. 

Majpf  S.  3.  Eaton, 

January  9,  1891, 

Ih  re gavCL  to  the  draft  of  resolution  which  I  handed 
to  y  <ki  a  one  time  ago,  and  which  you  spoke  to  Mr.  Randolph  about 
.  yea tef day  when  you  were  at  the  Laboratory,  as  explained  in  my 
letter  of  sth  instant,  this  resolution  was  assigned  to  ratify  the 
division  t if  Phoho.  "Works-  stook  issued  to  Mr.  Edison  between  the 
flatter  an^  the  Mercantile  Trust  Co.  1  havb  caused  a  search  to 
he  HQde  though  Our  ilies  for  a  dopy  of  tho  resolution,  but  there 
does  hot  fleam  to  have  bean  a  copy  of  it  made,  os  orie  cannot  be 
found.  •  ■ 

ihurs  veiy  truly. 

January  9»  0891. 

Hr,  Eugen  Hartmann,  President, 

Elektrotechnioal  Society  of  Frankfort  o/lt, 
Germany,  • 

Dear  Sir:- 

Mr-  Edison  has  received  your  esteemed  favor  under  date 
3Cbb  ultimo,  in  regard  to  the  International  Congress  of  Elec¬ 
tricians,  nteidh  the  Electrotechnical  Society  dff  Frankfort  t)/k  " 
proposes  to  organize  during  the  Eleotrical  Exhibition  which  is 
to  be  held  in  their  City  some  time  this  year. 

In- reply  Mr-  Edison  has  instructed  iris  td  irtfbm  you  that  lie 
is  in  entire  sympathy  With  this  to&vement,  and  yah  Mve  his  per- 
mission  to  use  liis  name  on  the  oiroular  which  it  is  yoiv  intention 
«o  publish,  invit ing  electricians  of  all  countries  to  participate 
in  the  deli  ber^  ions  of  the  Congress. 

Mr.  Edison  regrets  very  much  Hi  at  it  will  ire  impracticable 
for  him  to  send  apy  coirtaiunication  to  the  Congress,  for  the  reason 
that  his  present  £*p er imental  Work  Calls  for  so  muoh  of  his  per¬ 
sonal  attention  as  tp  leave  him  no  time  fbr  the  preparation  of  the 


January  xq,  13 gx. 

Pra^r,  ggq., 

#4.24  Water  St.,  llew  York  City  . 
Dear  sir:- 

Your  letter  oi  7th  instant,  in  recard  to  2.00&  blank 
cylinders  which  were  ahippod  to. your  Newyork  address  some  ti» 
and  forwarded  from  there  to  your  house  in  China,  is  at  hand. 
V*  remem-b^  this  shipment  very  well.  Ihe  cylinders  were  sent' 
from  the  Laboratory  on  the  17th  of  September  last.  2hey  ^re  of 
the  latest  pattern,  a  little  larger  than  the  old-style  cylinder,  . 
ana  were  intended  to  be  used  in  connection  with  a  rubber  sleeve  or 
chell  -which  fitted  OV0*  the  brass  mandril  of  the  phonograph, 
twenty-five  of  these  mbber  shells  accompanied  the  shipment  i„ 
iuesti«pn, .and  if  you  will  instruct  your  penpie  in; China  to'  place 
one  of  the  same  0,1  each  phonograph,  they  will  find  that  the  cylin- 
dars  fit  perfectly.  I  am  surprised  that  the  purpose  for  which  , 
these  rubber  sleeves  were  sent  did  not  surest  itself  to  your' 
people  immediately,  and!  am  sure  Vtat  *  this  time  they  have 
discovered  their  use.  If  you  desire  it  we  will  hand  you  25  ad¬ 
ditional  rubber  sleeves,  which  y  ou  can  send' to  Shanghai  Each 
Phonograph  requires  one  sleeve,  m  view  of  the  foregoing  expla-  ' 

‘on  I  qsavune  that  it  will  not  -be  necessary  for  us  id  consider  " 
the  question  of  tgfci^  b^k  the  cylinders.  . 

Private  Secretary* 


**  *w  *•*«*«>>  •  I  >»v.  still  t„  tto 

details  «  ou..  claim  axolaaivs  of  Mils  si™.*,  , 

»»v.  fi^a  before  »  *.»  aid 

of  the  vari™  item.  *»*  ^  ,  wu  ^ 

VcU¥^  Veiy  thljy, 

Eu^nne  H.  lewis,  Esq., 

Messrs.  Eaton  &  lewis, 

#120  Broadway,  New  York. 

January  la,'  1593,. 

•  January  10,  1891.  ' 

Samuel  Inaull ,  Esq.,  2nd  Vice-President, 

Edison  Gen*l.  Elec trio  Compary, 

New  York  City. 

Dear  Sir:- 

Mr,  Edison  lias  received  yoxir  letter  of  9th  instant, 
enclosing  copy  of  letter  reoeivod  from  Mr,  Charles  A.  lieb'in 
relation  to  the  Eickemeyer  patents. 

In  Mr*  Edison  says  that  it  would  take  a  large  sum  of 


money  to  do  anyth! tic  with  F^iokemeyer,  and  as  the  field  is  open,, 
lie  thinks  it  would  be  'better  for  the  General  Ccetpary  to  devote 
half  the  money  to  experimenting  and  get  out  otir  om  apparatus. 

Mr*  Edison  is  contain  tint  we  are  now  0.  If*;  Phelps  Vfas  here  last 
night  and  lias  data  for  complete  car. 

Your?  vory  truly. 

Private  "Seo'y-. 

January  12,  1891. 

Thpmas  Butler,  F<sq.»  Secretary, 

Hew  Jersey  &  Pennsylvania  Concentrating  Works , 

Edison  Bdg»,  Broad  St.,  Hey/ York  City. 

Dear  sir:- 

beg  to •  acknowledge  having  received  from  yon  Stock 
Certificate  No.  204,  for  ninety-nine  (99)  shams  of  the  Capital 
Stock  of  the  N.  J.  &  Pa.  Concentrating  Works,  value  $9,900.00,, 
covering  call  of  January  2nd,  1891,  paid  for  by  me  with  balance 

•open  account - - — - - - — - - - — -$4,784.41 

Ohdck  oh  Drexel,  Morgan  &  Co.,  January  6th,  1391—  5,115.59 


Yours  very  truly. 

January  12,  1891. 

Major  S.  B.  'Eaton, 

#120  B  r  <?  a  d  w  a  y  , 

Now  York  City . 

Dear  Sir:- 

X  bee  to  confirm  the  following  telegram  sent  to  you 
tli i3  morning  by  Mr.  Edison,  in  reply  to  your  letter,  of .  11th  inst. : 

"Ml'  note  ,to  Lippinoott  plainly  states  that  the  arran ce¬ 
ment  a  specified  in  the  note  must  be  carried  out  before 
we  extend  to  March,  and  if  he  wants  it  vintil  July  the 
further  arrangements  must  be  made  as  per  note  to  you. 
Don’t  take  ahy  note  until  everything  is  fixed.  EDISON.” 

I  tried  to  telephone  the  above  message  to  you  this  morning , 
in  accordance  with  the  request  contained  in  your  letter,  'but  the 
Laboratory  telephone  was  out  .of  order,  and  we  wore  unable  to  es¬ 
tablish  comnunication  with,  your  office. 

YoUrs  very  truly , 

January  13*  1891, 

Wisg  Y,  H*  McRae ,  Manager, 

T  h  a  Phonogram., 

New  York  City. 

Dear  Madame,  - 

I  return  herewith  the  Articles  of  incorporation 
vtoieh  accompanied  your  letter  of  9th  instant.  I  regret  that.  I 
have  been  unable  to  obtain  Mr.  Eaieon's  signature  to  this  docu¬ 
ment.  He  prefers,  however,  not  to  sign  it. 

Yours  very  truly. 

Private  Secretary, 


Jphctnaa  -Butler,  Naq . , 

£di?on  mill  ding,  Broad  St., 
New  York  City , 

■January  la,  1391. 

J}»a?  3ir:-  \ 

•MM*  ** 

ttaetang,,.  i.  e.  Edison  Building,  SH0MA3  Tum.-iL, » 
Ua?&»S  REPLY:  I 

rin  aooordanoe  with  your  ihstKletioiig  i  haVa 
of  *>«*■#' of  the  Edieoh/horipgUaph 

SIS  ^3?TSd£T.<rxtJ  il5tl?  4Wtapt,/Jft  ^PUk'u^n, 

at  W,  JhJWW-  s  oiii-ge  .in  the  EdjLaon  UuiWri,  Mow  YpnJc, 
Uhd  ha.YQ  advised.  Major  Eaton  thereof,  a,  a,  late.® 

' . : . . . -v  l  ;  •  . 

Jan  jjany  12»  2891* 

iettor  of  20th 

lation  to  searching  thd  titles  to  the  vari 
has  been  duly  redeivod  and  perused  by  hita» 

reply  that  he  thinks  his  plan  is  a  fail; 
Surveyor  go  himae  11*  and  get  the  record, 
likh  the  btmndahieo;  then  if  there  is  * 

over  to  th?  lawyers; 

'idxxra  Very  truly 

Private  secretary. 

January  12,  IS  91- 

tSajer  S*  B.  .Eaton, 

Reply  ihg  to  yotiJ?  letter  of  9th  instant,  re  Edja 
dttxmo  graph  Yoy  M%«  do,  royalties,  Mn»  Edison  desires  that  y, 
notify  tJie  2oy -Qowpany  that  -the  agreement  will  be  terminated 
.an^/vidad.foir  .dn  vSeati/?n  £» 

Yours  vp*y  ijrufy. 

Private  Secretary 

January  13,  1591, 

Sat on, 

*  ila°  re8d  yow  ^tter,  oi-  nth  instant,  * 

minis  to  the  Exhibition  Company  rieht.  He  notes  .hot 
**  ri€“ra  **  “lltoc  WhOO-oHte  with  .  reatrietion,  « 
»«M«e.  cannot  be  for  niohol-ale,  fWTo.o»;  L, 

;”ta  *“  taltS,«  »P  «»  Plan  .hioh  you  ana  „r. 

«  «r>  on  before  th,  fiBh,  beE„„.  Msm  sey< 

*  .Uiins  tp  oohSOHt  to  •M-4hio--ih.^jMM  thtate 



H.  J. 

Samuel  G.  Bum,  Esq., 

Brookside  , 

January  12,  1801, 

Dear  Sir:-  ■ 

Your  letter  of  11th  instant  has  been  duly  received 
by  Mr.  Edison. 

In  re card  to  sizes  of  mica,  Mr.  Edison  says  not  to  do  any¬ 
thing  about  sorting  yet,  as  he  wants  to  see  if  he  can't  get  rid 
of  splitting;  for  the  present  just  store  the  mica,. 

Mr.  .Edison  notes  what  you  say  about  Mr.  Allen,  of  Lisbon,  H., 
K.,  having  tfinbwvared  a  mountain  of  oro.  and  ho  would  Iks  pleased 
to  receive  from  Mr.  Allen  samples  of  the  same. 


January  13,  1891. 

E»  Raseiti,  Esq., 

l'insbury  Pavanent, 

London,  E.  0,,  Enfcland. 

Dear  Sirs- 

’With  raforenoo  to  your  latter  of  24th  ultimo  addressed 
to  fir.  Edison,  repeating  information  relative  to  sum#  collected 
by  your  co-oditor  Mr.  Iff.  stiasany,  on  account  of  advertisement  in 
the  Album  "The  Universal  Exhibition  of  Paris  1S89,»  I  beg  W  in- 
fonn  you  that  no  money  was  remitted  by  h\r._  Edison  to  the  Gentleman 
named.  Ihis  is  ihe^fi^t  intimation  Mr.  Ediaon  has  received  of 
the  existence  of  the  Exhibit  ion  .Album,  ana'hTw^-Tje-cbllged' 
if  you  wculd  inform  him  v/ho  authorized  the  advert  ioqpient  which 
you.  mention  in  your  letted. 

January  13,  1891i 

Jease  Selijgman,  Esq,, 

M  il  J  5  Building. 

How  York  City, 

Beer  Sir;- 

At  Hr.  Efliapu' s  request  I  forward  to  you  herewith  oopy 
of  a  lotto*-  from  the  U.  S.  Minister  at  Santiago.  Chili,  addressed 
to  the  Hon.  Yfa,  R.  Tfescot,  and  referred  by  the  latter. to  Mr. 
Edison,  with  relation  to  the  presentation  of  a  phonograph  to  the 
National  Univea-aity  of  Chili*  You  will- recall  the  previous  cor¬ 
respondence  on  this  subject.  Mr.  Edison  would  be  pleased  to  re- 
oOive  YAonr  in  struct  ions.. ih  ..regard  to  this  presentation,  and  he 
will  d^lay  replying  id  the  lettei1  o£  the  Mon.  Wn.7  B.:  iroscot-tinti'l 
he  hear?  from  you  in  the  matter. 

Your  a  .very  truly. 

Dear  sir;-. 

I  enclose  a  letter  ;fust  received  from  the  u.  s.  Minis¬ 
ter,  Santiago  Chili*  fh  reference  to  former  correspondence. 

•Jf  you  would  wish  your  answer  to  go  through  the  state  Depart¬ 
ment,  if*  e®  you  will  to  mo,  i  will  boo’  that  it  in  so  sent. 
Please  return  the  letter. 

fttpjject  fully, 

(Bighei)  ^ugy  Jprtattati, 

V/ashington,  January  8th,  1891, 

Santiago,  Chili.  November  29th, 

R.  Trosoott. 
Pepaptment  of  state, 

IftJBhingtim,  1).  <j, 

ybUr  mubh  'esteemed  letter  of  the  2ftfcbiftliy  reached  mo 
i«  *10  W*4  one  Wing  the.  letter  of  Mr.  Kdison  fhich  conveyed  the 
vej^y  gonb'roua  ?nd  very  wo looms  information  that  the  Rdieon  united 
Qo,  h^d,  at  his  suggestion,  determined  to  present  to  the 
iibtidhkl  ^iverBity  pf  Chili  one  of  its  phonographs  with  a  complete 
-Splayed  my  reply  inoxpddtatiencr rooeiving  from^r. 

I  W**  Soligman  this  commuiieatioii  IndidatoA  iW  the  iettbr  ,of  -Mr, 

1  «P  *«  the  present  it  has  not  reached  me.  In  ;its  n.h- 

I  hohoe  ,1  aopntunicated',  informally,  to  the  Req.tor  and  .Seoreta-ry  --tff' 

,  the  tfaivtraity  foe  information  conveyed  in  .  the  .'letter  of  Mr.  Kdiapn 
*nd  both  felt  moit*  .grgtoful.  ,  The  Urti*oraity  M\l  giddly  give  .the 
|(^Afiwtde  required  -by  ^ho  Company ,  in  any  eiaither  that  may  bo  deair- 
I  fdel  coAfi^pnt  that  the  -generoup  action  of  this  Oottpaiy 
-  W-ii'Sto  murfh  to  strtegthbij  the  friendship  between-  the  ttfo  countriop, 
j^peenMlly,  as  well  ad  ppon  broador  groundo,  I  feel  grateful  'to  the 
06f$Vihy  and  to  Mkk  Kdioon  for  this  pat^oitic  action  And  to  yourfcelf 

Mon.  W„  R.  x. 

for  all  the  trouble  you  have  taken. 

If  the  company  will  be  kind  enough  to  have  the  ^atrument  sent 
on  by  one  of  Messrs,  Grace  *  co'«.  ablins,  addressed.  |tf  me.  it  would 
afford  me  great  pleasure  to  make  the  plantation  in'  its  name  ana 
to.  obtain  the  nooessary^uarahtoe;  And  Mr*  Edison  wdhld  greatly 
enhance  the  value  of  the  gift  if  he  would  send,  by  rdbang?  of  the 
phonograph,  a  few  tforda  from  himself  to  the  Faculty  'and  Students 
of  the  University,  ...... 

With  my  best  wiahes  I  remain 
Dear  sir, . 

Youtb  very  faithfully 
t Signed i  Pat pieh  Egan. 

P'rivatn.  Secretary 

•  1  beg  to  acknowledge  having  received  from  you  the  • 
receipts,  mentioned  in  ybfcr  lette r  of  15th  instant,  via.,  receipt 
for  §2500  paid  for  Ten  Eyck  lease  of  Welling  property;  receipt 
for  $50  paid  Stephens,  and  receipt  for  $100  -paid  A.  L.  and  s,  w. 

Mr.  Reed  handed  the  within  deed  from  Thos.  •  I .  Halsey  and  wife 
to  Louisa  Elliott,  t  o-the~writer,^wyji  tte  rQRark  that  it  should 
be  forwarded  to  your  father;  not  knowing  yoiir  father* s  "address  I 
take  the  liberty  of  sending  the  deed  ti>  yourself,  and  would  re- 
qu^st  that  you  kindly  send  -it  .to^ast  ipnmjjcjf.^our  fqthoi-, 

reference  to  yotonW^  ^  ^tot-in  rtfianl  to  the 
Mt*  6liVt>  property,  Mr.  ;RSed  infomte 'm.  t£rt  he  ^  you  the  in¬ 
formation  verbally  which- yeti  tiesiftdd.  on  Ijhia  subject, 

:  .  .ybtli-s  Vofjr  trt&y. 

Alex.  Elliott,  Jr.,  Ea<i., 

P  a  t  e  r  b  o.  n  ,  II.  J, 

January  14,  lsgi.  '. 

January  14,  1891 . 

Tto  Fidelity  &  Casualty  Co., 

Kob't.  J*  IJillaa,  Esq.,  Secretary, 

#314  &  216  Broadway,  New  York  City. 

Your  postal  card  of  12th  instant,  informing  us  that 
y°ur  Company  desires  to  make  an  internal  and  external  inspection 
ol'  our  steam  hollers,  is  at  hard. 

Tlieho  are  three  boilers  at  the  Laboratory,  two  of  which  are 
in  continual  use,  the  third  being  kept  in  reserve  in  case  of 
emergency . •  The  laqt  named  boiler  can  be  inspected  any  time,  bub 
the  only  day  upon  which  wp  c fiUld  arrange  for-. an  inspection  of  the 
twb  former  Wfittld  be  on  a  Sunday.  ;ib  pMciliioable  for  your 
Inspector  to  call  at  the  Laboratory  on  that  dfy,  please  have  him 

notify  us  ahead  of  his  intended  i 
thing  is  in  readiness  for  him. 

lit,  and  we  Will  see  that  overy- 

4^:  - 

Jan.  14,  1891, 

V.  B.  Kmhardt,  Baq.,  Actinc  See’y.'  "  •  " 

American  Institute  of  Minine--. Engineers,' 

irli  Burling- Slip,  How  York  City. 

Dear  sir:- 

tepiyins  to  your  letter  of  5th  .mutant  addreae.d  to 
Mr.  to  th,  intention  of  the  Ooln.ii  of 

“  *"  «"*  «»*  *.  OTMUh  a  memoria 

velum.  dosoriptive  of  ,h.  roo.nt  visit  of  t*  ™,bers  of  th.  insti 
tute  thin  ooiintiy,  and  also  seyins  tint  yon  havob.en 
*  tte  neoratary  t.  proaur.  for  him  „  historioal  and  dea.riptivo 

«i.  nhHor  separate  o.ovor,  6o|S»  of  o  little  poor,  that  m  ,mb. 
li&hed  in  connection  with  th.  "Edison  exhibit  at  the  fepoaitioh 
held  m  M*nheWo,ie  «M.  booh  oontain.  h  d.s- 

oriptiw  of  til.  Sahonatory.  and  other  data  such  ae.  desired  hr 
Seofetary  „f  thp  British  Iron  i  stool  Institute.  Irnatiuj. 
the  same  will  ^nowpr  >ie  ptirjJMje 

.J.  am,  -yours  vfcjy  truly, 

'i  - ' 

prinjat  i  AretfV&V 

James  Watt,  Bekj., 

Corns’*  First  &,  Court  Avo., 
Des  Moines,  Iowa, 

January  15,  1891. 

Dear  Sir:-  '  . 

Refer  line  again  to  .your  letter  of/lOth  ultimo,  .with 
t.';::-.  to  the  Edison  ancestry,  Mr.  Samuel  Edison  (father  of 
Xitumr.  Aiwa  Edison)  has  been  here  and  your  letter  was  submitted  • 
to  him.  He  states  that  none  of  the  people  mentioned  in  your 
communication  wpto  in  any  way  related  to  his  family.  The  old  man 
is  now  in  hie  S8th  year  and  he  can  trace  his  pedigree  back  for 
several  centuries .  He  is  of  Dutch  descent,  and  his  great-grand¬ 
father  was  one  of  the  leading  bankers  on  Manhattan  Island  at  the 
tide  of  the  Revolution,  sons  of  the  family  having  emigrated  to 
America  in  1730.  The  mother  of  Thpmas  Alva  Edison  was  a  native 
of  Massachusetts,  of  Seotoh  parentage;  her  maiden  name  was  Mary 

Yours  very  trxily, 


i:  lewis* 

January'  16,  1803.® 

rs  .  .Eaton 
#120  B  j 

road  w  a  y  , 
Hew  York  City. 

Dear  Bira:- 

Be  Now  Jersey  State  Saxi  X  beg  to  thank  yon  for 
your  letter  of  12th  instant,  explaining  the  above  matter®  Aa  you 
ar?  aware,  the  whole  of  the  Capital  Stock  of  this  Company  is  held 
"by  Mr,  Ji^iaon  as  s.eeurity  in  par't  Ihr  the  balance  due  by  Mr., 
lippjiwott  on  the  pdrehase  of  the  phonograph  patents  for  the 
United  States  and  Canada.  If  the  Company  we&  Restrained  “from 
the  exercise  of  any  franchise  or  the  transaction  WP  any  business, 
ana  if  the  pay^nts  pepe  Resigned  to  a  trustee,  subject  to  Mis 
Sds^rn's  liw*"^o«aa''tt~*»M»a  W  Ifi  ****  *9  W*  aa  l#'dmptly  ns  if 
tlra  pResbnt.  bi&iva  df  ^  noyt 

control  the  Board  of  Directors. .  If  d  trltsteo  were  to  be  appoin¬ 
ted,  Ifod#  we  not  have  *o  donsdlt  Mr.  Lippincott,  end  if  an  out- 
s  Ider  wps  go  looted  would  it.  in  aw  way  hamper  us? 

There  da  side  «f  the  case  which  stakes  tne,  and  it  is 

*higi  Is  not  »A  jAppiiioott  bound  to  provide  the  money  to  liqui¬ 
ds  this  State' tap*  if  wo  are  obliged  to-  make' the  payment?  ’  When 
stock  was  giyontollr.  ftliatm  ae  coaiate&l,  «  w  not  en- 
evm*?X  **  the^e  &*]**  **  ***  s^e*  lfe  ^ 
dajfjf  -ito  prevent  deviation  nf  the  v*au*  W  if  it 

be  conoidwodL:qrjdeairabio  *o  ’t^ns%?  tbs  patghts  to  a  trustee! 

Yours  very  truly, 

Private"  Secre  tary , 

Dear  girs- 

Will  you  kihdly  let  me  know  if  . you  have  gone  throxigh 
the  papaya  which  I  recently  sent  to  you  in  regard  to  the  business 
of  the  Edison  Phonograph  Toy  Mfg.  Co.  We  are  making  up  an  inven¬ 
tory  at  the  factory,  and  if  you  are  ihmiliar  with  the'  subject  as 
so  far  presented,  J  would  like  to  go  into  town  and  see  you  about 
if  at  an  Oaniy  day. 

Eugeno  H.  lewis,  Esq., 

Messrs.  Eaton  &  lewis, 
New  York  City. 

Jamiary  19,  1891'. 

Yours  truly, 

With  reference  to  the  enclosed  letter  from  Messrs. 
Baton  A  Wh,  eay.ihg  t*t  W  have  retained  a  Wal  lawyer  in 
Jersey  in  connection  with  the  Attaolment  suit  against  tto 
Edieon  Phonograph  loy  Mfg.  Company,  please  draw  a  6heck  for  #160 
**  the  ?***  Qf  wm  f^son,  in  accordance  with  Messrs.  E.  &  i*. 
letter,  and  odhd -it.  tp  thia  office,  if  will  then  to 
Meaera.  Eaton  &  lewis.  - 

Edison  Phonograph  Works, 

Orange  ,  h.  j. 

January  19,  1891. 

•  JArtuartf  .19,  1891. 

W.  So  Mallory’,  Esq., 

-#7  Was t  Reowto Iph  Street, 
dhltaiga.  Ills. 

>nfirm  the  foil,  owing  telecram  dent  to  yoa 

to-day  in  reply  to  your  letter  of '  15t.h  instant! 

machines  hare. 

yonref  truly 


January  19,  0.391. 

Col.  George  e.  G  our  and,'  ; 

Bdiso  n  Eads  a  Borthn mberiand  £ve . , 

London,  S.  Y/„  JSngland, 

-Lear  "Sir:-  . 

Inferring  .to -your  Aether  of  lath  October  last,  en- 
•olo-sluc  three  statements  of  account,  identified'  as  A»  B.  &  c, 
covering,  respectively ,  *a<lhinery  hfent  to  you  daring 'the  month  of 
May,  ISSQ:  SriJ»plifea  fdh  tJonnppy  in  connection'  with  the  Mexican 
-bUsinaSs :  and  Abcounts  paid  by  yon  for  me  in  England!  i  teg  to  say 
=4hat  the  -first  two  amounts,  aggregating  $573.35  are,  in  my  opinion, 
d  proper  Charge  against  you,  and  %  see  nothing  in  your  letter  under 
jnepAy  to  mho  me  ch&ige  t  hid-Vieu.  __  lf  theEdiSon  United  Phono- 
graph.Go.  is  to  assume  all  or  any  part  of  this  amount,  the  “matter 
Should  bp  arranged  by  you. 

in  ^egaud  Ijo  Statement  -C,  detailing  disbursements  made  hjr 
y-0U  for  tty  acpo-qnt  in  England,  there  is  an  error  in  thin  state- 
Tatent  >#?.  -in  my  ^aybr.  The  total  amount  of  th4  sfeme^- 16-11, 

equalls  in  American ioiirrency  ^33.35,  and  not  $39,  as  figured  by 
you.  S  have  -therefore  ,givpn  -you'  credit  fljy  and  enclose 

-herewith  credit  memorandum  for  the  pame. 

,  Yours  wpjr  truly-,.  ,  \  •  /! 

Jamary  20,  1891, 

W.  B«  Kibble,  Bb<j, 

Florida . 

1  beg  to- confirm  the  following  telogram  sent  to  you 

"My  fat, her  and  another  gentleman  will  be  at 

ypur  place  acme  day  this  week.  Pic 

teve  house  ready  for  them;  they  will  be 


Yours  truly- 

Yogi's  veiy  tmily. 

J armary  20,  1891. 

^hoinaa  Sutlej*,  $ocy., 

K.  J.  &  Penn'a.  Consent i*at%j  Works, 

Kdison  Jiuildiue,  'BpoutLSt*,  HeVr  York  City. 

1  enclose  hprajnydi  .check  to  the  order  of  your  Company 
for  $455.9*,  which  together  with  cash  advanced  by  me  to  Hr.  Ale n. 
Blliott,  Jr.,  $lofeO,  and  amount -of  bills  rendered  $1474.09,  pays 
the  lalsi  hal-1  made  on  the  unpaid  Capital  Stock  of  y.ohr  CoMpanr,  as 
Well  a»  the  amount  which  1  owe  you  for  poles,  $280.  This  v/ill 
be  clear  f.ypm  the  followings 

payable  13th  January  1891 - —$3,300.00 

Amount  -due  you  "by  we  for  •polos---- -  280,00 

?3, 530.-00  $3,580-. 00 

OASh  advanced  to  Mr.  J3?aijftt  fo: 
Yp hr  account— — - — ~~~ — Tw~-. 

Sills  sundered- - - — 

Check  enclosed  herewith' — — r-~- 

(  January  20,  1891, 

Samuel  Incull,  Bag,, 

fidison  Builtlihg,  Broad  Street, 

Mew  York  City, 

Bear  Sir:~ 

I  enclose  herewith  copy  of  a  letter  received  from  Col, 
Gou^ud  under  date  18th  October  last,  in  regard  to' his  outstanding 
accounts.  I  have  replied  *o  this  letter,  informing  oil.  Oouraud 
tlmt  I  do  not  recognize  the  deduction  of  the  amounts  identified  by 
him  as  statements  «A  and  -3,  copies  of  which  are  attached  hereto, 
and  telling  him  that  if  the  Edison  United  Phonograph  Company  is  to 
assume  either  or  both  of  these,  he  should  himself  arrange  for  that 
Company  to  take  them  over.  •  . 

You  will  observe  that  Col.  Goxfraud  bays  at  the  epd  of  his 
letter  that  he  h^e  requested  the  United -Company  to  pay  to  a  certain 
amount  out  of  the  amount  payable  by.  tint  Company  to  him,  I.  do 
pot  know  wlmt  this -means  and  have  asked  the  United  Company  if  they 
can  advise  me  when  the  amount  admitted  by  Col.  Gouraud  will'  be 
tendered.  I  give  you  this  inibrmation  so  that  when  the  matter 
comes  up  you' will  understand  what  the  difference  is  between  Col. 
Gouraud 'e  figures. and  mine. 

January  SQ,  1891, 

-Col,  -Sourgud  liap  made 
exchange,  explained  in.  one 

'™r  of  §5.15  (statement  «c») 

i  company  ing  papa : 

Yours  very  truly. 




I  *  ■ 

•  | 

'  : .  i 

'*  ;$  • 

i-m  , 

London,  18th  October,  1890. 

I  paid  yob  on  account  after*  the  signing  61  the 
agreement  of  amalgamation  the  sun  of—-'— - 

Leaving  pow  doe  by  i 

■A*  This  is  for  items  which  appear  to  be  machinery  for 
making  phonogram  blanks,  these  not  only  .not  having  been  prdered*- 
by  me,  but  yon  will  remember  when  subsequently  being  short  of  • 
blanks,  I  cabled  you  to  know  whether  I  Should  manufacture  them  - 
here;  I  received  your  reply  in  the  negative.  Shis  no  doubt  to 3 
overlooked  by  you  on  making  out  the  invoice  which  was  nbt  sent 
for  nearly  two  years  after. 

*3>i  L  also  deduPt  tlia  shipments,  v presented  by  thie  amount  ; 
which  -we ne  made  to  Mexico,  jrnd  which  were  without  my  order  or- 
knowledge,  but  if  they  are  still  subject  to  your  order  and  * ontlpdv, 
the  "United*'  Co.  Yti  11  nb  doubt  assume  the  account  upon  receiving* 
your  assignment  to  them  Of  the  material  in  question, 

«C »  These  were  amounts  paid  firms  on  y our  aco ount  in  London, 
and  which  apeak  for  themselvda .  I  notified  •  you  at  the  timte  of  ■ 
making  those  payments  that  I  had  dope  .so,  leaving  the  settlement 

Orange,  N.  U.,  U.  S.  -A. 

"  Dear  Sir:- 

In  preparing  for  the  fin^l  settlement  of  our  outstanding 
accounts,  and  coincident  with  turning  over  stock  etc.  to  the 
"United  Phonograph  Ob.,"  I-  find  the  position  to  be  as  follows: 

Alter  all  hiring  for  the  corra|ctionB  yo-ii  have  already  made, 
and  upon' the  assumption  that  I  acc e/pi  the  values  of -the  matsiial 
as  final,  mid  that  I  admit  my  liability  for  numerous  things  sent 
me  by  you,  without  any  authority  from  me,  and- which,  for  the  pur¬ 
pose  of  this  letter,  I  am  assuming  to  admit,  but  without  prejudice, 
pending  the  final  settlement;  1  find  the  position  to  be  thus:- 

As  per  your  last  statement  rendered - — * — >-$5495.24 

Proti  these  further  deductions  have  to 
be  made  as  follow  (as  per  schedules 
annexed ):- 

"A“  -Machinery  a/e  $262.60 

"B"  Donne  ty  a/c  309.75 

■  "C"  Accounts  paid  by 

me  for  you  in  England  3a.  00 

Yours  faitibfulOy. 

( Signed ) 

Wa  ttw  adiustraoht  of  accounts  botwoon 

**  “»*>  ^  «**  appears 

tha  *«*•  side)  andT 

* » «*•*!»  ««»  i 


♦CASE  7. 

Six  brass  n 
and.  pant  wooden  i 

CASE  9„ 

Pant  of  wo a 
2  hangars  and  1  p 

CASE  10. 

1  complete  i 
Shaft  wit  h  pulley 

CASS  ll. 

a  inside  net 
With  table  and  at£ 

moulds  with 

iron  stand 

for  moulds 



wax  blanks 

OA&E  12. 

1  outside  turning  tool  for 
1  with  gas  stove. 


3'«K®potJ» s  styl  e  “iC  $45—  &*>.op 
„  $2.;70  for  t’atfety  ’  g,40 

a  Barrel  phonograph  blanks  - ~=!— 

4  Elute  records — _ ' _ _ 

4  Pi o e-olcr  records— _ _ _ 3 Z 

f  records-— .—-...ZZZZZZZZZZZ  !*£ 

'4  Violin  »  _  3,00 

4  Bohd  •>  _ _ _ _ _Zr**Z  3,00 

■2  Extra  recorders — - :■ ... _ _  ~  ’ 

2  Rxtra  r^rodac^rs- . . 

5  Recorder  points- — _ _ _ " 

•5  Reprojiucer^points— — . - ‘J® 

5  Cutting  knivas _ _ *f° 

'S;-lidiW  a  haft,  centres - —  .  .60 

2  Governor  centres - ’?? 

2  Arm  shaft  ».  _ _ ,0.6 

2  -  100.  thread  ml  Vs - - - ZZIZZZZZ 

5  Sets  diaphragms-— - — _ 

2  Main  belts—-—-. - 

2  IJetuyn  screw  belts - _ZZZ~""~  *,f 

•43  Sticks  Soda: — - - -  *r~ 

Add  !5j?  royalty _ _ 

2  No.  1  'Batteries - 

43  Soda  Sticks — — — i _ 

18  pair  bdide  plates- - 

Boxing  and  packing — 

2?vnd  October.  1  .'Phonograph  style  WTU  ITo.  3422. $45. op 
14th  hovembawia  hsnd^ecLds— — _ 

Ada,  atf  rpy^l^— fa 

•6  ^Battery  .-cords  <-• 

1st  January.  Cdnsta^d  C.on^aitewrs  fmjs  ofe., 

;•  :  paper? Vfor^Mpstic*4  J— - 

\.  OoawaW  tyjfeiuienw  $**„  |jj£  fW 

::  vwu? UA  *««  ' f©»«j  M*,  fw  ■ 

Papers  far.  jRpty. ,  3flta^rr»  jq.» 

’/^l7£r' ^ 

.  J383. 

20th  March  Paid  this  day  the  Proproetora  of  nev/s- 
PdPer  "IRON"  your  subscription  to  that 
papar  for  one  year  and  12  we  oka  to  20th 
March ,  1885.  Circwptanoes  explained 
to  you  in  my  latte?  .dated  21at  March, 

1888  and  acknowledged  -by  yon  4th  April 
18.j3.  Receipt  sent  you  by  me  for  this 
payment  27th  April,  1888,  and  acknowl¬ 
edged  by  you  sth  May,  1838— ■£1-16-11—  §  9.52 


5th  February.  Advanced  this  day  to  Mr.  Osgood 
Wiley  under  circumstances  ex-' 
plained  to  you  in  my  letter  dated 
6th  Feb.  ackhovf lodged  by  you  20th 
Peb.  1889  hnd  mine '  in  reply  tp 
youba  dated  7th  March,  13S9-~^5-0-0  24.33 

1^16-11  §33.85' 

'flua  ^-16-ll  ^sterling  Money )  represents  in 

United  States  dollars  an 'equivalent- of-; - - — - - -§39.00 


Am  ui*  au  per  last  statement  rendered- _ _ 

parted  by  Col.,  tionraud: 

.  *£*  d6tf ls  ann^ed  $862.40 

"^for^r  Paid  '*  4ol» 

l  r  m  Edison  in  England - -  39o0fr 

asreeS^o  fU^£aSi°o,n~-^^.a5!!r.  f  "c  °'r 

Bailee  now  due  decoding  to  col.  cto«rmd---,---_^rrT^ 
^d-ll^eqSle0!*  toerilT  in  (Statement  C); 

w8^SS».\f,i?r  *•»*  -•  '*■  «*  — «««« 

And  *he amounts  is?— 
•books  ir--—— -^. „. . ,  J?  gdlst>n  acxajjdang  to  his 


Letterbook,  LB -047 

This  etterbook  covers  the  period  Januaiy-Februaiy  1891.  Most  of  the 
letters  are  by  Alfred  O.  Tate.  There  is  also  correspondence  by  Edison,  John 
F.  Randolph,  Charles  J.  Reed,  and  E.  W.  Thomas.  Many  of  the  letters  relate 
to  the  manufacture  and  marketing  of  the  phonograph  and  to  legal  and 
financial  dealings  among  the  various  phonograph  companies.  Some  of  the  legal 
correspondence  concerns  the  suit  brought  against  Edison  and  the  Edison 
honograph  Works  by  the  Edison  Phonograph  Toy  Manufacturing  Co.  Other 
letters  relate  to  mining  and  ore  milling,  electric  lighting,  electric  traction 
systems,  and  the  Sims-Edison  torpedo.  There  are  also  documents  pertaining 
to  experiments  conducted  at  the  West  Orange  laboratoiy  for  Edison-affiliated 
companies  including  the  Edison  General  Electric  Co.  and  the  North  American 
Phonograph  Co.  Some  of  the  letters  pertain  to  patent  matters  and  to  Edison’s 
personal  finances;  several  refer  to  his  trip  to  Schenectady,  N.Y.  to  conduct 
experiments  at  the  Edison  Machine  Works.  There  are  also  letters  about 
fcd's°?  S  „mi  y’  including  the  death  and  funeral  of  his  brother,  William  Pitt 
and  his  efforts  to  secure  a  job  for  his  cousin,  Annie  K.  Doak.  The  spine  is 
stamped  Letters"  and  is  labeled  "From  Jan  20, 1891"  The  book  contains  493 
numbered  pages  and  an  index.  Approximately  40  percent  of  the  book  has  been 

January  5*0,  189! 

Inaull  i 

Building,  Broad  Street, 
New  York  City. 

You  will  remember  tint  when  we  received  Ool.  Gouraud 1 

,ar  of  the  29th  of  October  last,  replying' to  Mr.  Edisoi 

iked  me  if  I  would,  pre- 

;arding  the  Connery  business,  y 

1  wrote  y  ax  several  times  for  Col.  Gouraud ' 

order  that  I  might  comply  with  your  request,  but  .it 

at  the  Laboratory  during  my  recent  illness 

do  you  consider  it  betti 

Yours  veay  truly 

January  20,  1891, 

Frank  0,  Johnson,  Esq,,  Chairman,  )  ^ #  Electricaa  Engineers 

S.  B.  Lawton,  Esq.,  Secretary,  ')  arid  .Mechanics  Association, 

’  'Boston,  Mass. 

Dear  Sirs:- 

On  my  return  to.  the  Laboratory  this  morning  after  a 
week’s  absence  in  the  West,  where  I  was  called  to  attend  the 
funeral  of  my  brother,  I  find  your  esteemed  favor  of  9th  instant, 
inviting  me  to  be  present  at  an  entertainment  to  be  given  on  the 
29th  of  this  month  by  the  Mass,  Electrical  Engineers  and  Mechanics 
Association,  a  majority  of  the  members  of  which  you  inform  me  are 
employees  of  the:  Edison  Electric  Illuminating  Co,  of  Boston. 

I  appreciate  very  highly  your  kindness  in  extending  to  me 
this  invitation,  but  regret  that  it  is  .impracticable  for  me  to 
accept  it.  I  very  seldom  get  away  from  the  Laboratory,  and  just 
at  present  ny  experimental  work  is  so  important  and  urfpnt  that 
to  leave  it  is  out  of  the  question. 

I  beg  to  tender  you  ny  best  wishes  for  the  future  success  of 
'your  Association,  and  remain 

Yours  very  sincerely! 

January  20,  1891. 

Edison  United  Phonograph  Co, 

New  York  City, 

Referring  to  my  account  'outstanding  with  Col.  Gouraud, 
I  beg  to  advise  you  that  on  the  18th  of  bctober  last  I  received  a 

letter  from  him  in  which  he  stated  that  by,  the  same  mail  he 

a  certain  amount  out  of  the  amount  pay¬ 

able  by  yourselves  to  him,  and  that  he  had  sent  you  a  form. of 

Lpt  for  the  purpose.  Can  you  inform  me  whan  the  amount  in 

sett  lament  of  this  account  is  to  be  tendered  me?  Cel.  Gouraul 

did.  not  state,  nor  am  X  aware  what  moneys  hd  referred  to 

by  yourselves. 

account  would-be  settled. 

this  mail  to  the  United  Company  to  pay  you’ this  amount  out  of  the 
amount  payable  by  that  Company  to  me." 

Yours  very  truly 


«-3*  'ZriXyfr 

V  Ac?  /^A-  Lf 

<yO  ,0^0  V/tu,  (kAju  ommajl,,  /Gaa^oaaXa^  O' 
o&^yO'  fcAAAeruB**  ■  6%  ima^>  f  & 

Ljky^  ^maJju  ^fd 
Cu^Jk.  (X*o(njuzJ  &M  A^y&C4^Aj&>  ^ 
tythJ^ , 

oU^sMj  stfet  -^fc 

■,  AAxtAdb  AaAl  M  tU**.*#**,.  sOv  ~£y?  rf^o* 
ityot-tziUswzJ  tryyh'  fy1 

%CA7J£A*^  &r-j^  f^-^r 


January  21,  1891. 

W.  E..  Gilmore, .Esq.,  Asa't.  Gen*!.  Manager, 

Soheneotady  Wks . ,  Edison  Gen'l,  Electric  Company , 

;  Schenectady,  N.  Y. 

Dear  Sir:- 

1  return  herewith  bill  of  the  Schenectady  Works  dated 
October  31,  1890,  against  Mr.  Edison  for.  $300.68,  on  account  of 
Labor  and  material  used  on  .1  Octopolo  Dynamo  and  .armature.  Please 
read  Mr.  Insula's  -note  on  the  back  of  same,  instructing  you  to  - 
.(.cancel  the  bil,}  and 'change  to  experimental  a/c. 

Yohhs  truly. 

i'v^Cr,  $5$  ■ 

Messrs,  Baton  &  lewis, 

#1S0  Broadway  , 

I  have  year  letter  of  16th  instaht,  informing  me  that 
in  the  attachment  suit  against  the  Edison  Phonograph  Toy  Mfg.  Oo. 
you  have  retained  a  local  lawyer  in  New  Jersey  for  the  purpose  of 
convenience  and  accuracy,  and  requesting  a  check  for  $100  to  the 
order  of  Albert  Watson,  as  a  retaining  fee  to  said' lawyer,  In 
compliance  with  this  request  I  take  pleasure  in  enclosing  here¬ 
with  check  of  the  Edison  Phonograph  Works  for  the  amount- named. 
Kindly  acknowledge  its  receipt. 

January  21,1891. 

Frank  K.  Spence,  Esq,, 

Messrs.  Peter  Spence  &  Sons, 

Manchester,  England. 

De^ar  Sir:- 

Mr.  Edison  lias  read  your  letter  of  7th  instant,  in 
which  you- ask  his  opinion  as  to  the  practicability  of  exhibiting 
a  speaker's  utterances  from  moment  to  moment  to  an  open  air  aud¬ 
ience  of  great  magnitude.  In  reply  he  say?  tint  this  could  be 

done  by  writing  or  printing  the  speech  on  transparent  continuous 

strips,^, passing  the  same  through  a  large  magic  lantern,  which 
would-  project  the  written  or  printed  wofry  on  a  soreon.  The 
letters  would  appear  say  a  foot  square,  and  the  audienoe  could 
read  the  words  . as  they  were  passed  slowly  piling* 

YoUrjs  very  trhly 

Private  Secretary 

-  k  r  ' 

January  21,  1891* 

Wo  Ijo  By  erg,  Esq., 

#51  West  Sunnis ida,  SUNDERLAN1),  I 


Dear  Sir 

Your  esteemed  favor  of  6th  instant  was  duly 
received  by  Mr.  Edison. 

The  phonograph  in  England  is  controlled  by  the  Edison** United 
Phonograph  Co.,  Northumberland  Ave.,  London,  S.  W.  This  Company 
I  believe. will  soon  be  ready  to  offer  the  machines  for  sale  to 
the  English  public.  You  could  obtain  full  information  as  to 
price  etc.  by  application  to  the  London  office.  The  phonograph 
can  be  used  to  great  advantage  by-  blind  people,  and  it  would  seem 
destined  to  become  of  inestimable  service 
Yours  very 


January  22,  2891. 

Edison  Phonograph  Works, 

Mr.  Henry  C.  Ware, 

Orange,  N.  J. 

With  reference  to  your  latter  of  2lat  instant,  in 

regard  to  the  prices  charged  Mr.  Edison  .by  the  Phonograph  Works 

for  castings,  Mr.  Edison 

that  ha  will  allow  the  old  bill  to 

go  through.  In  future,  however,  all  your  bills  against.  Mr* 

Edison  for  castings,  brass  and  iron,  are  to  be  figured  on  the 

Mr.  Ware,  dated  21st  instant, 

and  to  which  this  o  cnmunicat: 


Yours-  truly 

Private  Secretary. 

-  1 

January  22,  38.91* 

Samuel  Insull,  Esq., 

Edison  Building,  Broad  St., 

i  number  of  Mr.  Edison's  telephone  patents 

which  are  to  be  assigned  to  the  American  Bell  Telephone  Company. 

Mr.  Swan,  the  Bell  Company's  attorney,  called  upon  Mr.  Edison  in’ 

regard  to  the  matter  a  few  weeks  ago.  We  are  informed  ty  Messrs. 
Dyer  *  Seely  that  these  forms  of  assignment  were  Bent  to  you.  If 

.so,  Mr.  Edison  would  like  you  to  forward  them  to  the  Daboratoiy 

i  he  wishes  to  look  over  t 

Yours  very  truly. 

Private  Secretary. 

-  -  v-y  ■  • 

i  ■ 

*iison  Building,  Broad  St., 
New  York  City. 

Dear  Sir:- 

I  bae  to  oonfinn  the  following  + 

,  ■‘■Aowing  telephone  me  a  a  are  sent 

to  you  i*om  this  office  to-day  in 

•  *  <*ly  to  °ne  roe  eived  frcm  you 

thiB  morning!- 

Private  Secretary. 

Jan.  22,  1891, 

Messrs.  Dyer  &  Seely, 

#36  Wall  St  re  e  t  , 
New  York  City. 

.  Dear  SirsJ- 

Mr.  Edison  lias  read  your  letter  of  21st  instant  and 
says  in  reply  that  he  does  not  desire  you  to  prepare  a  new  appli¬ 
cation  on  the  ooatine  of  carbon  filaments  with  silioon. 

Yours  vaiy  truly. 

Private  Secretary. 

January  22,  1891. 

C.  H.  Adama,  Esq.-,  President, 

International  Printing  Telegraph  Compaiy, 

Philadelphia,  Pa. 

Dear  Sir:- 

Mr.  Edison  has'  received  your  letter  of  21st  instant,  and 
in  reply  I  beg  to  inform  you  that  there  is  no  truth  whatever  in  the 
report  to  whioh  you  refer  of  his  having  sent  an  expert  to  Phila¬ 
delphia  to  examine  your  printing  telegraph  machines.  None  of  Mr. 
Edison’s  employees  were  sent  to  Philadelphia  for  the  purpose 
mentioned,  and  if  any  such  examination  lias  been  made,  it  was  done 
without  his  knowledge  or  authority V 

Yours  very  truly. 

Private  Secretary. 

January  22,  1891. 

T  « 

Messrs.  A.  L.  Abbott,  H.  Lichtenstein,  R.  T.  Moore,  Louis  Bush, 

B.  Ri  forman,  J.  B,  Yfolfe  eto.,  etc.,  of 

Hew  Orleans,  La. 

Dear  Sirs:- 

On  my  return  to  the  Laboratory  a  few  days  ago  after 
a  week's  absence  in  the  West,  where  I  was  called  to  attend  the 
funeral  of  my  brother,  1  find  your  esteemed  favor  under  date  27th 
of  October  last,  in  which  you  invito  me  to  visit vNew  Orleans  and 
address  the  citizens  of  that  city  on  the  subject  of  electricity 
as  a  motive  power. 

It  is  needless  to  say  that  I  appreciate  very  highly  this 
courteous  invitation  so  kindly  extended  to  me,  but  as  to  accepting 
the  same,  I  regret  exceedingly  that  my  engagements  will  not  permit 
me  to  do  so. 

.  It  will,  however,  afford  me  a  great  deal  of  pleasure  to 
furnish  you  with  any  data  that  I  possess  and  that  you  may  desire 
on  the  subject  mentioned,  or  to  impart  any  information  that  might 
be  of  assistance  to  you  in  your  consideration  of  the  same • 

I  am  (a  firm  believer  in’  the  great  superiority  of  electricity 
t°  a11  other  known  forms  of  power.  I  m  ,  convinced  ..that  it  is 


J  arm  ary  22,1891, 


/  7 

destined  to  ultimately  displace  the  other  motive  agents  in  use  at 
tte  present  time,  and  it  is  a  source  oi*  much  gratification  to  me 
that  the  citizens  of  New  Orleans,  in  common  with  other  progressive 
communities,  recognize  tlie  great  advantages  to  be  gained  by  the 
adoption  of  this  form  of  energy,  and  tin  many  benefits  which  would 
certainly  follow  its  general  application  to  the  numerous  and 
various  uses  for  which  it  is  suitable* 

In  conclusion,  gentlemen,  I  bog  that  you  will  accept  my 
sincere  thanks  for  the  many  kind  expressions  concerning  myself 
contained  in  your  coomunicat ion  under  reply . 

January  22,  1891, 

Newbrougfc,  m,  d, 

Shalam,  Lag  Crucei 

New  Mexico , 

Kr.  Edison  ha,  reoeivad  your  note  or  15th  instant, 
in  which, you  ask  *at  MU  stop  aoho.  In  reply  ho  says'th*  , 
“  “  rary  thing  to  overcome,  Out  that  Partition,  oh 

“»  **'».  «  papa-  on  th.  van, 

should  improve  .matters. 

very  truiy 


January  22,  1891. 

Evers tt  Frazar,  Esq., 

#124 •  Wat  er'  Street}, 

New  York  City. 

Saar  Sir:- 

Referring  to  your  telephone  inquiry  of  yesterday  concer- 
nin£  the  2,000  blank  cylinders  and  25  rubber  shells  which  were 
forwarded  to  you  from  the.  Laboratory,  via  Colt’s  Express,  on  the 
17th  of  September  last,  the  shipment  consisting  of  13  bbls  and 
one  box  (the  latter  containing  the  shells):  for  information  re¬ 
garding  the  use  of  the  rubber  shells  mentioned  in  the  foregoing, 

I  would  refer  you  to  my  letter  of. 10th  instant,  wherein  their  use 
is  explained,  fully  and  explicitly^  A  rubber  shell  is  to  be 
Placed  upon  the  brass  mandril  of  each  phonograph,  when  the  cylin¬ 
ders,  which  are  of  the  latest  pattern  and  a  little  larger  than  the 
older  style,  will  be  found,  to  fit  perfectly.  I  an  positive 
tln,t  25  shells  were  included  in  the  above  shipment,  having  investi¬ 
gated  thematterand  satisfied  tryself  of  -  the  fact,  and  these  with 
the  25  sent  to  you  recently,  are  more  than  ample  for  the  number 
of  phonographs  which  you  have : in  China.  The  shells  never  wear  out  ^ 
•and  each  machine  only  requires  one.  — - 

January  23,  1891, 

,  I  am  very  sony  that  there  has  been  such  a 

dolajr  in  answering  your  letter  of  5th  ultimo,  which  came  duly  to 
hand.  On  the  7th  of  December,  however,  I  was  obliged  to  go  to  bed 
with  a  very  severe  attack  of  inflammatory  rheumatism,  which  con- 
fined  me  to  my  room  until  Monday  last,  19th  instant,  upon  which 
day  I  was  able  to  visit  the  Laboratory  for  the  first  time  in  six 
weeks*-  •  .  * 

I  have  spoken  to  Mr.  Dickson  about  sending  you-  the  Cabinet 
1>r  the  card  catalogue  of  minerals,  together  with  all  fittings 
®%.,  and  he  will,  see  that  the  same  is  forwarded  to  you  within 
the  next  few  days.  He  will  address  it  to  your  house  instead  of  ’ 
to  the  Geological  Survey,  inyaccordsnce  with  your  desire. 

Your  proposed  adjustment  of  the  account  between  yourself  and 
Mr.  Jdison,  is  entirely  satisfactory  • 

Yours  very  truly, 

Private  Secretary, 

W.  V*  Perrier,  Esq., 
Ottawa,  Canada, 

January  23,  1891, 

Messrs.  Hert3  Brothers, 

New  York  City 

Dear  Si! 

The  chandeliers  are  unsatisfactory.  Fifty  per  cent 
light  is  lost.  The  price  is  simply  outrageous,  in  addition, 

they  were  all  right.  I  will  not  have  them  in  the  room. 

If  you  remove  them  and  deduct  the  amount  charged, 
other  overcharges,  I  will  pay  the  bill. 


Youths  truly, 

January  24,  1891, 

Major  S.  B.  Eaton, 

New  York  City1 

In  regard  to  the  Phonograph  Experimental  accounts: 
There  is  oharged  against  the  North  American  Phonograph  Company 
sixty-three  thousand  dollars  odd  for  experiments,  dating  frcm  the 
time  when  the  phonograph  was  purchased  by  Mgl  Lippinoott.  Prior 
to  that  period  the  Edison  Phonograph  Company  was  liable  for  the 
cost  of  experiment ing  J on  our  books  there  is  a  charge  against  that 
corporation  of  some  $26;090.'  In  arranging  for  seourity  this 
twenty-six  thousand  dollars  will  have  to  be  taken  oar e  of  in  some 

wayw-  I  bring  the  matter  to  your  attention,1  as.  the  matter  will 
not  appear  on  Hr*  Lippincott  ’s  books the  same  not  having  been 
oharged  against  the  North  Anw*  Phonograph  Co/  i 

Youps  very  truly 

January  24,  1891. 

Major  S.  B.’ Eaton, 

#120  Broadway, 

New  York  City. 

1  have  your  letter  of  23rd  instant,  detailing  inter¬ 
view  between  Mr.,  Mr.  Bush  and  yourself,  on  the  date 
mentioned.  . 

to  regard  to  paragraph  2:  Mr.  Bush  is  mistaken  as  to  what  he 
told  me.  I  was  informed  that  they  had  nade  an  arrangement  with 
the  Graphophone  Company  whereby  the  latter  was  to  receive  §10 
royalty,  biit  the  clause  that  they  should  acquire  all  ny  inventions 
vas  never  mentioned  to  me.  Had  it  been  I  would  have  shut  down  on 
it  immediately. 

With  reference  to  paragraph  3:  The  60  day  clause  was  allowed 
to  pemit  of  Lippinoott  collecting  fron  the  other  Companies. 

Paragraph  6;.  The  stocks  mentioned  are  no  good Bin, view  of 
Graphophone  contract.  Party  tell*  me  that  H.  A.  P.  o.o.  stock  is 
hawked  around  the  street  for  tdn  dollars  a  share.  '  ' 

Paragraph  d I  the  total  amount  due  M  will  amount  to  over 

'****»  ?*  »  Sttw/  Mrm,;  >1 

!•-  *2?!  »**»  *•*!?• »  >»  '£ £  *  *■». 

Eat on < 

24,  0891, 

*  ^ever,  the  iaollQ 
to  ^Viato  the  o£feot  of 

»  now  note  is  necessary 
10 ’  wl,y  then  it  is  o.  if* 



without  wofi,  ^ 

boina  aPMiod  „.^w. 


ve  sy  truOy 

January  24,  1891< 

Major  S.  B*  Baton, 

#120  Broadway 

Dear  SirJ- 

I  have  your  letter  of  23rd  instant,  enclosing  copy  of 
the  .  opinion  of  Judge  taoonbe,  continuing  the  present  temporal- 
injunction  against  the  N.  A.  ?.,Co.  I  note  v/hat  you  have  marked 
Ah  blue  TJenoil  concsming  the  graphophone.  Does  this  mean  that 

Yours  very  truly. 

January  24,  as  91. 

Automatic  PhonoGraph  Exhibition  Co., 

#13  Park  Row,  New  York  City. 

Dear  Sira  :-  - 

Will  you  very  kindly  sen*  na  answers  to  the  fol- 

l0’i"S  ,B0*tlO"S  “ith  oomr.w  Inaoal  m 

.«  h.v.  obtained  ttta  ton  bttt  ,»  tes  ^  stanad 

on  an  oxtendad  b«MS,  trtp>  „»d  thd  mtt„  tea  ^ 

°™'l”ted  *  1  “  tronble  „n  i„  tte 


(1)  sssts 

vonm™?™? arSoSf  “°S”°  ror 

Company  hmSaM  for*?ovomto  and’!1145  ”oelvM  •»  J'ou 

141  ^T™’*thfTirsto??s8y^rreiT  »«»'*■  « 

SS*J^S^JSSS.?-Si2j;  ’ 

*0  you,  or  aS  2  “  opy  orf8it?inatit>n’  t0  ^  raturn0d 

January  24,  asg^., 


#502  Walnut  Street,' 

Philadelphia,  Pa, 

is  at  hand,  and 


you  that  Mr.  Edison  has 

employ  named 

iison  knows  nothing  about  this  man's  actions 
his  duties  in  Mr.  Edii 

>onfinad  to 

Department,  He  v/aa 

't  •  authoj 

nation  of  your  Print: 

ine:  no  knowledge  whatever  of  the 


interested  in  Printing  Telegraph  ma- 
of  inspecting  those  of  your  Company, 



fa*. . : 

Jack  Wright,  : 
#226  East 

Your  letter  of  23rd  instant  in  regard  to  Milt 
'  1  haV®  tri8d  hard  9nou^  to  do  something,  for 

t  a  chance  will  *>  something.  Mr.  Insull  has 

00  him’  ^  SOmehow  things  don’t  turn  out  right. 

Yours  very  truiy 

January  27,  1891, 

Messrs.  Drexel,  Morgan  &  Co. 

Yours  very  truly . 

--  i\  ■ .. 

1  hereby  fence 1  the  order  which  I  gave  you  on  the  6th 
day  .of  the  present  uontlVto -sell  twenty-five  thousand  dollars  of 
Cincinnati,  Indianapolis,  St.  Louis  &  Chicago  R.  R.  1st  Mortgage 
4#  fifty  year  Ronds. 

Please  hand  to  Mr.  Butler  the  power  of  attorney  which  I  sent 
to  you  for  the  purpose  of  enabling  you  to  transfer  these  bonds. 


January  26,  1891, 

Eugene'  H.  Lewis, 

Me  3  a  r s .  Eat  on  ■  &  Lewia 

New  York  City 

Re  Toy  Phonograph  mattes*.  Mr.  Stephenson  did  not  say 
whether  he  desired  me  to  be  present  in  the  Jersey  City  Court  on 
Wednesday  next  when  this  ease  is  expected  toi  be  called.  If  it 
i.  for  n.  to  .«.M,  i  „<„U  like  t  o  ii.  inftmod  •„  t0 

the  location  of  the  Bonrt,  hot  to  c.t,  ma  a.  »hat  tto  i 
should  be  on  hand. 

Yours  very  truly. 

January  26, 

Samuel  G, 

Mr.  Edison  las  read  your  letter  of  25th  instant;  also 
communication  from  Mr.  Duval,  explaining  that  the  St.  Urbian 
property  has  in  part  changed  hands. 

Checks  for  payments  involved  under  the  leases  of  the  Hannah 
A.  Day  and  Jno.  H.  Schenck  properties  go  forward  by  mail  to-night 
Yours  very  truly,  • 

Private  Secretary, 

Please  mention 
mentioned  above 

In  your  next  comnunicat ion  which  of  the  propert: 

you  are  working  on  at  the  present  time. 

January  2.6,  2,891 

Benjamin  P.  Card, 

Bainbridge  Street, 

Brooklyn,  N.  Y, 

PIMM  infonn  Mr.  Edison  as  to  the  exact  lectio*  o 
the  into*  property  referred  to  letter  or  mi,  i„atdnt: 
received  this  moraine.  Severe!  of  Mr.  Edison.' s  win  on 
lins  thron®  this  state,  loctins  mineral  deposits  ate. 
of  ttam  coaid  be  detailed  to  exoeine  the  property  in  w 



Privat  e  Seel 

January  26,  1891, 

Gottsohalk,  Esq.,  President, 

Automatic  Phonograph  Exhibition  Company, 

#13  Park  Row,  New  York  City. 

Mr;  Edison  has  road  your  letter  of  24th  instant,  and 
m  reply  he  ba3  instructed  me  to  inibnn  you  that  he  will  be  very 
Pleased  to  see  you  at  the  laboratory  on  Wednesday  next,  any  time 
in  the  afternoon  that  you  may  find  convenient. 

Yours  truly, 

Private  Set 

,,„i Uu 



*>"  '•»  toft-ation 

ence  receiired  ^  by  ^  ^ 

Automatic  Phonograph  Exhibition  Coopa,,.  Bp> 

**“  to  «set  Mr.  SottochoAK  «t  tte 

Wednesday  afternoon  next. 


Yours  very  truly , 


January  26,  1891, 

General  Electric  Co., 

“Went,  Harris.,,, 
“•  H’  ,'e'l*r.  Hoad  Acoomtmt. 

“na“'e'<l  -  “»  “>”»••»,  .  i  bo* 

”'■  Th,  *»  MU.  „  ropk  _ 

,aS  mUa:i  18  beoaUse  ws  are  armneine  with  the 
C“PaW  f°r  *  *“*»  »<»»  »*%  ...okar,* 

m  T-**  *•  —  -  ‘toy  *.  ,o  „iu 

•11  «»W4«»rt  yorr  Works  that  appear  oa 


forward  bill! 

our  books. 





1  have  sent  to-day,  0/o 
'  J*»  a  check  to  your  order 

:rins  the  first  Payment  0n 

Lonai ;  iro: 

Morri stown, 

nventy-fivo  dolXi 

■ue  January  23th, 

truly ; 

January  27,  1891, 

William  Vast  ell. 


Your  letter  of  recent  date 
very  glad  t  o  hear  from  you*' 

duly  at  hand:,  and  I 

K  tftat  you  wil1  d°oept  ny  sincere  thanks  for  the  s 
Witehyou  rendered  in  connection  with  ny  tootfer's  funeral 
of  the  afmoEom.„,a  were  satisfactory,  and  Mrs.  Edison  and  , 
f«l  ven-  sratom  for  the  kindness  end  *****  Knifed 

you  in  connection  «th  tint  sad  event. .  Jour  kindness  „ 
highly  appreciated  hy.  us  all. 


Edison  United  Fhonogrs^h  Co., 

G.  N.  Morison,  Esq.,  Secretary, 

Mills  Building,  New  York  City,  tfjj 

Dear  Sir: 

With  reference  to  your  letter  of  14.+V,  *  • 

J&rraffsr.:  t&ttfca  v&kzxsps* 10 

to  reraembor  that  !S  t2  SSh^f 0Jui?ilastei?addrb°nJt  "i11  to  weU 
the  Hon.-  Win.  Henry -  Trescot  on  the  anMo/>+  ,ad[iresaed  a  letter  to 
the  Edison  United  Phonograph  Co.  was  win Iflg'to  don  +1  ^  that 
graph  with  a  complete  outfit  to  the  University  phono" 

the  Company  would  reqnire  would  be  a  guarantee  that  ^  a11  that 
wmld  not  be  used  for  any  other  purpose  *w *  the  “achihe 

Egan's  first  letter,  *hXh  «rS  *  *' 

last, -  when  the  matter  first  came  up.  x  wrote  thia^+t  °  July 
Trescot  on  the  strength  of  one  received  f^mL^  letter  to  Mr. 

if™  '***•  1890  lp™"  “w  S’miS'to'tor”; 

.  &S£?sr£ £  “S  r&s 

~£  ?£ttZsiF 

EdfiK,iP^  3-COiy'  encl03ed  herewith),'  in  which  he  asked  *  »P 

t? the  Lttor?”3  °f  the.Edlson  United  Phonograph  Co.  with  reference 
Prom  the  facts  related  in  the  foreo-A^  . . 

was  definitely  settled  by  your  Company  Zt  would  8eem  that  it 
1  y  Lnat  a  phonograph,  with  a 

January  27 

^al  University  of 
5f  July  26th  pre- 

oonmunioated  to  • 
Rv  to  the  Re0tor 

te  done  now  is  to 
ticablue.  A  lo 
3»at*  the  phono- 
'soot  (copy  Of  • 
uiy  give  the 
that  may  be  4. 

•  Edison 
>es  not  n 
lubjeot  0 

°t  yet  replies  to 

5  d°  so  until. he  c 

's  last  lott( 
m  definitelj 


Ba±$on  Phonograph 

Alexander  Elliott,  Jr. 

E?rst  National  Bank  Building, 
Paterso>n,  N. .  J.  ' 

With  reference  to  the  attaohed  letter  from  S«  D.  Brown, 
Mining  Expert  of  your  ci.ty,  in  regard  to- the  Centennial  Mines ,  yoi 
nue^it  see  Brown  and  say  if  the  mine  pans  out  well  on  magnetic  sur- 
vey,  I  might  take  a  lease  of  it,  making  the  minimum  amount  payable 
sufficient  to  pay  the  interest  on  the  indebtedness,  and  four  or 
five  hundred  dollars  additional,.  I  am  not  prepared,  however,  to 
make  any  arrangement  until  after  a  magnetic  survey  has  been  made. 

January  28,  1891, 

Henry  M.  Howe,  Esq., 

#287  Marlborough  Street, 

^  say  that  he  has  no  apparatus  which  will  separate 
”*  ■S”'’  V“r‘  aso  *dison  W1M  to  separata  the  heath 

aand  of  Lone  UUM,  tot  it  .a  tomM.Hmt  it  cost  abort  60  cent, 
a  ten  to  dry  it,  On  a  Jar®  „.le  it  „  ariea  tor 

oooh  leas.  Mr.  Bdiaon  some  tin,  a„o  applied  for  patent,  for 

•"**:-*  by  °*  *  «a«*l  machine.  .  Hi.  experiment,  in 

this  tonneotion  ,he,ed  that  a  t  on  of  sand  tenia  he  dried  in  .boot 
two  mimUtea  —  dry  enougi  for  separating. 

There  ia  no  literature  on  the  subject  of  Mr.  Edison's  Ore 
Milling  proc bss.  > 

Yours  very  truly 

Private  Se oretaiy . 

N*  Moriaon.  Esq.,  Saore tary, 
Edison  United  Phonograph  Co., 
Mills  Bdg. ,  New  York  City. 

f  January  28,  : 

With  -feren^to^e  att^d  letter  G.J 

Hardaker,  on  tte  mi „  fi  >  /  -r 

T  fa  Ponograph  ?L  The  Ma/  { 

Mysore,  in  Southern  India,  whz/ih  /  /  / 

/  *  T°h  waa  P^fiously  re/er4d  to  y 

on.  the  21st  Novembe/  last  -Jn  M' 

y  last,  jiu  you  plflse  infer J&  what  rep 

o  make  to  this  gentleman*/  Tr»  ,,  _  * 

/  ■  /  » y°^fnw,niea*id4  of -22nd  Nov 

you  said  that  IJ^e  matter  /won i h  f 

/  ZZevf°nU  yolr  Board  of 

Directors  at/heir  next /meeting,  X  Bn/'  .  ^ 

/  X  TJP7  aotlon  W  taken  ii 

regard  to  it?  \ 

Yovirs  truly  . 

J arniarj'  28*  1891, 

Edison  United  Phonograph  Co, 

.  Moris on.  Esq.,  Secretary, 

Mills  Building,  New  York  c 

I  tea  to  .taw,  receipt  of  yom.  *,*.„«*„ 

instant  fo,  Chinee.  ,  ^  ^  ^ 

"""  W  ■*ttenti<’-  -■«-  «» 
to  you  at  the  earliest  possible  moment. 

Yours  very  truly. 


Dear  Siri 

We  desire  to  have  Lakeside  Avenue  from  Valley  Road  to 
tho  West  Orange  Line  macadamised.  Mr.  Edison  and  the  Phonograph 
Works,  together,  own  all  the  pr  operty  oh  the  North  side  of.  this 
Avenue  within  the  boundaries  named.  I  understand  that  the  proper 

method  of  procedure  is  to  present  to  the  Township  Committee  a 
petition  signed  by  a  majority  in  interest  of  the  property  hoLdefs, 
expressed  in  lineal  feet.  Kindly  -let  us  know  if  this  is  the 

•.t  way  to  go  about:  it,  and  if  there 


Yours'  veiy  truly. 

George  P.  Kingsley,  Esq., 

My  dear  Shaw, 

Replying  to  your  letter  of  26th  instant,  the 
Laboratory  guns  are  already  trained  on  a  mechanical  meter; 
Before  very  long  you  will  be  able  to  place  your  orders  for  s 
thoroughly  practical  and  reliable  instrument. 

Yours  very  truly 

Shaw,  Esq , 


New  York, 

Dear  Sir: 

not ify  you? 

Yours  very  truly, 

January  29,  1891, 

Major  S.  B.  Eat 01 

I  bee  to  acknowledge  the  receipt  of  your  lett^og,- 
28th  instant,  re  Gouraud  and  K.  U.  P.  Co.  ^cording. to  the 

contract  of  torch  11,  1890,  the  Board  of  the  E.  U.  P.  Oo.  must 
meet  and  determine  the  compensation  with  respect  to  865  phono- 
graphs  before  the  11th  of  next  month.  .1  dosirc  you  to  be  present 
at  any  meeting  that  may  be  held  for  tMa  purpose,  to  represent  me 
and  take  care  of  ny  interests.  Will  you  arrange  this  matter 
yourself,  or  shall  i  write  the  E.  U.  P.  Co.  requesting  them  to 

C.  Henderson,  Esq.,  Engineer- in- Chief, 
Edison  Gen'l.  Electric  Co.,  New  York  City 

I  beg  to  confirm  the  following  telegrams  exchanged. 


"Phelps  has 
and  expects 
Do  you  want 
morning?  J, 

is  many  draughtsmen  as  he  can 
;o  see  you  Saturd^r  afternoon 
le  to  notify  Kreusi  to  have  me 
C.  Henderson." 

rork  on  plans 
rith  all  plans 
i  ready  Monday 

iot  notify  Kreusi.  I  understand  I  can  % 
.All  I  want  are  the  complete  draw* p,s3  re£ 
ly  night.  Thomas  A.  Edison." 


Everett  Erazar,  Esq., 

#124  Water  Street, 
Mew  York, 

1  beg  to  confirm  the  following  telegram  sent  you  t 


best  speed  officially  recorded?  T.  A.  Edi; 

Yours  truly,. 

January  29,  1891, 

H«  M.  Francis, 

%  dear  Mr. 

I  have  your  letter  of  27th  instant, 
o  the  Laboratory,  address ine  it  to  me  person- 
that  it  is  repaired  and  forwarded  to  your 

Send  the  Doll 

home  in  Brookly 


Secre  tary , 


January  29,  18 9; 


Automatic  Phonograph' Exhibition  Co., 
#13  Park  Row,.  New  York  City. 

On  the  14th  of  Ausust  loot  Mr.  Edison  drew  a  check 
on  Messrs.  Drexel,  Morgen  *  «...  to  the  order  or 

^  *•*»’  M°"  ~  *  -  toMr.  In 

PWson.  Ihis  check  was  turned  over  by  Mr.  Idfpincti  to  the  Auto- 
entic  Bionoareph  «.lhiu«  Co.  as  a  cash  loan  no.  Mr.  Edison,  and 
Mr.  Sdison  is  no.  credited  on  the  books  ol. ..that  Company  with  the 
**  d"lre  *"*■*»  “•  A-  Co.  an  aekno.ledge- 

"**  “  *“*  de‘>t*  “■*  —  the  Oheever-Gilliland 

in toree t  have  else  mad.  loans  to  the  Company,  „  M  .oneidert^ 
the  Ion,  of  .oknb.ledde.ent  we  have  to  re.e.ber  the,  these  perti,, 
car.  d,™«  like  re.bdnition  of  their  claims.  for  this  reason  „  i 
do  »,  consider  it  desirable  to  „k  for  .  deed  note ,  „  ench  J 
fon»  of  eckno.ledgement  midht  be.  o^derons  i„  „ther  then  Mr.  ^ 

Edison's  hends.  *  time  nets  is  open  tb  the  e„e  objection,  M  it 
besoms  a  demand  upon  matnidty.  Whet  tone  ef  ...nrity  »Md 
yon  suddest  whioh  would  net  earey.  M»h  it  th^se  objections! 

1  Yours  very  truly,// f/J/fc''  • 


January  30,  1891. 


Dear  SirsJ- 

In  reply  to  your  letter  of  29th  instant,  I  beg  to  say 
th*t  on  the  27th  instant  Mr..  Butler  deposited  with  y.ou  check  for 
$70, 000,  and  on  the  28th  check  for  §5,000,  which  makes  up  the 
amount  of  $75,000  advised  by  me  in  my  letter  to  yourselves  under 
dat  e  27th  instant  • 

Yours  vary,  truly. 

Messrs.  Drexel,  Morgan  &  Co., 

New  York  city  . 

Yours  truly'. 

Privat  ’»  s» 

***“  PreP°rty  POfer-a  t0  *"  —  ,o 

’  *  ^  4“*  *•  ***->»*  *«».«, 

to  .««„  th.  ani  »to„  te  ^ 

C**  thS  Same  h0  conmunicate  again. 

P.  Card,  BaQ. , 

#181  Bainbri dga  street, 
Brooklyn,  j*  Y. 

)  January  SO,.  1891. 


to  .  .  p~Mrtlr  *°t*rrM  to  t. 


t0°  fan  array  for 
■j  sid0s  which  I  am 

Andrew  Carnegie, 
No.  5  me 


January  30, 

Yours  truly. 

Secret  ary, 

Samuel  G.  Bum,  Esq., 

Your  letter  of  28th  instant  to  Mr.  Edison  has  been 
duly  received.  The  sketch  of  the  Day  and  Schenck  ground  enclosed 

therewith  is  .  all  right. 

t.wa  desired. to  know  was,  if  you 

were  keeping. a  separate. record  9f  the  mica  produced  by  each  of 
these  properties.  The  royalties  which  we  have  to  pay  kre  dif¬ 
ferent  in  each  case;  hence  the  necessity  of  distinct  records. 

A  check  for  $57.08  was  mailed  this  morning  to  the  Equitable 
Life  Assurance  Society,  in  payment  of  premium  on  your  policy,  and 
the  amount  has  been  charged  against  your  account- 

January  30,  1891. 

Phonograph  Works, 

Mr.  Henry  c.  Ware, 

Orange,  N.  j. 

Dear  Sir:-. 

I  have  your  memorandum  of 

01  thls  afternoon  in  regard  to 

»o«*  «  tbo  w 

°"  s°p‘‘r,t°- ia  -  *"■»  „ot 

receive  at  th6  time  work  is.  requested  «,  v«  1 

quean ed  to  be  done. either  an  order 

*“ tl"  “"*•*”*  •-  *  «.  n-b-r  « 

Wtaoi.  .m  r»Uo,.  The  Phono^h*,,*,  is 

*  “*y  °°m‘nw  for  *• **»• «» w 

“  **  ~  1'1*h  *•  .»•*»  V  t*. 

had  instructed  your  people  not  to  accept  verbal  orders,  but  it 
appears'  tint  in  these  two  cases  they  haws  done  so.  i<t  *  impos 
si'ble  for  us  to  keep  track  of  each  individual  connected  with  w 

«“  ta  *  -  «™.i  aaoertain  *. 

li  n.  save  iaatmotita.  to,  experimental  woylc  on  the  ' 

S.p„a,.-  to  all  proftiaty  tt  *.  0iofcTOn,  M  ^ 

hero  to-day >  A,  aeon  as  to  can  tr.oo  th,  *  ,M.  Terbil 

o«.y  *  .ill  .«*»  u  by  .  Mmirttl0„.  om.  ^ 

Henry  G«  Ware 

January  30, 

link  tel tine  dies 



approves  it, 

Yours  truly. 

Private  Sei 

Y dura  very  truly . 

i  ’/w 

January  31,  1891. 

Everett  Frazar,  Esq., 

#124  Water  Street,  New  York  City. 

Referring  to  your  letters  of  28th  and  30th  instant, 
in  regard  to  parties  in  Paris  having  cabled  me  direct,  requesting 
information  concerning  -the  Sims-Edison  torpedo,  I  beg  to  say  that 
I  ree«srved.&  cablegram  from  Mr.  A.  Vemes,  of  the  Paris  Edison 
Company,  asking  me  to  wire  "If  Sims  Torpedo  successful  specially 
speed,"  in  reply  to  v/ihich  I  to-day  sent  the  following 

"Official  speed  nineteen  two-tenth  miles  per 
hour.  I  consider  it  a  very  successful  and  - 
practical  machine.  T  think  twenty -five  miles 
can  be  attained  by  some  changes .  EDISON," 

January  31,  1891, 

My  dear  Bergmann, 

Your  letter  of  29th  Instant  in  regard  to  your 
J,  is  duly  at  hand.  If  I  can  find  time  I 
>,  but  as  you  knov/  I  very  seldom  visit  the 

new  Automatic  Switch, 
will  call  and  see  it. 

Yours  very  truly, 

S.  Bergmann,  Esq., 

#527  Test  34th  Street, 

Sew  York  City 

January  31*  1891, 

Bdioon  Building,  Broad  St, 

instant  dated  at  Ohici 

We  oannot  determine 
istios  of  the  machine.  l 

’  3  °0nV8rter  C0 1  the  character- 

m  *■*  awaitine  the  completion 

or  t*  It™**!*  wohinn  „  ltat  „  „„  th>  ooit_ 

struction  of  the  converter.  ' 


January  31,  1891, 

John  s.  Wi! 

Edison  General  Electric  Company, 

Edison  Bdg.,  Broad  St.,  New  York, 

Dear  Sir! 

Your  letter  of  28th  instant  to  Mr.  Edison,  informing 
him  that  his  testimony  is  essential  in  a  suit  in  Hewark,  is  at 
hand.  Mr.  Edison  desires  to  know  when  the  suit  in  question  comes 
oft,  aid  vhether  you.  desire  him  to  go  to  Newark  or  if  you  vri.ll 
come  to  the  laboratory  and  take  the  testimony  there.  Mr*  Ediss 
is  obliged  to  go  to  Soheneotady  either  to-morrow  (Sunday)  or 
Monday  evening. 

j/o  Edison  General  Electric  Co, 

Schenectady,  N.  Y< 

vn„  +  n  l  ^  *■  confirm  the  following 
you  to-day,  and  ny  reply  to  same’: 

"Edison  Laboratory:  When  is  Mr.  Ediac 
Schenectady?  J, 


An,  waiting  detailed  drawings  from  Henderson- 

X. T0Zr*ln’ 

gat  than,  Edison." 

Yours  truly, 

January  31, 

Ediaon  Phonograph  Works  , 

Mr.  Henry  C.  Ware, 

Orange,  N.  J, 

<* 30,h  «»*.«.  „ 

'  ””  ^  n°‘  ”,,1VM  “  *“•“ «» 
n.»  »d.1..  w^raph.  tta. toilaino  „a  ,Moh 

nearipg  completion. 

I  enclose  herewith  original  order, 

six  new  model  phonographs 

Phonograph  Co, 

dated  Nov.  8,  0890,  for 

".civea  by  m  l„n  th,  ,)orth  Wio<m 

'ri*ml  "»* «“« <>«*.,  K9b>  for 
sax  new  style  phonographs,  received  +1,  „ 

d  fran  the  -Ediaon  United  Phono- 
sraph  Company,  These  two  orders  cover  the  to 
.  .  °°ver  the  la  machines  referred 

“i  you>  letter  now  under  reply.  j  ■ 

.  .  l  also  send  you  herewith 

original  order  dated  Jan.  28,  *91.  *P -6  Nicke^in-^  +  • 

received  from  the  Edisvn  gni+ed  pj  °  Eao'hinas» 

.  .  ^  United.  Phonograph  Co.  lM  tQ  ^ 

the  28th  instant  an  order  for  .■u 

yott  will  •  ^^se  last  named  nrnchin^  ^ 

you  will .now  please  canoe, t,  and  snbsMtute  iherefor  the  orW  , 
order  enclosed  herewith.  The  ^ohines  ref  a.  ■  ,  ,  .  ,  ; 

Jan,  31,  1891. 

Samuel  Insull,  Esq.,  2nd  Vice-President, 

Edison  General  Electric  Compare, 

New  York  City  . 

Dear  Sir:- 

I  have  neceivw  your  letter  of  i„sta„,,  onolosin* 
copies  or  letters  deceived  lr  you  fy<n,  the  Genera  Katewr  of  the 
lamp  Manufacturing  LepH.,  also  ir„  the  General  Manager  of  the 
Light  *  Pone,  Dep'tv,  «ith  reference  to  the  advisahility  of  your 
Company  lit,  a  M  volt  lamp  for  the  opposition  trad,  of  aomeuh.t 
lower  economy  than  our  standard  lamp. 

I  approve  of  Mr.  Upton's  suggestion  to  make  a  three  and 
six-tenths. (3.6 )  watt  lamp,  and  think  that  it  should  be  acted 
upon  at  once.' 

Yours  truly. 


Col.  Michael  To  Barrett, 

Dear  Sir) 

Mro  Edison  is  obliged  to  execute  from  time  to  t: 

great  many,  legal  documents,  and  we  have  upon  occasion  been  put  to 

great  inconvenience  in  order  to  obtain  a  Commiss 

take  his  acknowledgements.  In  order  to  overcome  this  difficulty 

soured  during  the  session  of  the  last  legislature  the  appoint- 

Chief  Accountant 

■nt  of  Mr.  John  TV  Randolph, 

this  Township.  We  desire  to  have  this  Commission 


newed  and  will  be  greatly  ids*)  indebted  fbr  your  good 'of  fl< 

Yours  very  truly 

Privat  e  Secretary, 

A.  Vernes,  Eaq.» 

«/o  The  Contpagnie  Continental < 

*  Edison, 

foil  owing  cablegrams 

lease  answer  if. 
lixteien  hundred  y 

san't  be 

'Speed  is  i 
otherwise , 

ne  over  whole 

run.  it ' could 

Yours  veiy  truly 

”Trvr'~? . : 

Sdiaon  Phonograph  Works, 

a  -"Ply  to  r®  letter  or  su,  in  to 

■■■■I  0rti9ra  from  the  Laboratory ,  I  find  tha+ 

’  A  rina  that  Mr.  Edison  and  Mr.  Ballou 

4  t°S‘,!”r  *rWW  *"  «*  *•  *•  — «t«l  io  >«  ta.,ory  to, 

5  ««/•.  ought  to  redye  order..  Mr.' Jidiaon'e  time  „ 

j  too  -alueM,  for  „  „  expe.t  **„  .run*,  rersOMUl/  tor  „.t_ 

:  "”““iti<’”SV  wh*“  “»“>*  1.  to  be  to  suoh 

j  — a.  thie  th.  peraon  to  .ho.  Mo.  gdie.n  giv„  in.tra.tid  „ 

]  ”SP'>“ibls  *»  *“  — *  ■»  ootaihoa  to  obtain  a  .ritten  order 
.  ,  from  the  Laboratory.  You  .Mould  have  Mr.  Ballou  report  to  ,0. 

!  aw  wort  tint  Mr.  Sdieon  require.  to  bo  carried,  out,  after  .hioh 

yj  “““‘"‘"C  a  r.quiaitien  in  .eritiug  from  her.  i.  a  very  We 

,  j  -ter;  but  tbl,  arrangement  doea  no,  include  any  Pvwa  nhateo- 

ev®  connected  dith  the  Moratory  agenting  gdieon.  end  I 
will  be  glad  if  yuiWU  refute  to  com™,,.  „-b  upon  the  rerlnl 
requeet  OP  any  *.  «  ear  ample,...  la  ^ 

;f  ill  Sdieofl'a  Items  * 

•]  .'  v«*y  tt*U3y»  ' 

February  2,  1891, 

Gilmore,  Esq.,  Asa't.  Mapacer, 
Edison  General  Kleotrio  Comp  ary 
Schenectady,  N.  Y, 

Dear  Sir! 

Yours  very  truly. 

Private  Secretary* 

has  loaned  money  to  the  A. 

of  this  Mr, 


ask  for  a  demand  note. 

SOUld  obtain  like  security  ,  which 

menace  some  t: 

in  the  future. 

beoomes  a  demand  upon  maturiity .  Fill  .you.  be  good 
gest  florae  way  in  which  we  can  obtain  an  aoknowiet^J 
debt  and  avoid  the  contingency  suggested  above.  H 


1  % 

\  |  ..... 

On  the  14th  of  August  last  I  handed  to  Mr,  -Lippinc-ott 
Mr.  Edison’s  check  on  Drexel,  Morgan  &  Co.  for  $3,500,  which  sum 
Mr.  Lippincott  stated  he  would  pay  over  to  the  Automatic  Phono¬ 
graph  Exhibition  Co.  as  a  loan  for  Mr.  Edison.  Subsequently  Mr. 
Lippincott  gave  the  A.  P.  E.  Co.  check  of  the  H.  A.  P.  Co.  for 
$7,500,  requesting  ttem  to  credit  the  amount  on  their  books  -fed 
Messrs.  Robinson  and  Blodgett,  Trustees.  Mr.  Edison  contributed 
of  this  amount  the  $3,500  named  above.  We  have  no  recognition  of 
the  debt  and  desire  to  obtain  one.  The  Cheever-Giliiland  interest 

Major  S. 
'  #120 

B,  Eaton, 

Br  oa  d  way  , 
New  York  City. 

February  3,  1891,, 

New  York  City, 


settle  this  matter, 


iiy  truly 

February  3,  1891. 

°.  h.  Edgar,  Esq.,  ffen'l.  Manare**, 
Edison  Electric  Ill.  Comply* 

I  enclose  herewith  a  letter  f»B  Miss  Annie  K.  Doak, 
a  ■connection  of  Mr.  Edison,  who  for  son*  tin*  past  has  been  in 
the  employ  of  the  Edison  Phonograph  Toy  Manufeoturins  Co,  in 
B°3ton.  Miss  Doak  is  a  Stenographer  and  Typo- writer,  and  has  I 

understand  Cnve  entire  satisfaction  in  her  present  position,  whic] 

she  is  obliged  to  relinquish  owing  to  closing  of  the  office  o3 
the  Toy  Company,  as  explained  in  her  letter.  Is  there  a  vacancy 
in  any  of  your  offices  to  which  Miss  Doak  could  be  appointed? 

February  3,  is£ 

every  thi] 

Power  to  obtain  another 
■to  some  of  our 

you  in -Bo  st  on, 

comnunicate  with  y  ou 




Miss  Annie  K»  Doak, 
c/o  Edison  Phono.  Ukr 
#95>  Milk  St‘ 


February  3,  1891, 

sen  Phonograph  Works, 

I  >®d  a  conversation  *ith  Mr.  Edison  yesterday  in 
«Sa-0  to  the  ip.  Phonograph.  („„,«„ ^  tto >te 
tke-dlet  aaphinea  Wiieh  »«■«.'  building,  0r  „ie 

U°  V°  °°’  and  S1X  for  tlie  N*  Ai  P*  Co.,  and  the  latter  for 
4‘"  W***  U"tted  "“"«i  «»»  “P-  Wi.P»  S.3  ttat  if 

-  ww  it  «,  cause  ooa*li. 

cation  nth  respect  to  our  manufacturing  asreoment.,  and  he  there- 
prefer.  have  them  billed  against  himaeif.  You  oan  retain 
the  original  order.  „hioh"l  .out  you  and  make  your  bills  out 
against  Mr.  Edison. 


Private  Secretary 

February.  3, 


Haw  York  City 

Dear  Sir:- 

I  beg  to  acknowledge  the  receipt  of  -your  letter  of 
31st  ultimo,  enclosing  copy  of  notice  served  by  you  in  Mr.  Edison's 
name  and  behalf  on  the  Edison  Phonograph  Toy  Mfg.  Co.,  terminating 
tin  foreign' license  of  August  6*  1889^  on  account  of  nonpayment  of 
royalties  due.  I  wa's  not  aware  that  this  notice  was  to  be  served 
■  or  I  should'  have  informed  you  in  regard  to  certain  statements  that 
I  made  to  the  Bbard  of  the  Boston  Company  appertaining  to  these 
royalties  and  in  which  Mr.  Edison  acquiesced  at  the  time.  It  may 
be  that  notwithstanding'  these  statements  Mr.  Edison  had  a  perfect 
right  to  serve  this  notice,  but  it  seems  to  me  that  all. the  cir¬ 
cumstances  should  have  been  taken  into  consideration  before  this 
notice  was  issued,  which  so  far  as  I  am  concerned  or  aware, ^  has  • 
not  be en  done .  Unless  something  else  has  occurred  with  which  I 
am  unfamiliar  it  will  be  an  easy  matter  for  the  Boston  Company  to 
prowe  -bad  faith"  and  I  will  be  one  of  their  principal  witnesses. 

In  Mr.  Edison's  nnmorandum  to  you  of  Jan.  7th  he  said  -How  would  » 
do  to  notify  them  (the  Toy  Co. )  that  ho  further  extensions  will  be 
mads  and  that  we  shall  demand  and  expect  the  sums  due  oh  date?" 

Major  S.  B.  Eaton. 

February  3,  1891. 


Pnor  to  this  I  had  a  conversation  with  Mr.  Edison  in  Which  I  re¬ 
minded. him  that  with  his  authority!  had  stated  to  the  Board  of  the 
Boston  Company  that  to  would  waive  the  royalty  due  October  1,  1890. 
Mr,  Lippi n oo>tt ,  on  behalf  of  the  N.  A.  P./Co.,  also  agreed  to  waive 
the  royalty  .due  that  corporation  at  the  same  date.  Our  papers 
vrere  not  prepared  because  we  were  waiting  for  Mr.  Lippinoott  to 
send  his  to  us,  as  he  agreed  to  do.  Mr.  Edison's  idea  was  to 
notify  the  Boston  Company  that  there,  would  be  no  further  waivers 
beyond  the  one.assented  to,  and  in  asking  you  to  notify  the  Boston 
Company  of  the  termination  of  their  agreement  on  account  of  non¬ 
payment  of  royalty  due  October  first,  to  must  have  misunderstood 
your  ,  letter,  four  oorununication  of  Jan.  9th  ought  to  have  been 
handed  to  me  before  any  reply  was  given.  This  was  not  done,  it 
towing  boon  answered  from  Mr.  Edison's  note,.  I  will  call  and  see 
you  about  this  matter  the  first  time  I  am  in  town. 

Yours  very  truly., 

Privato  Seo'y. 

February  3,  1891, 

John  S.'  .Wise,  Esq., 

Edison  General  Electric  Company, 

New  York  City. 

Dear  Sir:- 

Reptyirie  to  your  letter  of  2nd  instant,  Mr.  Edison 
went  to  Schenectady  last  night,  and  will  be  there  for  a  week  or 
more.  He  could  not  state  definitely  how  long  he  would  be  de¬ 
tained,  as  it  depends  upon  the  progress  of  certain  experiments 
he  has  to  conduct  at  the  Machine  Works. 

Yours  very,  truly,  \ 

.  '  :  •  > 



Gilmore,  Esq.,  Ass't.  Manager, 
Edison  Gen* 1.  Electric  Company, 
Schenectady,  N.  y. 

“01°”  * 

««« «„  •.**„  MMra  -„MMi  „hioh 

„„  4«"  **  *«»  ha.  tto  „ 

•  Eat0"  *  *-*■..  fc 
jrrjr,  Treasurer,  N.  J.  x.  p-  n 

v  .  °°»»»traiw  *>■*«.  A2  Broad  St 

iw  York  City. 

attached  to  which 
please  hand  to  Mr. 


Private  Set 

New  York  City 

#124  Yfater  Street, 

With  reference  to  your  letter  of  5th  instant  which  ha 
just  been  received,  Mr.  Edison,  is  at  present  in  Schenectady,  he 
having  G°„e  there  on. Monday  night  last.  The-  letter  of  Mr.  Eraza 
referred  to  in  your  comnuni cation  was  forwarded  to  Mr.  Edison  by 
last  night's  mail,  and  the  cablegram  which  you  desire  sent  to  Mr. 
Vernes,  of  the  Paris  Edison  Company,  has  doubtless 

*“•  DKrninG-  AS  S°°n  33  1  ^  Schenectady  on  the  subject 
I  will  oomnunicate  with  both  you  and  Mr.  Frazar. 

Yours  very  tru]y. 

Bethel,  N,  J, 

Bear  Sir: 

Mr.  Edison  has  read  your  letter  of  2nd  instant  and 
that  you  had  better  keep  on  with  your  tunnel. 

very  truty 

hMiiJ&ftky,  i. 

February  6,  1891. 

Referring  to  the  attached  letters  fiom' 

Dyer  &  Seely,  you  told  tin  to  ask  them  to  pay  these  taxes  on  Ore 
.Milling  and  Toy  Phonograph  patents*  The  Austrian  Toy  Phono¬ 

graph  patent  must  be  v/orked  in  that  country  before'  June  14th 

next  in  order  to  sustain  it,  and  the. Spanish  patent  on  Ore  Mil¬ 

ling  apparatus  must  be  worked  before  March  2nd  next.:  Do  you  de¬ 

sire  any  steps  taken  -with  reference  to  the  working  of  these  two 
tpatents?  and  if  they  are  not  to  be  worked,  isn't  it  unnecessary 
tfco  pay  the  annuities? 

Yours  very  truly. 



New  York  City 

1  return  herewith  the  agreement  betv/een  T«  A.  Edison, 

Jesse  H.  Lippincott,  Thos.  R.  lombard,  N.  A.  P.  Co,,  Louis  Glass 

Exploiting  Co,-  of  California,  A,  P.  E.  Co.,  Chas.  A,  Cheever,  and 

Felix  Gottsohalk,  Trustee,  the  same  having .  be en  enclosed  v/ith  yo- 

letter  of  2nd  instant.  This  is  the  Trust  agreement  which  provides 

for  the  distribution  of  the  stook  after  the  dissolution  of  the 

trust.  What  1  want  is  the  agreement  in  which  Mr.  Edison  fo: 

consideration  of  5,500  shares  of  the  stock  of  the  A.  P, 

agreed  to  give  the  Company  his  inventions  covering  Nickel-in-the- 

Slot  attachments 

very  truly. 

Private  Secretary 

New  York  City 

Referring  to  ny  letter' to.  you  of  20th  ultimo,  which  is 

acknowledged  in  your  oonraunication  of  5th  instant  addressed  to 

Mr;  Edison*  I  will  be  glad  to  have  a  copy  of  the  proceedings  in 
question,  and  will  take  occasion  to  point  out  to  y.ou  upon  its  re¬ 

ceipt  that  part  of  the  testimony  which  I  believe 

making  a' settlement  bet  ween,  the  N.  A.  P.  Co.  and  the  Edison  Phono¬ 

graph  Works. 

Yours  very  truly. 

Replying  to  the  two  questions  contained  in  your  letter 
of  2nd  instant  addressed  to  Mr.  Edison: 

(1)  Electricity  has  been  experimentally  generated  within 
a  vacuum,  al  though  I  am  not  aware  thft  the  pLticSr 
souroe  you  mention  —  a  dynamo  —  has  been  used  in 
such  experiments. 


It  ia  not  yet  known  whether  electricity  is  or  is  not 
a  substance,  but  it  probably  is  not.  If  we  are  en- 
•  evidence  as  it  stands  to-day, 

electricity  is  a  particular  mode  of  motion  of  matter 
just  as  heat  is  another  particular  mode  of  motion  and 
euch  modes  of  motion  may  be  in  excess  or  deficit  ilS 
taatetrial.  quantities..  u 

Yours  truly,  /•"»' 



Private  Secretary . 

February  6,  1891, 

Everett  Frazer, 

As  previously  advised  I  sent  your  letter  of  3rd  inst. 
to  Mr.  -Edison  at  Schenectady.  I  have  received  it  back  this 
morning  with  the  following  note:  «l  have  already  cabled  twice; 
the  last  cable  meets  the  question  I  think."  i  enclose  herewith 
copy  of  the  two  cablegrams  referred  to  by  Mr,  Edison,  together 
srith  bill  for  same,  amounting  to  $16.13.  This  also  in  reply  to 
your  letter  of  5th  instant. 

Yours  very  truly 

Privat i 


February  6,  2S91, 

Sranois  R.  Upton,  Eon.,  oen'l,  Manacor, 

L”P  W».  Oep',„  Edieon  oa,,'!,  El,0-  Oonpai^ 

““  *°  M‘r  “  >««»  ««««  letter  mo.ivei 
&0»  Hr.  E.  P.  Raaetti,  London,  E»Bland,  in  „dard  to  „  ndver- 
t  ieemont  in  the  Alt-  of  .the  bnipereal  Litton  0f  Pari.,  i339  , 
and  Wtioh  nonld  appear  to  have  teen  tathoriaed  bp  Ur.  Hrneer.  We 

reoeived  a  foneer  letter  fn»  Rneet.ti,.  in  «,i„h  .  . 

"  *  ^1U,i  ^tner,  *. on  a/e 

"  <h.  adverta.nnent  referred  te  in  th,  foresee,  te  ehi  eh  I  re- 
Pit,  ,  ,het  *  «d  not,  hie  letter  beine  the  Meet  inti-tied  „ 
had  had  of  the  matter.  If  p«„  have  aw  inlbmation  on  the  enb- 
,  J«t  of  tide  advertieement,  I  ehall.  *  very  slad  if  pen  iet 

to  hear  from  yoi 

>:that  I  can  repay  to  Mr. 

Private  Secretary. 

p-«i  - 

Dear  Sir: 


'of  the  United 
•d  to-day  twelve 
Dispensation  for 


;  .  . 1“ 

February  7 ,  18  9 1 . 

I-1"*  *°  *>»  tLerm  »nt  , 

Yours  truly. 

February  7,  1392. 

J.  C.  Henderson,  Esq.,  Engineer- in-Chief, 

The  blue  prints  showing  the  canvass  of  the  Fourth  Dis¬ 
trict  j  New  York  City,  referred  to  in  your  letter  of  6th  instant 
to  Mr.  Edison,  have  been  received  at  the  Labdratoiy,  and  they 
will  be  handed  to  Mr.  Edison  imnediately  upon  'Ms  return  from 

Privat  e  Se< 


Skehan,  Esq l. 

slitot  ^  °f  **  ina““*  •«-»,  newspaper 

“  ^0e"',,  *”  "rt*i"  “M-iwmt.  0'Mmt.a  a,  th. 
Smithsoniart  !»««,  «,,,  aW  of 

“  *«»*.  abaenoa. 

rnmediafeiy  upon  his  return  t 

S'"  * Blaa  “  -  -  —  «  —  — , 

I  notice  you  have  sent  for. 

Phonograph,  has  been 
It  will  be  placed  before  } 
the  Laboratory.  Mr.  Edison  wi 

>ry  truly. 

Private  Secretary, 

..  St:  K 

fyc&r'  J&r-  '  - 

JL  t  ^  ^sCl  4U^e^^~ 

-#»«-t-*X<.  -&4-J  $*\  <5^tx<4b*-  *•«£. 

(£  C^K  &*****•— 

<*K-  fltr^  5!(«rt  ■JL*. ■**<.  ^rv»  ***  ^  r»<rf  il  j^V1  x 
.«*•/  ^/i.r.K  lb-  (A L  <4«m>  <W.^.  c*V^  <3  ■  >-[y^ 

^  *  *  **  *LuJiZ 

lTT^ri  *~~,‘u  ^^Mld  *  MC 

frtjrH?:  5zs*&  ~3-<&. 

■  / 

,*  #; 

Jpwifc  /;  4m»»#4h  «t<M  *  JR  | 

-  JF‘ 


soon  (about) 

Phonograph  W 
against  the  North  American 

a  statanant  pf 

> count 

gr^ih  Corapahy? 

HartiS  '  ■***?*  «ale?  Did, the  Works 
1  theASraPhoplione  factory? 

Are  the  Mi  son  Monograph  Works  now  rei^i^  t 

10  N‘  A‘  P*  C°*  phont>esaphs  sent  to  the  Works 
'e pairs?  »  so,  on  what  ground  is  this  done? 

I  would  like  to  see  Mr.  Ware  * bout  these  quest: 


.  “t!  .«  v.' 

50n«m  the  folio  wing 

’an  sent  to 


A*  Verne  a  ,  Esq . , 

c/a  The  Compacnie  Continentale  Edison 
p?r  is  ,  France.  ’ 

bee  •»«!»..«»  enn.ned  oabJee™  „nt  t„ 
instant,  the  eem.  tain,  a  dnplioate  ef  the  one  fomsMea  to  yon 
ana  Lehman,  in  nepiy  te  yonr.  of  aste.  ,  m  inlermd  u 
the  orieinai  despatch  had  net  reaped  yen;  hone,  the  nep.ti«im. 

same  over  whole 

It  could 



Yours  very  truly, 

February  9,  1891, 

Sverett  Frazar, 

New  York  City. 

Referring  to  your  telegram  of  Saturdty  last  and  my 

both  of  which  are  confirmed  elsewhere, 


upon  receipt  of  the  former,  1.  communicated  with  the  Western  Union 

Telegraph  Office  concerning  the  non-delivery  of  Mr.  Edison’s  2nd 

■  «,  *  „  dated  2nd  instant 

cablegram  to  Ip:.  Vernas  of  the  Paris  Edison  Company  ,^in  regal'd-  to 

the  Sims.-Edi'sojn  Torpedo,  and  this  morning  I* received  from  the 

Manager  o?  the  Orange  office  of  the  Western  Union  the  enolosed 

messages,  from  which  you  will  see  that  the  cablegram  in  question 
was  duly  delivered  at  the  Paris  office  of  the  Edison  Company. 

I  duplicated  the  cablegram  as  requested,  and  I  enolose  herewith 

bill' for  cost  of  same 

Yours  veiy  truly 

Privat e  Secretary- 

February  9,  1891. 

W.  E.  Gilmore, 


I  beg  to  confirm  the  following  teleeran  sent  to 

you  this  morning: 

"Can  you- give  me  any  idea,  as  to  when  Mr.  Edison 

will  leave  Schenectady?  Answer.  A.  0.  Tate- 

Yours  very  truly. 


':  h  fflr~  JbWj  (§~M, 


}  s/TLjLaTlOfo 

&</  AskAs  S?(Z  c 

\tt~  vuut*'-*.  U 

U7iW  StTUst+bs  - 

■  /TOr  '  ;i&jLaAA<k£j . 

'  AamA'  Ant# , 
t&xjUkj  tff-  s'/rf&tii/Ctsu’' 

I  ^  diU/i^  jfcyws 6 
**0  tfc'W  mxV^/TU' 


'/fvMfrUL-  CLf*'  j 

<^;'  hu/M.1  ciL^ rodA,  (UUn^LL,  /T&n.  sivtA- 

Mu  c.  f#w-^'~ 

'~<fiM/-'  fto  ~~siM  cam,  '-&>  aMl £<- 

cWsCA'  '&-■  ' 

'~AjLMA~  (7US 



(mrUXJ^'  Ms 

Mnr^My--^  < 

As  M  /triA'/LL 

jrabruary  9,  lS91.i 

Tilajor  S.  B.  Eaton, 

i^22Q  Broadway  , 

New  York  City. 

Dear  Sir:- 

Ref erring  to  your  letter  of  7th  instant  to  Mr.  Edison, 

I  beg  to  submit  the  following  information  in  reply  to  your  queries. 

(1)  There  is  a  balance  in  the  treasury  of  the  Edison  Phono¬ 
graph  Company  of  $417.03. 

(2)  On  the  8th  day  of  July,  1889  a  check  for  $5,000  was  de¬ 
posited  in  the  Geraan  National  Bank  of  Newark,  N.  J.,  to  the  credit 
of  the  Edison  Phonograph  Company.  This  check  was  received  by  Mr. 
In3Ull  and  forwarded  to  the  Bank  by  him  in  Mr.  Edison's  name'.  Ho 
has  fines  informed  me  that' it  was  a  payment  made  by  the  Boston  Toy 
Company  on  account  of  royalty,  but  the  written  records  describing 
the  payment  are  in  his  possession. 

(3)  A  complete  statement  to  January  1,  1891,  of  Laboratory 
experiments  has  been  sent  to  the  North  American  Company. 

The  Edison  Phonograph  Works  have  not  yet  rendered  their 
statement.  They  are  still  engaged  in  making  up  their  books  and 
the  statement  will  not  be  ready  until  the  beginning  or  middle  of 
next  month.  The  arrangement  i3  tint  it  will  be  prepared  during 
Mr.  Instill's  absence,  but  will  not  be  submitted  until  his  return. 

In  a  letter  which  I  received  from  him  to-day  he  advises  me  that  he 
will  not  be  honjg  until  the  first  week  in  March. 

(40  There  is  no  record  in  this  office  of  a  letter  fw>m  Mr. 
Edison  to  Mr.  Lippi,  ncott ,  informing  the  latter  that  there  were  no 
outstanding  claims  against  the  Edison  Phonograph  Company  and  that 
it  had  no  creditors.  I  do  not  believe  that  any  such  letter  wa s 
ever  written  or  tlat  the  statement  was  ever  verbally  made  by  Mr. 
Edison  or  any  one  connected  with  him.  The  first  section  of  the 
contract  of  Ootober  28th,  1887  between  T.  A.  Edison  and  the  Edison 
Phonograph  Company  provides  that  the  latter  shall  pty  the  oobV  of 
obtaining  Letters  Patent  in  the  United  States  and  the  Dominion  of 
Canada,  together  with  all  costs  and  charges  incurred  in  experiments 
Wfca^first  bill  for  patents  was  rendered  by  Dyer*  &  Seely  during  the 

Major  S.  B.  Eaton. 


Februsry  9,  1891. 

month  of  July ,  1888,  since  which  time  further  bills  have  been 
rendered,  amounting  in  all  to  about  eleven  thousand  dollar's  up 
to  December,  1890.  The  Edison  Phonograph  Company  has  paid  on 
account  of  these  bills  the  following  amounts: 

October  21,  1889 - $1,500.00 

Decomber  19,  1339 -  1,500.00 

Allgust  6,  1890 - 1  1,532.97 

Total  $4,532.97' 

This  leaves  in  the  Treasury  of  tie  Edison  Phonograph  Company 
the  balance  referred  to  in  the  foregoing  of  $417.03.  Mr.  Edison 
has  paid  on  account  of  the  same  billd  three  thousand  dollars  odd, 
which  leaves  a  balance  due  Dyer  &  Seely  of  about  §2,800.  In 
add  it  ion  to  the  amount  owed  Mr.  Edison  by  the  Edison  Phonograph 
Company  for  payments  by  him  on  aocount  of  patents  ($3000  odd),  the 
Edison  Phonograph  Company  owes  him  about  twenty-three  thousand 
dollars  on  Experimental  account.  These  experiments  cover  his 
work  from  the'  date  of  this  contract,  October  28th,  188.7,  to  the 
date  of  the  contract  between  T.  A.  Edison,  North  Am.  Phonograph 
Co.,  and  Jesse  H.  Lippincott,  dated  August  1,  1888,  in  which  the 
North  American  Company  assumes  the  experimental  accounts. 

(5)  The  Edison  Phonograph  Works  ovm  500  Graphophones ,  These 
are  all  new  and  are  presumably  in  good  condition,  ready  for  sale. 

Of  course  we  would  have  to  test  each  one  before  it  left  the  fac¬ 
tory.  The  Works  got  them  all  from  the  Hartford  Graphophone  Fac¬ 

(6)  I  notice  that  in  your  report  to  Mr.  Edison,  dated  5th 
instant,  you  ask  this  same  question,  and  I  also  notice  that  Mr. 
Edison  does  not  answer  it,  but  refers  in  the  reply  which  he.  makes 
to  another  matter  entirely.  The  situation  is  this:  The  Edison 
Phonograph  Works  shipped  certain  machines  to  local  companies  on 
the  order  of  the  North  American  Phonograph  Company,  which  machines 
were  billed  against  the  latter  when  the  left  the  factory.  Some  of 
these. nave  rren  time  to  time  been  returned  to  the  factory  for  re¬ 
pairs,  the  cost  of  this  work  being  charged  against  the  North  Am. 
Phonograph  Co.  Early  in  January  Mr.  Insull  arranged  with  the 
North  American  Phonograph  Co.  that  they  should  ranit  weekly  the 
amount  of  these  repair  bills,  which  they  have  been  doing.  Prior 

to  this  arrangement  there  are  large  amounts  charged  against  the 
N.  A.  P.  Co.  for  repairs  which  are  still  outstanding.  The  Edison 
Phonograph  Works  infoiro  me  that  they  received  instructions  from 
Mr.  Edison  not  to  ship  any  of  these  repaired  machines  unless  the 
North  Am.  Phono.  Co.  was  willing  to  pay  the  Works  the  price  of  a 
new  machine  for  each  repaired  machine  shipped.  Mr.  Edison  did  not 
mdan  to  charge  the  N.  A.  P.  Co.  $45  apiece  f»r  maohines  with  which 

February  9 

E^y  ^  a-Lready  be, 
Edison  Phonograph  ffc 
paired  machines  the 
Jould  renit.  That 
^ng  one  week,  Mr.  13 
general  account 
^Paired  mac  him  ’ 
they  assented  to  thi 
withdrawn  tin, 

led;  hut  he  war 
inancjally  and 
upon  which  to 
Lf  20  repaired 
wanted  a  ranit 

on  the  Uortfr'SoS; 

to  assist  the 
shipment  of  re- 
1  amount  that  the 

K  S.hipped  du- 
•J900,  to  apply  - 

ot  t0  eh ip  these 
a  order  unless  this  time 

very  much  obliged  to 

0I03 ed 

very  truly, 


>■  4  UJvfo*  -  ocfur-A.-  Mt  HsL  ^is&Ufuv  sc/jc  y$zdy 

s/nfic't'toK.i?  a^c 

'~i<Lh*n{/^-'-&  ■  w/wU  *%Zms"se#t& 

*‘^££€</L-  iti-pv-tC'  ^bcCf ^^.'OujLL 

#&  /^fet  utf&fy^  Tfc  /rLA^i-m^ 

cj| torus'#*  '?tfi~/c  carts^fo 
'’Awr  fnu#  J^djU  a*j  s£j* 

•M^mf.  ’  *&j^-'k]fC*ft  y?*m,isr^  CfttU/ 

'h  ,J<M^  ySEtlT*  fia^^ue^ — 

*76/./  Uj  Ofari-U/U/  *L*f?^tUA/  -&Ls"  V^ 

-f  f  JLu  -MSv-yyy,  —^^yr 

&SU/&-,  y~hiL^  ^  -c4Lcy> 

\JrfiiL-  ^hfrv^u^  ■  C-S 

sjkuihvyt-'Z'fr ,  'ilwi*' Merit 

f'tmL^-'  ^j>-  y^i 

-t-toAC'  ^  'MXt^iACy..  j*n.- 

/£  htfr^'  CM*'  ^^0  JiC/  A 

JtMU'/yi'TwuM'’ .  ■  Q^%y^' 

C sC/fm>  C&uy 


Henry  B»  Auchincloss,  Eslq., 

February  10,  1891. 

Referring  to  the  bill  sent  to  you  for  e leotric 
lighting  for  January,  wo  beg  to  say  that  this  is  absolutely 
correct.  We.  believe  that  during  December  your  meter  was  re¬ 
versed  and  a  bill  for  an  insufficient  amount  >Qf  «urre*t  was 
rendered  you,  but  as  the  quantity  of  loss  was  unknown  we  stood, 
by  the  meter  record.  There  is  no  error  in  last  month's  bill/ 
This  electric  lighting  has  been  a  very  unprofitable  enterprise 
for  the  Laboratory,  and  we  would  very  gladly  discontinue  .it,, 
Yours-  veiy  truly;. 

i’eb.  10,  1891, 

Mr.  Thomas  Butler, 

Edison  Building,  Broad  Street, 
New  York  City. 

Dear  Sire- 

Referring  to  Mr.  Edison's  letter  to  Messrs.  Drexel, 
Morgan  &  Co.  ,  in- regard  to  1,000  shares  of  the  Edison  Gen'l.  Elec. 
Co.  stock,  coxy  of  which  was  enclosed  with  y  our  letter  of  9th  inst. 
I  assume  we  will  await  advice  from  D.  M,  &  Co.  of  the  actual  sale 
of  this  stock  before  entering  the  purchase  money  as  received,  or 
has  the- sale  actually  been  effected  already  and  the  amount  placed 
to  Mr. . EdisonVs  credit? 

Yours  very  truly,. 

.  February  10,.  1891. 

Major  S.  B.  Eaton, 

#150  Broadway, 

New  York  City. 

Dear  Sir:- 

>  I  understand  that  the  minutes  of  the  last  meeting  of 
the  Directors  of  the  Edison  Phoriigraph  Company  shov;  the  election 
of  Mr.  John  F.  Randolph  as  Secretary'  and  Treasurer.  Mr.  Randolph 
was  elected  Secretary  of  the  Company,  but  not  Treasurer.  I  am 
the  Treasurer  and  have  never  been  out  of  office.  It  is  important 
that  this  error  be  corrected,  because  I  have  signed  checks  as 
Treasurer  of  the  Company  since  Mr.  Randolph's  election  to  the 
office  as  Secretary. 

Yours  very  truly. 

WW . . 

tty  dear  Lathrop, 

_  Will  you  kindly  tell  ine  in  what  issue  of 

HARPER'S  your  "Talks  vri  tli  Edison"  were  published. 

Yours  very  trd’x- 

Private  Secretary, 

Geo.  Parsons  Lathrop,  Esq, 

yours  very  truly, 

J*.  W«  Chapman »  Beq., 

#23  Oilpasio  Avo  .  ;  .  Toronto , 
Canada  4 

My  dear  Mr.  Chapman, - 

I  have  your  letter  of  21a t  ultimo. 

I  did  not  forget  about  your  Doll.  The  trouble  has  been  that 
the  fira^  dolls  which  were  sent  out  were  not  altogether  satisfac¬ 
tory  and;  it  was  found  desirable  to  make  a  new  model,  of  which  a 
few  samples  only  have  as  yet  been  prepared,  owing  to  the  Doll 
Company  not  being  ready  to  authorize  continuous  manufacture.  As 
soon  as  the  good  doll  is  available  I  will  fulfill  the  promise 
made  to  you  last  summer  during  one  of  the  very  pleasant  trips 
which  I  made  across  the  Lake  in  your  Company. 

I  had  a  note  yesterday  from  Aleck  Craig,  who  is  at  the  Hotel 
Bartholdi,  New  York. 

Trusting  you  are  quite  well 

LWikiJs  ,-;asv; 

February  10. 


We  ara  frequently  put  to  very  serious  inconvenience 

owing  to  <*ur  being  unable  to  obtain  letters  for  Mr.  Edison,  the 
Eais<>iJ  Manufacturing  Co.  until  after  ten  o'clock.  Our  Messenger 
states  that  on  account  of  our  mail  being  a  large  one  your  clerk 
who  delivers-  letters  arid'  papers  will  not  serve  him  until  every¬ 
one  else1  who  happens  to  be  in  the  office  at  the  time  is  served. 

not  understand  why  we  should  be  made  to  wait  the  conven- 

in#8  of  other  people  because 

to  be  served 

of  turn,  but 

matter  and  see  that  our  mail 

the  future  g: 

Tours',  truly, 

1  Privat  o  Secre  taryi. 

Sdison  Phonograph 

(X)  the  exact 

number  of  rec i.lar . phonographs 'made  and  shipped  from  the  Works  •  to 
local  Companies  upon  order 'of ‘the  North  Am,  Phonograph -.Co;,'  and 

)  how  rnw' of  thtese  liave  been  returned  by  local  companies  and 

ihe  Wo#k8' 

Yours  very  t  ri<Ti 

February  11,  1891. 

Automatic  Phonograph  Exhibition  Co, 



Ref erring  to  you^  letter  of  31st  ultimo,  containing 
answers  to  various  questions  asked'.'  be  me  relating  to  the  status 
and  detail? vof  your- business*  will  you  very  kindly  furnish  cb  with 
replies  to- the  following .additional  queries: 

|1);  How  many  Sub-Companies  have  you  contracts  with,  and  what 
are  the  names  of  these  .Companies? 

f2J  xn  your  letter  of  31st  ult.  you  state  that  the  gross 
receipts  collected  by  (all?)  Sub-Companies  for  November  and  Decem- 
^LT°TtQd  t°  Will  you  kindly  tell  me  how  much  this 

#YSf&ged  per  machine,  computing  on  the  basis  .that  all  machines  were 
in  u#e  for  the  entire  period  of  the  two  months? 

Jtn  your  letter  of  31st  ult.  you  state  that  the  gross  re- 
Sri 14> . 11  you  kindly  tell  me  how  the  receipts 
the  vanous  Sub-Companies,  mentioning  each 
S  ^SL^SB2?*t  lts  rso  eiPts}  also-,  as  regards  each  Sub- 
the  expenses  were  which  were  to  be  deducted  from 
the  gross  receipts  and  how  much  was  the  net  amount  for  said  two 

(5)  How  many  afcar**  of  the  Trustee  Stock 
chalk  has  been  sold,  to  whan,  at  whftt  prioe,  ai 
does  he  st  ill  hold? 

(6)  Please  state  in  full  detail  what  the 
Company  wm  in.  Jamary, 189D  Please  also  stal 
given  any  Promissory  Notes,  and  if  so,  to  whom, 

-a"  February  11,  91. 

ti!i+ «<j£,J110Unta,1  and  when  Payable,  and  state  whether  any  of  these 
notes  are  endorsed  or  secured  in  any  way. 

„1+  R0f®rrine  to  j^our  answer  (4)  in  your  sidd  letter  of  31st 

„  y°J?.plfase  0XPlain  the  la3t  three  items,  viz:  amounts 
,  Gilliland,'  Messrs.  Robinson  ctnd  BlodgQt,  Trustees, 

ana  Mr.  CJheever? 

tw  If!  Please  sendnie  a  cojv  Of  the  By-Laws  of  the  Company  as 
+  w  !r  oriOinaHy  adopted  and  a  copy  of  all  amendments  made  to 
y  the  se=t;  0i”00  adoption.  Please  have  the  same  certified  to 
y  Qne  secretary  of  the  Company,. 

S9L  Pl0ase  send  »  a  °oPy  ^  the  Minutes  of  the  recent 
Annual  Meeting,  certified  to  by  the  Secretary . 

«s. missis  uo,,ti^-  ***»  ■*» 

^,1A^  y0U?.l9tter  of  31st  ult-»  you  state  that  you  have 
pa_d  fo.  573  machines,  whioh  I  assume  is  payment  in  full  In  +v«» 
smnq  letter  you  state  that  you  have  distributed  VAd.  machines  Prom 
PaS  1VVT3  y°U  ^  PUt  OUt  171  Chines  which'  S^'not  beS  ^ 

sss. »  *•  »*•»* stMeS  - 

nr  q.  (13)  In  your  letter  of  31st  ult.  you  state  that  200  shares 

h0l^i81TLSt0Ck  had  been  a°ld.  Does  Mr.  Gottsehalk,  Trustee, 
the-«fS  ^n/er  ’  a  ,h0W  much?  Does  hold  any  Certificate 

2af™tl  s° >  Please  state  in  what  name  or  names  and  exactly 
wiat  amount  as  regards  each  certificate,. 

GottsitolVclSmTS  r£hf+°Ve  m™tiomd  T™3tee  does  Mr. 

on  it?  .a_m  the,  right  to  vote  on  it,  and  has  he  ever  voted  j 

Yours  very  truly,  Jf 

■'  Mi  W  jtaW  -gi, >  m  s 

' I  — 

lorfje  Parsons  Lathrop,  Esq., 

#20  East  20th  Street,  New  York. 

dear  Lathrop, 

With  reference  to  your  letter  of  yesterday 
Edison  is  at  present  in  Schenectady,  and  I  do  not  e: 
o  return  here  until  some  time  next  week* 

Yours  very  truly 

February  11,  189 1< 

Thomas  R.  Lombard, 

North  American  Phonograph  Company, 

#160  Broadway,  New  York. 

Bear-  Sir: 

Will  you  please  let  me  know  the  exact  number  of  phono¬ 

graphs  under  rental  by  all. local  Companies,  and.  the  numbei 

connection  with  Nickel-Slot  machines? 

Yours  very  truly. 

■  ; 

February  11,  1891, 

Major  S.  B.  Eaton, 

$120  Broadway, 

New  York  City.  • 

Bear  Sir:-  • 

Replying  to  your  letter  of  9th  instant  regarding  your 
interview  with  Mr.  Bush,  I  will  number  my -answers  to  correspond 
with  the  number  set  opposite  your  queries: 

(2)  Mr.  Tate  has  already  explained  this  matter  to  you, 

(3)  The  total  amount  of  experiments  charged  against  the 
florth  American  Phonograph  Company  to  January  1st,  1891,  is 

(4)  In  regard  to  the  amount  which  the  ;N.  A,  P.  Co.  owe  the 
Graphophone  Company,  I  think  if  you  read  all  their  contracts  and 
consider  the  machines  made,  say  3500,  the 'sum  whioli  you 'name 
(§35,000 )  is  small. 

(5 )  I  do  not  agree  with  Mr.  Bush.  Why  should  v m  ship  these 
machines  when  they'  have  'never  been  paid  for  and  when  -there  is  very 
little  chance  of  our  ever  receiving  the  mohey  for  ttom?  There  -are 
p  1  enty  of.  phonograp hs  'out;  whi ch  are  hot  in  us e,  but  which  would  b e 
ut ili zed  if  the  N,  A.  -P.  Co.  had  any  management,  This  ordering 
new  phonographs  is  played  out.  I  have  instructed  Mr.  Tate  to  find 
out  the  exact  number:  of  re gular  phonographs  made,  and. shipped  by 
the  Works  that  are  out;  also  to  ascertain  from  Lombard,  the  >ex^ct 
number  of  machines  under  rental  and  in  use  with  3lot-attachaeut. 

We  can  then  ascertain  how  many  phonographs  in  the  -hands  of  local 

Companies  are  lying  idle.  I  think  they  will  foot  Up  fo  two  thou-  • 
sand  or  more,  in  view  of  which  these  orders  for  new  machines  show 
such  bad  management  that  it  would,  in  sy  opinion,  bo  folly  to  deal 
with  people  responsible  for  .  such  a  state  of  affairs  upon  any  but 
the  strictest  -business  principles,  -  or  -  in  -other  words,  no  trust. 

(6)  My  idea  in  making  the  suggestion  inregard  to  attaching 
phonographs  is  that  we  ought  t  o  be  prepared  to  aot  very  quickly 
so  tint  no  one-  can  get  ahead  of  us,  in  filing  a  claim  against  any 
property  of  the  li.  A.  P.  Co.  which  may  be  available  for.  debt. 

February  1J8»- 1891. 

Eaton  &  Lowii 


Tour  ayrfter  7th  instant  to  the  N*  4.  &  Fa,  Concen 
trating  Works,  ^  J-nninc  Bead  of  fining  Lancia  in  Warren  bounty. 
New  Jersey,  between  Mr.  Lanning  and  Ohas.J.  Reed,  which  document 

A? turned  to  you.  herewith,  was  forwarded  to  Mr.  Edison  at  Schenec. 
Y,  who  sen1  it  back  to  me  with  the  following  note: 

•♦All  right!  Have  Elliott  get 

Yours  veiy  truly, 

Private  sec  etary. 

February  12,  1891. 

oter  is  from  Miss- Annie  K.  Doak, 

relative  of  Mr.  Edit- o 7),  who  lias  been  employed  during  the  past 
year  in  the  office,  Phonograph  Toy  Manufacturing  Co, 

Boston.  Owing  to  Che  closing  of  that  office  Hies  Doak  is  obliged 

that  probably 

to  seek  another 
i  could 

.  use  her  in  some 


and  Typewriter,  ana 

Privat e  Secretary 

Sidney  B.  Payne,  Esq,,  Gen'l.  Manat-« 

Edison  Gen'l*  Electric  C y^ttr^e^land  District, 

3  Pearl  St.  , .  Boj.t  o: 

February  12,  1891, 

Your  letter  of  11th  instant  is  at  hand, 


I  have  heard  from  one  of 

the  ■'"Edison 

’lectric.  Illuminating  Co.,  who; 

^fortunately  there  is  no  op's  nine  in  that  Company  at  the  present 

several  others,  however,  to  hear  from  yet,  and 

that  their  responses  will  be^uiore  encouraging. 

Yours  veiy  truly 

.  :j:.  r  ..noti-rh  Toy 
i*95  Milk  St.,.  Bost-on, 

Mr.  Harry  A.  Chase,  Soc'y., 
Franklin  Club,  ROCHESTER, 

With  reference  to  your  letter  of  9th  instant,  Mr. 
Edison  is  absent  from  homo  at  the  preseht  time;  it  is  therefore 
impossible  forme  to  obtain  for  you  his  hutograph. 

Yours  truly 

the  ■  fallowing  telegram  sent  to  y 

'Called  to  see  you  yesterday.  Will  call  agai) 
about  two  to-morrow  (Friday  ).  A.  .0,  Tate." 

Yours  trvily 

nU  i',1  it. 

February  12,  1891 

lanmer,  Esq., 

Temple  Court , ■  Beckman  St.. 

New  York  City. 

Informed  that  yesterday  afternoon  you  came  to 

the  Laboratory  with  some  -  friends,  and  without  asking  permission 
of  liny  one  proceeded  to  show  them  through  the  premises.  I  beg 
to  inform  you  that  upon  proper  application  there  will  be  extended 
to  visitors  aixah  privileges  as  are  permitted  in  this  Laboratory, 

but  that  no  one-  without  first  obtaining  permission  has  any 

Idver  to  pass  the  Gate  House.  Those  who  have  .been  connected 

like  yours  el: 

Edison  and 

position  to  apprec: 

rule  of  this  nature,  should 

the  importance  of  adher 

be  tvie  very  lasit 

Yours  very 

February  12,  189 1< 

Dear  S: 

Have  you  succeeded  yet 

‘in ding  ary  trace  of  the 

Bell  Telephone  Co. 

-Elements  about  which  we  have  had  some 

sorreepondence?  It 

very  important  tint  these  documents  should 

be  found, 

Private  tmi 

February  12,  1891. 

Hon,  Yilin •  Henri'  Trescot , 

Ho.  1418  L  Street,  Washington,  &  c5>**'  .. 

Dear  Sir 

I  beg  to  return  herewith  letter  of  the  %.  Patrick 
Egan,  U.  3.  Minister,  Santiago,  'Chili.  addressed  to  yffurse If,  the 
same  having  accompanied  your  let  ter  of  8th  of  January  last  to  tlr» 
Edison.  The  latter  delayed  rep  lying  to  your  communicating  pen¬ 
ding  the  receipt  of  definite  information  from  the  Edison  United  ^ 
Phonograph  Company  with  relation  to  the  presentation  of  a  phono¬ 
graph  to  the.  National  University  of  Chili.  As  I  previously  in¬ 
formed  you,  'the.  presentation  in  qtiest ion  must  be  made  through  the 

United  ComppuY1.  yrivnout  whose  authorization  Mr.  Edison  is  power¬ 
less  io  act  in  the  matter.  He  lists:  written  to  the  Company  on  the 
subject  several  times,  impressing  upon  them  the  desirability  of 
•forwarding  the  instrument  to  Chili  at  once,  but  as  yet  he  is  with¬ 
out  definite  advice.-  I:' enclose  heirev/ith  copy  of  the  last  communi¬ 
cation  which  was  sent  to  the  Company,  dated  January  27th,  3S91, 
and  to  Which  we  have  as  yet  received  no  reply.  • 

Yours  truly , 

’  ^  ■' 

•  ■  ,  Phi-vat  5  Secretary. 

«»•  13,..  1891. 

Edison  Phonograph  Works, 

0  r  a  n  g  e  ,  H,  j. 

I  ~1«.  health  soos  oorroopomfcnco  f„m  Eai„ 

Mw  ,to~srawi  *>  -«  -■  ■«.  *«*;■*  „*■ 
V"“°1’  *"  “iwed  t0  ,ta  r»-“  ^«3itio„  for  ^  „ 

’hm“*  *“» :*h«™  *»  *»•  *>»«».  om„  of  „.  p.  Oo.  lt 

*“•  ««««.  r««„  „lte 

“‘8  **■  *  °°-  “  »*«  **»  m°o  of  «.  ,»o. 

vdiioh  amounts  to  §19.69.  These  hi.** 

»r.  *,,«*  ,na  18  b,lled^»» 

aooiime  y  at  in .11  have  no  objection  to  sending  us 

°  ^lt  f°r  thS  —  ~t.  0f  course  so  far  *  & 

allowance  for  freight  is  concerned  the  Laboratory  v;ill  have  to 

‘vrite  the  E.  U.  P.  Co.  to-night.  .  . 

Yours  veiy  truly. 

Private  Sec: 

r‘°‘  Park;  Row,  New  YorJ 

'  1  b8£  t0  acknowledge  with  many  thanks 

""**  "  -  >*“  «—*.  -l-i,  00K  „  . 

te  'r ; to  —  —  -  -  «**«  - ooW.  " 
l*-  When  i'0U  —  -t  the  laboratory  ^  ^ 

Wtt  lntalSing  in  innuendos. 

Yours  very  truly-,, 


"at  ary, 

February  13,  1891, 

T.«  Barrett 

1  b0S  t0  tlBnJc  you  for  y<W  courteous  reply  -to  «y 
•  the  appointment  of  Mr,  Randolph  as  a  'Commissioner 
I  cart  in  any  way  reciprocate  your  kindness  it  mil 


of  Deeds, 

Si  ve 

Pleasure  to  do 

Yours  very  truly 


icre  tary 


Ed iso ] 

-ett'er  f>rom  GottschalJ i 
idently  remembers  what  I  s 



!°ntinue  t 

Thomas  A.,  1 


Metric  ( 

Sohenectady,  N, 

V/.  E.  Gilmore,  Esq,,  Ass't.  Gen'l.  Manager, 

Edison  Gen'l.  Elec.  Co.,  Schenectady,  N.  Y < 

Dear  sirs- 

Please  he  kind  enough  to  hand  the  enolosed  letter 
from  George  Richards  to  Mr.  Edison  for  his  perusal,  and  very 
much'  oblige 

Yours  truly, 

Private  Secretary 

How  many  cells  of  the  Taylor  battery 

obtain  for  test? 

10  y0Ur  *.*•«*»  -  to  sand  ,»  »  the 

oriBiM1  of  Mi.,,  *o  the  Edieon Sort9  of 

loy  Oo.  manal’ac turihg  agreement  dated  August  «,  183S,  ,  entice 
herewith  a  i«er  data  M„  April,  18s0|  ,M„.9ea  „ 

cop/  °f  this  assignment 

*•  ~ns  •  lcinal  v®3  never  sent  to  us  from 
The  minute  book  of  the  Edison  Phonograph 
I's  office,  and  I  would  suggest  your- looking 
will  furnish  you  important  infobiation 

MaJ  or  Eaton' 

3a  ton' 


Private  Secretary 

February  13,  189: 

Mr.  J.  H.  Block, 

Your  letter  of  January  8tli  has  bee 
take  much  Pleasure  in  replying  to  it. 

race ived,  and  I 

the  absence  of  noise  in  phonograph  reproductions 
ty  the  substitut  io,n  of  sap- 

'rding  and  reproducing  diaphragns  ibr  the 
old  steel  ones  which  wore  formerly  used;  and  second,,  because  of 
the  superior  cylinders  which  are  now  in  use,  the  wax  being  6f  a 
better  quality  and  more  suitable  for  the  reception  of  phonographic 
^brds.  The  turning-off  knives  are  now  also  made  of  sapphire, 
and  they  give  a  much  smoother  and  more  even  surface  than  was  pos¬ 
sible  with  the  steel  knives. 

•  this  improvement  was  effected  first, 
phire  points  in  the 

Your  letter  of  7th  instant  to  Mr.  Edison  has  come  to  hand  in 
his  absence;  it  will  be  placed  before  him  immediately  upon' his 
return  to  the  Laboratory .  .'The  cablegram  from  Prof,  stolietoff 
Which  you  refer  to  was  duly  received. by  Mr.  Edison  and  acknowledged 
by  him  to  the  Professor. 

Yours  very  truly. 

Fg  bruary  X/ 


^  or  13th  iftstant  t  o  Mr.  Kdison,  enclosing 
Acting  Manager  of  the  Smithsonian  Insti- 
®in  phonograph  experiments  upon  monkeys, 
■egard  to  which  accompanied  a  previous  let- 
e  subject,  has  been  duly  received..  The  ' 
ai-be  placed  before  Mr.  Edison  immediately 
lenectady .  In  the  meantime  I  beg  to"  thank 
:h  y  ai  have  taken  in  the  matter. 


Eebruary  16. 

&  Soely, 

the  attached  bill  in 

With  reference  t  o  the 


.11  you  please  ini’i 

connection  with  Cases  906  &  907. 

who  Mr.  Clarke  is  (item  Clarke  vs  Edison' 
s  indicate  the  number  of  the  case,  and  the 

these  cases  are] 

In  future  bill! 

! quest  that  you  embody  the 

name  of  it.  I  would  als< 

Yours  truly. 

Private  Secre tary , 

February  16,  1891. 

My  fiear  Jjathrop,- 

•  Replying  to  your  letter  of  14th  instant,  Mr. 
Edison  is  still  in  Schenectady.  I  think  it  is  possible  that  he 
may  be  home  by  Wednesday  or  Thursday  next,  but  X  cannot  obtain 
any  definite  information  on  the  subj eot.  Just  as  soon  as  I  am 
^blo  I  will  advise  you  by  wire  and  will  name  a  time  for  you  and 
Col.  McClure  to  come  put. 

lours  v,ery  truly. 

Private  Secretary, 

Parsons  Lathrop,  Esq 


tele cram  to  Mr.  Edison 


"Mr,  Edison  ia  still  in  Schenectady.  A.  0, 

very  truly, 

Privat  e  See] 



New  York' City 

vejy  truly 

Privat i 

February  17,  1391, 

#120  Br  0  a  d  w  a  y 

Se  enol  oaed  notice  frcfc  the  Clei*  of  the  Court  of 
Chancery,  Trenton,  K.  J.,  res.rdinc  Poreolosure  p»oeadinss 
brought  4-  the  Mutual  lire  Ins.  Co.  of  Her  Yor*  sminst  John  0. . 
Chandler  et  al,  with  respect  to  certain  property  upon  which  Mr. 
Edison  holds  a  cortege  of  Si, 000,  dated  12th  day  of  June,  1890, 
•hioh  is  also  enclosed  herewith,  together  with  Bond  of  Maiy  s. 
Chandler!  will'ycn  please  do  whatever  is  necessary  in  the:  pre.i- 
ees.  The  corvee  is  in  default  of  interest  on  this  rcortgage, 
thich  was  drawn  and  title  to  the  property  inspected  and  all  de¬ 
tails  arranged  by  dee.  P.  Kingsley,  Orange,  „.  y„  „ho| 

you  „„  obtain,  or  I  can.  obtain  -for  yon,  .„y  furti.r  in*,™,, ion  ‘ 
that  you  may  require. 

February  17,  1891. 

>  Thomab  Butler, 

Edison  Building,  Broad  Street. 
-Hew  York  City. 

Mr.  Randolph  tails  me'  that  you  requested  him  to  pay 

the  Edison  Elec  trio  Light  do.  of  Europe,  Limited,  the  amount  owed 

by  Mr.  Edison  to  Philip  S.  Dyer,  Agent,  Antwerp,  the  same  to  be 

applied  in -connection  with  Mr.  Dyer's  accounting  to  the  Edison 

Electric  Light  Co.  Of  Europe,  Limited.  I  beg  to  advise  y oil  that 

the  l'4th  instant,  I  reoeived  from  the  Edison  General  Blectrii 

Company  a  payment  of  $1,274.74,  purporting  to  cover  royalty 

lamps  sold  through  Mr.  Dyer's  agency  from  December  1,  1889  to 

December  31,  1890, 

•  his  further  payment  mentioned  by  you  to 

On  what 

Mr.  Randolph  to  be  made?  It  appears  to  be  a  duplication  of  the 

payment  from  the.  Edison  General  Electric  Company 

Yours  very  truly  . 

Privat  e”  Secretary , 

February  13,  189: 

repd  the  attached  correspondence  from 

Gottschalk.  It.' is  very  important  that  you  should 

tip  seventh  Trustee  immediately;  otherwise  Gotta  chalk  is  going  to 
claim  that  lie  did  all  he  could  to  carry  out  your  wishes,  but  found 

dt  impossible  to  do 

and  Madden  will  remain  on  the  Board.  How 

would  3orae  one  rfr tan •  Spencer  Trask's  oflfioe;  suit y 

say  Blodgett 

or  Skehan? 

Yours  very,  truly. 

February  13,  189-1. 


control-  over  the 

If  would  appear  that  in 

these  beins  ahy  c  laim  the  proper  course 

dress  Mr.  W.  J.  Haraner,  Rbom-#533,  Temple  Court,  New  York  Cif 

.on  with. the  matter  must  bte  familii 

Yours  very  tr uly , 

Private  Se< 

E.  P'.  Rasetti,  Esq.,- 

No.  76  Finsbury  Pavement, 

London,  E.  C.,  England. 

In  reply  to  your  letter  of  27th  ultimo  I  beg  to  say 
t^iat  Mr.  Edison  was  not  interested  personally  in  any  advertise¬ 
ments  or  in  any  catalogues  connected  .with1  the' Paris -Exposition. 

If  wiy  advertisements  were  with  authority  inserted  in  any  cata¬ 
logues  or  any  of.  the  letter  contracted  for,. ..the  authorization  must  citae  from  some  one  of  the  Edison.  Companies,  with  the  detail  affairs  Mr.  Edison  is  unfamiliar,  having  no  connection 

February  18,  1891, 

Mbs  3] 

Nett  York  Git; 

,Dear  Sirs) 

With  reference  to  your  letter  of  12th  instant  re car ding 
note  books  in  which  were  recorded  the  experiments  made  by  Mr. 
Edison  prior  to  his  application  for  patent  on  Motor-Meter  (Patent 
NO.  242,901),  I  have  consulted  Mr.  Jno.  Ott  on  this  subject,  and 
he. has  made  a  search  for  the  note  books  but  is  unable  toifind  them 
at  the  laboratory .  He  says  that  "there  are  some  very  good  curves 

contained  in  the  note  books  referred 

showing  the  meter 

:onstant,  and  quite  proportionate  to  load. 



ion ducted  about  the 

at  17th  Street,  New York,  and  he 

the  model  must  be  in  the  laboratory 

and  Mr.  Ham  if 

says  that  the 


tte  Vault  in  New  York. 



Messi'S*  Dyer  &  Seely, 

Replying  to  your  letter  of  12th  instant,  the  record-, 
books  kept  by  Mr.  W.  s.  Andrews  while  at  the  ^Goerok  St.  Works 
are  not  at  the  laboratory.  Mr.  Ott  has  made  a  careful  search  fbr 
them  and  is  quite  sure  they  are  not  here;  he  thinks-  that  they  are 
in  the  New  York  Vault. 

Yours  truly. 

Private  Secretary 

February  29^ 

0  -  aojcnowiedge  reoaip4 

^  «-  «**  ^JT  ^ 

**•**+  “a  b*&™  -in.  «  ta  J"  ^ 

1  "ish  -  -• — *-  .*-» *,  ^  r 

which  I  will  conwunicata  with  you  ftirthsv*  *  * 

Youro  very  truly. 

Private  See: 

Number  of  Phonographs  lying 

Idle  in  hands  of  local 

Of  the  Phonographs  under  rental,  Mr, 
appear,  to  be  employed  with  automat ic- 

»  lomba  rd  states  that  about 
-nickel  devices , 


>ry  truly, 

February  19,  1891. 

Maj  or  S.  B,  Eaton, 

•#120  B  r  o  a  d  f  s  y  , 

New  York  City. 

in  *,ich  i 

Lrrrs mtrj  ,.m 

local  Companies.  j 

less  Phonographs  returned  by  local  Com-  > 

panies  and  ^  store  at  E.  P.  w.  at  the  .  j  2.140 
present  tame;  ?  «s» 

Number  of  Phonographs  in  hands  of 
local  Companies . 

nni+«.*  c+„+„„  ■  *  -cnrougnout  the  ) 

5£*LS“E  "  ?fc"5,rt  #•- 

My  dear  Shaw, - 

Mr.  Edison  has  20  l/a  shares  of  the  stock  of  the 
Edison  Electric  Illuminating  Co,  of  Suntoury.  This  stock  was  in 
your  name  when  he  got  it  and  he  has  never  .had  it  transferred.  I 
have  seen  reports  in  the  papers  regarding  the  sale  of  the  plant 
of  this  Company  under  a  judgment.  Can  you  tell  me  what  was  done? 
Have  the  stockholders  any  rights  left,  the  right  for  instance  to 
request  the  Secretary  to  transfer  20  l/s  shares  to  the  name  of 
the  owner? 

•;  Yours  vary,  truly. 

Private  Secretary, 

P.  B<>  Shaw,  Esq.-, 

Williamsport,  Pa. 

February  19,  189! 

Samuel  Insull,  Esq., 

Edison  Building  Broad  Street 
New  York1  City. 

Dear  Sir:-  ’ 

On  the  6th  day  of  July,  1889,  you  sent  to  the  German 
National  Bank,  of  Newark,  N.  J.,  a  letter,  copy,  of  which  I  enclose 
herewith,  covering  check  for  §5,000  to  be  deposited  to  the  credit 
\f  the  Edison  Phonograph  Company.  Tho re  ars  no  racer ds  to  show  oh 
what  -^cpunt  this  money  was  received  by  the  Company.  Of  course  we 
toy  phonograph  royalty  and  that  the. -check  came  through 
f  North  Am.  Phonograph  Co.,  ,  but-  wo  should  have 
something  in  writincwk^c^  can  be  filed  as  a  reference.  Have  you 
any  papers?  Did  you  giv  tho  A#  p>  C{u  q  raceipt  fop  ^  cheok? 

J..  so,  I  could  get  a  copy  «>•  tj.,e  rocaipt,  which  possibly  may  ex¬ 
plain'  the  payment.  As  it  stamh  v  "X 

^  now  there  is  no  record  beyond  the 

check  itself. 

know  it 

Yours  veij.  truly. 

XPrivat  ■ 

Orange . 

Averman  Hat ional  Bank , 

Bear'  Sirs:- 

Enclosed  please  find  New 
dollars  (ijS.OOO),  shioh  »— 

York  Exchange  for  five 
to  the  credit  of  the 

Yours  truly. 

( Sisn®^ ) 

Private  Secretary 

Messrs.  %er  &  Seely, 

#36  if,  I  1  street, 

New  York  fiity » 

Dear  Sira:-  . 

Replyinc  to  your  letter  of  2oth  instant,  Mr.  Sdi80„ 
4,  to  Wav.  Sch,„e.t«.  .to-dw,  »«  ».  „«  *  W 

ti>Se  to-night. 

Yours  very  t July  j 

February  21,  1891. 

February  24,  is 9; 


Referring  to  yonr  lottari  of  lots  a„a  12th  ta3tant0 
"T*  to  Patent  *■.«,.  ieanea  to  ■.  October  Mth,  fSOO, 

7  r~°  ta“"- 

T  °f  a3~  of  ^  -  **  —.» ***  Wo. 

-  inve„tion  is  subject  to  4 
«m»  ana  con&tiopo  of  »hat  i„  too™,  a.  the  labonatonjr  Contract 
Ron.,,  atootrfo  Co.,  ao  ft  „ 

tn.\rznc  progress  of  the  proiom«rt 

.  wolonsoa  negotiation  of  thi.  oontraot. 

!  ^  ^  -  «-  i.  .o  von  hereeith.  „ 

oototoor  that  X  ebon*,  not  ot.onto  the 
same  0 -this  time,  you  can  hoiri-i+ 


February  24»  139 1< 

Friend  Viliard: 

On  my  return  to  the5 laboratory  this  .morning  I 
of  20th  instant.  » I. will  try  and  visit  New  Y< 

Regarding  the  transferring  of  power  spbken  of  in  the  "Frank¬ 
furter*  Zeitune"  article,  translation  and  synopsis  of  which  ac¬ 

companied  your  letter  under  repay,  there  is  no  difficulty  in 
flOihs  it;  ■'but-  the-  use  of  the  alternating  current  instead  of  the 
cd  r  oc  t  cur  rent  is  inwerfcW  of  practical  mu.  The  distance  also 

great  that  *it  has  only  a  sentimental  interest.  The  inti 

Sst  aha  maintenance  would  exceed  twice  over  the  cost  of  local 
eiSglne  and  coal. 

Yours  very  truly 

Henry  Villard,  Esq., 

Mills  Building,  Mew  York, 

Private  Secretary. 

■  . .. 

February  24,  1891. 

lilajor  S.  B.  Eaton, 

■V'|  New  York  City. 

.  ■'  Dear  Sir:- 

'  I  enclose  herewith  two  summonses,  one  addressed  to 

:  Thomas  A.  Ndiso.n,  the  other  to  Edison  Phonograph  Works,  as 

defendants  in  suits  brought  in  the  Third  Circuit  Court  of  the 

;  <  Uhited  States  District,  New  Jersey,  by  the  Edison  Phonograph 

l  ^  ManUfa0tUrtoc  C0mpa^>  actions  upon  contract  wherein 
Plaintiff  olaims  fifty  thousand  dollars  and  one  hundred  and  N 
ljt  j  fi^  thousand  dollars,  respectively,  from  defendants.  These 
'■  ■  j  3Um°J1SeS  are  dated  respectively  lflth  and  isth  February,  3891,, 
'  and  were  handed  to  a  servant  in  Mr.  Edison’s  house  yesterday 
-  '  m°rninC>  251,(1  inatant’  a"d  this  servant  given  to  Mr.  Edison. 
i  Yours  very  truly,  - 

February  24,  3391 


Mow  York  City 

Referring  to  your  letter  of  20th  instant,  Mr.  Ott 

has  found  the  model  meter  upon  which  the  tests  were  made  ,  and 

the  same  is  at  your  disposal- 

Yours  very  truly; 

private  Secretary. 

February  24,  1891 , 

My  dear  Inaull, 

Referring  to  the  attached. correspondence  in 
regard  to  the  Electric  -Mutual  Insurance  Company,  we  know  nothing 
about  this  Company  here,  and  as  you  will  see  by  Mr*  Edison’s 

notes  - 

will  be  glad  to  have  some  information*.  Our  insurance 

is  very  ably  attended  to  now  by  John  .H*  Wood,  and  the  rates 

I  should  be  sorry  to  see  any  change 

made  in  this  connection. 

Yours  very  truly. 

Private  Secretary, 

Samuel  Insull,  Esq., 

Edison  BdE*,  Broad  St, 
New  York, 

Februaiy  24, 



\  'jw'i'.o  I  -itl  , 

'  E“S™  G“S”1  Ele”*-i«  «...  yM*  ottjr. 

1  be£  to  advise  you  that  +1,  ,, 

«  «.  Yo  ■«-  ~ 

r  i~*  — — .  1: :::::  i 

ning,  when  he  made  his  first  m°r 

n-s  TOtum  from  Schenectady. 

Yours  truiy,  ,  *  / 

February  24,  1891, 

I  »•»  that  «,s.hea  „erer=  to  of 

"tnM3“  ^  "”rth  A"-ie“  0«P~V,  in  re  *»  nmn 

Oo.  »thiBm,,erras  a.*  «,*  „„  „sa  ,, 


thoir  to*.  contract,  the  „„  ae  ■„■ 

tor  undertakes  to  rate  and  deliver  parte  of  a  cacMne. 
Iha  Wo*,  instead  of  delivery  part.  »de  deliver  of  «,wl.t3a 
machines.  The  testimony  to  which  I  have  reference  is  my  own;  I 
stated  before  the  State  Commissioner,  as  a  witness, for  the  N.  A. 
P.  Co.,  that  that  corporation  was  responsible  for  the  whole  cost 
of  manufacture  at  the  Works.  I  was  questioned  in  regard  to  our 
method  of  billing,  and  in  regard  to  the  details  of  the  business, 
and  my  testimony  went  to  show  that  the  N.,A.  p.  Co.  had  to  pay 
absolutely  everything  and  give  the  Works  a  profit  of  20^.  We  afe 
now  preparing  a  statement  of  account  against  the  N.  a.  p 

which  claims 

over  and  above  all  expenses, 

So  Bo  Eaton. 

Eebruary  24,1891, 

P“te  U':  If  *h<,y  ,*>.  well  a  ion  MU  to  entirely  opposite 
to  that  tah.n  by  them  in  the  of  tha  SUt,  tsX'  jhe„foro> 

1  tLoocht  it  might  «i.t  »  to  tave  «,  recora  of  tMlr 

in  oooneo  Sion  with  this  tax,  »hleh  wonid  iho,  that  the  oon- 
Olstanw  of  th.  demand.  of  the  Wort,,  had  pi-aotioaUy  been  '  admitted 

hr  th.  north  Am.  Phono.  Co,  in  c  onnect  ion  wit  h  the  above  ati- 

Yours  vary  truly. 

Privat  i 

W  :  v  i.vx\  r 


^ix/-^.  o  Aa-^jzL.  ,  \ajJL*  'Jasl  Aj\&A5~^ 
A^A-'V  ^  V^fc’  ;i 

"  Okj^^j  6j£x. _ ^  0tAjUo  CAS^JL. 

#A_ /  ^-  tAx ^- •  —  '  ^  .^S-'tAJ-'a} 

V*  '  /  /7  ^ /7 

6-^Uss^  CMu---z^  -^-aa>  V\^-  —  ^ 

~-^i/^A^r^y  ''<t~+ \/J^AAoAk$AL^  C\asQ)  ~$avJJaZi\ 

/Co  o^aj^Ca  ^woa^ 

_-■'/^^A^c-J^^  CaLa{Ls^J3i  ,  ^ 

•  -/Pa/j  ^A.Ax^'^  yCt,v..-  ^  JC^M-e~~- 

ffcs  cefiXZJt^*  Jr  'f*-***f  - 

lujt^-  (A^  /^**« 

:  iSKjL^/AAs///  ^./^y/t.<!  d^s/Z  A/t. 
aA^ Ais?-A'  ^  -''(  V-  '"^^W  X/°  ** 

February  25,  3.891. 

Mr.  Edison  has: been  asked  to  nominate  a  Director  for 

the  jlutomati'J  Phonograph  Exhibition  Company .  There  are  to  be 

of  the  Board,  six  of  whom  are  already  named,  the 


Lippinoott,  Thos.  T.  Eckert. 

same  being. Samuel  Inaull, 

Jr.,  Chat;.  P.  Bruch,  Felix  Gottsehalk  and  Chas.  A.  Ohwvar.  Mr. 

would  like  to  have  yen  serve  as  the  seventh  Director.  It 

and  I  shall  be  Glad  if 

will  occupy  little,  if 

oan  be  proposed. 

let  m9  know  by  bearer  if  your 

very  truly . 

Frivat e  Secretary 

'  '  * 

Mr0  Alexander  Elliott  will  hand  t . 

TKo'So  Ao  Edison,  and  Mina  M.,  his  wife 

Penn’  a  Con  cent  rating  Vorka  t  dated  25th  i’ebo,  189  lo  Please 

.this  Deed-  as  Mr»  El liott  will  direct , 

February  25,  1891, 

Samuel  Insull, 

Edison  Gen’l.  Electric  Company, 

Replying  to  your  letter  of  10th  instant,  in  which 
ypu  ask  what  .progress  I  have  made  with  the  twelve  hour  carbon 
for  arc  light,  i  beg  to  say  that  I  have  been  so  busily  engaged 
$ th  motors  I  ms  unable  to  do  anything  further  on  the  subject 

Yours  very  truly, 

February  25,  1891, 

Sttfmal  Inauil. 

>  Esq.,  2nd  Vice-rPres't., 

Edison  General  Electric  Company 
New  York  City. 

With  reference  to  yow  letter  of  loth  instant  dated 
ht  San  Francisco  in  regard  to  motors,  I  beg  to  infom  you  that 
I  have  delivered  to  the  Schenectady  Works  the  following  motors: 
i/4,  l/8  am  1/2. 

Yours  very  truly, 

My  dear  Shaw,  • 

I  am  very  much  obliged  for  .'your  letter  of  20th 
ins*ant  in  regard  to  the  Sunbury  Company  .  I  did  not  know  who 

or  where  we  stood  with  respeot  to  thb  stock,  but 

the  inforaiation  you  give  me  is  quite  reassuring. 

Yours  very  truOy 

Private  Secretary 

Shaw,  Bsq.,  /. 
Williamsport,  Pa« 

February  25,  1893,, 

#32  Wellington  St 

Toronto,  Canada. 

Mr.  Edison  has  received  your  letter  of  21st  instant 

reply  that  up  to  the  present  time  the 

Storage  Battery  has  not 'proved  a  commercial  success  owing  to 
its  heavy  depreciation.  \>tjie  ideal  Storage  Battery  could 
be  realised  .it  would  provide  a  tkautiful  system  for  the  oper¬ 
ation  of  strdbt  oars}  but  it  ia  as  yet  undiscovered,  and  we  have 
therefore  to  fall  back  upon  the  unsightly  trolley  system. 

Yours  very  truly, 

Private  Sei 

February  25,  1B91, 

Pierre  Riehemond, 

27tli  St.  &  Broadway,  New  York  City 

Dear  Sir! 

With  reference  to  your  letter  of  23rd  instant,  Mr. 
Ediaon  has  just  returned  to  Orange  after  several  weeks’  absence 
and  ia  laid  up  with  a  severe  cold,  being  unable  to  speak.  An 
interview  under  these  circumstances  would  be  impracticable. 
With  reference  to  your  visiting  Schenectady,  you  have  a  letter 
from  .Mr.  Edison  introducing  you  to  Mr.  John  Kreusi,  the  Manager 
of  the  Schenectady  Works,  and  I  am  sure  that  the  latter  win  be 
glad  to  extend  to  you  any  privileges  in  his  power. 

Yours  veiy  truly 

Private-Se  ere  tary 

‘j y ■ 

February  35,  1891, 

S*  Skehan,-  Esq  , 

Upper  Mont  o la i r ,  H .  J , 

SMr,  Edison  returned  to  the  Laboratory  yesterday  after 
^  absence  of  several  weeks,  and  your  recent  correspondence  rela-  to  certain  experiments  upon  monkeys  with  the  aid  of  a  phono- 
^aph  which  were  conducted  at  the  Smithsonian  Institution,  was 
;||bmitted  to  him.  He  perused  the  same  with  nuoh  interest  and  is 
ffh  obliC0d  to  you.  for  having  brought  tto  matter  to  his  attention. 

Yours  truly, 

Private  Secretary. 


' ' 

Mr*  John  Kreusi.  Go«ti  „ 

p-«=™  or  th8  ^  iaTI'Z r*  y6’“rdW  ' 

— ,nettaMtheKM-~- 

thaae  *ere  ,  4oo  ■  .  ’  making  ttem  fbur  to  on&; 

ln  the  first  model,  We  sra 

Putting  a  hub  on  epld^  ^  ^  *».  favor 

4t  «P  v*ry  much.  We  wila  *  armatlU:'S>  as  that  >*W >iJ 

«*  i  h.  P.  .  3en  the  Pattarns  for  the  l^eth,  1/s 


February  26,  13fO.. 

Dear  Sir;- 

I  beg  to  confirm  the  following  telegram  sent  yoav 

Thomas  BivikV;  E-jq,, 

.Edison  Building,  "road  Street, 
Hew  York  City . 

this  afternoon  by  Mr.  Edison:- 

“Please  get  me  for  Saturday  night  three  seats 
first,  second  or  third  rows,  Sarah  Bernhardt. 
Send  them:  out  to  Randolph.  Thos.  A.  Edison." 

16,  1391. 

Prof*  VfeU  D«  Marks. 


Philadelphia,'  Pa. 

Dear  Sir:- 

On  ny  return  to  the  Laboratory  a  few  days  ago  after  an 

absence  of  several  weeks  I  find  your  letter  of  3rd  instant, 

regard  to  the  boiler  ex¬ 

posing  a  clipping  from  "The  Time: 

I  read  the  whole  correspondence  con¬ 

i'  wish  you  had  taken  Babcock 

sernirg  this  matter  in  the  "Valve. 

Yours-  very  truly  . 

February  26,  IS 91. 


Messrs.  Artcell:  &  Harrison, 

Judge  Building,  Cor.  Oth  Ave .  &  16th  Street, 
US"  York  City . 

Dear  SirsS- 

I  take  pleasure  in  sending  to  you  herewith  the  article 
which  you  asked  me  to  have  prepared  for  publication  in  "Frank 
Leslie's  Illustrated  newspaper. tt  It  was  written  by  my;  Assistant, 
Mr.  Maguire,  arid  is  considered  by  us  here  an  excellent  description 
of  the  Laboratory.  I  will  have  made  for  you  to-morrow,  unless 
the  present  storm  continues*  in  which  case  it  will  be  impracticable 
for  me  to  do  so,  blue  prints  of  the  Dynamo-  Room,  the  £tore  Room  and 
the  "Genius  of  Light "  statue,  to  accompany  the  article,  and  will 
send  the  same  to  you  at  the  earliest  possible  moment.  Should  you 
already  have  pictures  of  these,  please  let  'me  know  ty  return  mail 
and' oblige 

Yours  very  truly. 

February  25,  1891. 

Dear  Sir:- 

Re Tarring  to  our  conversation  of  to-day  in  regard  to 
Portuguese  toy  phonograph  patent,  when  you  suggested  that  I  should 
v/rite  the  Toy  Phonograph  Compaq  stating  that,  we  had  ;beai  noti¬ 
fied  that  this  patent  required  to  be  renewed  before  the  9th  day 
of  April  next,  Messrs.  Dyer  &  Seely  in  tteir  letter  to  me  state 
that  the  Portuguese  patent  was  taken  out  by  them  under  instruc- 
t ions  of  the  Edison  Phonograph  Toy  Mfg.  Co,  Therefore  instead 
of  writing  to  the  Toy  Company  I  have  addressed  a  letter  to  Mess. 
Dyer  &  Seely,  saying  that  inasmuch  as  the  patent  was  taken  out 
at  the  Toy  Company *8  request,  they  should  notify  the  Toy  Company 
with  respect  to  its  renewal.  This  avoids  our  entering  into  di¬ 
rect  communication  with  the  Toy  Company. 

Have  you  the  copies  of  the  waivers  which  Mr.  Edison  executed 
for  r loyalties  due  him  under  his  contract  with  the  Toy  Company,  and 
could  you  kindly  let  me  have  duplicates  of  them* 

Yours  very  truly, 

Major  S»  B.  Eaton, 

$120  B  r  o  a  d  w  a  y  , 
New  York  City. 



Reel  duplication  of  the  whole  or  of 
any  part  of  this  film  is  prohibited. 
In  lieu  of  transcripts,  however, 
enlarged  photocopies  of  selected 
items  contained  on  these  reels 
may  be  made  in  order  to  facilitate 

A  Note  on  the  Sources 

The  pages  which  have  been 
filmed  are  the  best  copies 
available.  Every  technical 
effort  possible  has  been 
made  to  ensure  legibility. 



The  Alfred  P.  Sloan  Foundation  National  Science  Foundation 

Charles  Edison  Fund  National  Endowment  for  the  Humanitkr 

The  Hyde  and  Watson  Foundation  National  Historical  Publications  and 

Geraldine  R.  Dodge  Foundation  Records  Commission 


Alabama  Power  Company 
Amerada  Hess  Corporation 

Atlantic  Electric 

Association  of  Edison  Illuminating 
Companies,  Inc. 

Battelle  Memorial  Institute 
The  Boston  Edison  Foundation 
Cabot  Corporation  Foundation,  Inc. 
Carolina  Power  &  Light  Company 
Consolidated  Edison  Company  of 
New  York,  Inc. 

Consumers  Power  Company 
Coming  Glass  Works  Foundation; 
Duke  Power  Company 

Electric  Systems) 

Exxon  Corporation 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Stanley  H.  Katz 
Matsushita  Electric  Industrial  Co.,  Ltd. 
McGraw-Edison  Company 
Minnesota  Power 
New  Jersey  Bell 
New  York  State  Electric  &  Gas 

North  American  Philips  Corporation 
Philadelphia  Electric  Company 
Philips  International  B.V. 

Public  Service  Electric  and  Gas 
RCA  Corporation 
Robert  Bosch  GmbH 
Rochester  Gas  and  Electric 

San  Diego  Gas  &  Electric 
Savannah  Electric  and  Power  Como, 


Reese  V.  Jenkins 
Director  and  Editor 

Thomas  E.  Jeffrey 

Associate  Director  and  Microfilm  Editor 

Robert  A.  Rosenberg 
Managing  Editor,  Book  Edition 

Helen  Endlck 

Assistant  Director  for  Administration 

Associate  Editor 

Paul  B.  Israel 

Research  Associates 

Theresa  M.  Collins 
David  W.  Hutchings 
Karen  A.  Detig 

Gregory  Jankunls 

Assistant  Editors 
Keith  A.  Nler 
Gregory  Field 
Lisa  Gltelman 
Martha  J.  King 


Grace  Kurkowskl 

Student  Assistant 
Bethany  Jankunls 

loma&Ll  Cdtfcoru  rdpeA^ 



Thomas  E.  Jeffrey 
Microfilm  Editor 

Gregory  Field 
Theresa  M.  Collins 
David  W.  Hutchings 
Lisa  Gltelman 
Leonard  DeGraaf 
Dennis  D.  Madden 

Reese  V.  Jenkins 
Director  and  Editor 

Mary  Ann  Hellrlgel 
Paul  B.  Israel 
Robert  A  Rosenberg 
Karen  A  Detig 
Gregory  Jankunls 
Douglas  G.  Tarr 


Rutgers,  The  State  University  of  New  Jersey 
National  Park  Service,  Edison  National  Historic  Site 
New  Jersey  Historical  Commission 
Smithsonian  Institution 

University  Publications  of  America 
Bethesda,  Maryland 

Compilation  ©  1993  University  Publications  of  America. 
All  rights  reserved.